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Boardroom Bride: A Fake Fiance Secret Pregnancy Romance

Page 33

by Alexis Angel

  I pretend to pout. “I’m not good with surprises.”

  The guys see right through me.

  “Don’t lie. You fucking love it,” Eric puts his hand on my thigh as he starts the car, and I purr.

  “Should I keep wearing my crown?” I ask as I readjust it. I can’t stop touching the damn thing—it’s beautiful and impossibly cool, and I can hardly believe it’s really mine.

  “Sweetheart, you need to wear the whole ensemble,” Chase instructs, running his finger down the length of my pink sash.

  Miss Sexy USA, the sash reads. Which is, unbelievably, me…somehow. I’d pinch myself, except Chance beats me to it, running his thumbs over my nipples and making me short of breath.

  “I can’t believe I actually won,” I whisper.

  “I can.” Eric puts the car into gear. “You were fucking stunning.”

  “You had the most talent there,” Chase agrees. “You totally blew everybody else out of the water.”

  “I do love to blow things,” I grin as I bite my bottom lip, loving the way the guys drool over me.

  Eric licks his lips as he focuses on the road. “You’re fucking naughty, Kara.”

  “One of your best qualities,” Chase agrees.

  My heart flips with excitement. Not only did I just win the Miss Sexy USA competition, but I have these two, amazing and wonderful gorgeous guys who are falling all over me.

  A year ago, I would never have even dreamed of this. I’m walking proof that dreams come true if you work hard enough and set your goals. Ambition is key.

  I push my nose into the flowers on my lap and take in their aroma.

  Chase watches me do it. “Like them?”

  “They’re beautiful,” I tell him. “They smell good, too…the smell of victory.”

  The guys laugh and throw compliments my way, telling me I’m both adorable and sexy. Who am I to argue that point?

  A few minutes later, we pull into a restaurant parking lot, and immediately, I’m hit with a fresh frazzling of nervousness.


  Eric puts the car in park. “Yes, darling?”

  “What are we doing at a…um…” I crane my neck to view the restaurant name. “Diner?”

  It’s in a cute little building just outside the city. The place looks cozy, quaint, and crowded. I’m not sure it’s the best idea in the world for us to be seen out in public like this…all three of us together.

  Not to mention the stuff that they serve at diners.

  Greasy food. Fried food.

  I’m in no condition to be subjected to that enormous amount of temptation.

  “It’s a treat,” Eric says, hopping out of the car. He comes around and grabs my door for me, and Chase pushes me out.

  “I don’t know about this,” I say with caution. Diners are fucking dangerous for gals like me. Holly-Anne and I used to crash places like this all the time—to the destruction of my body and modeling career.

  “Stop fucking worrying. It’ll be fun,” Chase says, laying a kiss on my neck.

  I’m still hesitant, but they coax me on. “You look gorgeous. It’s okay if you indulge yourself every now and then.”

  I take both of their hands and step out onto the pavement below. “I guess I do work hard…” I say and trail off, trying to believe it and not be consumed by self-doubt.

  “Of course you do!” Chase squeezes my hand. “You deserve a cheat night. You’re fucking Miss Sexy USA, for fuck’s sake!”

  Chase shouts it to the world in the night, throwing his hands up.

  Giggling, I just shake my head at their playfulness, taking it all in stride. If they say I deserve it, then I guess I have to agree with them. Cheat meals don’t come often these days, and I can make up for it tomorrow by getting aggressive at the gym to amp myself up and slide right back on track with my workouts.

  We walk into the diner together as a trio, and a bubbly and young hostess greets us with a wide smile.

  “Would you like a booth or a table?” she asks.

  “Booth,” Eric and Chase say in unison.

  I nod in agreement, and we follow her to the back of the restaurant, getting a tucked away booth with cozy accent lighting.

  I slide into the booth first, and Eric sits next to me while Chase rolls into the other side, sitting across from us.

  The guys are grinning at me as the hostess hands each of us a menu and tells us our server will be along shortly.

  I stare at the menu as the words and pictures blur in front of me.

  Chase observes me with a furrowed brow. “You look confused. Overwhelmed. Stop it.”

  I stare up at him. “All I can think of is how bad this is for me.”

  “Order anything on that menu that appeals to you,” Eric gestures vaguely, pointing to the items across the board. “You didn’t lose the weight overnight. You’re not going to gain it back in one meal.”

  “Okay…” I relent. “I guess…”

  I study the menu—and everything looks delicious. Damn, it’s going to be hard to choose.

  Taking a deep breath, I try not to succumb to my fat girl instincts. That’s the old me, and I’m not going back.

  Suddenly, an idea comes to me. “Hey,” I say to get the guys attention. They both look up from their menus.

  “What is it, sweetheart?” Eric says tenderly and cradles my hand in his, sending a surge of warmth through my body.

  “Why don’t we share something?” I suggest.

  Eric and Chase exchange a glance.

  “If that’s what you want?” Chase offers.

  “I think I’ll feel more comfortable that way,” I confess to them.

  “What are you thinking about ordering?” Chase asks.

  I glance back at the menu. “I really want the bacon cheeseburger,” I giggle.

  “Yeah, okay,” Eric agrees and leans back in his chair. “That sounds good.”

  “Can we also get fries and a milkshake?” I ask, trying not to sound like I’m begging and salivating over the prospect.

  “Absolutely,” Chase winks.

  “Strawberry?” I squeak.

  “My favorite,” Eric admits.

  The waitress comes over, and we give our order as she retrieves the menu. After she’s gone, there’s no turning back. I’m going to enjoy myself tonight and eat my meal in peaceful contentment.

  Like the guys said…I’m Miss Sexy USA.

  The pounds aren’t going to come crawling back after just one cheat meal, and I intend to enjoy and savor every moment of this.

  “Huh. I just realized something,” I note and take a sip of my water through the straw.

  “Hmm?” Eric places his napkin in his lap.

  “This is the first time we’re out together in public.” I grin with a flare of mischief.

  “Does that bother you?”

  “It’s a low-key setting in here.” Chase glances around, craning his head to see over the booth and around the diner. “Not like we’re being watched or anything.”

  “It doesn’t,” I reassure them. “Honestly…it feels good.”

  I study the guys, really observing their behavior. I haven’t really spent a lot of time with them outside of the gym, now that I think about it.

  I thought that, being billionaires and all, they might be different when they’re not in workout gear…but they’re not. They seem really down-to-earth to me right now.

  Even if we aren’t shacking up right here, we’re having fun together—in an environment other than the gym or the bedroom.

  It’s appealing to me, and the guys become even more attractive in my eyes. I don’t want to say it out loud and jinx us, but I honestly feel like we could make this trio relationship work. We already have the perfect setting, and the chemistry is wild and on fire.

  A few minutes later, the food arrives at the table, and I nearly drool over how delicious it smells and looks.

  “I’m not going to lie, I’m starving,” I joke and tell the guys. “Eat
ing healthy sure is a drag.”

  “It’s definitely not as fun as diving right into this juicy bacon cheeseburger,” Eric laughs as he cuts it into three sections for each of us to share.

  The first bite I take is an explosion of flavor to my taste buds. I swallow it, washing it down with a large gulp of strawberry shake while I impale the fries.

  “Holy shit, this is good stuff,” I mumble with a mouthful.

  “I’m ready to massacre this meal,” Eric says with wild, hungry eyes.

  I am ravenous, and this food fulfills the emotional void I’ve had for a while. Sure, I’m happy and distracted by my new body and success, but damn…this is one fucking tasty and fantastic burger.

  The conversation at the booth tapers slightly while we devour the food, bite by famished bite. Before I’ve nearly disgusted myself, I get full quickly because I’m no longer used to binge eating.

  I lean back in the booth and rub my belly, reminded of the achievements that I just cheated on because my sash still hangs over my torso.

  “Worth it?” Eric asks and wipes his mouth with a napkin.

  “It was incredible.” I heave a satisfied sigh and close my eyes, suddenly feeling sleepy.

  I rest my head on Eric’s shoulder and hold Chase’s hand, feeling warm and content and safe. Honestly, I could nod off right there, until—

  “Can we help you?” Eric asks.

  There’s a creepy looking guy looming over our booth, standing there with a weird expression on his face. He’s wearing sweat pants, but he doesn’t fill them out in the way that Chase and Eric do. His t-shirt has a fresh spaghetti stain in the middle.

  He doesn’t respond to us. He just hovers over us with a strangely pathetic grin on his face.

  “Excuse me.” Eric snaps his fingers in front of the guy’s face, and I squirm uncomfortably under the douchy guy’s stare. “What the hell do you want?” Eric sounds impatient now.

  The guy shakes his head, coming out of his weirdo trance. “I was at the pageant,” he croaks. “Saw you there.”

  Now he’s grinning right at me. I feel dirty just from being looked at by this creep.

  “So?” Chase says, shifting in his seat to square his shoulders at this guy.

  I tremble, as an ominous feeling washes over me. The food in my belly suddenly feels as hard and heavy as a rock.

  The guy sneers at Eric and Chase and then focuses his leering expression back on me, his aimed target.

  “I was in the audience.” He whistles. “Damn, you are even sexier this close up.”

  My skin crawls with disgust, and I wish I could melt into the floor and disappear into a puddle just to be finished with this conversation.

  “You already take two dicks at once,” he says and makes an obscene gesture with his hand and mouth as if he’s choking back a cock. “Want to add one more and make it three?”

  “Fuck off.” Eric immediately rushes to my defense.

  “Come on,” the prick continues lightly. “You know what they say, right? Three time’s a charm?”

  “You got a hearing problem, dude?” Chase blurts out. “Fuck. Off.”

  The guy won’t throw in the towel yet. He’s relentless. “You sure are sexy. I bet I can teach you a thing or two.”

  He addresses me directly, ignoring the seething hunks of burly muscle beside me and across from me.

  Eric stands up, his aggression getting the better of him. He stands right in the dude’s face, towering over him by several inches. “Do we need to take this outside?”

  The guy finally caves and takes a step back, holding up his arms defensively. “I don’t mean any harm. I just want to play.”

  Chase stands up, giving his own two cents and acting all protective of me. “Take a fucking hike—or I’ll send you on a permanent one.”

  The guy scoffs sourly. “Just some slut. Don’t see what the problem is.”

  “I don’t think I take kindly to you talking about my girlfriend like that.” Chase stands his ground and speaks flatly.

  “Or mine.” Eric takes a step forward and cracks his knuckles.

  The guy just huffs under his breath, clearly outnumbered. He walks away, mumbling and shaking his head.

  I know I ought to be all shaken up, but holy fuck.

  “I’m your girlfriend,” I say, because I need to hear it out loud again for it to be real. “You just called me your girlfriend. Holy fuck. I want to blow you both so fucking bad right now.”

  “Aw, Kara,” Chase chuckles. “You’re our slut, too, you know.”

  “Our slutty girlfriend,” Eric agrees. “God, are we lucky or what?”

  “No, like, seriously,” I say again, because obviously it’s not fucking clear yet. “I need to blow you.”

  “Well, come on, then,” Eric says, pulling me up out of the booth. “You can do me on the drive home and Chase once we get there.”

  “I’m gonna finger you while you do it, too,” Chase growls in my ear.

  I just grin. I’m their girlfriend. I’m Miss Sexy USA

  My weird, creepy fans come up to me in person now.

  Everything’s changing for me, and I can’t wait to find out what happens next.


  “Oh my god,” I moan, pounding my fist against the table as Chase works my ass over. “Right there—right there! RIGHT FUCKING THERE! YES! YES! YES!”

  “You get really into this whole massage thing, huh, babe?” Chase chuckles, rolling my glutes beneath his knuckles and just really getting in there.

  Okay, babe, I’ll admit it. It does sound like we’re fucking, but this is honestly just a simple, innocent…sort of naked massage scene. For real!

  Although, if I’m being honest, there might be fucking later. Like, you know how things are between me and these guys. One minute, they’re rubbing sensual oils all over my tight, hot, naked bod—the next, they’re inside me.

  It’s what I love about this relationship, really. I’m turning into a horny little bitch that Chase and Eric have all for their own pleasure.

  And the best thing about dating two guys? At least one of them is almost always down to fuck.

  “Protein shake, Kara?” Eric says, jogging down the stairs from the kitchen with a bottle of Protein Plus in one hand and a frosted glass in the other.

  “Fancy,” I say. Chase’s hands start working my lower back, and I can already feel all the tension dissolving into thin air. “What flavor is this one?”

  Eric holds the bottle in front of my face, and I have to stare at it for a full minute to be sure of what I just read.

  “Tropical Man-goo?” I say, dripping with disbelief. “Oh my god—who names these fucking things?”

  “We did,” Chase says. “That one was my favorite!”

  I giggle as he smacks my ass―and then moan as he digs his fingers into a knot my muscles have formed into just to the side of my spine. It hurts so good—and not just because my boyfriends are the worst product namers of all time.

  “It’s like you want women to know that these are full of cum,” I laugh, watching Eric pour the shake into a glass for me.

  “I mean, it is right there on the label,” Eric says, shrugging as he hands me my treat.

  “Bitches never read the right parts of the label,” Chase adds, shaking his head.

  It’s been a month since my big win at Miss Sexy USA, and we’ve been training hard every day since. Even when I’m not working out, I’m practicing my speeches with Eric or getting massages from Chase.

  I’ve practically moved into Eric’s Bel Air mansion at this point so we can maximize the amount of time I can put into training…well, and so I can be around for him to fuck any time either of us wants. Chase sleeps over most nights, too, which makes me glad Eric has such a huge fucking bed.

  I can’t even count the number of nights since the pageant that I’ve fallen asleep between the two of them. Two warm, muscular beefcakes—one on either side of me. With Chase and Eric around, I’m a proper Kara sandwich—no
t that I mind.

  The only thing that I miss a little bit is my apartment with Holly-Anne and Lucy. We video chat all the time, but it’s not quite enough to make me stop missing them. Plus, I’m pretty sure Holly-Anne keeps feeding Lucy pizza—she’s making my cat a little tubster while I’m away, and I know that when this pageant is over, it will be Lucy’s time to go on a diet of her own.

  Speaking of dieting—I’ve never eaten better than this in my fucking life. Eric loves cooking healthy fucking food that’s totally to die for. I’m starting to not feel guilty about consuming calories again—which is awesome, because we burn off a whole fuckload during our workouts.

  I’ve perfected the blowjob push-up, the anal sex pull-up, deep throat sit-ups, and, of course, squatting on my gorgeous boyfriends’ dicks. It’s just like they promised, too: I’m gaining muscle, but I couldn’t look any less like a man.

  Some combination of their protein shakes, these workouts, healthier eating habits, and a lot of sex has my tits looking bigger and perkier than ever. My ass also looks peachier, and my skin looks clearer, my hair shinier. Fuck, I even think my teeth are looking whiter.

  It’s a fucking dream come true, and none of it would be possible without these guys.

  “I’m a really lucky woman,” I sigh, giving myself over to the pleasure of both their hands smoothing down my back. They’re taking turns laying little kisses down my spine as I relax naked on the massage table.

  It feels so fucking good, I never want it to stop.

  “We’re lucky men,” Eric counters. “How are your feet feeling?”

  “Sore,” I laugh. “Chase and I did that 10k run while you were making dinner. I think I need new jogging shoes or something—these ones make my feet cramp.”

  “Your body might just still be getting used to running,” Chase supplies while Eric moves to massage my arches in his big, strong hands. “You weren’t exactly a cardio queen before you met us. I can’t even imagine what you had to do to lose all that weight.”

  “Starved, mostly,” I laugh. Not because it’s funny—but because it’s true.

  I spent two miserable years denying myself all of life’s pleasures to get to the weight that I was when I met Chase and Eric. And now, I’ve spent three fucking months indulging in everything I could ever dream of, and I’m only getting hotter.


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