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The Doctor & the Curves

Page 3

by J J Loraine

  “I would,” she whispers, so lightly it’s almost a sigh. “I will...”

  I swallow and slowly lean down. I feel like a giant falling tree. I bring my mouth to hers and our hot breaths meet in a swirl of passionate bliss.

  My breaths are deep like thunder. Her sighs are as light as lightening. We float towards one another until our lips finally meet.

  My empty heart fills up with love. I pull Emma close.

  I’m never letting her go.



  Max’s big, strong hands wrap around my waist. I feel my skin dimple under his gentle strength.

  His lips are plump and wet and full of passion. They cover me in a warm blanket of pure bliss.

  I press my soft body against his hard one. His tight chest heaves in stoic swells, which reach teasingly close to my own heaving bosom.

  We kiss and I melt further and further into him. I feel like if he let me go, I’d fall right through the floor and disappear.

  He holds me too close for that, though. I feel us becoming one as our bodies intertwine with lustful longing.

  His manhood rises to meet me beneath his tightening pants. I rub against him, desperate with desire.

  I can hardly believe this is happening... yet it feels so right.

  I don’t have time to be nervous, nor the strength for it. Max completely consumes me in his heat. Nothing else matters. I go weak for him.

  His juicy lips wander from my mouth and down to my neck. I wrap my arms around his shoulders as he lifts me up from behind. I feel so fragile and so strong, all at the same time.

  Max’s tough fingers sink into my soft thickness. I’m lifted off the ground. I turn from valley mist to a heavenly cloud under his strength.

  All the stress of my life escapes through the sighs that his lowering kisses force out of my melting body.

  I begin to unbutton his top. With each slip of my fingers, a new surface of his amazing body is exposed to me. I run my hands over his chiselled chest. He’s sculpted like a Greek God; mighty and powerful. I’m completely in his control.

  He shuffles forward and carries me to his bed. He gives my exposed shoulder blade a final goodbye kiss before he tosses me onto the soft mattress below.

  I bounce onto the comfy cushion. My face is fully flushed. My skin has goosebumps. My nipples threaten to cut through my top. I work to free them from their confines.

  I stare up at Max as I unbutton my own top. He wrestles the rest of his shirt off, gazing down on me with such intimate intensity that I can’t help but quiver.

  He huffs and puffs and his nostrils flair in focused passion. His steely gaze somehow both makes me weak and strong.

  “I want you,” he growls down to me.

  I smile up at him with renewed confidence. I slip off the last of my buttons and toss my top away like a rag. I’m in only my bra and pants now. Max is in only his pants.

  “Come and get me, big boy.”

  He chuckles and leans down onto the bed. He crawls towards me with the strut of a jungle cat. His muscles flex and clench with power. Every ripple of his body sends shockwaves of lust rushing through my own.

  His giant forearms fall around me, caging me behind their thick bars of carnal desire. He leans down and kisses me so deep and tender that I swear my bra almost flies off on its own.

  He gives it a little help. Max reaches around to my back and unlatches the strap on my brassier. It falls but my heaving breasts stay covered by pure sweaty friction.

  Max pushes his forehead against mine. I feel completely content. A fiery passion burns deep inside of me, begging to be released.

  I reveal myself to him.



  We make love until deep into the night. We forget all about our pasts and our futures, our hopes and our desires, our fears and our commitments. All that exists for a few wonderful hours is each other.

  I explore every inch of her figure; every crevasse, every curve, every contour. She lets me have my way with her and I let her find herself within me.

  When our bodies are so overcome with love that we can’t take anymore, we gently doze off into each other’s arms.

  I sleep deeply and peacefully. I don’t dream. When I wake up and see Emma snuggled in my arms, I realize that I don’t need to dream anymore; I’m living in one.

  I run my hands through her mussed hair and caress her tender cheeks until her beautiful eyes finally flutter open.

  “I had the most wonderful dream,” she whispers.

  Her plump lips press down on my chest and I quiver awake with early morning lust.

  I roll on top of her and she spreads herself for me. If she’s sore from last night, she doesn’t show it. I slip into her perfect form and sink down onto her curves.

  Her warm, electric thickness covers me like a hot spring. We wrestle underwater, slow and purposefully, until we both shake with release.

  When I roll back onto my back, we both stare up at the ceiling in silent satisfaction.

  Emma’s sighs are light and full of joy. My breaths are deep and full of contentment.

  I get lost in daydreams of a future together. Visions of marriage and vacations and kids all run through my mind like a warm stream. I find Emma’s hand under the sheets and caress her as I imagine all of the possibilities that lay ahead of us.

  Eventually, Emma breaks the silence -- her pleasant sighs are interrupted by a deeper gasp.

  “Oh no! I forgot to cancel my hotel room!” she almost giggles. She doesn’t seem too concerned. That makes me happy, it means she’s comfortable.

  I turn onto my side and gaze at her flushed beauty.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll call my guy and get it all sorted out...” My stomach suddenly growls, low and deep like a rolling storm. “We forgot about dinner too!” I add.

  Emma giggles and turns onto her side. I can see my reflection in her eyes, we’re so close.

  “That’s funny,” she whispers. “I haven’t eaten since yesterday at lunch, but I don’t feel hungry. I must have had my fill last night, with you.”

  She’s so sweet, I can barely take it.

  I lift my hand up to her chin and hold her steady as I press my lips to hers. She’s so willing and welcoming that all my earthly hunger instantly vanishes.

  “Why don’t I make us some breakfast, what do you feel like?” I ask.

  “Oh no, let me make you something!” she insists. “It’s the least I can do.”

  I grab her hand and rub my thumb along her ring finger. “You’ve already given me enough... I’ve never been happier.”

  Emma blushes and we lean into each other for another kiss.

  “I’ve never been happier, either,” she whispers.

  “Let me make you breakfast,” I ask. “I like to cook, anyways. You can hop in the shower and get ready for a day out.”

  Her cheeks are rosy with glee. She nods. “Ok.”

  I beam with happiness.

  “So, then what would you like?”

  “You!” she immediately blurts out.

  We laugh together and play wrestle over the sheets of our bed. When I have her pinned down, I ask again.

  “What’s your favorite breakfast in the whole wide world?”

  I give her another peck on the lips and she ruminates on the question.

  I hear her soft belly rumble. I fall off of her and spread my hand over her stomach. I savor her every little movement.

  “Well... my favorite is steak and eggs... but I guess we’ll be having our fair share of steak pretty soon...”

  I sit up in bed. “My favorite breakfast is steak and eggs too!” I chuckle. “But you’re right. Let’s have something else this morning. I want to take you to the steak house tonight.”

  “Hmm. How about pancakes?” she suggests.

  “I make the best pancakes; with whip cream and fruit.”

  “Oh, yum!” Emma jumps up on the bed and claps her hand together.

  “Why don’
t you go have a shower,” I say. “I’ll take you to the mall after; we can do a little shopping.”

  Emma sighs in happiness. “That sounds amazing.”

  “It will be an amazing day for an amazing woman.” I lean in for one last kiss before I shuffle to the edge of the bed.

  Emma climbs up and off the tussled sheets. I smack her beautiful, plump butt and it ripples like a thick wishing pool.

  She giggles and bounds off to the bathroom. I can’t bear to take to my eyes off of her natural beauty. I don’t move until she’s out of sight.

  Good God, there’s no doubt about it.

  I’m in love.



  I clean myself up the best I can for Max.

  Usually, I’d be a nervous wreck trying to make myself look a certain way for such a hunky guy, but Max is different.

  He fell for me yesterday when I looked my worse; after a long, stressful plane ride. I know he likes me for me.

  He also clearly loves my curves, but my curves are natural and don’t need any upkeep.

  I wash my hair and scrub my body. I can’t help but touch myself at the memories of last night and this morning.

  Max is such a caring and passionate lover. He effortlessly switches between total domination and equal sharing. I can’t even remember how many orgasms I had. They all bleed into one another.

  The steaming water of Max’s open concept shower washes over me and I feel like I’m in heaven.

  His bathroom is magnificent. It’s almost as big as my old apartment. The marble sink is long and slender; the tiles are heated; there’s a hot tub in the corner.

  I can hardly believe that I’ve even been let in such a place. His whole house is amazing. He must be an incredibly successful doctor.

  I linger a little longer than usual in the shower. I want to see Max again so badly, but I can’t seem to break myself away from my daydreams about our intimacy last night. It was so hot. He’s so hot.

  Eventually, my daydreams fade from the erotic and into the familial, and I wade out of the water.

  I imagine a life together. Marriage, a honeymoon, kids, vacations. It all starts today.

  We’re going shopping!

  I’ll admit it, I like shopping. I’ve always had to stifle my desires for it, though, because I haven’t ever been able to afford not to.

  I’m a little nervous about spending someone’s else’s money. I don’t want to take advantage of Max’s infatuation with me -- just being at the mall with him will be more than enough to make my day – but I find myself getting giddy at the idea of putting on a fashion show for him.

  I dry myself off and rummage around in my ragged briefcase for my best dress. It’s not much, but it’s all I have... for now.

  I giggle at the thought of being spoiled. Never in my life have I even been given anything I hadn’t already worked my butt off for.

  I always thought that fairy tales were only for skinny girls and princesses, but here I am, feeling like a thick queen who just met her king; ready to take on the world in a whole new light.

  I can smell the pancakes in the air. I sniff at the delicious scent like a cartoon character and nearly float down Max’s winding staircase to the main floor. I’m not sure where the kitchen is, but I have no trouble finding it from smell alone.

  I almost forget about my hunger when I see Max again. He’s still topless. His body is incredible. He’s no less than a modern-day Adonis. His muscles look like they’ve been chiseled by the finest master-sculptors of all-time. His skin is so tight that it glistens under the kitchen lights. His chest is full and prideful; his stomach is ripped with a striking six-pack.

  I rub up against him. His manly musk overpowers the pancakes. I savor his taste and run my hands over his sharp contours.

  He’s put on sweatpants, unfortunately, but I can still make out his tight, bubble butt and his thick, bulging thighs... not to mention that wonderful bulge of his.

  He’s so big that I had been afraid I’d be unable to take him last night. Luckily, I was so wet that he had no trouble slipping right in. I’m not the most experienced lover, but he made me feel like a perfect fit. We could do no wrong.

  He’s my Mr. Right.



  We gobble up the delicious breakfast, in awe of each other’s presence.

  I can’t help but stare at her as she eats. She’s such a wonderful mixture of strong and delicate, of ravishing and pure – she’s intoxicating.

  She somehow looks even better this morning than she did when I fell for her last night.

  When we’re done eating, she insists on cleaning the dishes. “It’s the least I can do,” she smiles.

  I accept. I have to go get ready for our day out, anyways.

  I kiss her on the cheek and then bound up the stairs, completely in love.

  I feel like a kid on Christmas morning. It’s been so long since I’ve felt this kind of excitement about anything,

  I hop in the shower and wash away the grime of a wonderful 24 hours. The warm water falls over my head and reminds me of my time so far with Emma. I grow a little at the mere thought of being back inside of her. For such a voluptuous woman, she was exceedingly tight. That didn’t stop us, though. I was a perfect fit, just like she’s a perfect fit for me.

  I take a quick shower. I don’t want to be gone from her side for too long. I wash my hair and then dry myself off.

  I pick out a casual wardrobe for the day. I don’t want to be too ostentatious. I have some nice clothes. My lonely existence, so far, has made me more appreciative of the finer things in life than I had been in my younger years.

  As an Army medic, and a young doctor after that, I had been almost solely focused on work. I don’t regret my singular focus, it was necessary and I’ve saved many lives as a result, but as I’ve grown older, my resolve has faded slightly. Every year that’s passed without a proper emotional payoff to my struggles has made me less and less optimistic. I’ve become more of a worried traveler than the ambitious starry-eyed dreamer I once was. I had been so sure that by this time in my life I’d be long married with a gaggle of school-aged children and a full household. Instead, I wander through empty halls, just hoping that my work-buzzer goes off on my phone, so that I have something to distract me from my crushing loneliness; from my failure to achieve domestic bliss.

  I’ve been such a high-achiever all of my life that my failures only hit me all the harder. I was always the captain of the sports teams, I always got the best grades, the best jobs. I’m a leader by nature. I’ve been a savior to many, both overseas and here at home. I have no problem taking control of a situation.

  The one thing I’ve learned, after all these years, though, is that you can’t take control of love. The best you can do is to open yourself up to it and make yourself vulnerable.

  That’s been my hardest task in life so far. Talent and hard work can take you far professionally, but you can’t finesse your way into a happily-ever-after relationship.

  I’m so natural closed off; so instinctively stoic, that it’s been the true struggle of my life trying to soften my edges, in case I ever finally found the right girl.

  Well, now I’m sure that I’ve found her.

  Emma is perfect for me in every way. My slow path towards emotional enlightenment is finally paying off. The softness I’ve allowed onto my hard, empty heart is allowing it to be filled up with Emma’s love.

  It had been so long since I had held onto any real hope that it took me a moment to realize it but now that I do, I’ll never forget.

  I’m in love... and what’s more is that I’m sure she loves me back.



  We walk into the giant, luxurious mall, arm in arm.

  Max’s manly musk has been mostly replaced by the cool scent of fresh after-shave. He smells like a glacier stream in a pristine mountain range. I can’t help but constantly rub up against him. I want his scent on me, and I want
my scent on him.

  I almost pull him off his feet the first time he stops in front of a shop. I’m so used to passing by the expensive places that it doesn’t even cross my mind to go in. Luckily, Max is so strong that I’m the one who’s pulled back.

  “Let’s try in here,” he says.

  I can’t do anything but nod. I’ve only ever heard of this place before. I always imagined it as a one-stop-shop for celebrities and heiresses, but now its doors are open for me.

  I walk into it like a peasant into a palace.

  We skim the joint until Max points out a gorgeous little summer dress.

  “What about that?” he asks. “I think it’d look great on you.”

  “I can try it on; give you a little fashion show in the dressing room,” I offer, with a wink.

  “Sounds like a plan,” he smirks.

  I can feel myself beaming as he reaches up and takes the dress down from its hook. He hands it to me and grabs another from right beside it, and then another from beside that.

  I take all three dresses and we make our way to the back of the store. A clerk leads us to the dressing room and leaves us alone as I head inside.

  I hang the dresses up on the door. I don’t dare look at their price tags.

  I change into the first one that Max had suggested. It’s so soft and light. I’ve never felt any material like it before. It fits over my curves like a warm summer breeze.

  I notice that I had been avoiding looking in stall room the mirror while I changed. It’s pure instinct at this point. It’s no secret that I’ve had body image issues in the past. I don’t feel so hesitant to finally look at my reflection now, though. My time with Max has so far injected me with some much-needed self-confidence.

  I must to be doing something right, if such an incredible man wants to be with me... right?

  I take a deep breath and gaze upon myself in the mirror before me.

  Oh, damn. I look amazing!

  I’m almost immediately overcome with an urge to show Max.


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