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Boardroom Bride: A Fake Fiance Secret Pregnancy Romance

Page 102

by Alexis Angel

  Once I’m finally done, I let go of her head and, moving slowly, start to slide my cock out of her mouth. When it finally pops out, she looks up at me and opens her mouth, showing me her full mouth like the bad girl she is. I grin at her, my heart racing inside my chest as if I just finished an ultramarathon.

  I place two fingers under her chin and make her close her mouth. “Swallow. All of it,” I command her and, obedient, she does it. Satisfaction rushes through me as I watch the muscles in her throat move, my cum going down through it. Her chin is glistening from the cum there, and a few drops are already making their way toward her neck and cleavage.

  “You missed these,” I whisper, scooping up the cum dripping down her neck with two fingers. I press them against her skin and move them up the curve of her jaw, strands of cum hanging from my fingers. I never take my eyes off hers as I press these two fingers against her mouth, watching as she parts her lips and rolls her lips down my fingers, sucking on them hard.

  She keeps my fingers inside her mouth until they’re completely dry, and that’s when I slide them out. Only then do I realize that I was holding my breath as she sucked the cum off my fingers, my mind still not functioning at full speed.

  “Why didn’t you do it? Why didn’t you... You know,” she says, expecting me to decode the meaning behind her words. Pulling her against me, I lead her to the bed and then fall back; we collapse on the mattress at the same time, that afterglow of pleasure covering both our bodies.

  “I want it to be perfect,” I reply, the words popping into my mouth of nowhere. God, I sound like a woman right now. Who the hell says stuff like this? Thing is… It’s the truth.

  I want it to be perfect.

  For her.


  I walk into media room early the next morning and look around, surprised to find that I’m all alone. When I heard the call over the speaker in my room to come down for a message, I figured there was some kind of announcement for all of us. But no. It’s just me.

  I sit on the couch and wait, and after a few minutes, the flat screen on the wall comes on. Instead of seeing Chase’s face as usual, it’s Maya.

  Weird. Normally if she wanted to talk to me, she would just pull me into the bathroom like she always does. I wonder what this is about.

  I don’t have to wait long to find out.

  “Good morning, Megan,” she says, and I can tell instantly that this is a recorded message. She sounds like whatever she is saying is more scripted, not a conversation like we’d normally have.

  I frown and lean back into the soft cushions. What could she have to say that she can’t tell me in person?

  “I hope you’ve had a chance to talk to both Tristan and Madden, as well as taken some time to think about what you really want. The finale is tonight, and you have to make a decision.”

  I squeeze my eyes shut. This is nothing I don’t already know. And it’s the main reason I was already up when I got the call to come down here. I was barely able to sleep from the anxiety and stress.

  The most difficult decision I’ve ever made is looming before me, less than twelve hours away, and I still have no idea what I’m going to do. How I’m going to choose between the two most amazing men I’ve ever known.

  Maya’s voice continues, and I open my eyes again and look at the screen. “Like I told you before, you need to listen to your heart and go with your instincts. If you follow your heart, you’ll be a winner no matter what.” She gives me a hard look through the camera, as if she’s trying to convey some type of hidden message with secret meaning. “I know you’ll make the right decision.”

  Then the screen goes black and I’m left sitting there, still trying to figure out what to do. I stay there for a long time reflecting on everything she said, both on the video message and in the last conversation we had in my bathroom yesterday.

  Follow your heart.

  Rules are made to be broken.

  Yesterday I had time alone with both Tristan and Madden. They both confessed their feelings for me, and I had incredible encounters with both of them. They made me feel special and perfect and so, so sexy.

  But while I loved every second of my time with each of them, it still didn’t compare to what it felt like being with both of them together. That was beyond anything I’ve ever known. And I want more of that.

  I want both of them. Together. That’s the one thing I’m sure of in this whole crazy situation.

  My mind spins, trying to figure out what to do. What would happen in each scenario.

  If I choose Tristan, I know every moment will be hot and intense and passionate. He’s so real and unafraid to show what he’s feeling.

  But Madden brings something else to the equation. He’s full of energy and fun, always injecting his charm and humor into everything.

  They’re like two polar opposites in so many ways. But I like everything about both of them. I don’t want to settle for one or the other. I want both.

  As I imagine myself with one or the other, it’s never been more clear, especially after having time with each of them yesterday.

  I can’t settle for one.

  I want to be with both of them.

  I want to choose both of them.

  But how will they feel about that? And what will happen with the show?

  I stand quickly, suddenly anxious to talk to them. Walking to a desk tucked into an alcove in the wall, I pull out a pad of paper and a pen and scribble out two notes. Folding them up, I go to one of the confessional cameras, notes clenched tightly in my hands.

  I know what to do now. It’s all become clear.

  I sit in front of the camera and tell it that I think I’ve made my choice, waving my notes in front of it, finishing my confession with, “Now I just have to see what happens.”

  Then I hand the notes to a production assistant—Maya is nowhere in sight—and tell them it’s vital these messages are delivered to Tristan and Madden immediately.

  I’ve asked them both to meet me in the rooftop garden in one hour. Heading up to my room to shower and get ready, I feel confident in my decision.

  I just hope they understand and are on the same page.

  The Biggest Licker Season Update

  Chase: Hello and welcome to another installment of our analysis of The Biggest Licker – the most popular reality show on TV. I’m your host, Chase Worthington.

  Nadia: And I’m your co-host, Nadia Moore. The season finale to the most exciting season of The Biggest Licker is underway and all across the world, people have just one question. What was in those notes?

  Chase: That’s right. Probably the biggest cliffhanger in the history of reality television just occurred as Megan held the notes and then waves them around for us.

  Nadia: Chase, you have to know what’s in those notes. I can’t believe you can’t say.

  Chase: Honestly, Nadia, I swear to you if I knew I would at least tell you. But not even the producers know what is going to happen. The notes were sealed when Megan sent them and maybe it was a sign of how into it that everyone has gotten but even the production assistants didn’t peak when delivering the messages. And they’re job is to bring everything to us first. But they want to see how this plays out as well.

  Nadia: You must have some idea.

  Chase: (pause) I do. But it’s just a hunch. I can’t be sure.

  Nadia: Well? Don’t just stand there. Tell me what the hunch is.

  Chase: You know I can’t do that on live TV. I can’t tell you that.

  Nadia: Make sure you tell me after we go off the air, then!

  Chase: I’m afraid I can’t do that either, babe.

  Nadia: Do you really want me to say those same words when you try to put that cock in my ass? Or when you’re trying to cum on my tits? Be very careful with your wording here, Mister.

  Chase: I bet you across the country, millions of couples are having this same discussion about whether I should break my professional ethics to tell my girlfriend.

/>   Nadia: Wait.

  Chase: What?

  Nadia: Girlfriend?

  Chase: Well, yeah, I guess, sort of.

  Nadia: You think of me as your girlfriend?

  Chase: I do, actually. Now that I think about it, I think it makes a lot of sense calling you my girlfriend.

  Nadia: Oh. My. God.

  Chase: You okay?

  Nadia: Yes. I’m so good. You made me the happiest girl alive Chase! I love you!

  Chase: Aww, baby girl. I love you too.

  Nadia: Only…

  Chase: Yes?

  Nadia: I’ll love you more if you tell me what ‘s in those notes?

  Chase: Oh. My. God. Now it’s my turn. I don’t know. And I can’t tell you. Even if I knew I couldn’t tell you.

  Nadia: Well, folks, you heard it here. The notes are super secret but in the next episode we’ll apparently be finding out who Megan chose and that will determine for this season who will be….

  Voiceover: THE BIGGEST LICKER!!!!!


  An hour later, I’m standing in the rooftop garden, anxiously twisting my fingers. This is it. The moment I’ve put off for weeks and weeks. Strangely enough, I’m not as nervous as I thought I’d be. What I am nervous about is how Tristan and Madden will respond.

  Long moments pass as I think over all the possible outcomes of what could happen when they get here, but soon enough, I hear a door behind me, and Tristan and Madden both appear at the entrance to the garden.

  They look incredible. So handsome and sexy and absolutely perfect. My heart pounds in my chest, my body trembling with desire just from one look at them. Every memory of our encounters flashes through my mind. The dates, the time in the kitchen, our moments yesterday when I had time with each of them alone.

  I want them so badly that I can feel my body responding more with every step they take, coming closer and closer.

  They reach me at the same time.

  “Megan.” Tristan reaches for my hand, kissing my knuckles as he always does. His lips brushing across my skin sends a shiver down my spine, igniting a fire in my core.

  “Good morning,” Madden says, strangely calm, not jealous at all of Tristan’s actions. Then he leans in and kisses my cheek, sending another round of electric sparks across my skin.

  I glance at Tristan. This doesn’t seem to bother him at all. What’s up with that? Up until a couple days ago, they were shooting daggers at one other, each ready to beat the other to a pulp. Now they seem completely civil. This could be a good sign.

  Taking a deep breath, I decide I just need to get it out. Why wait?

  “I’ve made my decision.”

  They both stand there, watching me closely.

  “I figured that’s why you wanted to meet,” Tristan said.

  “We both just want you to be happy, Megan,” Madden adds.

  Tristan nods in agreement. “Yes. Your happiness is what really matters here.”

  I look back and forth between them. It’s obvious they mean it. That tells me everything I need to know. That they aren’t playing a game with me. That the things they told me yesterday about how they feel about me are really true.

  I smile, relief flooding me. Now I know they truly care. And I feel much more confident about what I’m about to suggest.

  I clear my throat, suddenly shy, but I find my strength and fight for the confidence that I’ve always had.

  “In that case, here’s what I want. What will make me happier than anything.”

  They watch me expectantly.

  “I want to lose my virginity to both of you.”

  Their eyes widen, not in shock or dismay, certainly with a little surprise—but most of all with excitement.

  Madden gives me a wicked dimpled grin. “I always knew you were a wild one. Such a naughty girl.”

  I bite my lip, his words making my pussy throb. I guess I am.

  Tristan chuckles softly, shaking his head, but his eyes gleam with pleasure and desire. “I think we can do that.”

  My eyebrows fly up as I glance back and forth between them. They seem totally on board. Maybe they aren’t clear on what I mean. I know I need to make sure they understand what I’m saying.

  I take both their hands in mine. “You both told me yesterday that you care about me, deeply. I need you both to know that I feel the same way.” I pause, looking into their eyes in turn.

  “I’m in love with you both. My heart belongs to both of you. I’ve been torn apart trying to figure out how to choose between you. And that’s because I can’t. I love you both. I want you both. I need you both.”

  Then the ultimate question. “Are you willing to share?”

  I hold my breath. This moment could mean everything.

  They look at me, then at each other as a long minute draws out, the silence and tension making me crazy.

  “Share you how?” Tristan says carefully.

  “Yeah,” Madden pipes in. “Like in the kitchen?”

  I shake my head. “Not just like that. I told you I want to lose my virginity to both of you. But it’s more than that. I want to choose you both. For so much more. I want to be with you—both of you. If you can do that. If you’re willing to share. Because my heart belongs to both of you. I want my body to belong to both of you, too. But I need to know that you are willing to share me in every way.”

  Tristan’s eyes blaze with hungry need, and Madden radiates an energy that is consuming.

  They look at each other again, and my stomach does a series of flips that would put an Olympic gymnast to shame. I love them both so much. I can’t bear the thought of losing either of them.

  This moment could change everything.

  Looking back at me, they both answer the same time.



  Their smiles are everything I need right now.

  I never thought it’d get to this, you know? Nothing happened the way it was supposed to, and I ended up falling not for one, but for two men. The two most handsome and charming men I’ve ever met. And you know what? I couldn’t be any happier that things happened exactly the way they did.

  I’m not a big believer in fate or destiny, but I can’t help but think that this was meant to be. I was meant to love them both, and I was meant to be shared by them.

  Yes, this is my destiny.

  “I love you,” I tell them, the words feeling like honey over my tongue.

  “I love you too,” they say in one voice; exchanging a quick glance, they smile at each other and then close the distance between them and me. I feel my heart tightening up inside my chest as they press their bodies against mine, and I almost pass out from the anticipation that’s building up inside me right now. You know when people say they have butterflies in their stomachs? Right now I feel like I have a swarm of wasps inside of me, stinging my flesh and making me burn from the inside out.

  “I want it to happen… And I want it to happen with the two of you,” I continue, looking from one to the other, my heart drumming at a rhythm of happiness and certainty. This is it, the moment of truth.

  “Are you sure?” Tristan asks me, caressing my face with the back of his hand and tucking a lock of hair over my ear. I just smile at him and, without saying a word, I just nod.

  “You said you wanted it to be perfect,” I find myself saying, remembering what he told me the last time we were together. “This is perfection, being here with the two of you.”

  His smile widens as he hears me say it, and I realize that I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life.

  “Then this is it,” Madden whispers, the most delicious smile on his face. Without wasting a second more he places one hand on my waist and Tristan does the same. I throw my arms around their necks, running my tongue between my lips as I try to decide who I should kiss first.

  Stealing the decision from me, Madden just leans in and crushes his mouth against mine, kissing me like a man possessed. I close my eyes by instinct and, just a frac
tion of a second later, I feel Tristan’s lips on my neck. He nibbles at my skin, softly at first, but then he starts pulling on it with his teeth, a sudden stab of pain travelling from the place where’s biting me straight down to my loins.

  “I want you,” I breathe out as I pull back from Madden. “I want your cocks,” I add, taking my hands to their crotches and flattening the palm of my hands against the bulging shapes hiding under their pants. I curl my fingers around them, perhaps more harshly than I should, and give them a hard tug.

  “You’ll have us,” Madden replies, grinning so wickedly that I feel my insides burning even more fiercely.

  “You’ll have us, alright. You’ll have us until you can’t stand on your legs,” Tristan whispers, his mouth still against my neck. He brushes his lips up my skin and then nibbles at my earlobe, a sigh leaving my lips as he does it. I tighten up my grip around their shafts and, unable to control myself, I start moving my hand up and down, stroking them over the fabric of their pants.

  “You’re pretty eager, aren’t you?” Madden chuckles, his hands moving around my waist and then over the curve of my ass. He squeezes it harshly, pulling me against him, and I gasp as I feel his hard cock pressed against my inner thigh.

  “More than eager,” I reply with a sigh, my mind working so fast that I’m actually surprised I’m still able of building a coherent sentence.

  “That’s exactly what I wanted to hear,” Tristan jumps in, finally pulling back from me and looking me straight in the eyes. Mimicking Madden, he takes his hand around my waist and cups my ass, pulling me toward him and stealing me from Madden’s embrace.

  With my body pressed tight against Tristan’s now, I part my lips and reach for him, locking my mouth on his and allowing his manly scent to climb up my nostrils and blend with Madden’s. I keep on stroking both of them, doing it as hard as I can, and I feel my legs growing weak with each passing second. We still haven’t fucked and, just like they promised would happen, I can barely stand on my legs.


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