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A Family Reunion

Page 34

by Jackson, Brenda

  Michael heard the anxiety in her voice. He reached out and rubbed her shoulders. “Calm down, sweetheart. If we don’t open the door she’ll think no one is here.”

  “Fat chance. She’s seen your car in my driveway. She doesn’t know it’s yours and probably assumes I’m up here in bed with my lover.”

  He laughed, bringing her closer into his arms. “You are.”

  Taye pulled away from Michael and quickly slipped into her robe. “You know what I mean.” She stepped into her slippers. “I’ll go see what she wants.”

  Michael watched Taye hurry out of the bedroom. Even if she told her mother that the car parked in the driveway was his, making things appear quite innocent, since he was family, he wondered how she was going to explain all those passion marks he’d placed over her body during the night, especially the ones that were quite visible on her neck.

  Passion marks were the last thing on Taye’s mind as she rushed down the stairs to open the door for her mother. Pulling her robe together, she glanced at the clock on the wall. It was nearly noon. Had she and Michael slept that late? But then, they’d had a rather busy night, so it was definitely possible.

  Taking a deep breath, she opened the door, then nearly passed out. Her mother was not alone. “Mom? Cuzin Sophie? What are the two of you doing here?” Taye’s heart almost stopped. Why did her mother have Cuzin Sophie, of all people, with her?

  The two older women walked in when Taye moved aside. “What took you so long to open the door, Octavia?” her mother asked in a no-nonsense voice that was filled with disapproval as she stepped into the living room and glanced around. Otha Mae’s gaze went immediately to the sofa that was still covered in a sheet and blanket. “You had an overnight guest, I see. At least you had the decency to let him sleep on the couch.”

  Taye inhaled deeply, forcing herself to be calm. Quite naturally her mother would automatically assume that her overnight guest was a man. And what if it was? She was thirty years old, three months shy of turning thirty-one. This was her house and what she did or didn’t do in it was really no concern of her mother’s. “Yes, I had an overnight guest. Michael spent the night,” she said honestly.

  Since she and Michael were cousins, her mother and older cousin would see nothing wrong with that. They would never suspect that there was something going on between them. Taye watched as her mother’s ramrod-straight spine loosened up some. “Oh, that’s Michael’s car,” she said with relief in her voice. “I didn’t recognize it.”

  Taye looked at both women but specifically at her mother. “Whose car did you think it was?”

  Otha Mae shrugged. “You never know with you young people. Some of you lack morals these days, having all sorts of men coming and going out of your homes.”

  Taye was about to open her mouth to say something about that comment when she noticed the two women glancing behind her to the stairs.

  “Michael,” they both said at the same time, smiling.

  “It’s good to see you, sweetie,” Cuzin Sophie added. “Come give us a hug.”

  Taye turned around and her breath caught in her throat. Michael was coming down the stairs wearing just his pants. His chest and his feet were completely bare, and he moved with the fluid grace of a panther. He looked sensuous, sated, and irresistible—like a man who’d spent most of the night making love to a woman and, if given the chance, would continue to make love to her again today.

  Taye wondered if her mother and Cuzin Sophie noticed that look about him or if either of the two women thought it odd that she and Michael both looked like they had just gotten out of bed.

  “Good morning, Aunt Otha Mae, Cuzin Sophie,” Michael said to the two women and proceeded to do as they’d asked and give them hugs. “You two are out visiting early, aren’t you?”

  Cuzin Sophie laughed. “Early? Why, it’s nearly noon.”

  He gave them a charming smile and said smoothly, “Is it? I overslept then. Since I knew Kennedy and the girls were spending the night over at Fayrene’s, I decided to stay over here with Taye instead of going home to an empty house when my flight got in last night. I always enjoy Taye’s company,” he said, turning to smile at her.

  Taye’s heart rate increased with that smile. He was being totally honest with the two women, but he definitely wasn’t telling them everything, thank goodness. “So, what’s the reason for this visit?” Taye asked. She was surprised and couldn’t pretend otherwise. Although her father usually visited her and the girls at least once a week, her mother rarely made the drive from Macon.

  “Well, I knew you would be leaving in a few days to attend Brandy’s wedding, and Sophie and I wanted to send our presents by you,” her mother said, placing a JCPenney shopping bag on the table.

  “Yeah, that’s why we came by,” Cuzin Sophie tagged in and said. “Besides,” she continued, “I’ve never seen your house and thought this would be a good chance to do so.”

  So that you can go back and gossip about what you saw, Taye thought. “I’ll make sure Brandy gets your presents,” she said. She had no plans to give Cuzin Sophie a tour of her home. She could only imagine what the older woman would think if she were to take a peep into her bedroom. It would be quite apparent to anyone that her bed had been well used last night.

  Taye frowned when she couldn’t help but notice that for some reason Cuzin Sophie, who noticed everything, was paying a lot of attention to her neck. Taye’s frown deepened. Had she broken out in a rash or something? If so, her mother and Michael hadn’t seemed to notice.

  “Cuzin Sophie? Is there something wrong?” Taye finally asked moments later after having gotten tired of the older woman’s intense stare.

  The older woman didn’t even try to look contrite for having been caught staring. “I should be asking you that question, Taye, since you’re the one with all those little marks on your neck.”

  That comment certainly got everyone’s attention. Taye couldn’t help noticing her mother suddenly zeroing in on her neck as well. Taye swallowed deeply. After last night she could only imagine what sort of marks Cuzin Sophie was referring to. She pulled her robe tighter around her. “They’re just marks. No big deal,” she tried to say lightly.

  Unfortunately, making light of it didn’t wash with her mother. Otha Mae Bennett crossed her arms over her chest and glared at Taye. “It’s obvious what kind of marks they are, Octavia. I would like to know how you got them.”

  Taye returned her mother’s glare. She noticed that Cuzin Sophie had taken a seat on the sofa, not to miss any of the proceedings. “Mama, I don’t owe you an explanation about anything that goes on here in this house.”

  Her mother’s spine went back to being ramrod straight. “Yes, you do if I think you’re not setting a good example for my granddaughters. I expect them to have a good Christian upbringing.”

  “I raise the girls right and you know it. Besides, they’re spending the weekend over at Fayrene’s.”

  Otha Mae huffed. “And you think their absence gives you the right to act indecently. What about Michael and his opinion of you now? I’m sure when he got here last night and saw all those marks on your neck the first thought that came to his mind was that you’d become a woman with loose morals.”

  Her mother’s words hurt because Taye felt there was no reason for them. She hadn’t dated a man since Monica had been born, but for some reason her mother failed to believe she hadn’t been involved with anyone all these years.

  Michael, his fists balled in anger, went immediately to Taye’s side. “I think you’ve said enough, Aunt Otha Mae,” he said in a voice that was clearly upset. “And you’re wrong about what I think of Taye. I hold her in the highest regard, and as far as I’m concerned she is above reproach.”

  “Above reproach! How can you fix your mind to even think that?” her mother snapped. “She’s had two babies out of wedlock and now it seems she may be working on a third. Look at those marks on her. I may be old, but I’m not stupid. I know what they are. She’s
let some man put—”

  “No!” Michael said, loud enough to freeze Otha Mae’s words in mid-sentence. “Taye didn’t let some man do anything. I’m the one,” he said, pointing at himself, “who put them there.”

  Michael’s confession, Taye saw, shocked both her mother and Cuzin Sophie speechless. Their eyes bulged. Their mouths gaped open. And she was sure that if it weren’t for the straw hats they were wearing, their hair would be standing straight up on their heads right now.

  “What do you mean, you put them there?” Cuzin Sophie asked, clutching her heart like Michael’s confession was enough to give her a heart attack.

  Michael placed a hand around Taye’s waist and gently brought her closer to him. “I meant just what I said. Taye and I are in love and what we do and how we spend our time is our business, no one else’s.”

  Otha Mae recovered quickly. “In love! You can’t be in love! You’re cousins, for heaven sakes! What the two of you are doing is a sin!”

  Michael rolled his eyes to the ceiling. “It’s not a sin for two people who love each other to express their love in a physical and intimate way. And as far as us being cousins, everyone knows I was adopted into this family, so in actuality, Taye and I aren’t related.”

  “But you’re family. If you don’t want to think about yourselves, then think about the girls. This will totally confuse not only the family but the girls as well.”

  “Then it’s time for everyone to get unconfused. I’m not worried about how the girls will take it. I have good reason to believe they’ll handle it just fine. And to be honest with you, I really don’t care how the family is going to take it. Those who love me and Taye and want us to be happy will accept the fact that being happy for us will mean being together.”

  “No, Michael, you don’t mean that. It’s wrong,” Otha Mae implored.

  Michael shook his head and looked down at Taye. He smiled and reached out and cradled her face in his hands. “There’s nothing wrong about me loving Taye or her loving me.”

  He then turned his attention back to the two women who stood staring at them. “Accept it and be happy for us.”

  Shock turned into anger and it ripped through Otha Mae Bennett’s body. “I will never accept it! No one in the family will!” She turned angry eyes to Taye. “You have succeeded yet again in bringing shame to this family, Octavia. You have disgraced us all.”

  Otha Mae then turned and walked out of the house with an indignant Cuzin Sophie following behind her.

  Chapter 39

  Michael pulled Taye closer into his arms and looked down as he studied her face. “You OK?”

  Leaning back, she met his gaze. “As well as any woman could be whose mother thinks the worst of her,” she said, trying to make light of things but failing miserably.

  “You know your mom, Taye. She’s always had this self-righteous air about her. Maybe it stems from her father being a Baptist minister and her expecting everyone to act a certain way. Don’t let what she said bother you. She really does love you; you know that.”

  Taye sighed. “Yes, but sometimes she has a funny way of showing it, Michael. She has no reason to question my morals. I haven’t been involved with anyone since Monica was born, but she doesn’t want to believe that. She knows Monica’s father was a married man, so of course that definitely lowers her opinion of me. She even questioned how I was able to get this house, and that really pissed me off. I didn’t even tell her that I borrowed money from Sharon to make the down payment. She’s convinced I have a sugar daddy.”

  Michael grinned at her. “You do. I can be quite sweet when I’m enticed enough.”

  Taye smiled, but her heart wasn’t in it. “I can truly believe that.” She walked out of his arms and went over to the sofa and began folding up the blanket and sheet. “You know we have to tell the girls soon, don’t you? I prefer that they hear it from us rather than from the gossip Cuzin Sophie will be spreading around.”

  Michael nodded as he sat casually on the arm of a wingback chair and watched her. “I don’t have a problem with that. Do you?”

  Taye turned to him and shrugged her shoulders. “No, but I was hoping we would have more time before we had to tell them. I wanted for us to just enjoy our moments together without anyone knowing but the two of us.”

  Michael slowly nodded. He had wanted that, too, although he’d never intended to keep their newfound love a secret. In a way he was glad things had been forced out in the open. He wanted everyone to know he loved her. For a moment he watched what she was doing as she folded the items, then placed them aside. He could tell that Otha Mae’s opinion of her had hurt her deeply. He slowly crossed the room and sat down on the sofa and pulled her down onto his lap. “Let me hold you, Taye.”

  She willingly went into his arms. “Kiss me, Michael. Please kiss the hurt away.”

  He couldn’t have denied her request even if he had wanted to, which he didn’t. The coiling need to ease her hurt was great. He leaned down and touched his mouth to hers, kissing her fiercely. He wanted to take her hurt away and replace it with love. The kind of love a man had for a woman. His woman. Reaching his hand down, he slowly opened her robe and began stroking her quivering belly in the same tempo that his mouth was stroking hers. Then, moving his hand lower, he felt her legs automatically part for him and his touch.

  The kiss deepened as he brought her to throbbing need with his hand. He continued to touch her, stroke her, probe her until he felt her shudder in his arms as hot, intense sensations raced through her. He felt each and every tremor as her body exploded into tantalizing pleasure. When she moaned into his mouth, his tongue soothed her. It comforted her. It consoled her. It was taking her hurt away completely.

  Moments later, he slowly lifted his head and looked down at her with darkened eyes. Her mouth was a mouth that had been thoroughly kissed, and her glazed eyes revealed a woman who’d just been sexually satisfied.

  Taye returned his gaze. She had no idea that she’d been capable of such passion and such desire. But once she was in his arms Michael was able to make her feel things she had never felt before. “You have quite a knack for being able to do two things at once,” she whispered softly, almost in a purr. “And you can do both of them extremely well, I might add. You’re remarkable.”

  He was touched by her words. “No, Taye, you’re the one who is remarkable. You’ve taken a man who thought he would never love again and proven him wrong. Lynda will always have a special place in my heart, but I love you now. I really do love you, Taye.”

  She acknowledged his words with a smile and reached up and placed her arms around his neck. “And I love you, too.”

  He softly caressed the area of her neck. “I didn’t mean to put these here, Taye,” he said of the passion marks that were clearly visible there.

  “I know, but I don’t mind wearing your brand. However, I’m going to change into something that will cover them before the girls get here.”

  He nodded. “When do you want me to go and get them?”

  Taye sighed. “You may as well go get them now. Gossip spreads fast in this family.”

  Michael nodded. He knew Sophie’s reputation for being a compulsive gossip. “All right. I’ll leave now.” He looked at her. “You’re not alone in this, Taye. Promise me you’ll try not to worry about anything.”

  She looked at him steadily. The force of the gaze made her shiver a little. “I promise.”

  He smiled and slowly slid her off his lap into the seat next to him. He then moved and got off the couch and went down on his knees in front of her. He looked up at her.

  Taye caught her breath at the intense look in his eyes. “I want to make you a promise as well, Taye,” he said, taking her hand. “Right here, in front of you and before God, I promise to love you, protect you, and keep you and the girls safe. Regardless of who their fathers are, I want them to become my girls, too. I want me, you, Monica, Sebrina, and Kennedy to be a family, and the only way that can happen is if you m
arry me. Will you marry me, Taye?”

  Tears suddenly sprang into Taye’s eyes. A number of people, including her mother, had convinced her that no man in his right mind, unless he was old as dirt and wasn’t worth having anyway, would want to commit himself to a woman with a ready-made family, especially one with two children. But Michael was proving them wrong. Here he was before her, on his knees, offering to love and protect not only her but her girls as well.

  “Will you marry me, Taye?” he repeated when she did not respond.

  “Yes, Michael, I’ll marry you.”

  Taye found herself pulled off the couch as he got to his feet. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her, sealing their commitment to each other.

  Taye stood at the living room window and watched Michael’s car pull into her driveway. Seconds later she watched as the girls got out. It was obvious all three were disappointed that their fun time at Fayrene’s had been cut short, although Taye’s two daughters were trying hard not to show it. Kennedy, however, didn’t mind letting her father know she was not a happy camper. The pout on her face spoke volumes.

  Not waiting for them to knock, Taye immediately padded barefoot across the carpeted floor and opened the door. She had taken a shower and had changed into a pair of shorts and a short-sleeve turtleneck blouse. Although she felt refreshed, she also felt nervous as heck. “Hi, girls.”

  “Hi, Aunt Taye,” Kennedy greeted her casually and automatically gave her a hug. “Why did Dad bring us home? We were having so much fun and were about to go to the mall.”

  Taye then hugged her own two daughters. “Would you believe it if we said that we missed you?”

  “You just saw us yesterday, Mom,” Monica said, grinning.

  Taye smiled. “Yeah, that may be true, but we missed the three of you anyway.”

  Kennedy looked back over her shoulder as her dad came through the door and closed it behind him. “Am I in trouble or something?”


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