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The Last of the Firedrakes (The Avalonia Chronicles Book 1)

Page 14

by Farah Oomerbhoy

  “What! Change my name?” I knew it was for my own good, but I still didn’t want to do it.

  Uncle Gabriel ignored my outburst. “You must blend in with the students in Evolon, Aurora. You will be a goddaughter of mine from Andrysia who has come to study at Evolon. No one will suspect anything, and in any case, I have acquired the help of Penelope Plumpleberry, who, as a great favor to me, has agreed to leave her home in Pixie Bush and come and teach as a professor of Healing and Ancient Studies at the academy. So you will have her watching out for you. She already knows part of your secret, and she is a powerful fae. Few will have the courage to cross her.”

  I smiled at that. I liked Penelope a lot, and I was glad that I would have someone to talk to who knew who I really was. I wished Kalen would come too; I missed his brisk chatter.

  “Evolon is also a magically protected place. As long as you are within the walls of the academy, Morgana and the Shadow Guard will not be able to find you.” He gave me a pointed look. “Of course it goes without saying that you must keep your amulet on at all times. No matter what, do not take it off. No one will pay much attention to you, and they will think that your magic is not strong enough for it to be sensed as yet.”

  I nodded. Evolon!

  Maybe it wouldn’t be that bad; after all, even Erien went to school there, and Penelope would be teaching as well. At least I would know a couple of people, since I was apprehensive about making friends. But now I would have to lie to everyone about who I really was. I even had to change my name. It would take some time to get used to it.

  The next day Aunt Serena woke me up early. My things were already packed, so we had a quick breakfast of hot chocolate and cinnamon-nut bread—with dollops of strawberry butter smeared all over—while we got ready to leave for Evolon. Snow would not be going with me. Uncle Gabriel had said that having her around would raise too many questions, and I was supposed to blend in. I went down to the stables to say goodbye. I really hoped I would be able to see her again soon.

  Uncle Gabriel rode with us out of the town with an escort of castle guards. When we reached the edge of the woods, he held up his hand and ordered the guards to go no further. My granduncle led his horse into the forest and gestured for us to follow while the guards stayed behind, guarding the perimeter.

  I looked back. “Aren’t the guards coming with us?” Was Uncle Gabriel sending me off with only Aunt Serena and Erien for protection? What if we came across bandits or Shadow Guards?

  Uncle Gabriel stopped his horse and got down in a small clearing. I followed, as did Aunt Serena and Erien. He must have sensed my distress, because he lowered his voice and put an arm around my shoulder. “Do not worry so much, my dear.” His voice was kind. “The guards draw too much attention. But I would not send you on such a journey without adequate protection.”

  My eyes lit up with hope. “You’re coming with us?”

  Uncle Gabriel shook his head. “No, my dear, I cannot this time, but I have sent for someone who is more than capable of protecting you all and seeing you safely to your destination.”

  I looked around. “Who?”

  I followed Uncle Gabriel’s gaze to a tree at the edge of the clearing. My heart leapt in my chest, as I tried to keep my face impassive.

  Rafe leaned lazily against an old willow tree. His arms were crossed, and he stared intently at me. He wore his signature black cloak and mask, but I had no doubt who it was. I was glad he was back; if Rafe were going with us, I was positive that I would be absolutely safe.

  Rafe pushed himself away from the tree and walked over to us. “Gabriel.” Rafe inclined his head to my granduncle.

  “Rafe,” said Uncle Gabriel, “thank you for your help. I hope I don’t need to remind you to make sure no one finds out her true identity.”

  Rafe nodded. “I shall take care of it.”

  “Good.” Uncle Gabriel clapped Rafe on the back. “Then I think you should be on your way.”

  Aunt Serena hugged her father, as did Erien.

  Uncle Gabriel turned to me. “Remember what I’ve told you, Aurora.” His tone was serious as he gave me a leg up onto my chestnut mare. “Keep a low profile in school, and keep your amulet on at all times. We do not want anyone sensing the extent of your powers.”

  I nodded.

  “There is something else,” he went on. “I have not informed Penelope Plumpleberry that you are a fae-mage. For now, let us keep it like that.”

  “Why? I thought you trusted her.”

  “I do,” said Uncle Gabriel, “but powers like yours can scare even the most loyal of people. The fewer people who know of your special gift, the better.”

  “But Rafe knows?”

  Uncle Gabriel nodded. “I explained this before. He knows because I trust him, and as you can see, he helps me once in a while.”

  “Tell me who he is, please?” I asked softly, bending down slightly off my horse, hopeful that he would give me some sort of answer.

  Uncle Gabriel smiled, and his azure eyes twinkled mischievously. “Why, he’s the Black Wolf, my dear.”

  I huffed at his vague answer but nodded nonetheless. It was obvious he was as close-lipped about Rafe’s true identity as everyone else, and I figured Rafe was right, it didn’t matter who he really was; what really mattered was that he was here, and I was going to spend the next few days with him. I couldn’t help the spark I felt when I saw him, but I didn’t want him to know how I felt.

  “Take care of yourself, little one,” Uncle Gabriel said, waving me off.

  Rafe leapt up onto his black monster of a horse, and I had to struggle with the reins of my mare, who had decided that all she wanted to do was follow the big black stallion.

  I rolled my eyes and waved a final goodbye to Uncle Gabriel as we rode through the Willow Woods and onward into the world beyond.

  Journey to Evolon

  We rode in silence through the forest, stopping only to rest the horses and fill our leather water flasks from small forest pools. Rafe seemed preoccupied and kept to himself most of the time. Erien and Aunt Serena didn’t seem like they wanted to talk, so I followed quietly and wondered if I would get a bed to sleep on that night.

  It turned out I was not going to get my wish. As the sun set behind the trees, the quiet woods became a menacing maze of dark shadows and hidden dangers. Rafe led us to a small clearing, which was sheltered by an overhanging rock. He and Erien set up camp while I helped Aunt Serena water the horses and tie them to a tree.

  Aunt Serena unpacked our food of bread and salted meat slices while we sat around a small fire that Rafe had lit. The castle cook had also packed some pigeon pies. I loved those, so I wolfed down a few, along with some sort of smelly cheese.

  “Do you think we should put out the fire, Rafe?” said Aunt Serena.

  “That will not be necessary. The forest gets cold at night. I will keep watch.” Rafe sat himself down against a sprawling willow with his sword across his knees. “Get some rest. It will be a long ride tomorrow, and we have to make one stop before we reach the town of Greystone.”

  “Stop? Where?”

  Rafe gave me a small smile. “You shall see.”

  I lay down on the soft forest floor. We had to sleep on woolen blankets that we spread out on the ground. It was cold in the woods at night, so we slept close to the fire. I was so tired, and my thighs ached terribly.

  “Rafe,” I said, turning toward him after Erien and Serena had fallen asleep.


  “I don’t want to seem ungrateful.” I wanted to find out more about him, and this seemed the perfect time.

  His eyes narrowed, glittering in the light of the flames. “I’m sure you don’t.”

  “Why are you still helping me? Don’t you have other things to do?” I fumbled with the words. “I mean, don’t you have some family, or a girlfriend perhaps?”

  Rafe chuckled. “The duke asked for my help, that’s why I came. And as I said before, I owe your father a debt for savin
g my life. I’m just returning the favor.” As usual, he avoided the question completely.

  “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me,” I mumbled sleepily. “I really don’t know what would have happened if you didn’t save me from Oblek and the Shadow Guard.”

  His beautiful gray eyes softened as he trained them on me. “You don’t need to thank me, Aurora. I’m glad to help. Now get some rest, because we still have a long journey ahead.”

  “Okay,” I murmured as I turned over on my blanket. “Good night.”

  “Good night, Aurora.”

  Somewhere deep down I had hoped that he had some feelings for me and that was why he kept coming back. Nevertheless, I had to face the fact that Rafe was not romantically interested in me. It was part of some sense of duty he had. My heart sank as I gazed into the darkness of the woods, my eyes shutting. Exhaustion took over and I quickly fell into a fitful sleep.

  Waking up in the forest at the first light of dawn was an experience. Muted sunlight filtered in through the rustling leaves. Birds chirped away to their hearts’ content, and dewdrops nestled like shimmering crystals on the foliage, even on my hair and clothes. I lay in my makeshift bed and gazed at the brightening sky.

  “Good morning, Aurora.” Rafe was already packing things into the saddlebags. “Did you sleep well?”

  I blushed and smoothed my hair. I must have looked a complete mess. “Yes, thank you,” I muttered, still sleepy.

  “We must be on our way.”

  Aunt Serena and Erien were also awake and packing up their belongings. “Do you need to freshen up, my dear?” said Aunt Serena. “There’s a small stream behind those bushes.”

  I nodded and headed for the stream. I wanted to wash my face and brush my teeth with the mint-infused powder that Aunt Serena had given me. I had to use my fingers because, apparently, they didn’t have toothbrushes in Avalonia. That was one thing I would have to introduce to them at some point, I decided as I tied my long, unruly hair with a ribbon. I returned to my traveling companions, feeling somewhat brighter but still muggy from wearing the same clothes since the day before.

  After we ate our adequate breakfast of bread and cheese, we got onto our horses and followed Rafe through the brightening woods. Along the way we passed travelers and riders who didn’t give us a second glance. Creaking wagons loaded with goods traveled the forest road, and Rafe stopped to talk to a group of pilgrims who were on their way to the temple of Karneth in eastern Eldoren.

  When he got back onto his horse, Rafe looked troubled.

  Aunt Serena rode up next to Rafe. “What has happened?”

  Rafe shook his head. “It may be nothing, but the pilgrims said that they saw what looked like a Shadow Guard not far from here in the woods.”

  Aunt Serena’s eyes widened. “The Shadow Guard! Here, in Eldoren?”

  “So it seems.” Rafe’s voice was dead serious. “We must keep to the inner paths. Follow me.”

  We rode through the Willow Woods for two days, sleeping under the stars and trying to evade the Shadow Guard. After the first night, Rafe refused to light a fire, even though the forest would get chilly. He did not want to take the chance of a Shadow Guard picking up our trail, so we had to wrap ourselves in our cloaks and huddle together most uncomfortably to keep warm.

  On the fourth day of our journey, after a few hours of riding at a fast pace through the woods, Rafe stopped his horse and got off. We all followed, and he tied the horses to a nearby tree. “There is someone we have to meet. Your granduncle’s orders.”

  Aunt Serena didn’t argue, so Erien and I followed. We had to push branches and leaves out of the way to get to a thickly shaded grove. In the middle, nestled between two massive trees and countless bushes, was a little wooden hut. It reminded me of the cottages in Pixie Bush, but this was more unkempt and wild, with creepers and flowering branches encircling the hut as if it, too, was part of the forest.

  I wondered who lived there. Who was Rafe taking us to see? And why?

  Rafe knocked on the little rickety wooden door and slowly pushed it open. We all followed him inside the cottage.

  An old lady was sitting on a chair near the fireplace. Her long, snowy hair fell past her waist, and her ears had the unmistakable point to them that I now recognized immediately.

  She was fae.

  The hut was warm and inviting, and calming smells of lavender and vanilla wafted around us as we entered.

  The old fae lady looked up from her sewing. “Ah! Rafe, my boy. I have not seen you for many summers.”

  “Magdalene.” Rafe bent down on one knee and clasped her wrinkled hands in his. “How have you been?”

  “Terrible, I can tell you,” said Magdalene, chuckling. “My back hurts and my legs ache when I walk. It’s not easy being over a thousand years old.”

  My eyes widened. A thousand years old? Was she kidding? Penelope was over three hundred years old, and I thought she was ancient.

  The old lady’s eyes turned to me. They were violet, like Kalen’s, but so full of wisdom that I was momentarily taken aback.

  She gave Rafe a sharp look. “Is she the one Silverthorne has been waiting for?”

  Rafe nodded. “Yes, Maggie, it is she. I must say, I am surprised you know about her.”

  “I know many things. But Silverthorne did send me a raven with the news. I have been expecting her.” The old fae lady chuckled.

  Rafe raised his eyebrows and smiled.

  “Serena, my child, come here,” she said to my aunt.

  Aunt Serena went over and hugged the old fae lady. “Maggie, it’s good to see you.”

  The old lady smiled. “How is your father?”

  “The same.” Aunt Serena gave her an exasperated look. “Grumpy as ever and running about the kingdoms as if he were still a young warrior-mage.”

  The old fae lady burst out in a fit of laughter that sounded like a hacking cough. Aunt Serena laughed with her, as if only they were privy to their private joke.

  “Well then, all is right with the world for now,” Maggie said finally, her voice scratchy. “If Silverthorne is on top of things, I do not worry much.”

  She turned her violet eyes on me and stretched out her hands. “Come here, my child.” She held my hands in her old, wrinkled ones and looked at my face. “Yes, it is she,” said Magdalene after a perceptible pause. “Let me see the amulet.”

  I threw a glance at Aunt Serena, who nodded slightly. I pulled out the Amulet of Auraken. The old lady fingered it with her bony fingers and mumbled a few words in a language I couldn’t understand. She looked like she was reading the inscription.

  Finally, she looked up and gave me a toothy grin. “So, young princess, I’m glad that all my work was not in vain.”

  “What do you mean?” How did she know me?

  “Come, sit, and I will tell you. Be a dear and bring over the stool from by the window, please.”

  I did as I was asked, and soon Aunt Serena and I were seated on small wooden stools. Erien sat on the floor, and Rafe lounged against a wall. It wasn’t every day you met someone who had lived for a thousand years. The amount of knowledge that she had accumulated over the centuries must have been immense, so I listened intently to what she had to say.

  “When you were born, you were a little menace,” Magdalene said, chuckling to herself. “In your first month alone, you stunned three of your nurses, and their memories had to be modified because of it. By the time you were a few months old, strange things had started happening all over the palace. Old dogs were turning back into puppies, and cats were turning into birds. Once when you were taken to the gardens for a walk, the stable grooms complained that all the horses in the stables had turned into pigs.”

  I burst out laughing at that one. “So it was me? I did all that?”

  Magdalene nodded, her expression becoming more serious. “That and much more. Even as a baby your fae magic was stronger than most, and mages don’t come into their powers until they turn sixteen. You
were a nuisance in the palace. Your mother was forever being blamed for the mysterious fae magic that was alarming the people of Illiador. Many times she would take the blame for it, and because everyone loved Elayna, they chalked it up to the mischievous streak of the fae. Your parents finally got so worried that your mother came to me for help. They were afraid that, once people found out their child was a fae-mage, you would be killed before you could even grow up. It was I who gave them the amulet that you now wear around your neck. I had come across it in my travels through the Old Forest.”

  “Maggie,” said Aunt Serena softly, “if you knew all these years that she was a fae-mage and wore the amulet, why didn’t you tell any of us? We would have kept searching for her. We gave up hope because there was no magical trace left of her when she was sent to the other world.”

  The old fae woman looked straight into Aunt Serena’s eyes. “It was not her destiny to be found by any of us.” Her eyes turned the color of icy pools. “Her destiny was set long, long ago, before she was even born. There are powerful forces at work here, forces you cannot even begin to comprehend, forces that have shaped our world from before the dawn of time. Everything is not always exactly as it seems, and it is ultimately Aurora’s choices and strength of character that will determine her fate and the fate of all of Avalonia.”

  “And what is my fate?” I was too intrigued to remember my manners.

  “There is a long road ahead, and soon you will find out where your true path lies. But not today,” she answered, her eyes turning back to a calm shade of violet.

  I nodded. As usual, I rarely got a straight answer in this world, but I was thankful that Magdalene shared that much with me. It was a glimpse into a life that I did not remember. And it made me realize that my parents must have loved and cared for me before my aunt cruelly murdered them.

  I stared out of the window, thinking about my parents and what they must have been like. I could picture them in my mind now, since I had seen portraits of them at Silverthorne Castle. I did look a lot like my dad: jet-black hair and striking green eyes with heavy lashes. But my heart-shaped face and wide full lips were so much more like my mother. It was quite amazing to see the resemblance. It was a good thing I hadn’t inherited the fae ears, or I would have never been able to hide myself in plain sight.


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