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Boardroom Bride: A Fake Fiance Secret Pregnancy Romance

Page 107

by Alexis Angel

  Let me recap it for you: army hero, wealthy, twelve inch-cock. And I’m only 27. So, really, I can’t blame women for fucking loving me.

  “Settle down,” my father’s always telling me, but that’s easier said than done. When women throw their pussies at me 24/7, settling down isn’t the easiest thing to do, especially when all these women are gold diggers or as dumb as a rock. It’s easy for my dad to say; he was always lucky enough to find the diamonds in the rough. First, my mother and then, after she died, Kellyane.

  Yeah, I have a stepmother, but don’t worry; I’m not a fucking animal. Kellyane’s a beautiful woman, but that’s it. Her daughter, Kim, is a whole different matter… Cute face, a bright smile framed by smart eyes, and a headful of bright blonde hair. And these long legs of hers, leading up to an ass perfect enough to make me salivate. And real fucking tits, round and perky.

  When I saw her at my father’s wedding, I could barely think of anything else but fucking her.

  Then my dad introduced her to me. “Your new sister, Kim,” he said, and my heart and cock both sank at the same time. That was it; there are some lines even I won’t cross, and fucking my stepsister is one of these lines.

  “Hey, you’re Cody Brooks, aren’t you?” Some other girl sashays up to me, her eyes brightening up as she sees me.

  “No,” I simply tell her, turning my back to her and heading down to the bar. I ask the bartender for another whisky, but when I turn around there she is again, an eager smile on her lips, full tits almost jumping out of her tight fitting red dress. At least these look like the real thing, not fake plastic rip offs.

  “You are Cody Brooks,” she purrs, taking one hand to my chest and closing in on me. Jesus fuck, can’t a guy get a drink without being fucking harassed all the time? This shit is tiresome.

  “Yeah, okay, I’m Cody,” I admit, downing half of my whisky in one single gulp. She flashes me a victorious smile and then takes her hand to my crotch, probably just wanting to check if the rumors are true.

  If you’re wondering, yeah, it’s all true—twelve-inch cock and enough stamina to kick ass at the Olympics. But tonight I’m not feeling it, and that’s the reason my cock isn’t hard when she presses her hand against my crotch.

  “Sophia,” she whispers, leaning into me and brushing her lips against my ear. She squeezes my cock then, and looks me straight in the eyes. This one seems even hornier than all the others put together.

  “Yeah, look,” I start, leaning against the counter and trying to get her to back off. “I’m just here with my friends and --”

  “You could be with me… in the bathroom,” she points with her head to the back of the dance floor, and I almost cave. At least she didn’t want me to take her back to my place.

  “I can’t,” I lie, and I can already tell she won’t take no for an answer. What the fuck happened to that No Means No thing? I’m a human being too, not a walking twelve-inch cock made of gold. “I’ve made a promise.”

  “A promise?” She seems taken aback, so I just decide to have some fun at her expense.

  “For each hour I go without sex, I’m donating $5000 to Africa,” I say, finishing my whisky and slamming my empty glass down on the counter.

  “Oh, seriously?” she squeals, her hand still on my cock. Just let me fucking go, Samantha, or whoever you are.

  “Yeah, that’s right.” Are people actually this fucking stupid? Seriously, this is the reason I’m not feeling it today. I’m just tired of all this constant bullshit. Women coming up to me because I’m wealthy, and how overall dumb they are. Where’s the fucking substance? I love tits and a nice piece of ass as much as the next guy, but once you’ve gone through as many women as I have, you start wanting more.

  “Look, Samantha--”


  “Yeah, that. Look, I actually have to leave,” I start, trying to think of something that will get her to leave me alone. “I’m going to be at the Hamptons, and I’ve to leave in a few hours. Tell you what, I’ll give you my number and you can call me if you’re ever in Southampton.”

  She finally takes her hand off of my cock, disappointment washing over her face, and I can tell she won’t call. The moment I’m out of sight she’ll just forget about me and jump back into the cock carousel. Girls these days have the attention span of a goldfish.

  “Okay,” she says with a resigned smile. She hands me her cell phone and I type my number into it. In a flash, she plucks the phone out of my hands, stuffs it into her purse and then bolts. Nice manners, Samantha, or whatever her name is.

  I have to thank her for one thing though, she actually gave me an idea. Why don’t I go to the Hamptons? I’m tired of the scene around here, and some time off seems perfect. I’ve never spent more than a weekend in the house my father bought there, but the Hamptons seem like someplace fun to take a break from New York.

  Maybe the women there are more interesting. And perhaps they have real tits too. Yeah, I really love real tits; I mean, they’re proof God’s real, so what’s there not to love?

  Yeah, fuck it; let’s do this. I’m getting out of Manhattan tonight. Hamptons, here I come.

  Time to pack my bags.


  I drag my bags up the stairs and, by the time I get to the top, I’m already breathing hard. Usually my stepfather would have a few helping hands around, but I completely forgot to warn him and my mother that I was leaving for the Hamptons.

  I had planned to call them on the bus ride here, but then this guy sat next to me. Tall and tanned, his biceps bulged from under his shirt and I got right to work trying to picture the size of his cock. And he had a sweet cologne on him as well… I almost pretended I was dozing off so that I could let my head fall against his shoulder.

  I know, I know. I really need to get laid. I think I’m going to lose my marbles if that doesn’t happen soon enough. Oh, don’t look at me like that. I’m not one of these desperate girls; I’m just busy most of the time, no time left to enjoy myself.

  Wiping the sweat off my forehead, I place the key on its slit and turn it. I push the two grand doors open, and then take a deep breath. The whole place is silent and my heels click across the marble floor as I step inside the monstrously huge living room. I open the large windows and the entrance that leads to the swimming pool in the backyard, allowing a soft breeze and daylight inside the house, and then I jump on the couch and lie back.

  I’m not used to the house being so empty. I usually come here with my mother when she wants to escape the suffocating New York hustle and bustle, so I’ve never been all by myself in here. Still, it’s a good thing, right? I can relax, enjoy myself, and that guy from Stone Rose might even show up… I sure as hell need to get laid. If I keep up like this, rust will start growing between my thighs.

  God knows I need some time off from work too; since I’ve started working under Mayor Michael Anders, I barely have any time left to breath, let alone for men. Sure, graduating top of the class and getting an important job straight out of college is all fine and dandy, but being an ambitious girl isn’t easy.

  Already at the Hamptons, can’t wait to see you! I type into my cellphone, and then fire off the message to Alicia. She’s probably too busy right now to hang out with me, organizing a wedding like hers can't be easy, even though she has three wedding planners working for her around the clock. I guess that getting married to a billionaire means that a small ceremony just for family and close friends is out of the equation.

  A billionaire, can you imagine it? That stuff is like something straight out of a book… Maybe something from Alexis Angel. I wish I was in one of her books; at least I’d get laid. Which reminds me...

  I pull up Facebook in my cellphone, and go straight to the Dirty Lil’ Angels group. Swear to God, joining this group was the best thing I did in months. It takes the edge off my loneliness, you know? I just scroll down and down, taking in all that man candy, and soon enough my real life troubles just seem small and unimportant.
  Which is what’s happening right now. I soak in all the pictures of the sexiest men the world has ever known, and I realize that I’m holding my breath. My pussy is dripping, and I know I’ll have to take a shower after this. Just to cool off, you know? But first…

  I lay back on the couch and, holding the phone in one hand, I start sliding the other one down my chest. My fingers start going over the front of my short skirt when I stop; should I be doing this in the living room? What if anyone shows up? Screw it, I think as I hike my skirt up and place my hand right between my thighs. My mother and Joseph are still in New York busy with work, and my idiot stepbrother is probably in some seedy Manhattan nightclub banging his way through a crowd of women. Well, at least someone’s getting laid in this family.

  Cody… You know, if he wasn’t my stepbrother—and, really, a complete asshole—I’d actually love to get to know him better. And by that I mean I’d like to see what he’s hiding under his pants. If the rumors are true, Cody’s a freak of nature. And that’s what I need right now—a man with a monstrous cock and enough appetite to take me to the moon and back.

  I press my hand over my pussy, flicking my thong to the side, and Cody’s image seems to dance in my mind. I’ve only seen him once, at my mother’s wedding, but he was really something to behold. I wonder what it’d be like to—okay, I need to stop right now. He’s my stepbrother!

  I make an effort to push Cody out of my mind and then I start rubbing my clit. I squirm and chomp on my lower lip as a ball of pleasure starts growing inside of me, and I being going faster and faster. My eyes are glued to the screen of my cell phone and I keep scrolling down with my thumb, imagining how it’d be like to be taken by a big, strong man. To be fucked over and over again until I just pass out from exhaustion.

  I let the cell phone slip from my fingers to the floor and I close my eyes, arching my back as I slide one finger deep inside my pussy. I’m close, so close… In my mind’s eye there’s a fat cock deep inside of me right now, and it’s sliding in and out so fast that I can’t even think straight.

  “Uhgg,” I groan as my pussy clenches around my finger, a wave of pleasure crashing against me. My back is arched tight, and I’m hissing through my gritted teeth, riding the crest of a delicious orgasm.

  I finally collapse back down on the couch, breathing hard, and that’s when I hear him.

  “Well, hello there, ‘sis,” Cody says, leaning against the door. His sunglasses are down on his nose, and he’s looking at me over their rim, a grin on his lips.



  Now I’m really glad I came to the Hamptons.

  I was reaching for the key in my pocket when I noticed that the door wasn’t locked. Which is odd, but I didn’t really care; I thought it was just a caretaker or a maid keeping the place in mint condition while no one's around.

  I was about to walk to the living room, my backpack on one shoulder, but I stopped dead in my tracks the moment I noticed what was right in front of me. Kim, lying on the couch with her back arched and one finger deep inside her pussy.

  My stepsister, masturbating. What the fuck? I had no fucking clue she was even in the Hamptons.

  I’m standing a few feet away from her like a complete tool, my mouth hanging open as I watch her squirm in ecstasy, the sound of her sweet moan reaching my ears and making my cock twitch.

  Fuck, this is quite a sight. I know I should look away, but I just can’t. This is like leaving a steak in a lion’s den and asking him not to devour it.

  My cock goes from twitching to standing up like a tent pole, and I have to crush the urge to just pull it out and start jerking off as I look at her. I remembered her as beautiful, but this is way too fucking much…

  She really has it all—intelligence, ambition, and a body worth crying for. My eyes roam over her bare thighs, and my head starts spinning. I could just walk up to her and help her out, you know? Turn whatever she’s fantasizing about into a reality.

  I don’t do that; I might be a fuckup, but at least I’m an honorable fuckup.

  “Well, hello there, ‘sis,” I say out loud, and she jumps up as if I’m pointing a loaded shotgun at her. Well, I am—a twelve-inch shotgun.

  “Cody?” she cries out, pushing her shirt down as her face turns red. She goes up to her feet, and my eyes go straight for the round swells of her tits. They seem like something made to order for my hands.

  “That’s my name. You remember it,” I grin, putting my backpack down on the floor and closing the door behind me. “Dad told me you were smart, and now I see why.”

  Rolling her eyes in their orbits, she places her hands on her hips and stares me down. Her face is still flushed from embarrassment, but that’s quickly turning into exasperation. Did she think she’d have the house all to herself? Tough luck, ‘sis.

  “My mother told me you were an asshole, and now I see why,” she retorts, throwing my own words back at me. Fiery, I like that.

  “Your mom loves me, don’t be an asshat.” It’s true; against all odds, Kellyane likes me. My father told me that she thinks I have a kind heart or some bullshit like that.

  I didn’t even know I have a heart; I’m ice cold, doll, and that’s why I’m such a fucking legend. Sure, friends and family are different, but when it comes to women I’m a fuck ‘em and dump ‘em kind of man. Most of them are just after a fat check, anyway. I’m willing to giving them something fat and big, but it sure as hell isn’t a check.

  “How could you stand there and watch me? Like… Like some creep!” she accuses me, pointing her finger at me. That hurts. Me, a creep?

  “It’s not my fault,” I shrug, “this is my house too, you know? Besides… On the couch? That’s disgusting, ‘sis.”

  She flushes again, pursing her lips and following with her deadly gaze as I walk to the kitchen and start rummaging through the fridge. Seeing her like that made me so fucking hungry. And since I can’t devour her, I have to find something else to devour.

  “What are you doing here, anyway? I thought you were in New York,” she asks me, and I turn around to face her.

  “Well, you know, my sixth sense started tingling, telling me that there’s a beautiful woman at the beach house,” she starts to blush furiously, not knowing how to respond, but then I finish my sentence. “I guess that my sixth sense was off.”

  I guess I managed to piss her off just now.

  “You really are an asshole, Cody,” she says, her hands back on her hips.

  “Part of the charm, I guess,” I shrug again, grabbing an apple and tossing it into the air repeatedly. “I needed to get away from the city, that’s it. Don’t think I came here just for you.”

  Lowering her head, she lets out a frustrated sigh and then locks her eyes on mine.

  “Alright, just don’t get in my way, okay?”

  “But I’m a big guy, Kim. Sometimes I just can’t help but be in the way,” I smile at her, leaning against the counter and tossing the apple from one hand to the other.

  She frowns, rolling her eyes again, and the way she does it makes my cock harden even more. Good thing I’m standing behind the counter, or else she’d see how much of a big guy I am.

  “The house is big enough,” she continues, but I’m barely listening to whatever she’s saying. “You stay out of my way, I stay out of yours.”

  Before I can even respond, she turns her back to me and picks her bags up from the floor. My heart feels as heavy as a boulder inside my chest as I watch her bend over, her sweet ass cheeks clenching and unclenching in such a way that I almost forget she’s my stepsister.

  Without bothering to look at me, she crosses the living room and starts going up the stairs leading to the bedroom on the second floor. My eyes follow after her, the sway of her hips making me so fucking hard I might break the kitchen counter in half.

  I’m holding my breath, but I only notice it when I hear the door to her room slamming shut.

  Cody, you sleazy bastard, keep it in your
pants, I hear a voice say inside my head. The voice of sanity. She’s your stepsister.


  That asshole Cody! I still can’t believe he caught me while I was masturbating! I wish I could find a hole deep enough to hide in. The way he just stood there, staring at me … So much for a relaxing week in the Hamptons.

  I throw my bags on top of the bed, ready to start unpacking, when I hear my cell phone buzz. I have to rummage through my purse to find it; I just threw it inside there when I saw Cody, but I finally manage to fish it out.

  John’s name is flashing on the screen, finally some good news! Ever since I left him at Stone Rose I’ve been waiting for his call. I wasn’t sure if he’d come to the Hamptons, but I guess it’s my lucky day. At least I’ll have something to distract me from Cody and his huge… ahem, his huge arrogance.

  “Hey,” John says as soon as I put the phone up to my ear. “I’ll be in the Hamptons today. Wanna have a drink?”

  “Sure!” I reply happily, thinking that we’ll probably be able to finish what we started in New York. Time to get laid, Kim. “When?”

  “Four? At the Elephant Bar?”

  “Sounds perfect! I’ll be there,” I tell him, probably more excited than I should be. I mean, I still haven’t come down completely from the orgasm I gave myself a few minutes ago, and Cody didn’t help either.

  No, I’m not going to start talking about how handsome he looked, or how I noticed the contour of his cock pushing against his jeans. And I sure as hell won’t start babbling about I became even wetter when our eyes met and I still had one finger inside of me. He’s my stepbrother, so I won’t talk about any of that stuff.

  I look at the watch on my wrist, and it’s already three ‘clock. I have to hurry if I want to make it to the bar in time. Although it won’t hurt if I get there a bit late, keep ‘em waitin’, Alicia always says. Worked out for her.

  Undressing, I throw all my clothes on top of the bed and then step inside my private bathroom. I hop into the shower, do it as fast as I can without getting my hair wet, and then wrap myself in a cotton towel.


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