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A Heart Reborn

Page 22

by BK Harrell

  “Hey, baby. I’m sorry to wake you up.”

  “That’s okay, Coop. I didn’t realize I’d fallen asleep waiting for you to call. I guess I was more tired than I thought I was and definitely full, from dinner.”

  “I don’t want to keep you then. Why don’t you just get some rest so you’ll be fully energized for our time this weekend. I have plans for you, and you’ll need your energy.”

  “Okay, Coop. I think I’ll take you up on that. I love you. See you tomorrow.”

  “I love you too, Good night.”

  Sarah easily fell back to sleep with a smile on her face and dreamed of Coop all night long.

  When Sarah awoke the next morning, she felt well rested and ready to face the day. She got dressed and headed downstairs in time to see Harry before he left for practice. Sarah walked over and ruffled his hair before kissing him good morning. “Have fun today and remember to mind Nana. I’ll see you tomorrow evening and we’ll plan something fun for Monday. I was thinking we could go to Six Flags and have some fun.”

  “That’ll be great, mom. I’ll mind Nana as always and I wish you could come to practice, but I understand you have things you need to do.” Harry hugged his mother and ran to get in the car.

  Sarah hugged her mom and headed to the kitchen to grab some coffee and get ready to meet Coop. She had already packed her overnight bag complete with Coop’s surprise. After her breakfast of coffee and a couple of fresh Krispy Kreme doughnuts, she grabbed her things and went to her car and headed to Coop’s.

  When she got to Coop’s, she let herself in with the key that he had given her. She searched the house and found him still asleep in the bed. Sarah figured what the hell, and stripped out of her clothes and slid into the bed next to Coop. She was instantly pulled against his strong, chiseled chest. He murmured something about loving her and fell back a sleep. Sarah was lulled back to sleep by the warmth of Coop’s body and his even breathing.

  Sarah woke up a little while later on her back with Coop’s mouth working wonders on her sex. Sarah arched her back pushing her womanhood against Coop’s talented tongue. She was ready to explode from the dreams she had been having, but it seemed now like it wasn’t a dream. When Coop’s teeth nipped her clit, Sarah came off the bed and exploded with a powerful orgasm, but Coop didn’t let up, he continued his strokes and drove her straight into a second more powerful orgasm. Sarah finally had to push him away because she had become too sensitive. She watched Coop slowly climbed up her body, and as she wrapped her legs around his waist, he thrust into her.

  Coop, couldn’t believe his luck when he woke up to a naked Sarah in his bed. He thought he had been dreaming her scent and the feel of her body against his, but to his surprise she was in bed with him. Coop took full advantage of the situation and after tasting her, he drove himself home. He moved in and out of her tight channel, feeling his own release building to an explosive climax. With one final thrust he spewed his release into her and collapsed on top of Sarah holding her tightly to his chest.

  “Love you, but I…can’t breathe.”

  Coop rolled over pulling Sarah with him so that she was straddling him and looking into his eyes. “Thanks for getting into bed with me.”

  “Thanks for the wake-up call. Not a bad way to wake-up from my own erotic fantasy.”

  “I like waking you up like that. Come on. Let’s get ready. We have shopping to do.”

  Coop took Sarah to lunch at The Tavern at Phipps where they enjoyed a delicious steak salad. He knew it would be a hit because Sarah talked about going there all the time. After dessert, they walked around Phipps Plaza trying to find the perfect gift for his family members. They ended up at Tiffany’s where Coop helped Sarah pick out a couple of charm bracelets and charms to go with them. After Tiffany’s, they found themselves at Toys-R-Us for the kids.

  As they walked around the store, Sarah spotted a few items she wanted to come back and get for Harry. She cleared her head and focused on the task at hand. Finally, they picked out a couple of Barbie Dolls and a new Tonka truck.

  Sarah had everything except a present for his dad, and she had no idea what to get him. She took Coop’s suggestion of a few Davidoff cigars from the Buckhead Cigar Club. They drove down into Buckhead to get them. After buying a few cigars Coop picked out a couple for them and they sat down in the lounge to enjoy a nice afternoon smoke.

  Coop watched Sarah light up her cigar and was impressed that the girls had gotten her to start smoking. He was happy this was going to be something that they could share instead of him having to go outside and smoke alone. “When did you start smoking cigars?”

  “At Marcie’s bachelorette party. Nicole raided Lincoln’s stash and had something for each of us. I tried Nicole’s, but it was too strong for me. I might have turned a little green.”

  Coop laughed. “What was it that she was smoking?”

  “Something called and Opus X Shark?”

  Coop was bent over double laughing. He finally caught his breath. “Sweetheart, that is one of the strongest cigars on the market. Very hard to find, and she just raided Lincoln’s stash for them. I need to spend more time at the boss’s house.”

  “Well, Lincoln gives a lot to the charity, and Mr. Fuente keeps him well stocked with whatever he likes. For me though, this is the one that I find suits my palate the best. It doesn’t give me a headache, and I can enjoy the essence of the cigar.”

  “You picked a fine cigar. You can never go wrong with a Davidoff. I usually like mine a little stiffer, but the Dominican Puro has just the right balance.”

  They sat in companionable silence, watching the other people come and go. Even though Coop liked being around people, he found he was most comfortable these days just sitting beside Sarah relaxing and contemplating their future. He felt naked without the engagement ring around his neck, but since he planned on getting naked later he didn’t want to have to explain the ring. Coop enjoyed coming here, because he could have a sense of privacy from the rest of the world. He was hardly ever bothered for an autograph, but he never refused when asked. As they sat there smoking and commenting about cigars, since Sarah had her nose in a Cigar Aficionado, Coop was surprised to look up and see his manager standing in front of him. “Skip, good to see you. How’s your off-season going?”

  “Much better with the new owners. Thank God, they don’t mind spending money, but you already know that. So, who’s the lovely lady with you.”

  “Skip, this is Dr. Sarah Buckley.”

  “Sarah, Skip, or Coach Peter Davis as he known to the outside world.”

  Skip took Sarah’s hand and shook it while his eyes never left Coop. “So, this is THE Sarah Buckley?”

  Coop was a little embarrassed at the statement but just nodded his head.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you Dr. Buckley.”

  “Please call me Sarah. It’s nice to meet you too, Coach Davis.”

  “You can call me Skip or Skipper, whichever you like best. Not big on formalities. Well, it was good to see you and to meet you, but I’ve gotta get home and cook dinner for the rest of the coaches. Cooper, I’ll see you at the stadium Monday or Tuesday. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.”

  As soon as Skip was out of ear shot, Harrison knew he was going to get drilled like a virgin oil field in Alaska.

  “Care to explain ‘THE Sarah Buckley’?”

  “Well, you see what had happened was, Skip has been with me since I started, so he knows about you and” Coop mumbled, “my rules”.

  “Did you just say he knows about your rules? What rules would those be, pray tell.”

  “Umm…well…I never ever dated brown eyed brunettes, brunettes in general, and no doctors for that matter. Honestly, when I started in pro-ball I was like the United Nations for women trying to get you out of my head. Didn’t care, as long as they knew it was one night only and no strings or commitments. I would never date anyone who remotely resembled you. You haunted my dreams and thoughts so much, I couldn’t risk
the fragile peace accord my mind and body were waging war with.”

  Sarah looked at Coop with tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry that I did that to you.”

  Coop pulled Sarah into his lap. “Don’t cry, sweetheart. I don’t know what happened and perhaps in a couple of weeks you’ll enlighten me. As the time has passed I finally accepted that it wasn’t our time, but I believed in our love and knew a time would come when we would meet again. I have a feeling that it’ll all work out. After all, I love you and you love me. Nothing bad is going to happen.”

  His words caused Sarah to burst into tears, because she knew the truth. The worst was yet to come. Sarah sat on Coop’s lap allowing him to sooth her, blissfully unaware of the pain she was going to inflict upon him later. When her tears dried, Sarah continued sitting on Coop’s lap and picked up his cigar to give it a try. “Not too bad. I could grow to like that one very much.”

  “You know, I have something with a much larger ring gage if you need to satisfy your oral fixation later.”

  Sarah blushed but didn’t miss a beat. “Really, here, I thought that was just a petite corona. I was really hoping for a gigante, but a girl’s gotta live with what a girl’s got.”

  Coop tickled her and said, “I’ll show you that gigante later tonight.” No matter what, Coop much preferred her laughter to her tears. He just wished he understood what was causing her so much heartache. They continued to smoke their cigars with Sarah sitting in his lap. He could just imagine them sitting under the stars at his house doing this exact same thing. When they finished, Coop led Sarah back to the car to drive her to dinner. He had chosen a fun place for dinner and then a place to challenge her to some games of skill. They headed down to Twin Smokers near the GA Aquarium for dinner. Coop just hoped they had some brisket left by the time they arrived.

  Luck was on their side, and they were able to get the brisket and macaroni and cheese. Coop loved the food here and remembered Sarah’s love of good bar-b-que. They also had an excellent selection of craft beers to choose from featuring local breweries. As they ate, Coop reached over several times to wipe away a little sauce from Sarah’s lips savoring the sweet tangy sauce when he licked it off his thumb. Even ten years later, he could still make her blush with that one simple move. By the time they finished dinner, Coop was ready to skip the rest of the evening and head straight back to the house, but he wanted to continue the fun they were having.

  When they left, Coop took Sarah’s hand and turned right which confused her because the car was back to the left. They walked to the end of the block and enter Game-X. Sarah smiled because she loved playing games and she could concentrate on beating Coop and not worrying about where Harry had run off to. “So, you think you can bring me here and beat up on a poor defenseless little girl, big man?”

  “There is absolutely nothing defenseless about you, but I did think we could come here and have some fun.”

  Sarah smiled as she pulled him through the entrance and up to the counter to get some X-cards for the games. “Just so you know, your ass is grass when it comes to air hockey. I’m the queen of the air hockey table.”

  “Well, then your highness, lead the way.” Coop followed Sarah to the nearest air hockey table and commenced to getting his ass kicked. He found it difficult to play watching Sarah jump up and down and squeal each time she scored. It made him so happy to watch her smile and laugh. After losing four games in a row, Coop decided he would try Connect Four, but he couldn’t manage a win there either. Not wanting to appear frustrated he decided that they should try basketball, he finally found her Achilles heel.

  “You couldn’t take losing to a girl so you had to pick the most macho game in here. Next thing I know you’re going to drag me to the stadium to the batting cage just to show me how much harder you can hit the ball.

  Coop’s ears perked up at that thought. It would be quiet on a Saturday afternoon. No one else would be around, and he could ravage her in the shower or where ever else he wanted to after a little batting practice. Coop took Sarah’s hand and led her to the car.

  About half-way to the stadium Sarah turned to him and said, “You know I was kidding, right?”

  “Sorry, babe. I need to do something to reclaim my manhood. I mean, you beat me at almost every game we played, called little Coop a petite corona, and I may add, never apologized to him. So, batting cages it is.”

  Shaking her head, Sarah figured there was more to this than just hitting balls, but she was willing to play along. She had never seen the locker room and it would be a treat.

  They pulled into the players parking garage and she watched as Coop rolled down his window and showed his ID to the security guard.

  “Have a nice day, Mr. Cooper.” The guard said.

  That simple statement sent Sarah into a fit of giggles. “Mr…Mr…Mr. Cooper. That just sounds so old on you. I suddenly pictured your dad sitting there trying to get through the gate.”

  “Very funny. You know we’re the same age.” Coop pulled into his parking space and led Sarah into the locker room. He stopped by the equipment room first and grabbed Sarah a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt. He wanted her to be comfortable while they played around. He also grabbed a few bats belonging to the pitchers, because they were the lightest and should be easiest for her to swing.

  “Wow. My very own Braves shorts and shirt. How was I ever going to survive without them?”

  “Okay smartass. Just get changed and we’ll hit the batting cages.”

  Sarah watched as Coop smacked ball after ball. She was impressed with his power. Watching his muscles flex with each swing was a thing of beauty. She hadn’t seen his swing up close since college, and it was so much more powerful than was ten years ago. She felt it every time his hands held her. His strong fingers that stroked her to orgasm so easily, flexed around the handle of the bat. The smack of the bat on the ball brought Sarah back to the here and now.

  “Your turn sweetheart. All you have to do is get five out of ten, and we’ll call it a win. I set it to fifty miles per hour to make it easy for you.” Coop stood back and watched as Sarah took a few practice swings, and waited for the pitches to come. She swung and missed at the first couple then finally got a hit and did a little happy dance that made Coop smile. He watched as she hit another and another one. It all came down to the last pitch though. A hit and she won and a miss and Coop won. The machine wound up and Coop watched as Sarah swung with all her might and hit the ball back where it came from. The joy in her eyes was infectious, and Coop didn’t mind losing.

  Sarah came out of the cage and jumped up on Coop hugging him tightly. “I did it. I won. I can’t believe it.” Sarah kissed him hard on the lips.

  “Wow. You certainly get excited when you win. Great job.” Coop said as he swatted her ass. “Now let’s go take a shower and get dressed. After all, I don’t get a chance to cross an item off the bucket list very often, and this is a hard one.”

  “Are you sure we won’t get caught, because I really don’t want to go through that again.”

  Coop laughed. “I’m sure. Nobody ever comes to work out his late on a Saturday afternoon, especially this late in December.” Coop took Sarah’s hand and led her to the showers where he quickly stripped off her shirt and sweat pants leaving her in only her bra and thong. Coop watched as Sarah slowly stripped off the rest of her clothes and tossed them in a pile off to the side. He didn’t need too much encouragement, he got rid of his clothes quicker than he could remember. He pulled Sarah into the steaming showers. He was already turned on and pushed her up against the wall devouring her lips. Coop felt Sarah jump up and wrap her legs around his waist begging for him to thrust into her. Just as Coop thrust into Sarah and began to work her into a frenzy, he thought he heard someone walk into the locker room.

  “Cooper. You in here? I saw your car outside,” Rhett said.

  “Shit,” Sarah whispered. “I thought you said that no one would be here.”

  “I don’t have a fucking clu
e as to why Rhett’s here.”

  “Buddy, you in the shower?”

  “Just stay here and duck behind the partition,” Coop said before turning to hide his erection behind the partial wall. “Rhett, buddy, what are you doing here?”

  “I took advantage of both my girls napping and ran down to get some batting practice. You just finish up?”

  “Yep.” Coop said in a strangled voice as he looked down to see Sarah sucking his dick. She was so going to pay for that later. Coop kind of tilted his head toward the pile of clothing hoping that Rhett would see Sarah’s clothes and take a hint.

  Rhett finally got the hint and looked over at the pile of clothes and smiled back at Coop. “Sorry, buddy. I guess you’re busy. Hi Sarah, I mean Dr. Buckley.”

  “Hi Rhett. You can go now.” Sarah said.

  “Right. You guys have fun. See you later.”

  “Thanks for that, Coop. I really needed to get caught in the shower having sex with you. But you tasted really good. I loved the taste of my pussy on your dick. It turned me on so much. Can’t wait to get home and finish what we started.”

  Coop pulled Sarah out of the shower and they got dressed and left the stadium heading to Coop’s house. Sarah wanted to think of it as home, but it wasn’t yet or maybe it never would be. They had so much more to work out than Coop knew.

  Coop pulled into the driveway and parked the car. He hated that he took the Porsche, because he wanted to pull Sarah across the console and kiss her but that wasn’t going to happen. He was going to have to get something bigger for a family. Maybe a Tahoe or Suburban. Maybe he could get Sarah something bigger, and he could keep the Porsche. Nothing mattered about the future until they worked out whatever in their past was making her skittish. Coop walked around and helped Sarah out of the car and collected all their packages.


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