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Leave Me Breathless

Page 23

by Cherrie Lynn

  Aw fuck.

  “You’re wearing the red panties, aren’t you?”

  Her head fell back, and she giggled in a way that made him think of a demonic seductress. She should have a red devil tail twitching around her feet. Then, giving him an impish glance any porn star could learn from, she popped the button on her jeans, lowered the zipper and slid them down over her hips with a slow wiggle. Kicking them free, she shook her hair back and looked at him, waiting for his next move.

  He knew what he wanted that move to be. Pinning her sexy ass down on the bed and having it six ways to Sunday all night long. He wanted to tie her up, take away the control she so desperately needed in her life, make her give it all to him.

  Instead, he said, “Come here.”

  She wet her lips and obeyed, hips swaying hypnotically. If he were a lesser man, the mere sight of her advancing on him would be enough to make him come all over himself.

  He’d known from the first time he’d seen her—freaked out and practically cowering in the parlor—that underneath the demure exterior lurked a passionate, confident and devastatingly sexual woman. She’d never disappointed him.

  “So if I’m yours for the night, what are you going to do to me?” she asked. He let his gaze roam her body. She was within reach now, standing at the side of the bed; he just didn’t know what he wanted to reach for first.

  “What do you want?” he whispered.

  Never taking her eyes from his, she unhooked her bra and let it slide from her arms. He swallowed against the sudden dryness in his throat. Suddenly there was no question what he wanted to reach for first.

  Sitting up and turning toward her, he grasped her hips and pulled her in between his legs. Her breath hitched and shuddered and her skin felt like warm satin underneath his palms as he pushed his hands up her belly to cup the firm weight of her breasts. “Fucking gorgeous,” he murmured, leaning forward to catch first one nipple and then the other in his mouth. Her knees quaked where they were pressed between his thighs, and her hands grasped fistfuls of his shirt as she whimpered.

  He loved the sound of that. He drew her deeper, sucked her harder, circling her hard little nipple with his tongue, all in an effort to send her moans to a crescendo. Her head fell back, a movement that only bowed her lithe body into him more. The scent of her arousal flared his nostrils, and if his erection had been threatening to bust his fly before, the situation was twice as dire now.

  Hooking his wrist under her knee, he hauled her leg up until her bent knee rested on his thigh. She gasped and immediately rolled her hips toward him, wordlessly begging for him to touch. He didn’t keep her waiting, slipping his fingers between her parted legs but making sure to stay on top of the damp fabric for now. He moved his attentions from one wet, beaded nipple to the other one he’d been mostly neglecting.

  “Oh, Seth, please,” she panted, angling her body so that his fingertips brushed her clit. A jolt went through her; her hands clenched him tighter. Any more and she was going to tear off his shirt. He didn’t give a shit.

  “You didn’t answer my question,” he said against her puckering flesh.

  “Wha…?” The breath left her as he sucked again. He didn’t let her have it back for at least another minute, teasing her nipple, strumming her clit.

  “Why you came here. I asked, you never said.”

  “To see you.” Her voice was lower, fuller, desire-drenched, and damn, he got off on it.

  “To fuck me.”

  “Not just…no, I…oh, God.” His fingers had just bypassed the fabric barrier between them and her pussy. So wet, so soft. In one frenzied motion, she put all her weight on her knee and lifted her other leg until it rested on him too, opening herself more.

  “No? So if I stop, then—”

  “No, don’t stop!”

  He chuckled. She was lying to herself if she thought she didn’t need this. Maybe he was lying to himself to think she needed anything more than this.

  What if he loosened her up sexually only for the next fucking bastard who came into her life to reap all the benefits?

  Oh, goddammit, no. He snatched his hand away, grabbed her by the hips and threw her on the bed sideways, rising up over her and damn near ripping his shirt off as she watched him with a kind of feral apprehension in her eyes. It didn’t stop her from grabbing his jeans and working them until she held his cock in her hands. Fuck, he was hard, so hard it hurt, and sweet relief was only a few inches away. Between her legs or between her lips, he didn’t much care, only knew he had to get in one place or the other, and he had to get there fast.

  “Are you on the pill?” he rasped.

  Her eyelashes flickered as she looked up at him. “No. Sorry.”

  And so his dreams of sinking uninhibited into her wet heat and not leaving until he came died a screaming death. It was all right. He just wished he’d had the foresight to get the condoms out and have them close at hand. By the time he returned to her with the little foil packet, he was no less ravenous for the pause. She wasn’t either, apparently, because she grabbed it from him and had it opened and his dick sheathed in latex almost before he could blink.

  “Panties off,” he demanded, and she made even quicker work of stripping them. He shucked his jeans. Her hungry gaze roved over him, and she stretched her arms above her head, already knowing what he liked without him having to ask.

  “I thought you liked them on,” she said huskily.

  “I don’t want a fucking thing keeping me from touching every inch of you I can.”

  A sigh shuddered from her. Jesus Christ. Her long, naked body gleamed in the dim light. All his. Her gaze dropped to his cock, she licked her lips, and that was the last thing his dangerously thin control could take.

  He hadn’t slid his fingers inside her, hadn’t stretched her, hadn’t prepared her. He wanted the sweet shock of her impossible tightness, wanted her squeezing him until he couldn’t breathe, wanted to see the answering sensations pass across her face.

  He spread her knees wider. Let the head of his cock slip through her gathered moisture and thrust once, hard. Her fingers wrenched the bedspread above her head. Her lovely face pinched in agonized ecstasy. He made it only halfway before he couldn’t take any more of the friction, drew back and thrust again to ease his entry.

  A dozen curses must have fallen from his lips, but he was beyond knowing or caring what he said. Only when she’d taken him all did he stop for a moment, breathing harshly while her legs trembled around his hips. She shivered all over, in fact, even inside where he could feel every movement magnified a hundredfold around his too-engorged shaft.

  Scared, hurt, tuned on…whatever she was right now, he was right there with her. It was all from the possessiveness that had bubbled up at the thought of her with some other asshole’s hands all over her. Some other asshole’s dick where his was right now. He opened his mouth to say something…what, he had no clue. Something to reassure her.

  He never imagined she’d be the one to reassure him. “Baby, come here,” she said, disobeying his unspoken request and holding her arms out to him. He’d have been the dumbest son of a bitch alive not to go into them.

  It wasn’t too hard, in that moment, to almost understand where Brian was coming from now in his need to stake a claim with his woman, to make her his and his alone. Truth of the matter was, though, that it made no difference how much you gave her, or how many rings you put on her finger; there was always a motherfucker around the corner just waiting to try to entice her with a better deal. Didn’t he fucking know it.

  Even as he relaxed into her embrace, despair ate a hole in his gut. It couldn’t last. But he couldn’t fight it. As much as he liked taking her control away, her arms around him and her soft body welcoming his stole away every last bit of his own. With only a few words, a touch, she’d brought his ragged beast to heel under her own gentle command.

  She hadn’t come here to fuck him; she’d come here to make love to him. He wasn’t ready for that y

  “It’s all going to be okay,” she whispered, stroking his back.

  He inhaled the overwhelming sweetness of her skin and hair and released his breath on a shudder, trying to get a grip before he just fucking lost it, right here, right now. There was so much, too much shit flying around his head…and maybe this had been an epically bad idea to expose her to it.

  “Turn over; let me up.”

  No use arguing with her. He rolled, pulling her with him. Maybe she wouldn’t look at his face too much. God only knew what she’d see.

  Planting little kisses along his jaw, she lifted her hips, letting him slide out to just the last half-inch. He groaned, clenching his hands on her ass in an effort not to shove her back down. Slowly, so damn slowly it curled his toes, she sank again. Inch by inch until she’d taken him all and he’d broken out in a sweat.

  “Oh God,” she gasped. Her warm palms captured his face, and her lips melted over his. Then, as she lifted and sank again, she pulled her head back and stared right at him, lips parted, eyes glazed with pleasure. “Oh.”

  “Macy…” Heaven. She was a little piece of heaven wrapped around him to offset the hell in his head. Her body moved with fluid grace as she began to love him…it was the only word for what she did. Every withdrawal brought her lips back to his. Her scents—like cupcakes and sex—swirled in his head, and he could drown in the dark luxury of her heavy silken hair falling around him.

  A little faster now, but still gently, she rode him, seeking the angle that told him she was reaching her peak and needed to fly. So much for his hope she wouldn’t look at him much, because she stared right in his fucking eyes, hers like burning amber glazed with pleasure and need.

  “Fuck, that’s good,” she said, and it was so unexpected he almost burst out laughing.

  “Aren’t you glad you didn’t run screaming?”

  “Wha…? Oh.” She gave a breathy laugh, apparently remembering her comment about his piercing. “I am. So freaking glad.”

  “Turn around.”


  He urged her up with a gentle push on her hips. “Turn around, cowgirl. You’ll see.” Curious uncertainty flashing in her eyes, she did as he told her, putting her back to him. He reached between them and positioned himself at her entrance, both of them groaning as she sank back down, swallowing him whole.

  “Fuck,” he breathed. Running his hand up her sides, he drew her back until she lay atop him, turning her head for a kiss as he caressed her belly and breasts. It was a welcome break from her probing gaze, and, given her whimpers and the minute gyrations of her hips on him as he lay perfectly still, he knew his piercing was resting at her sweet spot.

  “Seth,” she moaned against his mouth. “I need…” Her pussy pulsed around him, involuntary spasms that were going to drive him out of his mind.

  God, yes, she needed, and he wanted to be the one overseeing the fulfillment of those needs from now on. He took one of her hands and slid it down over her belly. “Play with your clit, Macy.”

  The disadvantage was that he couldn’t see as she obeyed. He felt her hand leave his, heard the tiny, moist sound of her fingers finding their target and her answering sigh. In little increments, he began to move. It was all she needed—for him to work the very spot he was at. Her fingers explored lower and touched his dick where it disappeared inside her, and the shock of it jolted up his spine, made him growl, made him tighten his arm around her waist.

  “I need you to come, baby, before I blow,” he said in a rush at her ear. “Need to feel you squeeze me while I’m hard and deep.”

  “Yes.” The brush of her fingers left him and returned to working the little bud he couldn’t wait to kiss and tongue and suck later until she screamed. He told her all about those plans while she sighed and moaned, trembled and jerked, until finally she broke over him. Her body undulated in waves while he left control in the dust and took her in long strokes that sent her cries higher and milked his own release from him in great heaving spasms that took all the stress and heartache with them—at least for the moment. Her weight collapsed onto him just as the last shudder rent him.

  But she didn’t stay. She slid off him and curled at his side, her body still shaking so violently he was compelled to turn and wrap her in his arms.

  “Are you okay?”

  She only nodded, clinging to him. He didn’t push. It had been fucking intense for him, too, and he couldn’t have articulated it, so there was no reason to make her attempt to do so.

  As quickly as he was able, he took care of the condom. Then, reaching over her, he pulled the lower half of the bedspread away from the mattress and tossed it over both of them, snuggling her closer into his chest. Just in case her shivering wasn’t only emotional in nature.

  And if it was? If she was as affected by what was happening here as he seemed to be?

  He gripped her tighter. Her smooth leg slid over his, and her arm went around his waist, her head nestling under his chin. Warm breath gusted against his shoulder. So much for his grand, smart plans to keep her at a distance. Here in this little cocoon, the world didn’t matter, and seemingly anything he’d ever thought or felt before didn’t matter either. He would fucking die for this girl.

  “You’re too good for me,” he whispered. Not really what he wanted to spout at the moment, but it was what came out.

  “Don’t say that.” Her voice was still small, husky, breathless.

  “I know. It’s lame.”

  Her head lifted, and clear hazel eyes met his gaze. “I want you. And I’m an uptight bitch, remember? I don’t tend to want things that aren’t good enough for me.”

  “An uptight bitch? Who the hell ever told you that?”

  “No one ever had to tell me that.”

  “For an uptight bitch, you’re pretty damn selfless.”

  A grin teased at the corner of her lips. “You think I don’t have my own selfish reasons for being here?”

  “Well, so did I, for that matter. So, how about admitting neither of us is perfect and getting on with life.”

  “You brought it up.”

  “It was an observation. Correct but irrelevant.”

  “Not correct and irrelevant.”

  He laughed, sinking his hand into her hair to cup her neck and guide her lips back to his. “All right,” he told her between mouthfuls of her sweetness. “I give in.”

  “That’s the way it should be.” She slid her body over his, a devilish glint in her eyes. “You giving in.”

  “Is it now?”

  “Mm-hmm.” Her thighs eased open around his hips, and her mouth trailed down to his right nipple ring. When her tongue flicked it, his breath caught. Damn if his cock wasn’t already swelling hard against the softness of her belly. “So do these really heighten sensitivity?”

  He lifted his hips, pressing his erection into her. “What do you think?”

  As she chuckled, a burst of her breath cooled the wetness she’d left at his nipple and he groaned. “I think I could look at you and get that reaction.”

  She might just be right about that. “You interested?”

  Her incredulous gaze lifted to his. “In nipple rings? Oh, hell no.”

  A gasp escaped her as he flipped her under him, the movement causing the blanket to slip off their bodies. “I don’t pierce, anyway.”

  “You don’t?”

  “Nope. Purely interested in the ink.” Her skin was a delicious mix of sweet and salty as he licked the delicate curve where her neck met her shoulder. He knew from experience that flavor only intensified between her legs. “There’s so much I want to do with you.”

  “As long as it doesn’t involve needles.”

  “Noted.” He drew one pert nipple into his mouth, sucked it slowly as he skimmed his fingers down her belly. Her hips tilted upward in sweet invitation, and he accepted, sliding two fingertips on either side of her clit but not touching it directly. She gave a little mewl of distress…and then the words that stoppe
d the world’s turning.

  “Other than that, you can…do anything you want to me.”

  The building could’ve caught fire, a tornado siren could’ve blared, or a fucking wrecking ball could’ve crashed through the wall, and he wouldn’t have noticed at the moment. But those words brought his head up.

  “What do you want?”

  He could practically see the blush rising in her cheeks. “I thought we were talking about what you want.”

  “No, this is all you. I’d like to push you, but only to places where I’m pretty certain you’d like to go. I’m not going to cross any lines you may have all for the sake of getting myself off. So if there’s something you’re curious about, or you think you want to try, then you need to tell me.”

  She averted her gaze from his, studying the portion of the ceiling just over his right shoulder. “I just keep thinking about what you said about your ex, about you staying around because she was crazy in bed. It was the first thing you mentioned when I asked why you were with someone like that for so long.”

  “And if I’d used my brain, I would never have told you that, especially if I thought it would eat at you. Hey.” Gently, he stroked the hair from her forehead, drawing her attention again. “It might’ve kept me for a while, but it didn’t keep me forever, did it?”

  “I don’t like the thought that I’m not the best you’ve ever had.” Wow. The fierce intensity of that statement took him by surprise, and for a moment, he wondered if he’d just gotten a glimpse of the pre-accident, always-gotta-win Macy everyone talked about. Also…what the hell?

  “Now I fucking did not mean to give you that impression. Jesus, girl.” He sat up on his knees, rubbing a hand over his head. She followed, modestly holding the bedspread to the swell of her breasts. “I wish I could even describe to you how I felt that first night we were together. I can’t, though, because the only words going through my mind were holy fucking shit. That’s it. Over and over. That you had even looked my way once, that you agreed to meet up, that you actually pulled the first move and didn’t tease or stop me—my life could’ve ended that night, Macy, and I’d have considered it complete. You are the best I’ve ever had. If all we do from now on is straight missionary sex at eight p.m. on Tuesday nights of months that start with J, you’ll still be the best I’ve ever had.”


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