The Radius | Book 2 | Living In The Radius

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The Radius | Book 2 | Living In The Radius Page 21

by Muga, D. M.

  Alexander had assured him and Joseph several times along the return trip up the mountain that the quakes would subside once the earth resettled into the areas that they were supposed to be in. Alexander had not been wrong much. In fact, Ben could not think of when Alexander had been wrong since he met the man a couple of months ago. That being said, he knew that Alexander was not all knowing, despite his high level of intelligence compared to most other people he had known in his lifespan.

  “Couldn’t these small quakes set off a chain reaction for a much larger one, Alexander?” Ben had asked him. With a lot of scientific explanations and rationale, Alexander explained that the probability of that happening was minuscule. Ben believed him, but he was still worried about the miniscule part. Meaning there was still a chance it could happen... no matter how small of a chance.

  The topic of discussion changed once Mia had awoken from her nap. Once she was awake, Ben quickly changed the subject to what she wanted to eat once they arrived back at his Uncle’s Cabin, now all of their cabin. Ben had explained that they still had a good amount of meat and eggs, placing most of the meat in his Uncle’s deep freezer. Mia was mostly quiet but did admit to wanting a cheeseburger, “if that was okay.”

  Ben had assured her that a cheeseburger would be doable, but they only had basic bread and not hamburger buns. Ben found his mind shifting to the question of how much longer they would have bread at the markets and made it a point to bring it up to his Uncle about the situation. Meat didn’t seem to be much of an issue yet, and wouldn’t be an issue for a while, considering what he was hauling in the box trailer behind them. But basic vegetables, fruits, breads, and other items that they would still have to barter for would not be around forever.

  They would have to start thinking about how they would produce more of these items. It was still the early stages of summer, and planting season had just ended, but that was planting season from over 1,400 years ago. Ben wondered if the planting seasons were different now, which reminded him of the first transmission’s warning about the upcoming winter.

  There was also the question of if the area was good for raising crops, it was the mountains after all. Ben had known that California was great land for raising crops, but there were more ideal areas than others. The question came to his mind of whether or not they would eventually have to move, migrating from their home to survive. Many ancient groups of people had to do the same when faced with the harshness of Mother Nature, and Ben found it both funny and scary that they may now very well be one of those ancient groups of people. It was also a very terrifying thought about having to pick everything up and move.

  Ben’s mind was lost in thought about the food situation for their foreseeable future, the coming of winter and what that meant for all of them. Ben started to wonder if they could survive in the mountains. In the past, these mountains got pretty cold. It certainly snowed often during the winter months, but they had the snowplows, their heaters, and modern technology.

  If we had to leave… Where would we even go if we had to move from Crestline?

  Thinking about how the communication has recently gone down, Ben wondered what other technologies they would have to go without during this upcoming winter. The lack of communication and information was a major concern of Ben’s, adding to his growing list of worries and concerns with their survival and foreseeable future. But he didn't want to bring it up with Mia awake and listening.

  Ben noticed that she didn’t talk much. She simply stared out the windows and kept an eye on her sleeping little sister, Isabelle. He couldn’t blame her for not being in a talkative mood though.

  Those poor girls have already been through so much. And they’re still so very young.

  Ben could not even imagine the horrors that they had to see and endure from those monsters. He certainly didn't want to ask them, but he would listen to them if they felt that they could talk about it.

  With recalling Mia’s solemn question of “Are you men like the other men? Are you going to hurt me and my sister?” Ben had already confirmed his worst fears that those horrible human beings had truly hurt these two little girls.

  It enraged Ben to no end. He found himself wishing that he could bring them all back to life, just to be able to make them suffer in horrific ways for hurting all of those women and young girls.

  Ben’s mind shifts to thinking about Betsy and how much she had changed. He was glad that she had survived but was worried about who she had become. Yes, she had been naive at the beginning of the Blue Hole Radius. With that being said, the bitter and angry person she turned into made Ben feel sympathy for the woman. He found himself hoping that she found whatever it was that she was looking for out in San Diego, knowing that the world outside of the Radius had long been returned to nature. Still, he hoped that she found what she was looking for outside of the Radius.

  Making the final few turns reaching Joseph’s place, Ben looks around the cab of the truck. Everyone’s rather quiet and all staring off into the distance.

  Looks like everyone’s just as lost in their own thoughts as I am… Man, it has been a long ass day, that’s for sure.

  Ben looks at the clock on the dashboard, which reads 1840, as he pulls in front of the driveway of Deputy Joseph Gomez’s home. Joseph comes out of his daze as he pulls up.

  “Well… that was one hell of a road trip. You guys did great, but let’s not make it a habit of these road trips.” Joseph says as he climbs out of the truck and grabs his gear.

  “Likewise, Joseph. I'm glad you went with us, it’s really appreciated.” Ben replies.

  “Yeah… next time we go down the mountain, we may need a small army to go with us, to avoid some of the crap that we ran into.” Joseph answers.

  “That wouldn’t be a bad idea, but hopefully we don’t have to go back down the mountain anytime soon.” Ben responds.

  “Agreed.” Joseph says. “Well, alright gents… I will see you all when I see you. Which will likely be sooner rather than later.” Joseph says with a forced smile.

  “Have a good day Deputy Gomez.” Alexander adds.

  “Hey, Joseph. I can drop off your trailer later on this evening.” Ben offers.

  “Don’t you have to make stops over at both Bradley homes and then back to your place? Don't stress it, Ben. Get it back to me when you can.” Joseph says.

  Ben scratches his head, remembering that his day’s not over yet. “Yeah, good point. Thanks. I think I’m going to stop by the cabin first though... and get these little ones some food in them.”

  Ben sees Mia’s face react to the idea of food. Isabelle’s still sleeping. She had awoken once on the drive home, but her sister hushed her back to sleep.

  “Sounds like a good idea, Ben.” Joseph says and then looks at Mia in the back seat. “Goodbye, Mia. It was very nice meeting you. Ben and Alexander will take good care of you, along with Sheriff Reilly and Eileen.”

  “Bye.” Is Mia’s only response.

  Joseph forces another smile at her and looks back to Ben. “Alright then, Ben and Alexander. I’ll see you all later. Drive safe. Since the phone lines are down, I’ll come by the Sheriff’s cabin in the morning to see what the plan for the day is.”

  “Alright, we’ll have some breakfast ready for you.” Ben replies.

  “Sounds good to me.” Joseph says and smiles as he closes the door and walks up his driveway to his home.

  Once Joseph’s inside, Ben pulls the truck away from the house and makes the short drive back to their cabin. Pulling into the driveway and shutting down the engine of his truck, Ben sighs with relief of returning back to his home. He’s also happy to see his Uncle’s Blazer in the driveway.

  Ben turns around looking at Mia. “Alright, Mia. We are here. Let me go talk to my Uncle and girlfriend really quick and we’ll wake your sister up and get you girls some food. Does that sound okay?”

  Mia looks at Alexander, and Alexander nods to her.

  “Okay.” Mia replies.

sp; “I’ll stay here with the girls while you update Steven and Eileen. I don’t think they should be alone when Isabelle wakes back up.” Alexander adds.

  “Always a step ahead of me, Alexander.” Ben says, smiling at his friend.

  Alexander smiles back with a familiar look of pain in his eyes.

  Makes sense considering he lost two daughters close to their ages. This must be really hard on the guy. Ben thinks as he exits the truck.

  Ben’s walking up the walkway to the cabin door and sees it swing open, with Eileen rushing toward and embracing him tightly. Ben returns the embrace, not realizing how much he needed a hug up until this moment.

  “Steven told me everything that happened. Oh my gosh! Those poor women and children...” Eileen says, as she hugs him fiercely.

  “And you!” She says as she releases him and steps back. “I heard you went and found some more trouble to get into.”

  Ben smiles at her, just happy to see her face again with his hands on her sides. “Well, actually the trouble found us…”

  “Oh, I'm sure it did, Ben.” She says as she looks around. “Wait?!” Alarm rising in her voice.

  “Where are the others?” Eileen asks.

  “Yeah, nephew. Where are Alexander and Joseph?” Steven says as he steps out onto the porch.

  Ben takes a step back, completely releasing Eileen. “Whoa… calm down now. They are fine. We just dropped off Joseph and he’ll be back in the morning to check in, since the phone lines are down.”

  Ben then gestures back to his truck. “Alexander’s in the truck keeping Mia company, since her sister, Isabelle, is still asleep.”

  Ben turns to look back at Eileen and his Uncle, who both have perplexed looks upon their faces.

  “We tried calling you guys, but the phones are down and so is the SuperNet… With the whole crash and hurt women and children, we were not able to save them all.” Ben starts.

  Eileen and Uncle Steven’s confused looks are exchanged for looks of shock and sadness.

  “How many survived, Ben?” His Uncle asks.

  Ben sighs. “There were only nine survivors out of twenty women and children... Most of which were claimed back down at the crash site. Thanks to your message before the lines went dead.” Ben says, looking at his Uncle.

  “But Mia and Isabelle’s mom was not one of the lucky ones.” Ben adds.

  “Oh no.” Eileen says as she covers her mouth.

  “I know… she’s in the back of my truck under a sleeping bag. Mia knows, but her little sister doesn’t know yet. Mia’s 12 and Isabelle’s 9.” Ben explains and then looks back to his Uncle.

  “Uncle, I was hoping…” Ben starts to ask his question of the girls staying with all of them.

  “Of course, there’s no question about it. They can stay as long as they need to. We can put them on the pull-out couch in the living room.” Uncle Steven says, before Ben can finish his question.

  “Thank you, Uncle. We didn’t know where else to take them.” Ben replies.

  “Not a problem and enough talk of this. Those poor girls must be exhausted, filthy, and starving.” Uncle Steven replies.

  “Yes, where are they? So, I can take a look at them and make sure they are alright.” Eileen says.

  “They’re in the back-cab with Alexander…” Ben says but is unable to finish his sentence. Eileen is down the walkway and into the driveway, reaching the far side of the truck and opening the back-cab door.

  Ben scratches his head and smiles at Eileen’s compassion for the little girls that had lost everything and had most certainly suffered horrific events. He then turns to his Uncle.

  “Thanks again, Uncle.” Ben says.

  “Enough already, nephew. What would you have me do… turn them away? No! We take care of as many as we can and we figure out the how about it, later. Plus, we have bigger things to worry about, Ben… The Leviathan landed and I believe that they are here to stay. Regardless if we want them to or not.” Uncle Steven explains.

  “So, it is true!? Those people from Earth Two are here!?” Ben says excitedly.

  “Yes, nephew. Captain Abraham Jackson and his crew are here. I don’t know how many yet. But they are here. Eileen and I even talked to a couple of his Federalists, after the ship left. A man and woman, both military types of people. We were thinking of going back to Big Bear tomorrow with Alexander and yourself, to get your take on the two of them.” Steven explains.

  “What?! You talked to them?!” Ben says excitedly. “Tomorrow?! Yeah, that sounds like a good idea! You said they were military types, what branch… or nationality... I guess?

  Wow! People from another planet. What a crazy world?!

  He knew the concerns of the people from Earth Two, but it was all still surreal. People from a different planet are actually here. Despite all of the concerns and red flags that they had discussed in the last couple of months, it was still pretty damn exciting… at least to Ben.

  “That was the plan, until just now…” Steven replies. “Now, I'm thinking we need a day to deal with our new situation.”

  Ben scratches the back of his head, looking back toward his truck. He sees Alexander now out of the truck and Eileen is on the other side. Both of his dear friends were talking to the young girls, but he couldn’t make out what was being said with the softened voices. He could see that they were both now awake.

  Poor girls. This must be all very confusing for them… and all so very tragic. I wonder if the smaller one understands what’s going on. She just lost her mother, her second parent to be taken away from her… Ben thinks to himself as he tries to remember what his mind was like when he was a nine-year-old boy.

  I think I would have been confused as hell, not to mention sad as hell. But I have also heard that little girls are often much quicker to the catch than young boys. Either way, it’s a good thing Eileen’s here. There’s the whole medical field expertise, but there’s also the fact that she’s a woman... I'm not sure what these girls would think if they were all just men here. I wonder if they will ever trust men again…

  Ben scratches his head and turns his attention back to his Uncle. “Yeah. It may not be a good idea to leave them alone at the moment, going to run off and talk to some Earth Two aliens.”

  Uncle Steven nods. “Let’s take tomorrow to assess how bad off these girls are and try to figure out what to do from there. And there’s the livestock to deal with as well.”

  “Right. I wanted to drop off the girls and then I’ll go over to Bradley's to start dividing up the animals amongst us.” Ben replies.

  “Nonsense, nephew.” Uncles Steven says as he shakes his head. “You’ve had a long enough day, and these girls have at least seen your face as someone who saved them. Stay here with Alexander and Eileen and help get the girls settled.”

  Ben looks back to Eileen, Alexander, and the two girls, now all standing outside the truck and within view of Ben and Steven. Eileen’s kneeling next to the younger girl, Isabelle, and Alexander’s standing on the other side of the older one, Mia, as she overlooks Eileen evaluating Mia’s little sister and asking them both questions.

  “You sure, Uncle? I can take care of it…” Ben questions.

  Looking back toward his Uncle, he sees his Steven smile at him and wink. “Oh, I’m sure. It’s actually an order, seeing as I'm now your Sheriff.”

  “Oh, I see how it is… all of a sudden, huh?” Ben replies, smiling back.

  Uncle Steven shrugs, “Hey, it is what it is… but I do think you should help me get some of those animals out to put in the backyard. I emptied out the large and small sheds out back.”

  “Sounds good. What are we keeping here, Uncle?” Ben asks.

  “We are pretty much going to split it up into thirds between the three houses. We’ll unload eight chickens, a rooster, three piglets, and a sheep. The rest will be split in half between the Bradley families.” Steven explains.

  “Are they set up for the animals?” Ben asks.

  “They w
ere last time I checked, before the phone lines went down.” Uncle Steven replies.

  “Yeah, about that…” Ben adds.

  “I know. It’s a major obstacle now and I wanted to get Alexander’s and your input on the new development. I have my ideas but wanted to see what you two think… but we’ll have time for that later. Let’s get this show on the road so I can get going and you can get those little ones settled in.” Uncle Steven responds.

  Ben nods and goes to the back of the box trailer, with his Uncle following him.

  It takes just over half an hour to get the newly acquired livestock into their respective sheds, and Ben was pretty proud of themselves for not losing any of them in the shuffle, with none of them running off. It wasn’t entirely easy, but the job was done, with his Uncle leaving in Ben’s truck at 1925. Ben looks at the waning sunlight in the distance.

  Probably another half hour or close to an hour left of light this time of year… Or at least, that's what it used to be like this time of year. Who knows now, especially with it being noticeably cooler up here during the summertime. Ben thinks to himself, circling back to his worries about the upcoming winter.

  Ben shakes his head and wanders inside the cabin, noticing the warmth and smell of food drifting off from the kitchen, now just realizing how hungry he actually was.

  When was the last time I ate? Ben thinks as he walks into the kitchen and seeing the pot of stew on the stove.

  He sees Alexander and Eileen sitting at the table with Mia and Isabelle, with all of them having bowls of stew in front of them.

  We are going to need to find a bigger dining room table. Ben thinks to himself as he smiles.

  “How’s the stew? Sure smells good.” Ben announces.

  Mia looks up at Ben, and then goes back to eating, obviously very hungry. Isabelle, the younger one who was asleep for nearly all of the trip since she was pulled from the wreckage, simply stares at Ben. She looked startled by Ben’s entry into the room and was unsure of what to do.

  “Isabelle, that is Ben. He helped Alexander save you and your sister, and he’s my boyfriend… He’s a good guy.” Eileen explains to the little girl, and winks at her.


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