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Raiya: Starter Zone - A LitRPG Saga: Archon's Chosen - Book One

Page 27

by Russell Wilbinski

  He cast Ice Dagger, the blade tearing through the chest of the first man who slumped over dead. The last man looked up at him, nothing but rage and hatred in his eyes.

  "We will find you, Chosen of the Archon, and we will kill you." The man said as blood dripped from his lips.

  Skree shrugged. "Not if I kill you all first." He turned and started walking back to his friends.


  Fenna sat on a crate stuffed with fruits and vegetables, staring out over the ocean. Just off shore was her ship, bobbing gently in the waves. She was peeling the flesh from particularly juicy piece from fruit, cutting small slices with her knife. Around her, the beach was buzzing with movement as her crew mates worked to organize their haul.

  It had only been four days since she had met the mysterious Skree deep in the jungle, but the crew was growing tired of waiting for his return. She had explained their battle with the Mana-Warped Lizard, how he had come to her rescue saving her life. The crew had filled the hold with enough food for them to finish their return journey in good time, but sailors were an impatient lot when it came to standing still.

  She finished the last piece of her fruit, wiping her dagger on her pants. She hopped down from the box and walked over to the First Officer.

  "Gorgeous day eh chap?" she asked with a smile.

  He grunted in response.

  "Oh, come on Hawkins, you gotta learn to enjoy the down time." She chuckled to the gruff man.

  "This was supposed to be a two day stop for provisions, maybe three if weather had posed a problem. The crew is desperate to get back to Theseldora, to see their families after our extended journey." He explained, turning to face her. "I know you think you owe this... Skree something, but you don't."

  She rolled her eyes. "I made him a promise to wait a few days. Besides, he said that he would bring something worth the wait. A little extra treasure might do a lot to raise the crew's morale don't cha think?" she asked happily, her tone light and playful.

  Hawkins nodded in response. "Better be good, otherwise you are going to have a grumpy crew."

  She patted him on the shoulder. "I think he just might surprise us both. Now..." her words were suddenly cut off as the island rumbled. In the distance, a massive gout of smoke and fire rose into the sky. "Volcano?" she asked Hawkins.

  He shook his head. "This island isn't Volcanic, that was something else." He said, his hand coming to rest on his cutlass.

  "Signal the ship and let’s get this stuff loaded up. If he isn't here by sundown, we will leave him behind." She turned on her heel and marched over to the rest of the crew, who were looking around concerned.

  "Get your heads out of the sand, prepare to load the ship. You two, put out that fire. We don't need to give away our position." Fenna snapped out orders as she strode across the beach. Two men rushed over to the fire-pit and started shoveling sand over the burning timbers.

  Hawkins signaled the ship, waving flags held in each hand, telegraphing his request to the spotter in the crow's nest. Orders received, the man atop the ship signaled acknowledgment and the small forms on the deck bursting into motion. Hawkins wrapped the flags, running across the beach to assist the rest of the crew with their preparations.

  Just off shore, small transport boats began to splash into the water with two rowers piling into each. Oars slid into motion, splashing through the gently rolling sea. Within minutes, six boats were bound for the shore, rowers pulling with everything they had as they floated toward the island.

  Fenna watched the small boats heading their way, the men and women of the landing party carrying the crates down to the waterline in a flurry of motion. Hawkins strode up to her, his dark brown hair blowing in the wind. She had to admit to herself, he cut quite the striking figure.

  "Lady Fenna, it is time for you to get back to the ship. I want you on the first return boat." He said, crossing his arms and glowering. "You have played at adventurer long enough."

  She frowned, her bottom lip jutting out with exaggerated sadness. "Aww, are you worried for me Hawkins?" she patted him on the cheek, much to his chagrin.

  Pulling away, he grabbed her wrist softly. "I am not worried about you. But you have a responsibility to this crew. You WILL be getting back on that ship."

  Her playful expression melted away, replaced by a smoldering anger. "Hawkins, I appreciate the fun back and forth we have, but do not confuse our relationship. You do not get to give me orders." She stepped closer, standing face to face with the muscular man. "Do I make myself clear?" she demanded.

  Undeterred he continued. "Fenna I have an obligation to this crew, as much as you do. I expect you back on that ship immediately." He did not waver, his expression calm and even. A scream shattered the silence, breaking the tension between them. Fenna's sword was out in an instant, the beautiful blade glittering in the sunlight. Down the beach, one of their men was laying on the ground with an arrow protruding from his chest.

  Hawkins searched the beach and the tree line looking for the threat when a flurry of arrows shot from the dark interior of the Island. "To arms! Enemies in the jungle!" he shouted to the crew who drew steel and took cover behind the crates. Hawkins glanced at Fenna, who was grinning wolfishly.

  "Sorry chap, I really wanted to have this fight again, but it looks like we have other plans. You’re with me, let’s go." She said, sprinting toward the jungle. Hawkins muttered under his breath then ran after her, drawing his cutlasses with a familiar ease. They covered the distance quickly, arrows whistling overhead as they ran. Fenna activated her ability - Deflection - increasing her ability to block projectiles and other weapons by 60% for 30 seconds. She knocked arrows aside, sparks flying as the metal arrowheads crashed against her sword.

  She spotted a small group of soldiers in black armor, several of them holding bows and firing at her crew. She weaved through the trees, shafts twanging as arrows embedded themselves into the wood. Her heart was racing and her legs pumping as she closed with her enemies. Two men positioned themselves between her and the archers in an effort to protect them as they continued firing on the beach. She leapt onto a fallen log, activating one of her newest abilities - Leaping Strike - and shot through the air, coving the ten remaining feet in a blur, soaring across the beach.

  She fell gracefully to the earth, delivering a powerful strike that cut the hand free from one of the men, his block too low to stop the blade. Her attack carried on, her polished blade carving a ragged red line across his chest. He fell away screaming, holding his wrist where his hand used to be. She ducked as the other soldier swung, the heavy sword passing mere inches from her face. She pivoted, extending her hand, driving her blade up and under his ribcage, the fine metal piercing flesh with minimal resistance.

  The soldier dropped his sword as he gasped for air, desperately clutching at the foot of steel protruding from his body. She twisted the blade, tearing through his heart. She rolled away as the corpse fell, pulling her blade free in a shower of hot blood. Coming to her knee, she drove the blade into the chest of the other man, still wailing and clutching the stump of his ruined arm. He quivered once and ceased breathing, his life draining away.

  Two of the archers turned, taking aim at the kneeling woman who had just dispatched their comrades.

  "Behind you." She said with a wink. The archers hesitated for just a second then blades burst forth from their chest as Hawkins delivered devastating sneak attacks. Both men collapsed, blades sliding free as they fell forward.

  "That was quite stupid." He said flatly. "You didn't even have a plan to deal with them." He said gesturing at the dead archers.

  She wiped her blade on the fallen man then stood, shrugging. "I had a plan. And you ruined it."

  "I ruined it? By saving your life?" he asked angrily.

  "I think you are overestimating your role in this. Everything was going according to plan."

  "They had you dead to rights!"

  He nearly jumped out of his skin when she disa
ppeared without a warning. "Did they?" She asked. He felt the cold steel pressed against his throat. "I told you, I had this under control." She whispered into his ear, her tone deadly serious. She removed the blade from his neck, turning to see another group of soldiers through the trees.

  He whirled, turning to face her. "What the hell was that?" he asked, his face a mask of confusion.

  "Class ability. I hit level 10 after my fight with the Lizard. I am officially a Scout. One of the abilities I have is blink. It allows me to teleport during combat, but just a short distance. The cool-down is prohibitive though, I can only use it once an hour." She explained with a smirk.

  He grimaced. "You really burned that ability just to show off? What if you need it when we engage the next group of enemies?" he asked through gritted teeth.

  She shrugged again. "Trust me, it was worth it to see the look on your face." She turned, nodding toward the next group of soldiers hiding in the trees. "Shall we?" she said as she sprinted into the jungle.

  He clenched his fists in frustration then jogged after her.

  They arrived to the fight at the same time as the rest of the crew did, outnumbering the soldiers in black two to one. They tore through the group quickly with only a few minor injuries. They quickly stripped the corpses of any valuables, including weapons and armor. It was clear the soldiers had come for battle and were not carrying any coins.

  "Who were these men? Does anyone recognize this armor?" Hawkins asked the crew who were greedily sorting the loot.

  They exchanged glances, shaking their heads. "No Sir!"

  "Fenna? Anything?" he asked.

  She knelt beside one of the corpses, carefully inspecting the armor. "The helmet is distinctive. The shape and markings would stand out to anyone. I have never seen the like. Sorry chap."

  A shout caused them all to jump, weapons coming to the ready. "Enemies!"

  Hawkins and Fenna sprinted toward the shouts that were coming from the beach. As they neared, a Sailor pointed further inland. "I see one figure approaching."

  "One?" Fenna asked, squinting in the direction the sailor was indicating. Sure enough, a lone figure was walking toward them, hands raised in surrender. "Looks like they wish to parley."

  Hawkins nodded his agreement. "They are not human, it looks like... a… a Kobold?"

  "What?" Fenna exclaimed, looking again. The figure continued marching toward them, slowly coming into focus. "No one has a seen a Kobold in centuries, how do you know what they look like?"

  He pointed at the creature that was approaching them. "I can assure you Fenna, that is what they look like. Small humanoid Lizard men, no taller than a dwarf."

  She nodded, cracking her fingers. "Well then, let's go make friends, what do ya say?"

  Hawkins exhaled forcefully, consider their options. "Perhaps we should proceed with caution, we were just attacked by an unknown enemy and now a creature from a history long forgotten comes walking out of the jungle."

  Fenna winked at him, a gesture she knew always irritated Hawkins. "You know me Hawkins, I'm always cautious."

  "Fenna..." Hawkins growled as she sauntered away, moving to follow her. Together they strode toward the Kobold, making the trek in under a minute. As they neared, Hawkins called out to the strange creature. "Halt! Come no further"

  The Kobold came to stop, hands still raised in surrender.

  "Who are you?" he asked. The Kobold's head tilted sideways, like a confused dog. It hissed and barked in response, its language unintelligible.

  "Slow down girl." Fenna said.

  "How do you know its a girl?" Hawkins asked.

  She patted him on the back. "Trust me, a woman can always tell when she is talking to a woman." Fenna marched toward the Kobold, who stood very still. Fenna stopped a few steps from the small creature.

  "Fenna." She said, pointing to herself.

  At the sound of her name, the Kobold yipped excitedly, speaking rapidly in that language Fenna could not understand, though she did recognize a few words.

  "Bak muk amana Skree say go nomo. Fenna nomo bak Skree." The creature said. It pointed at itself and spoke a single word. "Priestess."

  Fenna bit her lip, trying to understand what the creature was saying by its inflection, but she wasn’t an expert in reptile languages. "You know Skree?" she asked slowly.

  The Kobold nodded. "Skree dum save Priestess nomo. Fenna..." she pointed at Fenna. "Fenna nomo bak Skree. Bak muk, Bak muk safety."

  "Skree told you to find me? That it would be safe with me?" Fenna asked again.

  Priestess focused, trying to remember her lessons with Skree. "Danger. Escape death." She said haltingly. "Skree say go Fenna."

  Hawkins approached slowly, looking at the Kobold. "This creature knows Skree?" he asked Fenna.

  "Apparently. Looks like they might have been attacked like we were." She replied. "Where is Skree?"

  A look of pain crossed the kobolds features. "Skree protect. Skree save. Skree fight, Priestess escape. Babies with Priestess!" tears welling in the creature’s eyes.

  Fenna knelt before the Kobold, resting a hand on her shoulder. "You have babies?"

  Priestess thought for a few seconds, trying to understand and formulate a response. "Many babies. Few growns. Skree save all. Priestess bring Fenna."

  Fenna heard Priestesses words but it took her several seconds to piece the meaning together. "Where are the babies?" she asked Kamilla.

  "Over." She pointed back toward the tree line. She waved her hand, signaling for the Kobolds to reveal themselves. A few seconds later, two dozen children and six full grown kobolds crept out of the jungle. Fenna smiled at Kamilla, nodding her understanding.

  "Fenna save. Skree is right." She said pointing toward the pack of tiny lizard people. "Bring them here."

  Priestess hesitated. "Not harm? Not cage?" she asked Fenna, not quite ready to trust this human.

  "I swear it. Kobolds safe." She replied, a gentle smile on her face. She stood, nodding to Hawkins. "These creatures are under my protection. They will be given shelter and a berth on the ship."

  "But Fenna..." Hawkins started to protest. She cut him off with a gesture.

  "No arguments. These creatures need our help and Skree has shown great trust if he was willing to send them to me. I will not betray that." She said with finality.

  "You hardly know this man. Why do you care so much?" he demanded, his temper flaring.

  "Jealous?" she asked with a smirk.

  He gritted his teeth. "I am no fool Fenna. You have kept us waiting on this beach for too long already, now we have at least one man dead and several other injured. We need to leave but taking these... refugees... is not something we should even be considering." he gestured at Priestess. "How do you know this isn't some kind of trap?"

  Fenna just smiled. "Hawkins, Skree saved my life, and for that I owe him. If he sent these creatures to us, it means he had no other choice. I will fulfill my debt to him, whether it means taking him, or taking them, with us off this island." She watched as Priestess led the Kobolds over. She took a quick head count. twenty-nine Kobolds including Priestess.

  "Follow!" Fenna said with a bright smile. She waved for them to follow, turning to walk back to her crew. Kamilla followed with the younglings in tow, each holding the tail of the Kobold in front of them. Once they had made it back to the beach, Hawkins began giving orders rapidly.

  "The transport boats are almost here. I need six men and women to patrol the beach. Find high ground and watch for danger. The rest, load the crates and our guests onto the transports and get them on the ship." He said with the tone of man familiar with command. "Stringer, Lacey, you prepare the Kobolds. Get them ready to board."

  "Aye, aye sir." They responded and jogged away, toward Fenna and the Kobolds.

  The beach broke into a frenzy of motion, the men and women of the crew jumping to follow orders. Several ran toward the jungle and scaled the tall trees, using small scopes to watch the area around the beach. Things
progressed quickly, with five of the transport boats being loaded with crates and the sixth ferrying the Kobolds back to the ship, except for Priestess who refused to leave the beach.

  Fenna stared openly at the Kobold, eyes drinking in the creature’s strange appearance. Fiery red scales, large eyes with pupils ringed with bright gold. She was lanky, looking like she recently experienced a growth spurt, the leather pants she wore were far too tight. She couldn't wait to hear Skree explain this bizarre turn of events. She had a feeling they were going to get along just fine.

  After several hours, the ship was fully loaded, all the Kobolds were aboard and Priestess, Hawkins and Fenna waited patiently, along with the two men who were ready to row the last boat back to the ship. The sun was slowly sinking behind the mountain, the tides were slowly reclaiming the shore with every passing minute.

  "Fenna, it is time to go." Hawkins said reluctantly. "We have waited as long as we can."

  She sighed, turning to Priestess. "I’m sorry, truly I am." She nodded, and Hawkins gave the order to embark.

  The Kobold's eyes filled with tears, but she nodded her acceptance, settling into the boat. "Skree say leave alone. Keep Kobolds safe."

  Fenna squeezed her shoulder. "Bravery." The two men pushed the boat into the water, clambering into the small boat as it drifted away from the shore. They took their positions and pulled hard on the oars, each stroke moving them further from the shore. Priestess was unable to watch as the Island slowly shrank away, her face buried in her tiny clawed hands.

  "Sir, do you see that?" One of the men asked.

  Hawkins and Fenna whirled, looking back to the beach. The pale orange light of sunset was a beautiful sight, providing a stunning backdrop as the sun dipped below the horizon. Fenna and Kamilla both grinned to each other as the figure sprinted toward the shore, with a wolf in hot pursuit.


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