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The Last of the Firedrakes (The Avalonia Chronicles Book 1)

Page 31

by Farah Oomerbhoy

  “You will not get away with this, Leticia.” I sounded more confident than I felt.

  “Oh, I think I already did,” said Leticia as the Shadow Guard bound and gagged me.

  “I told you I would get back at you,” snarled Damien, finally amassing the courage to come closer to me once my hands were bound. I always knew he was a coward. “My uncle, the archmage, will be so proud of me once he knows I am the one who delivered you to his queen.”

  Behind Damien, a dark shadow descended on the room. I turned toward the window to see a monstrous shape with obsidian-black wings and razor-sharp claws perched on the windowsill. A gorgoth. I had heard of them but had never seen one before. My eyes widened in fright and I tried to cry out, but the gag stopped me, cutting the sides of my mouth.

  Were they going to feed me to that thing? Its face was a contorted mix of man and bat, and its red eyes glowed like hot coals.

  “Queen Morgana is waiting for you, Princess,” rasped the guard who held me. “She wants to deal with you personally this time.”

  Two guards clasped my arms and pulled me toward the window. I kicked and screamed but to no avail.

  The gorgoth caught me in its razor-sharp claws and lifted me up like a leaf. Its great leathery wings beat the air as it pounced off the window ledge, holding me roughly in its talons. It flew me swiftly up into the darkening sky, toward Morgana and my impending doom.


  I lay on the cold stone floor of the dungeons at the ruins of Tinerea Castle. I had heard the guards talking and discovered that we were up in the hills, far away from the city of Neris. The gorgoth was gone. It had dropped me in the ruins, and the Shadow Guard were there to capture me again.

  I sat up and looked around me. It was a dark and horrific place with chains and manacles fastened to the walls. Dust and cobwebs hadn’t been disturbed for years, and above all else, there was an eerie silence. I had an inkling that I was the only prisoner here.

  I had learned in my ancient history class that, according to legend, this castle was haunted, so no one ever came here. It had been destroyed, along with a mage who had turned to dark magic.

  I couldn’t believe I had come full circle—back in the dungeons, tied, trapped, and waiting to be taken to Morgana.

  My blood boiled when I thought of Leticia and her sly attempt to get me out of the way. I should have known she would do something like this; she’d made it very clear she hated me. It was clever of her to go to Damien for help; she must have known how much he hated me too.

  I heard a click at the door and a chill scuttled down my spine. Had they come to get me? Had Morgana arrived? The guards opened the door, and another prisoner was roughly shoved inside. The door banged shut, and I could only roughly make out the figure that stood before me.

  But then, in the darkness, I heard a familiar voice. “Sorry I took so long, Princess.”

  “Kalen!” I whispered. “How did you get caught? Why did you come here?”

  “I followed you, and I was looking for a way in when the Shadow Guard caught me,” said Kalen, smiling and looking very pleased with himself. “They brought me straight to you.”

  Was Kalen mad, risking his life like this?

  “Morgana is on her way here. She will kill you if she finds you here. You must go, please.”

  “I’m not leaving without you,” he said plainly.

  “How did you get here so fast?” I asked, trying to think of a way to get him out of here. I had resigned myself to the fact that, this time, there was no hope of escape. The Shadow Guard were everywhere, and they had said that Morgana was on her way herself.

  “Snow,” he explained. “I was in the stables, and Snow suddenly started going mad, banging on her stall and trying to get out. I got onto her somehow; she was so distressed that she didn’t seem to mind. I freed her, and she flew me here.”

  “Snow is here?” Hope rose in my heart.

  Kalen nodded. “I also alerted your granduncle, and hopefully he is on his way. I flew on ahead. I need to get you out of these ruins before Morgana arrives.”

  “How?” I glanced around. “There is no way out. The Shadow Guard are everywhere.” I hoped Uncle Gabriel would find me in time. I couldn’t live with myself if I got Kalen killed because he was dragged into my mess. “Where is Snow?”

  “She is circling the castle. I don’t think the guards saw her. If we can get to her, maybe we can escape.”

  The door to the dungeon opened suddenly, and four black-robed Shadow Guard came in.

  “Make sure her hands are secure,” one guard said in a raspy voice. “Do not let her remove the amulet.”

  Two of the Shadow Guard grabbed me, and the other two grabbed Kalen. We both struggled, but they were strong, and I could feel dark magic radiating from them. They checked my hands to see if they were still tied. Even with my hands bound behind my back, the Shadow Guard had their magical shields up, as if I might suddenly break loose and kill all of them.

  I hadn’t forgotten about the amulet, but how could I take it off? All this time it had been around my neck, and now it seemed it would be the thing that got me killed. I had no idea what would happen if I did ever get to remove the amulet again. I remembered the rush of power and the overwhelming fear of helplessness when I couldn’t control my magic. But now I didn’t even have the option to choose; my hands were tied, and so were Kalen’s.

  We were dragged up an old, crumbling stone stairwell covered in vines and wild, gnarled creepers that invaded the stone walls and clung to them like parasites, and into the moss-covered ruins of the old castle. Parts of the castle had completely caved in, and moonlight streamed into the rooms, lighting up the dark stone corridors.

  We were led into an open courtyard, surrounded on three sides by the crumbling ruins of the castle and leading to a sheer drop down the side of a mountain crag upon which the castle had been built.

  I looked over at the end of the courtyard, among the dilapidated ruins and fallen stones. There, at the edge of the cliff, the wind whipping at her dark, glossy hair that flowed about her shoulders and bled into the blackness of her robes, stood the usurper, my aunt and archnemesis, Morgana.

  I was pulled forward, stumbling across the moss-and-weed-covered floor of the crumbling castle.

  One of the Shadow Guard hit Kalen across his shoulders and pushed him to the ground. “Kneel before the High Queen of Avalonia, you worthless fae,” he sneered.

  Kalen fell to his knees.

  The Shadow Guard behind me did the same thing, and pain shot through my shoulders and knees as I was roughly shoved to the ground at Morgana’s feet.

  “So!” said Morgana, her green eyes flashing and glaring at me as if I were a little bug to be crushed. “Azaren’s little whelp. Did you think you could run from me forever?”

  I pushed myself off the ground and got to my feet, but Morgana backhanded me, and two Shadow Guard pushed me down again. I felt something wet on my chin; my lip was bleeding, and I tried to wipe it on my sleeve, but it was difficult with my hands tied behind me.

  “You will kneel before your queen, you insolent wench,” said the Shadow Guard behind me.

  “And so will your little fae friend,” Morgana said, looking over at Kalen and then back at me. “Did he think he would . . . What, help you escape again? I know the fae were involved in the escape at Oblek’s castle. Well, this time you will not be so lucky. I will make you watch as we kill your little friend slowly.”

  “Let him go.” I sounded much braver than I felt. “He has no part in this. You wanted me, and now you have me. Kalen has nothing to do with it.”

  “No.” Kalen struggled with his jailers. “You won’t get away with this, Morgana. The Duke of Silverthorne is on his way here as we speak. He will destroy you if you hurt her.”

  Morgana snorted. “Silverthorne is a doddering old fool. His powers are no match for me. I look forward to his arrival. But as long as my brother’s heir lives, my claim to the throne will always be wea
k. The girl must die, for there can only be one Queen of Illiador.”

  As she said that, she raised her right hand and hit me with a push strike so forceful that I flew a few feet. I hit my head on the wall and scraped my back. I could feel blood trickling down my neck from the gash on my head. My head throbbed, and I could barely see straight. Kalen cried out and tried to get to me, but the Shadow Guard swarmed around him and held him back. One guard held a knife to his throat.

  My head swam, and I was dazed. I instinctively put up a hasty shield around myself. Then I went about healing myself from the inside. I knew my mage powers were not enough, so I pulled magic from the earth, mending the gash on my head, as I had done before in my healing test.

  I looked over to the other side of the courtyard. Four of the Shadow Guard were pulling a struggling Snow. She was tied with coarse ropes, and even her wings were bound so she couldn’t fly off. She was covered in terrible red cuts all over her beautiful white wings. I was horrified. What had they done to her?

  “Snow,” I whispered faintly in my mind. “What have they done?”

  “I am all right, little one,” said the pegasus, “do not be afraid. I am much stronger than you think. Concentrate on Morgana. Never take your eyes off her.”

  My hands were still tied, so I couldn’t even get up properly. I managed to maneuver myself off the ground and tried to stand up on my now very shaky feet.

  “Very impressive.” Morgana put her hands on her hips. “I can see your power is strong, little princess, even with the amulet on. But you are no match for me.”

  I knew I was going to die; there was no way out. My palms were sweating, and I was shaking. I had to pull myself together. If I could create some diversion, maybe Kalen could escape. I knew there was no hope for me.

  “Looks like you have your father’s foolish courage, Niece,” Morgana said scathingly. “But that will not help you now.”

  With the amulet on and my hands bound, I was no match for her, and she knew it. It was then I realized that Morgana was a coward, and she was afraid of me, afraid of my powers. I quickly put up a stronger shield. I would die fighting, not quivering in the corner like a weakling. At least I didn’t need my hands to shield myself.

  Morgana laughed and hit me with fire strikes that bounced off my shield, but they were strong. Her strikes kept pushing me back as she advanced upon me slowly. I knew she was toying with me, and I reinforced my shield. My power was waning, and Morgana was hitting me with alternate lightning and fire strikes.

  I concentrated all my power on keeping my shield intact. I kept telling myself that I would not let her kill me with magic; I would not let her beat me. But all that was useless. She kept coming at me.

  Beads of sweat formed on my forehead, my heart raced, my palms were clammy, and I could feel raw terror welling up inside me. I didn’t have enough power to stop her. Morgana was going to kill me, and there was nothing I could do about it.

  “You are brave, little princess.” Morgana hit me with another lightning strike. It broke my shield and hit my left leg.

  I fell to the ground on my knees in pain.

  “Yes,” said Morgana, “kneel before your queen.”

  The wind had picked up, and Morgana’s hair whipped around her face as she held up her hands, palms facing outward to deliver another blow. She attacked me with a fire strike that burst through my shield and burned my arm and leg, but it was not a killing strike. She was still toying with me.

  I screamed in agony and fell face forward onto the hard, moss-covered floor. My nose was bleeding, and shooting pain ripped through my left arm and leg.

  “It is unfortunate that you got away from me the first time, Aurora,” said my aunt with a sneer. This was the first time she had called me by my name. “Your mother used up the last of her powers to stop me from getting to you.”

  She hit me with another burning fire strike while I was on the ground, and fresh pain shot through my body again.

  “It was she who made the portal and sent you away to the other world. If you hadn’t been wearing that cursed amulet, I would have found you much sooner.”

  I barely had any strength left. I tried to heal myself, but only a flicker of magic now remained in me.

  I maneuvered myself to my knees, blood streaming from my nose and leg. My arm burned, and I pulled at the magic around me to try to create some semblance of a shield. I could feel the magic surrounding me, but however much I tried to pull it into me, it wasn’t enough.

  “I stabbed your mother through the heart myself,” snarled Morgana. “And it took nearly ten Drakaar assassins to kill your father. But he was finally cut down as he tried desperately to save you both. If your mother’s power hadn’t been concentrated on trying to save you, she could have saved herself and him.”

  Morgana hit me with a crushing strike. I screamed in agony and would have clutched my chest if I could, but my hands were still bound behind my back.

  This was too much. I couldn’t bear it anymore. I could picture my mother giving her life to save her only child, and my father trying to save his family only to be cut down by dark magic. My dream flashed in my mind. I could see my mother standing still, eyes flashing silver, protecting me with her magic as Morgana came at her with the curved dagger.

  Morgana was the one who had destroyed my life. She was the cause of all my pain, and she was the one who took my parents from me and destroyed my family. She was a monster, evil to the core, and she had to be stopped.

  This thought gave me strength to fight on. I faintly heard Kalen’s voice calling my name. I tried to get up, but I was hit with another lightning strike that shattered my shield and left me writhing on the floor in excruciating pain.

  Morgana laughed at me. “Yes, get up, fae-mage,” she sneered, “show me what you’ve got.”

  The Shadow Guard were also laughing, while Snow called my name in my head. I barely heard them. I had had enough. I shut out the voices, the fear, and the terror that were invading my mind and looked inside myself to the safe place where the source of my power lay. A faint light still flickered, struggling to stay alight.

  I tried to sense the magic around me, but I had no strength to pull it to me. I couldn’t even remove my amulet. But I had to do something. I couldn’t just give up and die. People were depending on me. And for the first time in my life, I felt a sense of responsibility. I was no ordinary person. I was the true Queen of Illiador. I was a fae-mage with unlimited power. But where was that power now?

  I closed my eyes and silently called out for help. I had no idea if there were even anyone to hear me. My heart nearly stopped when I actually got an answer.

  My eyes snapped open. It wasn’t Snow. I would recognize her voice anywhere. I had no idea who it was, but this voice was deep and distinctly male, and a sense of calm washed over me as I listened.

  “Rise, Aurora,” said the voice that only I could hear. “You are a fae-mage. The amulet doesn’t control you; you control the amulet.”

  I tried to make some sense of this in my already fuzzy mind. “What do you mean?” I asked the voice, still trying to push myself up from the floor. “My hands are bound. I couldn’t take off my amulet if I wanted to.”

  I had long since ceased being surprised by mind communication, and this voice seemed to know what it was talking about.

  “Your powers are different from others. You can do what no one else can,” said the voice. “You don’t need your hands for magic. It is your mind, your will, and your innermost soul that control your power. Imagine the amulet disappearing from your neck and put it somewhere else.”


  The deep voice was calm. “Do not try to pull the magic to you. Open yourself to the power around you, and you will see what I mean.”

  I pushed myself to my feet with all the energy I could muster.

  Morgana looked at me with her eyebrows raised. “Back for more, little niece?”

  But I ignored Morgana and concentrated on the unkn
own voice that spoke only to me. “Imagine the amulet has disappeared from your neck. Push all your magic and your will into that thought.”

  I did as I was told; I gathered my magic and pushed my will into imagining the amulet disappearing. Nothing happened, and I tried again.

  “Who are you?” I asked in my mind, but the voice was gone, and I got no answer.

  Morgana hit me with a fire strike. The pain was excruciating, and my skin was burnt all over. Angry red welts had formed on my arms and legs. I was in agony, but I concentrated harder. I calmed my mind and imagined the amulet gone from my neck. I pushed the last of my magic into that thought.

  I glanced at Morgana, who was now raising her hands and gathering all her magic to deliver the final blow, the magical strike that would kill me instantly. But I didn’t break my concentration. I held the thought firmly in my mind and braced myself for whatever Morgana had in store for me.

  Suddenly, much to my utter astonishment, the chain around my neck started to get hot, as if it were resisting my magic. It vibrated faintly, and the amulet disappeared from around my neck.

  It was like a veil had been lifted from my magic. I quickly drew my shield around me and searched outside myself for fae magic. I was not surprised this time to find the power that lay around me just waiting to be tapped.

  I gradually opened myself to it, careful not to force it. Magic started flowing into me in gentle waves, filling me with power and reinforcing my shield.

  Morgana pushed her hands forward to deliver the final blow. Lightning sizzled in her palms. She hit me with a crushing lightning strike, which would have killed any who stood before it. But my shield was resilient, and it was still growing.

  Morgana looked surprised for the first time. “How is this possible?” she said faintly, more to herself than anyone else. Her eyes narrowed and flashed with fury as she shot numerous fire and lightning strikes at me. Morgana was powerful, but her magic didn’t even shake my shield.

  In the same way as I had done with the amulet, I imagined my ropes gone. They immediately disappeared, and my hands were free.


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