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Stone, Rayna - Safe Haven (Mastering Holly Oaks 2) [Siren Publishing Classic]

Page 5

by Rayna Stone

  Before he clipped her wrists to the overhead system, he lifted her dress off her body in one smooth move. He had to take a second to breathe and shove down the impulse to take her now. She had the body of a goddess. She was toned and lithe from swimming, a testament to the strength of a woman’s body. At the same time, she was so soft and full of curves. Her hips would cradle him perfectly, and her breasts were full and lush. Her stomach had a small swell that made him think of how gorgeous she would look rounded with his baby. He had never viewed a woman in that way in his life. But with Kelly, he saw his future. He wanted to watch her grow with their child. He wanted them connected in that most primitive way.

  Troy slowly slid his hands down her arms. He watched as her pupils dilated not in fear but in lust and anticipation. She was definitely with him right now. He would keep her there, focused on his every touch.

  * * * *

  Kelly practically had an out-of-body experience when Troy started touching her. She imagined she would cringe away from his hands, but it was like she was looking in on herself. Looking at a woman who wasn’t afraid at all. When she took a deep breath of his masculine scent, she snapped back to herself. This was what she was made for. This moment and this man. She didn’t have to be afraid of him. She could let him touch her and enjoy the pleasure he gave her. He stepped into her body, his clothes lightly scratching her sensitive skin, and started slowly kissing up her neck to her ear. She couldn’t help herself from angling her head to give him better access. His slightly sucking kisses were rapidly increasing her heart rate. She let out a little moan when he nipped at her earlobe. God, he was skimming his hands down her sides and licking into her ear, and she couldn’t remember ever feeling so turned on. What would sex with this man be like? It might kill her, but Jesus, she wanted that death.

  Troy stepped back a little to cup her head with one hand and her ass with the other. He molded her to him and took her mouth in the most possessive kiss she’d ever experienced. His lips were soft but demanding as he opened her mouth. When his tongue slid along hers, she gave herself over to him. She could feel him gently squeezing her ass as he lunged into her mouth, taking up a tempo and showing her what he wanted to do with his cock. She was whimpering and grinding her pelvis into his body, feeling his hard length and trying to get friction against her clit. Her womb was softening for him, starting to cream with her desire.

  When his hand slid up her back and stopped at one of her scars, she ripped her mouth away and looked to the side. She knew she couldn’t hide her scars from him, but she also knew how ugly they were. Nobody had seen her back in twelve years. Troy didn’t say a word, just walked around her body to look at the physical evidence left from her attack. She didn’t know what she was expecting, but when he started to reverently kiss each scar, tears formed in her eyes. He wasn’t disgusted. He was kissing her insecurity away.

  “Kelly, I love these scars. I hate what that monster did to you, but these scars are a testament to your strength, honey. They show me that you survived. You don’t need to hide them, Kelly, and I won’t let you feel shame over them.” Troy came back to face her and resume the kiss she’d broken off. He’d wiped away her worry so fast she was devouring him, thrusting against him with increasing urgency. Troy pulled away with a little tug of her hair. “Behave, baby, we haven’t gotten to that part yet.” He was smiling down on her with affection.

  “Could we maybe just cut to that part then?” She was panting for him. God, now that she knew what just a simple touch from this man could do, she wanted to scream for him to take her.

  Troy started laughing while he cupped her breasts. “You’re going to have to put Mistress Kelly back in the box, love. I’m in charge of this scene.” He lowered his head and sucked her tightened nipple into his mouth forcefully, pulling the weight of her breast from her body.

  “Ahh! Yup. Shutting the Domme up now, Sir. You just do whatever you like, Sir.” Christ, that felt good. She had to squeeze her legs together and bite her lip to keep from yelling out when he closed his teeth around her bud.

  “I think I’m going to have to spank that ass for insubordination, love. You’re a little mouthy and you need to keep those lovely legs open for me.” He slapped her ass and her head dropped back. Yes. Finally. It had been so long since she felt the bite of pleasure pain. He stepped to her side and started alternating slaps from one cheek to the other. He was using his other hand to tug and pull at her nipples. Jesus, she could feel the air cooling her wet pussy, feel the heat from his hand penetrating her skin and starting a deep burn that inflamed her response to him. “Oh, God, Sir. Holy shit, that feels good.” She snapped her head up when she heard her own words. Fuck, was that still mouthy?

  * * * *

  Troy had never had so much fun with a sub before. Scenes were always so somber for him. Kelly made that impossible. Her honest reaction to him, her open response to the pleasure she was feeling, was so refreshing and light. She took this seriously, but was enjoying the shit out of it. He didn’t know he could find such unrestrained delight from topping. There would be times for serious play, but he really liked this side of Kelly. He realized he needed a woman who could make him laugh, make him really feel her joy. It was so liberating for him. He could dominate her without being stern about it all the time. Most subs wanted a severe master. He rather enjoyed how unafraid Kelly was to be herself. He could actually play with her.

  “Miss Rivers, I’m going to need you to spread those legs a little more. I’m going to taste just how good you’re feeling.” He used clipped tones, trying to be as formal as possible. He really hoped she took the bait.

  Kelly looked at him with an impish grin on her face. “Of course, detective. You just let me know if I can accommodate you further,” she said innocently. Perfect. This woman was fucking perfect for him.

  * * * *

  Lord, should she want to laugh and cry at the same time? How could she be playing with Troy, having so much fun, and still be so incredibly turned on? She’d never had such a joyful experience with Flynn, and she definitely didn’t joke around with her subs. The man had just given her a pretty intense spanking, she could feel her cream sliding down her leg, and still she wanted to giggle with him. This was probably not normal. “Oh, fuck, ahh.” He didn’t mess around. He said he would taste her, and Jesus, he was kneeling at her feet and licking her juice like he was parched for it.

  All the humor fled her body as she arched her pelvis for him. He used one hand to open her lips more fully and ran his tongue around her clit with just enough pressure to drive her insane. Her whole body was pulsing for him. She could actually feel her clit swell to painful proportions. She needed him to rub his tongue there, needed the pressure to relieve the ache, but he kept denying her. “Please, Sir!” she gasped. Her womb felt heavy, her walls contracting in rhythm to his caress.

  “Tell me what you need, love,” Troy rumbled.

  “God, Troy…please make me come!” She didn’t even care that she had dropped protocol. She just needed release from the unbearable pressure that was mounting.

  “Say my name again, baby. I want to hear my name when I drink down your cum.” He sounded savage. His eyes were piercing and so focused on her. She felt connected to him on a level she’d never before experienced. Then he slid one finger into her tight channel and bit down on her clit, rubbing the tip furiously with his tongue as he curled his finger against her G-spot.

  The racing heat that engulfed her took her breath away. Her scream was frozen in her throat as her muscles contracted against him. As the first wave broke over her, she released a keening wail that sort of sounded like his name and seemed to go on and on. He kept working her until her knees shook so badly she didn’t know if she could hold herself up anymore. Once her orgasm died down to erratic pulses, he gentled her with soft strokes and finally pulled away. Cradling her head, he kissed her so tenderly she felt tears slide from her eyes.

  “Okay, baby? Jesus, you’re amazing,” he praised
as he released her wrists and lifted her into his arms.


  “Yeah, baby?”

  “Take me home. Make love to me. I need you inside me. I need you.”

  “I’ll always give you want you need, love. No more D/s tonight, this is just you and me, but I’ll give you anything you need.” He lay his forehead to hers. “Always, Kelly.”

  * * * *

  He watched her kneel before another man. The rage that had been building within him since he saw her walk in the room had increased to dangerous levels. This wasn’t right. Kelly Rivers belonged to him. He had given her everything. He knew all her secrets and had vowed to be the Master to claim her.

  He’d worked so hard to learn and perfect his skills for her. And how did she repay him? By giving herself to another man! He would have been so good to her. She would have finally known how much he loved her. But she had ruined everything. She wasn’t worthy of him any longer. And she had made a fool of him for the last fucking time.

  He would show her just how disappointed he was and how much she had to fear him now that she had whored herself to another. He would make sure that cop knew he wasn’t good enough for her. Detective Troy Davis wasn’t supposed to be her Master. He wouldn’t be able to save her, either. He slipped quietly out the door and began planning his retaliation.

  Chapter Six

  Kelly and Troy left the third floor and went to say good-bye to their friends. They were both in a bit of a hurry and clinging to one another’s hands. The smiles that greeted them warmed Kelly’s heart. Her friends were really happy for her. She’d made a breakthrough and they understood just how important it was for her and her future. James stood up and nodded at them. “Very well done, detective.” Oh, hell.

  Kat perked right up. “Detective? Wait. Did something kinky happen in there? Is there now an inside joke? I hate not knowing the inside jokes,” she whined.

  Kelly was patting her shoulder. “Of course something kinky happened, Kat. We’re in a sex club. It’s kind of the point, dear.” She was smiling at Mac, who was rolling his eyes.

  Kat was fully pouting now. “Come on, Kel, give me something here. I tell you everything.”

  Mac and Jay spoke in unison. “What?” Kat just shrugged her shoulders at their outraged expressions.

  Kelly was trying not to laugh when she looked at Troy. As seriously as possible she said, “You know, she’s right. She does believe in sharing.” Troy looked confused. She turned back to Kat. “He’s afraid of dogs. Umph!” As soon as the words left her mouth, Troy slung her over his shoulder and started walking away. He was assuring everyone, rather vehemently, that he was not afraid of dogs. “And germs!” She squealed. Troy slapped her ass and told her he would gag her if she didn’t shut up. They were out the door and down the steps before she could stop giggling.

  “Not cool, love. I have a reputation to uphold. And I am not afraid of anything. Just because I won’t willingly put myself in front of a rabid dog or risk E. coli does not mean I’m afraid. It’s perfectly rational.”

  As he unceremoniously dumped her into the car seat, she gave him her pathetic glare. “It’s paranoid, Troy. It’s okay to admit you’re just the teensiest bit paranoid.”

  “Minx.” He smacked a kiss to her lips and rounded the car. She was still quietly laughing when she realized she was falling hard for this man. And that thought thrilled her.

  * * * *

  Troy got them to Kelly’s house as fast as legally possible. The last thing he needed was some beat cop pulling him over and having to explain that he was speeding because he needed to fuck his woman. That probably wouldn’t go over well back at the station. But the word “needed” was an understatement. His dick had been hard enough to pound nails for far too long. If he didn’t do something about it soon, he was worried he could suffer permanent damage. He tried to remind himself during the drive that Kelly was a virgin. He needed to go slow for her. Fuck, maybe he should tell her this wasn’t a good night for this particular activity. He really didn’t know if his cock understood the concept of slow at the moment. And Kelly was not helping matters by rubbing her hand up and down his thigh. “Uh, honey? Could you maybe keep your hands to yourself for a minute? I was kind of hoping for some control tonight. It won’t be too good for you if I go off like a fifteen-year-old.”

  Kelly snorted a little and continued rubbing away. “Don’t worry, Troy. I may not have actually had sex yet, but I do understand how it works. I know it’ll be a bit painful and likely not very enjoyable for me the first time, so I don’t have any expectations. You’re off the hook, detective. You just go ahead and enjoy yourself. I’m far more interested in round two.”

  Well, damn. She was so matter-of-fact about it. And he couldn’t help but feel that she had unwittingly just laid the fucking gauntlet down. Not enjoy it? No expectations? That was just the incentive his cock needed. It might want to go off in his pants right now, but it was still all male. And now its pride was at stake. He and his dick were finally in agreement. Neither would be finishing anything until Kelly finished first. He might not make it to round two, but she damn sure wouldn’t, either. It was his personal mission to guarantee she was passed out from pleasure after round fucking one.

  “Just so you’re not disappointed, love,” he said sarcastically. She was going to eat her words.

  Kelly spoke more seriously this time. “Troy, I just want to be with you. It’s going to be special for me no matter what happens.” Well. That was better, but she was still going to eat her words.

  When they got to Kelly’s house she bounded out of the car. “Just let me go put Carson outside. We wouldn’t want him killing you or anything.” Goddammit. He was going to have to make friends with her dog. This was getting ridiculous. She was enjoying herself far too much at his expense. Shit, he really didn’t like dogs.

  Troy tried not to sulk as he walked up the stairs to her porch. When she opened the door for him, her smile took his breath away. He supposed he could handle her poking fun at him if she kept smiling at him like that. To a point. But it was time to put a different expression on her face. Time to show his little honey how far from fifteen he really was.

  * * * *

  Kelly yelped as Troy actually lunged for her. He had her pinned to the wall so fast she couldn’t catch her breath. Damn, he was going to ravage her and she couldn’t wait. She was still wet from their scene at the club. The constant physical contact since then kept her desire at a nice low hum and she was ready for him. She wanted to give this man the one thing she could never take back. It was right. She belonged to him. She was so grateful that they had the forethought to discuss birth control and give each other copies of their clean test results last week. She never wanted anything between them. She couldn’t imagine not feeling his skin connect with hers tonight. It had been too wonderful a night of breaking down all her barriers to have any now.

  Troy wrapped her legs around his waist and walked with her to her bedroom. He let her slide down his body as he peppered her face and neck with kisses. She couldn’t get close enough. It was just Troy and Kelly tonight, and she was at liberty to take what she needed from him. Right now she needed to feel his skin. He plunged his hands in her hair and devoured her lips and mouth. She hummed her satisfaction into his mouth and chased after his tongue, exploring his mouth thoroughly. Troy ripped his shirt off, buttons pinging on her hardwood floor, and grabbed her close again. They were rubbing against each other, her aching breasts sliding along his chiseled chest. Her hands caressed every contour of his defined shoulders before she lightly scratched her nails down his chest and stomach, causing him to rumble a moan in appreciation. When she got to his belt, he released her and took over. He had his pants and boxers off by the time she finished slipping out of her dress.

  “Jesus, God. Leave on the garter and stockings, honey. You look so sexy like that. I love how your bare pussy is framed for me in satin and lace. So fucking hot.” He sounded feral. It pleased he
r immensely that he liked her lingerie, that he liked her body. She felt so beautiful with him staring at her with so much hunger in his eyes. Her nipples were too tight, she had to touch them, had to relieve some of the aching pressure.

  Kelly slid her hands up her body and cupped her breasts. When she started to pinch her nipples, Troy let out an expletive and dropped to his knees. He wrapped his hands around her and squeezed her still-stinging ass cheeks while he nipped at her belly. The reignited burn had her gasping for air. “Keep playing with your breasts, baby. I love watching you like this,” he whispered reverently. He helped her lie back on her bed and spread her thighs. She continued massaging her breasts, feeling how full and sensitive they’d become, while he started kissing and licking his way up her leg. When he got to her pussy she thrust her pelvis into his face.

  “Ohh, God. Please, Troy, don’t tease me any more tonight. I need you now!” The burning ache had returned to her clit, and her inner muscles were demanding friction. She needed to be filled. She didn’t want to wait, and she didn’t need more foreplay. She was so hot and wet for him she thought she’d go crazy if he didn’t help her soon.

  “Are you sure, baby? We can slow this down, Kelly.” He came up between her thighs and slid his arms under her back to cup her shoulders. She could feel his incredibly hard cock sliding in her cream as he rubbed himself all over her. She had a split second’s worth of fear over his size, he was definitely a large man, but then she took a breath and calmed down. They would fit. She’d mold to him like a tight glove. She was made for this, and she didn’t need more time. Wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his shoulders, she kissed him with as much love as she felt. “Now, Troy. Make me yours. Make me feel every inch of you, baby.” Her voice had gone husky and low.


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