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An Eye for an Eye (The Santorno Stories 2): The Santorno Stories

Page 12

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “Lisa, come inside!”

  “Okay, Mom. I have to go, Heath. I’ll call you later, okay?” Lisa dashed inside, wiping her eyes.

  Heath went home and sank down on the couch. Jordan came in and sat down next to him.

  “Okay, what is it?” Jordan knew when his oldest son was brooding.

  “Lisa’s moving to Japan.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Dad got a job offer and took it.” Heath closed his eyes.

  “Oh, Heath. I’m sorry. But you know these days there’s Webcam and email and Skype.”

  “I had no idea you knew what that was, Dad. I’m kind of scared now.” Heath managed a smile.

  “Hey, I’ll have you know I can text!’ Jordan snorted.

  “Yeah, like five letters an hour.”

  “Fine.” Jordan studied Heath. “It will be okay, son. You guys will find a way.”

  “No, we won’t. That’s too much distance and we both know it. Besides, I’m off to college next year and she’s still in high school, Dad.”

  “It’s your decision, Heath. I’m here if you need me, you know that, right?” Jordan kissed his forehead.

  Lisa finally called at midnight. Heath could barely hear her.

  “I can’t see you any more, they won’t let me. They think you’re corrupting me,” Lisa cried.

  “Oh God, I’m sorry Lisa.”

  “It’s over, Heath. I can’t see you and I’m moving. I’ll be gone soon. Just know that I’ll always care.”

  Heath heard the line go dead. He flopped back in bed and closed his eyes. He thought of the one person who occupied his thoughts more often than anyone else.

  His hand moved to his cock and he stroked himself. He slipped two fingers inside and stroked. He brought the face to mind and stroked faster, his breath coming out ragged as he came hard.

  The thought of Lisa moving was far back in his mind now. Someone else was in the front, and as hard as he tried, he couldn’t get that face out of his mind. Those lips, the kisses, the eyes. Lisa was moving, and he realized — with a pang of guilt — that he was relieved.

  He tried calling Lisa’s number in the morning and it had been disconnected. Jared was gone as well. It seemed the whole family had moved out overnight.

  He went outside and started running. He ran until he couldn’t breathe before he stopped. His head hurt, and his calves hurt. He ran back home, got in his car, headed out of town and just kept going.

  He knew where he was headed; he couldn’t stop himself. Whenever he was upset, he always went to the same place. He finally pulled into the driveway and knocked on the door.

  “Well, well — Heath Youngblood. What happened now?”

  Heath pushed his way in and closed the door. “Just make me feel better.”

  He felt the zipper on his pants come down and let his head fall back against the door. His pants dropped and he felt a hand stroke him, then a warm mouth suck him. This felt good; this felt right. He moaned when he felt a finger slide in and he spread his legs.

  “More,” he moaned.

  “No one makes you feel the way I do, do they, Heath?”

  “No, they don’t,” he groaned.

  He felt more fingers gently probing, stretching, and twisting as they sped up the movement.

  “Oh, that feels good — deeper!” Heath was ready to come.

  “Let it go, Heath, let it out.”

  Heath came and cried out. He tried to catch his breath as his legs went weak. He pulled his pants up and stumbled to the couch, dropping his face in his hands.

  “Why do you keep doing this to yourself, Heath?”

  He looked between his hands. “I don’t know; I don’t know what I think anymore.”

  “Whenever you get hurt, where do you come? To me. And what do you ask me for?”

  Heath cried. He couldn’t stop himself. Strong arms came around him and he nestled into the warm body beside him.

  “Look, I’m your friend and I’m telling you to stop torturing yourself.”

  “I have no idea what to do any more,” Heath hiccupped.

  “Look, I care about you. I’m just trying to help.”

  Heath looked at the man in front of him. “Just kiss me, Caleb. Please?”


  Heath’s sophomore year…

  The football team was out of town for an away game and Heath was bored being holed up in the hotel. He snuck out after everyone had gone to sleep and decided to go for a walk. He wandered along the busy street, taking in the sights. He walked by lots of bars and stopped in front of one in particular because it was playing good music. He strolled in, sneaking around the bouncer. He remained still as his eyes adjusted.

  “Hey, kid, how did you get in here?”

  A guy dressed completely in leather was looking at him with hungry eyes.

  “I walked in.” Heath smiled.

  “Wow, with your looks and those lips? You’ll make a fortune in here. What’s your name, kid?”


  “Why don’t I show you around?”

  The guy took Heath by the hand and led him through the club. Heath quickly realized it was a gay bar. There were men making out in dark corners, along with some women.

  “Oh, come on! What did I tell you about bringing young ones in?”

  Heath looked at the guy in front of him and his breath stopped. He was taller than Heath, with beautiful gray eyes and black hair. He was drop-dead gorgeous.

  “Aw, come on, Caleb! Look at him! He looks like a fucking angel and devil all at once! Look at those lips!”

  Caleb frowned. “We’re going to lose our liquor license if he’s caught in here.” He eyed Heath. “How old are you, kid?”

  “I’m sixteen. I’ll be seventeen soon,” he offered helpfully and with his most charming smile.

  “Oh, Christ.” Caleb put his hand to his forehead. “Come on, kid.”

  Caleb led him to the back room of the club. He dropped into the chair behind his desk and picked up the phone.

  “What’s your name?”


  “What’s your number, Heath?”

  “Why?” Heath’s eyes widened.

  “I’m calling your parents.”

  “You can’t do that. I’m here with my football team and we have a game tomorrow!”

  “Jesus, kid, you’re killing me. You look like that and you play football, too?” Caleb groaned.

  “Look like what?” Heath tilted his head.

  “You’re sexy as hell. You’d make a fortune here.”

  “That’s what that guy said. I don’t get it, though.”

  “Really? Your lips alone could make fifty bucks in no time. Not to mention the rest of you.”

  Heath blushed crimson. He shuffled his feet and looked down.

  “Okay, really, you need to go back to wherever you came from. You won’t last five minutes in here.”

  “I can handle myself!” Heath insisted stubbornly.

  “Really?” Caleb got up and walked over to Heath. “What would you do if I kissed you, Heath?”

  Heath’s hands started sweating. He’d never kissed anyone.

  “I, um, don’t know,” Heath stammered.

  Caleb leaned in and kissed Heath lightly on the lips. He pulled away and looked into Heath’s eyes.

  “That was a nice one. These guys would eat you alive and take advantage of you. Have you ever kissed anyone, Heath?”

  “Not until just now.”

  “Oh great,” Caleb sighed. “Now I’m your first kiss?”

  “It was nice.” Heath grinned. “Can you do it again?”

  Caleb stared at the kid in front of him. Jesus, he was the sexiest thing he had ever seen. He was only five years older than Heath, but still — sixteen?

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Heath. I’m older than you.”

  “So? You want to, don’t you?” Heath looked at him and not so innocently batted his eyes.

  “Doesn’t m
atter what I want.”

  “Please?” Heath pleaded.

  Caleb looked at that mouth. God, he was going to hell. “Fuck it.”

  He leaned in and kissed Heath again. He meant it to be soft and was shocked when Heath opened his mouth. His tongue dipped in and he felt the teenager respond. Heath’s hands were at his waist pulling him closer. The kiss was becoming more passionate and Heath’s hands moved to his hair. The soft noises he made were driving Caleb crazy.

  He broke free of the kiss. “Shit, kid, we have to stop,” Caleb rasped.

  “Why? Was I that bad?” Heath dropped his hands and stared at the floor in humiliation.

  “What? No! Just the opposite — which is why we need to stop.”

  Heath reached to pull Caleb close again. “What if I want more?”

  “Heath, this is wrong.”

  “It doesn’t feel wrong to me.”

  Heath kissed him and Caleb’s hands were at his waist. When Heath put his hands on Caleb’s ass, he heard a low moan in his mouth from the other man.

  This felt good; it felt right. The kiss became increasingly passionate and Caleb tried to get loose. He couldn’t do this.

  “Heath, stop…” Caleb was gasping.

  “What? Don’t you want me?”

  “That’s the problem, Heath — I do want you.”

  “Then why?”

  “First of all, according to you, you’ve never been with anyone, right?”

  Heath nodded.

  “Well I’m not going to be your first lay, that’s for damn sure. I’ve already become your first kiss.”

  “Yeah, and it was awesome.” Heath’s eyes glowed.

  “Thanks, but you’re getting off track here. I’m older and it wouldn’t be right. You aren’t able to make those kinds of decisions right now. I’d be taking advantage of you.”

  “Fine. Give me your number.” Heath crossed his arms and stared.


  “Give me your number. When I turn seventeen, I’ll call you.”

  “Are you serious?” Caleb laughed.

  “Yep, now give.” Heath put his hand out and wiggled his fingers.

  Caleb wrote down his number and handed it over. “Get back to wherever you were, Heath. It’s late.”

  “Bye, Caleb. Talk to you when I turn seventeen”

  “Heath, please be careful.”

  “I will.”

  After Heath left, Caleb sat down at his desk and banged his head on it.

  The man from before popped his head in. “Hey, the kid go home?” He looked at Caleb with his head on the desk. “Oh, shit — what happened?”

  “One day, that kid will be the death of me.” Caleb smiled weakly.


  Heath’s seventeenth birthday…

  Caleb was in a hurry, but he grabbed his ringing phone anyway.


  “I’m seventeen, Caleb.”

  The voice had been etched in his brain. He’d never forget it.


  “You remember!”

  “I do. What have you been up to?”

  “Are you busy?”

  “I’m going to work but you can call me later.”

  “I’d rather see you.”

  “Okay. Well, I’ll be home by nine. Where are you?”


  “I can give you my address.”

  “Go, I’ve got a pen.”

  “Jesus, kid…”

  Caleb gave him his address and they hung up.

  “What the fuck am I doing?” He ran his hand through his hair.

  He found Heath sitting on his front steps when he got home. My God, he had gotten taller, broader and — if possible — more gorgeous. He was built, and the face…oh God, it hadn’t changed.

  “Heath, how long have you been here?”

  “About an hour.”

  “Come inside, it’s cold.”

  Caleb opened the door and Heath looked around. It was comfortable, lightly lit; a nice place.

  “I like it.” Heath looked at Caleb.

  “Where do your parents think you are, Heath?”

  “My dads think I’m at my friend Steve’s house for the night.”

  “Your dads? Plural?” Caleb’s brow wrinkled.

  “Yeah, I have two dads.” Heath wandered around, taking in the small house.

  Caleb smiled. Heath had said that like it was no big deal, like everyone had two dads.

  “Wait, did you say for the night?” Caleb stared at him.

  Heath looked at him dead on. “Yeah, I did.”

  “Whoa, wait a minute. Just because you’re seventeen does not make me anymore comfortable with this. You’re still a minor.”

  Heath crossed the room and pushed him up against the wall.

  “I have been thinking about this for months.” He touched the other man’s lips with his and sighed.

  Caleb couldn’t think. Heath was kissing him and it felt so damned good. He needed to stop this. He needed to stop it now.

  “Heath —”

  “Mmmm hmmm?” Heath kept kissing him.

  “We have to stop.”

  “No.” Heath’s hand went to his ass, where he gave a firm squeeze.

  “Heath, you’re killin’ me,” he moaned.

  “I’ve been thinking about you since the first night we met. Especially the way you kissed me.” Heath stopped kissing Caleb long enough to look into his eyes.

  Caleb gasped for breath. Those brown eyes, and those lips, were like something out of a dream.

  Heath took Caleb’s hand and placed it on his hard cock. “I want you.”

  Caleb was still trying to pull away when Heath unzipped his pants and stuck Caleb’s hand inside.

  “Oh shit,” Caleb breathed.

  “Believe me now?” Heath grinned salaciously.

  Caleb couldn’t stop himself. He pulled Heath’s pants down and sunk to his knees, grabbed Heath’s cock, and put it in his mouth.

  Heath almost passed out. It was the best feeling he’d ever had. He had jacked himself off before but this — this was completely different. The warm mouth licking, sucking and biting made him come hard and fast.

  “Fuck!” Heath’s legs almost went out from under him.

  Caleb stood up quickly. He couldn’t believe he had done that. “Shit. What am I doing?” He dragged his hands through his hair.

  “I wanted it, Caleb.” Heath took his hand. “I want you. Can I stay?”

  “I am not having sex with you. That I will not budge on. Do you understand?” Caleb looked him directly in the eyes.

  “Yes. So, can I stay?”

  “Fuck, yeah, you can stay. But remember the rule.”

  “Okay, okay. No sex.”

  They spent the night together talking. Caleb watched Heath’s face as he talked about his dads and his siblings. He was so innocent looking, but those lips — good Lord, they were sinful. Caleb had to stop Heath more than once from getting into his pants. Heath pouted and Caleb was badly in need of a cold shower.

  Caleb told him how he had left home at Heath’s age when his parents found out he was gay. They did not condone his sexuality and disowned him. He was on his own when he met a friend who got him a job and let him move in. Since then, he had worked at the club but he was going to school during the day.

  “Why don’t you tell your parents, Heath? They’re gay; they would understand.”

  “I know they would. It’s not that. I’m just at a place now where I have friends who I would hate to lose if I came out.”

  “If they’re your real friends, then they’ll understand.”

  “I’m not ready yet.”

  “Okay, I’m here for you. Despite my best judgment,” Caleb sighed, “I’ll always be here for you, Heath.”


  Heath’s first time…

  “Come on, Heath.” Melisa had just given him a blowjob behind the bowling alley, but all he could think about was Caleb.

nbsp; “What?” Heath was brought out of his thoughts.

  “Let’s have sex!”

  “Where?” Heath looked around.

  “Over there.” She pointed to the woods behind the building.

  “Oh come on, Melisa, don’t you want it to be romantic?” Heath tried desperately to get out of it.

  “Nope, don’t care! Come on.”

  She pulled him into the woods and pulled off her clothes. She took Heath’s shirt off and threw it on the ground. She dropped down on it naked, waiting.

  “Come on, Heath!”

  He joined her and she grabbed his cock.

  “What’s wrong with you? You’re not hard.”

  Heath kissed her, imagining Caleb’s lips, Caleb’s hands. He felt Melisa slide a condom on him and he entered her fast. He imagined Caleb again — bent over taking Heath in, Heath pounding him from behind, his hands on Caleb’s hips, hammering him relentlessly.

  “Heath, slow down,” Melisa whispered.

  Heath kept going. He felt Melisa orgasm and he kept going. He wanted to come thinking of Caleb. When he finally did, he moaned loudly.

  “Wow, that was good.” Melisa sighed blissfully.

  “Yeah, it was.” Heath tried his best to sound convincing.

  Caleb’s phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and smiled.


  “I’m outside.”

  “Well, come in,” Caleb laughed.

  When Heath came in, his hair was messed up and he looked like he had been crying.

  “What’s wrong? Did someone hurt you? Tell me, Heath!” Caleb inspected Heath, looking for anything.

  “I had sex with Melisa,” Heath sobbed; he couldn’t stop. “I didn’t want to.”

  “Christ.” Caleb hugged him. God, he wanted to take this kid’s pain away. Nothing should ever hurt him. Nothing.

  “Why, Heath? If you didn’t want to, why did you?”

  “She wanted it. I thought maybe if I did it I would feel — I don’t know.” Heath sat on the couch, still sniffling.

  “Look, this is killing you. You can’t be someone you’re not. You have a family who loves you. You’re only hurting yourself. Do you know how lucky you are to have parents who accept you unconditionally, Heath? They will love you no matter what. Your friends? Well if they give you shit because you’re gay, they were never your friends.”


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