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Raiya: Starter Zone - A LitRPG Saga: Archon's Chosen - Book One

Page 15

by Russell Wilbinski

  Wolf of the jungle had 3 links. They were straight forward - Stealth II, Tracking II, and Sneak Attack II. It looked like the Jungle tree focused exclusively on stealth and hunting. Despite how useful Stealth was, he just couldn’t justify spending two of his limited talent points on basic skills increases. Weighing his options carefully, Skree purchased Savage Fangs, increasing Zuka’s bite damage again for a total of +30 damage and Thick Hide for the extra HP. Based on his personal experience, even a few extra hit points would be crucial when they inevitably got into a scrap.

  That was 4 additional points spent, bringing the total to 7, leaving him with 5 more points to spend.

  “Now then, let’s see what we can buy in this third tier.” He thought as he hungrily devoured each bit of information on the new skills. Two talents were linked to Savage Fangs - The first was a second rank in Savage Fangs, that would increase the damage of bite by another 30 points. Bite was already going to do some pretty serious damage at this level so increasing it further might be a waste.

  The second link was Piercing Fangs and this talent was also very nice. Piercing Fangs allowed Zuka to inflict full bite damage against lightly armored foes and reduced the damage reduction from medium and heavy armor. Each of these talents cost 4 points.

  Just like he had assumed, each new tier of talents would result in doubling the cost of the previous tier. He could only buy one tier three talent with his 5 remaining points. This was going to be agonizingly tough a choice. He checked the talents linked to Thick Hide and similar to Savage Fangs, there was a second rank that further increased Zuka’s HP by 40 additional points. Zuka’s current HP was nearly the same as his, so he passed it over for now.

  The second talent really stood out. It was called Feral Dodge and it gave Zuka a 100% chance to dodge any attack including area of effect spells but would only trigger once per minute. It was powerful, allowing Zuka to completely ignore certain attacks but the once per minute really limited it usefulness at this level. Additionally, he didn’t know if it was an active skill or if it would just trigger at random. He just couldn’t commit to the talent with his limited points. He assumed since there was only one link extending from this talent that it would be the rank two of Feral Dodge. It was good - but was it worth 4 talent points?

  The last set of links were attached to Maul, the first following the pattern established in the other trees. Rank two of Maul increased the pin time from five seconds to ten and increased the damage by 25%. Now that was a solid 4-point choice for sure, since Skree planned to make great use of the pack tactics ability.

  The second linked orb was a talent called Inspiring Howl. It cost 4 points like all the other talents at this level, but this one had some serious kick to it. The description read - Inspiring Howl - Cost: 4 Talent Points. Purchasing this talent will allow Zuka to learn Inspiring Howl. When Zuka howls in challenge, all allies of Zuka that are in the same party gain 20% increased damage and attack speed for 30 seconds. This ability can be used once every 3 minutes.

  Skree whistled, knowing immediately this was the kind of talent he was looking for. A buff for everyone in his party? Hell yeah! He spent the 4 points as fast as the prompt allowed. He gave one final glance over the talents and confirmed his selections. This left Zuka with 1 Talent point to spend, but since he was out of cheap options, he would have to wait for at least another level up... or even three.

  He checked the other two talents that had been linked to Inspiring Howl and his mouth watered. Inspiring howl rank 2 increased the damage and attack speed bonus to 40%. That was insanely huge damage potential, especially in group combat. The other talent was also very interesting. It was called Lick Your Wounds and gave Zuka the ability to cast Minor Restoration on himself or an ally. Having a backup healer was an excellent option but with Zuka’s limited intelligence, it would probably be fairly weak heal at best. Still, when your bleeding out, even a light heal could make all the difference.

  He closed the prompts, gave Zuka a few pets and moved into the basement as the rain continued drumming out its steady, pounding rhythm.


  The makeshift torch sputtered in the dark basement. He and Zuka reached the base of the stairs, the torchlight giving his first good look at the area. It wasn't large by any means, and the several crates stacked against the walls made the space even more claustrophobic. Skree moved closer to the nearest stack, using his Ebon Dagger to pry open the top. Inside were dozens of iron ingots, the outer layer was rusting but they were still solid iron nonetheless. He counted them one by one, thirty-six Iron Ingots in total.

  He didn’t have any crafting skills currently, but if he ever figured a way off this island or had a lot of free time, he was sure he could do something with them. He moved the searched crate out of the way and dug through the rest of the crates. He found several hundred iron nails, assorted tools, and other basic construction materials.

  “Well Zuka, I have never been one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Looks like we have everything we need to start making some repairs on this house.” He explained to his new companion, whose ears perked up in comprehension. “What do you think Zuka, you want to live here with me?” Skree asked, gently stroking the wolfs fur.

  Zuka gave an excited bark and a grin spread across Skree’s face. He focused on Zuka, letting their connection open fully. He could sense his companions happiness, a light tingle dancing across his thoughts. He also had a sudden desire for belly rubs. Shaking his head at the absurdity, he gave Zuka a few more pats and then moved to the next stack of crates. These unfortunately were empty, but he was sure he would find a use for them eventually.

  With that done, the pair headed back up the stairs, watched through the shutters as the rain came down in endless waves. He shuddered as memories of the waterfall fiasco replayed in his mind. The cacophonous sound of the storm the only thing they could hear. He moved upstairs and sighed with frustration. The rain was pouring through holes in the roof, flooding the second floor, which in a few minutes would start draining onto the first floor.

  He looked to Zuka. “Well boy, it looks like we’re in for a wet night no matter what we do.” Zuka whined quietly before moving toward a relatively dry corner and flopping onto the ground. Skree sat down beside him, settling in for an uncomfortable night.

  Thankfully the storm broke a few hours later, just before dawn. Strangely enough, it was the sound of silence that woke him, the constant rumble of the rain slowing to a gentle patter. He yawned and Zuka followed his lead, the wolfs jaw stretching wide, exposing long, razor sharp fangs. “Man, I would hate to be on the receiving end of those chompers.” Zuka bared his fangs in what appeared to be a cheeky grin.

  Skree rolled his eyes, wondering just how much Zuka might understand whenever he spoke to the wolf. Who knows, maybe he could understand everything now that they had bonded. He stood, preparing to step outside and relieve himself when a scream shattered their morning silence. Zuka lurched to his paws, hackles raised. The hair on Skree’s neck was standing on end as well. It sounded… human, female and in trouble.

  Snatching his weapons from the corner he rushed outside, quickly scanning the jungle and listening intently. Another scream, this time closer. Skree couldn’t make out the direction, so he asked his companion for help.

  “Can you find her Zuka?”

  Barking his response, Zuka rocketed into the trees at full speed with Skree following closely behind him. Together they raced through the trees, following the screams, the shouts of fear growing louder as they rapidly closed the distance. The sound Skree heard next made his blood boil when he realized it was the trumpeting of one big ass lizard, screeching in exaltation as it chased its prey.

  If anyone had been around to see the maniacal grin plastered across his face, they would have thought he was insane. But to Skree, it was finally time to get some revenge. As he ran, he secured the hatchets back their hooks, instead pulling the bow from his shoulder. He pulled an Ebon-Tipped arrow, nockin
g in preparation. Through a clearing in the trees, he spotted the woman standing her ground, thrusting up at the mighty beast with a long makeshift spear.

  He was honestly impressed with her courage, remembering that he had made a similar last stand, but he hadn’t been wielding nothing more than a pointy stick at the time. He clicked his tongue, signaling Zuka to stop. “We do this quietly, Zuka.” He activated stealth and with a small moment of surprise, he saw that Zuka had done the same. “Circle around and wait for my signal.” Zuka almost seemed to nod in acknowledgement before slinking into the underbrush, quickly disappearing.

  He watched for only a moment, thinking that was going to take some getting used to. Heart racing, he drew his bowstring taught, activating Power Shot in the process. He felt the tingle of mana infuse his bow as it strained under the draw. Skree used Analyze on the enormous lizard and read the prompts.

  Name: Jungle Lizard - Mana Warped, Level 20







  This creature has been exposed to a powerful source of raw Mana since its time in the egg. This creature has grown in strength and size becoming the dominant life form on this island. Mana-Warped creatures often contain powerfully affected items known as Essence Stones. These stones are extremely rare and can be used to create powerful enchanted items or effects.

  “Damn, this thing is gonna be hard to take down.” Taking a deep breath, he sighted at the creatures open mouth and loosed his empowered shot. The arrow streaked through the trees, finding its target: the soft tissue in the back of the creature’s throat. It thudded wetly into the pink flesh followed by a screeching yowl that staggered him and the woman standing near screeching behemoth. She fell backward, landing hard on her rump. She was covering her ears as the massive creature clawed at its throat, trying to remove the offending object.

  Skree activated careful aim, firing again for a gap in the creature’s mouth, but even with the time slowing effect the creature was thrashing far too much for a second easy shot. The arrow glanced off the razor-sharp teeth, but it did further distract the behemoth. Leaping back a dozen more feet, It still desperately clawed at its neck. Skree ran forward firing another arrow, hitting lizard in the leg for only minor damage.

  He came to a stop next to the mysterious woman. “You okay?” he asked between breaths.

  “Do I look okay?” she pointed at a deep gash in her leg that was leaking blood.

  Skree was already casting Minor Restoration before she had even finished speaking. With a word of power, a warm golden light flowed from his hand, drifting toward the wound in her leg. As the light sunk into her flesh the wound started to close, slowly but steadily. While he waited for the spell to do its work, he extended a hand, pulling her to her feet and used Analyze on the mysterious stranger.

  Name: Fenna Lis, Level 9

  Race: Human (Purlin Seas)







  Disposition: Neutral. Humans live relatively short lives but make up for it with an aggressive rate of breeding. Humans have several large kingdoms but are generally centered on the largest continent of Lellan.

  She looked him over, testing her freshly healed leg. “Thanks chap, now, can I borrow one of those weapons, I seem to have dropped mine somewhere in the jungle.” She held out her hand expectantly.

  “Uhhh…” he looked down at the hatchets hanging at his waist. “Will this work?”

  She sighed. “Not very elegant, but it beats this shoddy stick.” She hefted the spear, tossing it away. He pulled his hatchet free, handing it to her. She nodded at the other hatchet. “Would you mind?”

  He shrugged, pulling it free from its binding. “By all means.” He extended it hilt first, and she grabbed it with confidence. “Many thanks chap. Now, should we deal with this over-large iguana?” She spun the hatchets around, getting a feel for the weight.

  Skree checked his timers, seeing that Power Shot was ready to be used again. He drew the bowstring back, activating his ability and sighting in on Mana-Warped creature. He nodded with the string against his cheek. “And here I thought you were going to be a damsel in distress, how silly of me.”

  The giant lizard had recovered its senses, moving cautiously toward them. Skree let his arrow fly, shaft whistling through the air and slamming into his target with a loud thwack.

  It jumped to the side, thrashing against the pain. The woman nodded appreciatively at his shot. “Names Fenna, by the way.” rushing forward, she closed the distance quickly leaping toward the huge creature. Using her momentum, she drove the hatches deep into the shoulder of the staggered creature. With an acrobatic tumble, she landed gracefully, rolling away and coming effortlessly to her feet. Spinning, the lizard attempted to use its massive tail to smash them to bits. Missing Skree by several feet, the meaty trail whistled through the air and crashed into Fenna.

  She flew, bouncing across the ground and tumbling to a stop. The prodigious stream of invectives that flowed from her mouth nearly made Skree laugh aloud. “Focus dummy!” Admonishing himself, he tossed the bow away, drawing the Great sword from his back, the magnetic lock coming free easily. He sprinted toward the monster, massive blade at the ready. Skree chased the massive creature as it rushed forward, its long legs closing the distance to Fenna extremely quickly, preparing to deliver a deadly blow with its powerful jaws.

  Skree nearly tripped as a powerful feeling of desperation and the desire for blood slammed into his mind. With a wicked grin, he shouted. “Now Zuka!” The creature reared up, lunging toward Fenna but before the crushing blow landed, the shadowy form of Zuka shot from the woods and slammed into its side, deflecting the forceful strike. Thrown off balance, the Mana-Warped Lizard plowed head first into a tree, the sounds of shattering wood and an Inspiring Howl signaled the arrival of his ferocious companion.

  Skree seized the moment as the magical effect washed over him, activating his Sunder ability to deliver a powerful overhead swing to the creature’s tail. The blade, enhanced by his companion’s ability streaked through the air, nearly cutting entirely through the creature’s tail, leaving the twelve-foot-long appendage dangling from a thin piece of flesh. Skree choked as a torrent of blood sprayed in every direction, covering him from head to toe in viscera. He shut his eyes tightly, the reptilian blood stinging his eyes and nostrils. The hot coppery blood sour in his mouth.

  He reeled back, momentarily blinded by the hot viscera staining his face. The ear-splitting roar of pain that followed his attack staggered him further as he struggled to clear the blood from his eyes. He was still furiously wiping at his face when the lizard kicked him with one of its powerful hind legs, sending Skree’s body spinning violently through the air, his sword landing a dozen paces away. He slammed into a tree branch that was high in the air, arresting his momentum as he fell to the ground in a heap.

  Groaning in pain, he checked his health, seeing that while the blow had been painful, it had not done a terrible amount of damage. The real problem he realized as he came to his feet, was that he only had his dagger strapped to his waist. He had left the rest of his weapons in the warrens with Sawbones, leaving him nearly defenseless. He drew the blade, the four inches of steel feeling comically tiny in his grasp and analyzed the situation.

  He had dealt a devastating blow to the Lizard, its tail or what was left of it had finally torn off completely in its desperate attempt to kick him. Blood poured from the ragged wound, black blood splattering across nearly every inch of the clearing as it thrashed wildly. Zuka was circling the beast patiently, waiting for an opportunity to attack but the unpredictably flailing limbs and snapping jaws were keeping his companion at a distance. He looked around the clearing, unable to spot Fenna. He whirled, scanning the treeline quickly, but to no avail. She was nowhere to be seen.

  Twenty feet away, his gre
at sword was sticking out of the ground but there was a thrashing, pissed off lizard between him and the giant blade. The Mana-Warped creature finally righted itself, roaring at him in rage. He could swear its eyes were glowing red with anger as it charged at him.

  “Ah shit.” He cursed, preparing to dive out of the way. He stood his ground, ready to leap out of the way at the last possible second when a bolt of lightning shot from a nearby tree, the powerful current flowing into the charging wall of reptile, the crackling, buzzing sound of electricity accompanied by an overwhelming static that caused his hair to stand on end. Affected by the torrent of electricity, the creature’s legs locked up mid stride, it’s bulk sliding to a stop mere foot away from him, quivering as the current continued to paralyze it.

  “Hot damn!” Skree exclaimed, utterly surprised by his fortune. Fenna had just saved him from getting steam rolled. Never one to waste an opportunity, he rushed forward and drove his dagger into the creature’s eye, destroying the delicate flesh in another spray of black blood. The creature probably would have screeched in anguish, but the paralyzing effect of the Lightning spell kept it rigidly quivering in place. Shuddering at the gruesome work, he continued to stab the lizard in the eye socket over and over again, the flesh rapidly becoming a shredded mess.

  The creature sagged as the spell released its effect, and it struggled to regain its feet. Blood pooled around its tail, the thick black liquid ran freely from its utterly ruined eye socket. Again, he felt anguish in his heart. He knew this feral animal would kill him without a second thought, but it only wanted to do so for its own survival. For the lizard, they were just a meal. To them, it was an dangerous animal out to kill them but in this world, this game, he still wished it could be less… real. He hated inflicting needless pain, but in here in Raiya, it seemed it was unavoidable.


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