The Radius | Book 2 | Living In The Radius

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The Radius | Book 2 | Living In The Radius Page 20

by Muga, D. M.

  Alexander then recalls how worried Ben was about her naivety... with not understanding how much the world had changed and how she didn't believe in guns. Nonetheless, despite great odds, adversity, and a great amount of distance from where they had dropped her off… here she was, alive.

  “Where am I?” Betsy mumbles.

  “Betsy… you were in a car accident. You are safe for now? You are in Ben’s truck. I’m going to let you rest here while I check for other survivors from the crash.” Alexander explains.

  “Car accident? But I was in a…” Betsy says and she falls back out of consciousness.

  “Just stay still here and hopefully you will regain your strength, in time. I’ll be back to check on you in a little while.” Alexander explains to the unconscious Betsy.

  Alexander carefully closes the passenger door and strides back over to the rows of bodies. When he reaches the bodies, he finds that Ben and Joseph are done emptying the crashed trailer of women and children.

  “How many do we have so far that are alive Alexander?” Ben asks.

  “So far… two.” Alexander replies.

  Ben’s mouth drops open.

  “Only two alive out of twenty!?” Joseph exclaims.

  Alexander puts his hands up in a calm down motion. “I know, but I have only checked seven bodies so far… we still have thirteen more to look over.”

  Ben closes his mouth and nods. “Alright, let’s get to it then.”

  Alexander steps over the next body, next to where Betsy was. As he looks down, he notices the striking resemblance to the little girl in the back-cab of the truck and the expired middle-aged woman from the first row. This girl looks like a teenage version of the little girl. He reaches down, feeling for a pulse, and the teenage girl coughs and her eyes jolt open.

  Even with her eyes open, she doesn’t really look at Alexander. She seems to be in a daze and very confused. Once she’s done coughing, she closes her eyes again.

  “We have another live one, here!” Alexander says to Ben and Joseph.

  “Well that’s good news! Where have you been putting them?” Ben asks.

  “I have a little girl and Betsy in your truck with the AC on.” Alexander replies.

  “Betsy!? From the airport?” Ben exclaims.

  “The one and the same, Ben.” Alexander replies.

  “Wow! Crazy! She made it all the way out here…” Ben adds.

  “She did indeed. Well, I’m going to carry this one to your truck and put her next to the little girl. Hopefully the cool air is helping them, since they were stuck in the stuffy and hot trailer for lord knows how long.” Alexander explains.

  “Good thinking, Alexander… Hopefully more people show up soon to help us with the other survivors.” Ben replies.

  Alexander nods and leans down, picking up the teenage girl and carrying her to the truck. Upon reaching the truck he opens the door behind where Betsy is sitting, and still sleeping. He then gently puts the teenage girls next to the little girl in the back-cab of the truck. He looks over all three of the girls.

  All still unconscious, but all still seem to be breathing… I’ll take small blessings, for now. Alexander thinks to himself as he closes the door softly and walks back over to the rows of bodies.

  Upon reaching the bodies, Ben stands up and smiles widely. “We have three more alive, so far. We are on a roll!” He says with sincere happiness.

  “That’s good news, hopefully the rest are still alive…” Alexander replies.

  Alexander then hears engines of vehicles approaching. He watches as Ben and Joseph reach to their hips for their guns. He does the same. He then watches as Joseph steps away from the trailer to get a better view of who’s coming toward them.

  After a few tense moments, Joseph waves at the newcomers.

  “It looks like it’s those guys from our last stop… the ones that almost killed us.” He says, half laughing. He then looks back at the rows of bodies and immediately stops laughing and scratches the back of his head. “Sorry… doesn’t really seem like a time for laughter.”

  “Thank God we have more people to help us. There’s no way we could fit all of these people into your truck, Ben.” Joseph adds.

  “Right! And no worries, Joseph… we get it.” Ben replies.

  Before Alexander can chime in, he sees the men from the last stop for livestock come around the side of the trailer and stop dead in their tracks… obviously shocked by the scene they see in front of them.

  The next hour or so goes by in a blur. After Alexander, Ben, and Joseph catch the newcomers up to speed, the group of men look over the bodies, trying to find the survivors of the horrible truck and trailer crash due to the raiders.

  After all of the bodies are checked, it is found that there are nine survivors in varying levels of consciousness and stability, leaving eleven out of the twenty women and children in the trailer to be dead from the crash.

  Among the eleven women and children that are dead are: Manny’s wife, Curtis’ daughter, Daniel’s wife, two little girls, another teenage girl and five more young adult women.

  Two out of the nine are not in very good condition, and there are a couple of the women with broken limbs.

  The group of men found some saving grace in the instance that there were still nine survivors, despite their current conditions. Betsy, the two girls in the back-cab of Ben’s truck, Curtis’s wife, Daniel’s two daughters, two more teenage girls, and one 7-year-old girl who was claimed by a family from Perris.

  Over the next hour or so, people come and take their loved ones. Three are left unclaimed and there’s the middle-aged woman that Alexander believes to be the mother of the two girls in the back-cab of Ben’s truck.

  Hector agrees to take the two unclaimed and see that they are buried properly. Alexander, Ben, and Joseph put the woman that holds a striking resemblance to the two girls in the back-cab of Ben’s truck under an opened sleeping bag, and some bungee cords in the truck bed. Once Ben, Alexander, and Joseph are done loading the assumed mother into the bed of the truck, the passenger door opens and Betsy slowly steps out.

  “Whoa! Betsy, take it easy! You were just in a terrible accident!” Ben says as he goes to her side.

  “Yeah, I figured as much. I take it those assholes crashed the trailer and left us for dead?” Betsy replies.

  “Not exactly.” Ben replies.

  Alexander goes to Ben’s side. “Hello, Betsy. How are you feeling?”

  “Ah, you are the doctor from the airport… when Ben gave me a ride home.” Betsy replies.

  “Yes, Betsy. I'm the one and the same.” Alexander replies.

  “So, what happened to those rapist assholes that put us in the godforsaken trailer in the first place?” Betsy asks.

  “They are all dead, Betsy. You are safe, now.” Ben replies.

  Betsy looks him square in the eyes. “Am I now? Are you here to rescue me, Ben?” She says with a sarcastic tone.

  “Let me guess, you are the one that killed all of those rapist pieces of shit, aren’t you?” Betsy adds in the same sarcastic tone.

  Ben doesn’t answer, but simply steps back and scratches the back of his head.

  “He didn't dispatch all of them, Betsy. Only the couple that had survived the crash. And for now, you are safe. I'm sure that we can find a home for you up in the mountains with the community that we have built up there… if you would like to come with us.” Alexander explains.

  “How convenient… and no thanks. If these assholes hadn’t crashed and died, I was planning on killing them tonight when we stopped again.” She says as she pulls a pocket knife out of her jeans pocket.

  “I picked this off of one of them last night, after he fell asleep. After he was done raping me but before the next guy came in to lock me back up.” She explains.

  “I’m sorry that happened to you, Betsy.” Ben replies, honestly.

  “Nothing to be sorry about… You were right after all…” Betsy replies with a stern and matter
of fact tone. “Jason, my boyfriend, never returned and I left after I ran out of food. It’s been pretty much hell on earth ever since then.”

  “That may be so, but if you’d like, Betsy, we have a nice place up in the mountains, and I'm sure we can find an empty home for you.” Alexander tries to reason with her.

  “Oh, I’m sure... and thanks, but no thanks.” Betsy replies.

  Alexander looks over at Ben and Ben looks back at him, both of them obviously unsure of what to say to the battered woman that Alexander had met close to two months ago.

  “No, heroes… I'm heading to San Diego.” Betsy adds.

  “But Betsy, there’s nothing out there now… there hasn’t been for centuries.” Ben replies.

  “I know what you and this scientist told me, and I know it’s the way the world is now. But I need to see it for myself. The only family I had left were my parents and my little sister, and that’s where they lived… I need to see it for myself.” Betsy says, almost pleading with herself.

  She has to see it for herself? But there are no people out there. Who knows what could be out there now… Alexander thinks to himself.

  “And if anyone tries to stop me, they better fucking think twice… I’ve gotten pretty good with a knife.” Betsy says as she flips open the pocketknife.

  At that moment Hector walks up. “Everything okay over here guys?”

  Ben puts his head down and shakes his head. “I don’t even know anymore, to be honest.”

  Alexander looks to Hector. “Hector, this woman’s looking to travel to San Diego… and before you say anything, do you think your men can give her a ride at least as far as you can go.”

  Hector pauses as Betsy turns to look at him. “As long as she puts the knife away.”

  Betsy smiles. “Sure thing…” and she laughs lightly.

  “But now’s the time to get moving. We have people that are hurt and in need of medical attention. We have some nurses and doctors back in our area.'' Hector adds.

  “Ready when you are, Hector!” Betsy exclaims. “Just get me the hell out of here.”

  “Betsy, wait...” Ben says.

  “What now, Ben? I don’t want to go play house with you in the mountains.” Betsy replies.

  Alexander watches as Ben turns red and reaches into his pocket. “No. Not that.” He shakes his head and pulls out some of his Gold American Eagles and hands them to her.

  “What’s this Ben?” Betsy replies, shocked at the gold being put into her hand.

  “Just a little something to help you with supplies on your way to San Diego, Betsy. Good luck to you and you should probably pick up a gun this time around.” Ben replies.

  Betsy grins. “Yeah, I had one until I ran out of bullets a while back… and aren’t you just the hero of the story… thanks, Ben.” She says as she turns to walk away.

  She pauses and turns back around, and gives him a quick kiss on his cheek. “Really though, thanks, Ben... and until next time!”

  She looks over to Alexander. “Until next time, scientist guy! Thanks for pulling me from the wreckage and everything.” She says and smiles. She then turns and walks away toward the other vehicles.

  “Yeah! For sure! We sure are thankful for you guys! Thanks for doing what you could!” Hector adds with sincerity.

  They all say their goodbyes and the group from Menifee get into the vehicles and drive away. And just like that, it’s Alexander, Ben, Joseph, the two young girls, and the dead woman, likely the mother, in the bed of Ben’s truck left at the crash site.

  “Well, I guess it’s time for us to get going, too.” Ben states.

  “So, we are taking the girls back up the mountain with us?” Alexander asks.

  “We don’t have much of a choice… they don’t have anyone else.” Ben replies.

  Alexander looks at Joseph. “Don’t look at me… I sure as hell don’t know. I'm only 28 and don’t know a damn thing about kids.”

  “Well that settles it… they’re tagging along, for now.” Ben replies.

  “I’ll ride in the back with them. Joseph, you can ride up front.” Alexander says.

  Joseph nods and climbs into the passenger seat of the truck while Ben climbs into the driver’s seat. Alexander opens the back-cab door and sees the teenage girl looking at him.

  “Our mom’s dead, isn’t she?” The teenage girl says.

  Ben and Joseph look back at the awake teenager and don’t say a word.

  “Yes, little one. I'm very sorry. You girls were in a terrible car accident.” Alexander replies, not getting into the truck yet.

  “Where are you men taking me and my sister?” The teenage girl asks.

  “That’s up to you, little one. Does your family live around here?” Alexander asks.

  The girl looks at her sister then back to Alexander. “No, my dad moved us out here for work. We lived in Temecula when everything started… and they killed my dad when they took me, my sister, and mom.”

  Alexander shakes his head. “I'm very sorry to hear that, little one. What’s your name?”

  “Are you men like the other men? Are you going to hurt me and my sister?” The young girl says with no real emotion.

  “Dear God… No, little one!” Alexander says and looks at Ben and Joseph.

  “What’s your and your sister’s name?” Ben asks.

  The girl looks at Ben and then back to Alexander. “I’m Mia and my little sister’s name’s Isabelle.”

  “Very nice to meet you Mia. My name’s Alexander. That’s Ben. And that’s Joseph. We have community up in the mountains, and I'm sure that we can find a nice place for you girls to get some rest.” Alexander replies.

  “Will there be food?” Mia asks.

  Alexander sees Ben shake his head, likely thinking about how sad this situation is.

  What monsters… and to think I was having reservations about their deaths… Alexander thinks to himself.

  “Yes, Mia. There will be food. We can even find some clean clothes for you and your little sister.” Alexander replies.

  “Okay then.” Mia replies and scoots over to allow Alexander to sit in the truck.

  Alexander slowly climbs in as the girl looks over at her sister, who’s still sleeping but now with her head leaning up against the window.

  “Can you please buckle yourself up, Mia… and your sister too?” Alexander asks.

  Mia nods and gets herself and her sister buckled up.

  Without another word, Ben turns the truck around and starts to head back to their home.

  After a few moments, Alexander looks at Mia, who’s just staring out the front windshield.

  She has to have been through so much. Poor little girl, the both of them. No one deserves to be treated like they must have been treated.

  “How old are you Mia?” Alexander asks.

  Mia yawns and replies, “I’m 12 and Isabelle’s 9… I’m tired now… can I take a nap?”

  “Yes, Mia. You can.” Alexander replies.

  “Okay…” Mia says as she leans against her sister. She’s asleep in seconds.

  The truck is quiet for a long while as Ben navigates their way back home. After close to an hour, Alexander breaks the silence.

  “What if we took them in, Benjamin? The four of us took them in… I mean?” he asks Ben, as the two girls are asleep in the back of the cab, the smaller one leaning against the window and the older one, now leaning on him.

  Alexander can see Ben look into the rearview mirror, thinking of what to say in response.

  After a moment and long sigh, he replies, “I was thinking the same thing, actually… I wonder what Eileen and Steven will think of the idea.”

  “Well, it would be wise to give them a heads up. I’ll give them a call.” Alexander replies.

  He then pulls out his phone and tries to dial Steven and Eileen’s phones. Both tries are met with no connection. He looks down at his iPhone and sees that he has no service. He then checks to see if he has a connection to the SuperNet�
� with no luck.

  That’s strange… We have always had a connection up to this point. There haven’t been any dead zones with our service and SuperNet yet, Alexander thinks to himself with concern.

  “Hey? Are you guys able to get any phone service?” Alexander asks Joseph and Ben.

  After a few moments of looking at their phones they both reply that they don’t have a connection and it reads no service.

  “We had service on the way down. What’s changed?” Ben asks.

  “I’m not sure, but it may have to do with what Steven had told me about the Leviathan landing within the Blue Hole Radius?” Alexander replies.

  “Wait, what?!” Joseph asks.

  “It did what now?!” Ben asks.


  Benjamin Reilly

  Leaving the wreckage of the crash site, the rest of the drive back up the mountain was relatively uneventful. Ben had pulled over twice more when two more earthquakes occurred, neither of which were as strong as the one that caused the crash with the kidnapped women and children in the back of the box car trailer. Regardless, Ben thought it best to stop and pay close attention to the roads after the quakes had passed.

  Ben was also overly curious about the news of the Leviathan touching down. But as it turned out, Alexander had little to no news other than the fact that the Leviathan did indeed land. The rest would have to wait until they returned, with the methods of communication being down at this current moment. So, Ben circled back to worrying about the day's events and the role that the earthquakes played.

  The earthquakes had begun to stress Ben out and he started to wonder if these quakes over the last two months were leading up to some massive earthquake. Ben had seen too many movies about earthquakes in California. Despite the fact that many of these movies were well made and tend to have happy endings, it was the middle area that scared Ben about these scenarios. Having grown up in California, he had become accustomed to them. However, these were different times, with the times being over 1,400 years into the future.


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