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Landon's Desire (Book Three of The Pulse Series 3)

Page 3

by Rose, Jennifer

  Although the date with Michael had turned out to be a mistake he’d not soon make again, maybe something good had come from the events of the evening after all. Landon climbed back into bed, feeling much better, the nausea replaced with a sudden case of butterflies.


  Carl hurried into his apartment, locked the door and set up the coffee machine before heading to the bedroom. He busied himself with a quick shower, threw a load of laundry in the washer and changed the sheets on the bed. If there had been anything else to do that would distract him from thoughts of Landon, he sure as hell couldn’t find it.

  The scent of fresh linen and vanilla permeated his nostrils as he laid his cheek against his pillow. The clean fresh smell usually invited peaceful slumber, yet tonight his sleep was invaded with visions of Landon in his snug black boxers. As much as Carl tried to push the thought of Landon’s beautifully tanned skin, the fluffy black trail that disappeared into his boxers and the way they hung off his hips and showed his perfectly sculpted V out of his mind, the visions only became clearer.

  “I’m not fucking gay,” he muttered.

  His level of frustration hit an all-time high, sleep wasn’t about to come anytime soon. He climbed out of bed, slipped into comfy sweatpants and headed downstairs with his i-phone. The bar had needed a deep cleaning for a while and Carl kept putting it off. What better excuse to get it done than restless nerves and something to keep his mind occupied.

  Carl plugged his i-phone into the docking station behind the bar, turned the volume loud enough to be heard with no risk of waking Landon, and hummed along with the tunes while he rummaged for cleaning supplies and got started.

  It was surprising how dust accumulated in the strangest places, forming tight little dust bunnies under surfaces that could never quite be reached. With his trusty can of air and a toothbrush, he managed to make the bar gleam as he danced about and sang along with Maroon 5.

  Happy, with a clear mind and a sense of accomplishment, he threw his cleaning supplies into the bucket and turned in time to catch Landon watching him at the far end of the bar.

  With his one elbow resting across the bar, Landon bit into an apple suggestively, allowing the juices to trickle down his chin and licking across his lips. He smiled brightly.

  “Let me guess, you couldn’t sleep?” Landon asked.

  “Restless,” Carl answered, with a scowl.

  “I was having trouble sleeping too,” Landon said, his eyes moving to Carl’s bare chest. “You always clean half naked?”

  “I wasn’t expecting an audience.”

  “I used to do the housework stark naked,” Landon laughed.

  “And the reason I need to know this?” Carl asked.

  Landon shrugged, “Visual effect.”

  Carl narrowed his eyes as he walked past, he could feel Landon’s eyes on him as he walked into the kitchen and pulled a deep breath into his lungs to stop from heating any further.

  “Carl, when are you going to admit you like me?” Landon whispered behind Carl’s back.

  “I like you well enough,” Carl said, turning to face Landon, smelling the sweet scent of apple on his breath. “I just don’t like you that way.”

  Landon tossed the partially eaten apple into the trash can and stepped into Carl’s space. “What way is that, Carl?”

  Carl placed his hand on Landon’s chest, slightly fisting his t-shirt, holding him back. “I can’t say it enough Landon…I’m not interested in you in that way.”

  Landon grinned, pretending to wipe sweat from his brow. “Progress at last.”

  “What the fuck are you saying?”

  “I’m saying it’s nice to hear you say something other than those worn out words I’m not gay, which were getting fucking old.”

  “But I’m not.”

  Landon’s brows rose as he dropped his chin to his chest. “How can you be so sure?”

  “This conversation is over. I’m not wasting my time trying to convince you that we aren’t going to be anything more than friends.” Carl snapped, shoving Landon back.

  Landon’s large hand wrapped around the nape of Carl’s neck, yanking him forward and forcing their chests to collide. Carl looked into Landon’s eyes and saw the unmistakable glare of lust, his stomach tightened. Landon’s lips gently touched his with a cautious delay. When he was happy Carl wasn’t going to deck him, he pressed his lips tighter to Carl’s and closed his eyes, making it linger for several long seconds. It was nothing too passionate or demanding, a smooth lingering kiss, enough to get a proper taste of what he was missing.

  Carl grasped Landon’s hair at the back of his head and tugged, pulling them apart and staring for a few moments before shoving Landon to the side and storming from the kitchen.

  “You liked it Carl, don’t fucking tell me you didn’t,” Landon yelled. “I could tell!”

  If he was having trouble sleeping before, it was going to be near to impossible now. Carl paced about his apartment, he was on a mission to wipe Landon and that kiss from his mind. He scrubbed the kitchen counters until they sparkled, then cleaned all the wooden cutting boards with coarse salt and reapplied fresh mineral oil. He wiped down every surface of the kitchen with a bleach solution and scrubbed the floors by hand. Equal measures of cleanliness were applied to the bathroom. Carl looked around the room quite happy with what he had accomplished, then filled the hot pink bathtub with lavender bubble bath and climbed in.

  When the water got cold and Carl felt relaxed enough to sleep he dried off and fell into bed, he didn’t even have the energy to put on underwear and didn’t much care. It was five in the morning and all he wanted was a few hours of undisturbed sleep.


  The taste of Carl lingered on Landon’s lips the entire night. His dreams ravishing his brain with visions of a half-naked Carl gripping tight to his chest, the sound of his breathing becoming rushed and anxious as their lips locked passionately together.

  When he finally fell asleep, it was short lived as his own strangled moans woke him from a nightmare. He scrubbed his hands over his face, distraught by the image of his head bobbing between Michael’s thighs. The recollection of Michael panting and calling out his name, holding him in place while he came in his mouth, sent him running to the washroom and heaving into the toilet again.

  Stepping into the bar a few hours later, Landon was relieved to see Chase and Mikala sitting at a table with paperwork scattered over the surface, arguing as usual.

  “Chase you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, back the fuck off,” Mikala snipped.

  “Am I interrupting anything important?” Landon asked, holding his hand on the back of the chair directly across from the pair.

  “Yes please,” Mikala said, tucking papers into a folder with a scowl.

  Landon pulled out the chair, twisting it around in the air and then straddled it, his eyes glancing from Chase to Mikala and back again, neither seemed pleased with the other.

  “Should I be scared?”

  “You’re safe,” Chase assured him. “Our dear sweet ray of sunshine here, won’t take a little friendly advice is all.”

  “What kind of advice is that?” Landon risked asking.

  “It’s not up for discussion,” Mikala snapped. “I don’t need both of you filling my head with fucked up notions.”

  Carl came to the table and set a coffee before each of them and met Landon’s eyes. “Morning,” Carl said, directing the greeting to Landon alone, totally catching him off guard.

  “Good morning, thanks for the coffee,” Landon said, sheepishly testing the waters. “Get any sleep?”

  “I managed to get a few hours,” Carl said, walking to Mikala’s side and handing her a glass of orange juice. “Here you go honey, freshly made just for you.”

  Mikala took a sip and spit it back into the glass, to the horror of the men surrounding her. “Carlton, are you trying to fucking kill me? Did you use fucking rotten oranges?” Mikala yelled, as she bolt
ed to the washroom.

  “What the fuck,” Carl said. “I can do no right around that woman lately, those were fresh oranges I used, they came from my refrigerator. I only bought them a few days ago at the farmers market. You can’t get any fresher without picking them from the tree.”

  “Don’t let her get to you, Carl,” Chase told him, gathering the papers from the table and standing. “She’s going to be better in no time.”

  “You think she’s got that flu that’s been going around?” Landon asked.

  “I think it’s a bit more serious than that.” Chase smiled. “Nothing life threatening though, she’ll be fine once she sees a doctor.”

  Mikala harrumphed as she rejoined them at the table. “Read my lips Chase Dean,” Mikala pointed to her mouth. “I’m not going to the doctor. I have a stomach bug, a simple virus that will be gone in a day or two.”

  “I think,” Chase started, until he saw the look on her face that warned him, the next words out of his mouth would be his last.

  “Shut it!” she yelled. “No one cares what you think, am I right?” She looked at Carl and Landon who quickly shook their heads, they knew better than to disagree with Moody Mikala.

  Mikala rose to her feet, gave a warning glare and stormed off to her office, it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

  Landon sat alone enjoying his coffee in silence. It was short lived once the kitchen staff arrived and someone started up the music. Silence in a night club was rare; you learned to embrace the moments as they came.

  He went into the office to retrieve the sweep papers for the day and begin his security check. Mikala was slumped over her desk sobbing. Landon put his hand on her shoulder and was taken aback when she looked up at him with puffy red eyes and an out of character helpless stare.

  “Princess, don’t bite my head off, but you don’t look good.”

  “You’re not the first to tell me today.” She wiped tears from her eyes. “You probably won’t be the last either.”

  “Why not let me take you home and get you into bed.” Landon said.

  Mikala’s shoulder started dancing about as she tittered into her hand. “Landon I know you like me, but are you sure you want to get me into bed, it means switching teams and I don’t think you’re ready.”

  “You know what I meant.”

  “I know,” she said, placing her hand over his. “Can you keep a secret?”

  “When have I ever let you down?”

  She started crying again as she whispered, “Lando, I think I’m pregnant.”

  This was his time to step in and save the day, he knew she wasn’t ready to handle being pregnant again and lifted her into his arms, sitting in the chair with her in his lap.

  “I take it you haven’t done a test yet?” he asked, tucking her bright red hair behind her ear.


  “How about we swing by the drug store, pick up a few of those do-it-yourself kits and I’ll keep you company while we see if it’s worth all the tears.” Landon suggested.

  “You’d waste all that time on me?”

  “Time spent with you is never a waste, come on, grab your things and let’s go.”

  Carl looked up as they came from the office and watched them apprehensively.

  “I’m taking Mik home, have Rex run through the security check for me, I don’t know when I’ll be back.” Landon said, taking Mikala’s hand in his, starting towards the back door where he liked to leave his truck.

  “Is everything okay, Ace?” Carl asked.

  “Yeah, I’ll talk to you when I get back.” Landon winked and Carl diverted his eyes.


  “Pregnancy tests?”

  The young girl behind the counter pointed to the left, snapping her gum. “Aisle four, beside the prophylactics,” she giggled.

  He rolled his eyes, she had no idea how stupid throwing in the mention of condoms was when inquiring about pregnancy tests. Smart ass little bitch if you asked him. No need for a thank you, he walked off and veered into the aisle.

  Totally confused by the numerous packages to choose from, he quickly eliminated the tests that included anything to do with ovulation and multi-packs and grabbed the eight tests that remained. Overboard maybe, but one way or another he was going to see to it that Mikala was put out of her misery, she’d know within an hour if she was or was not pregnant.

  As he stood in line, he grabbed her a few gossip rags, a chocolate bar and a box of Jellybeans. You couldn’t go wrong with that assortment. He also bought a pack of cinnamon gum for himself.

  Mikala smiled when she looked at the contents in the bag, then rested her head on the car window and closed her eyes for the remainder of the ride home.

  When they arrived at the loft Mikala quickly disappeared into the washroom, it was some time before she opened the door and invited Landon inside. He was going to protest but she looked so scared he couldn’t. He perched himself on the rickety stool by the counter and waited silently.

  Landon reached over with the intention of picking up one of the eight long thermometer looking sticks from the counter.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Mikala warned. “You know how to use those?”

  “Not really, all I know is they fucking take forever.”

  “I had to pee on the end of those and It’s only been a few minutes, calm yourself,” Mikala ordered. “Grab yourself something from the fridge if you like.”

  “That’s disgusting,” he laughed. “Can I get you something, a drink, crackers, toast?”

  “Nothing,” she said, blowing out a long breath. “Can we talk about something else besides pregnancy tests and food?

  “Please,” he joked.

  “Tell me about Carl,” she inquired.

  “There’s nothing to tell, he’s in denial and I’m not giving up my pursuit.”

  “Lando,” Mikala said, holding her arms out for assistance. He lifted her effortlessly onto the counter and waited. “What about Carl, screams gay to you?”

  “You really want to know?” he asked, with a naughty grin.

  “Yes, but remember I have a weak stomach,” she laughed.

  “I can tell by the way he kisses me back, but doesn’t realize he’s doing it,” Landon wiggled his brows.

  “From one kiss you know this,”

  “No, two kisses.”

  A flash of the night when signals got crossed and he kissed Carl for the first time outside his friend’s place after a poker game, sent shivers down his spine. That was a mistake he’d never get over, but one he had so enjoyed at the time. It cost him a fat lip, and a bruised ego, but was well worth it.

  “Two? When was the second?” she swatted his arm grinning from ear to ear.

  “Last night in the kitchen downstairs,” he said. “It was one of those unplanned things that just happened, it was nice, it took him a while before he pushed me away. I’m convinced he liked it.”

  Mikala tipped up her head in question. “But you were on a date last night…please tell me you went on the date.”

  “I did,” Landon said, with a sour look on his face. “Since you brought it up though…that was a first and a last for me, okay?”

  “Why, what happened? Was Mr. Briggs a prick or something?”

  “Let’s just say favors got outta hand, I know he’s an important client but I don’t ever want to do that again.”

  “Favors…? What kind of favors Lando, did he try something with you?”

  Landon combed his fingers through his hair and sighed. “I’m not going into details, but I’ll tell you I spent a lot of time throwing up after my adventure with Briggs.”

  Mikala’s mind was exploring the things that may have happened and she put her hand to her mouth and gasped. “He forced you to do something didn’t he? Oh my God Lando, I’m sorry.”

  “Forget about it,” he turned away, busying himself with the pregnancy tests lying in a row. “It was my own fault.”

  “Look at me Landon,” Mi
kala said, taking his chin in her hands. “Whatever it was he forced you to do, it was wrong, forcing anyone to do something against their will is wrong.”

  “Princess, I know you mean well, but if we don’t get away from this subject, the two of us are going to be sharing a toilet,” he joked.

  “I’m here if you need me,” she offered, as Landon compared the sticks with the diagrams on the instruction sheets.

  Landon held out his arms as he said, “And I’m here for you too…mommy.”

  He watched her eyes fill with tears and pulled her onto his lap, wrapping her in his supportive warmth.


  Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody was blaring from the stereo speakers in the bar and every person in the place was singing along to the words as Freddy Mercury performed on the huge screen by the DJ’s booth.

  Landon smiled and leaned on the bar watching Carl and Rex dancing and singing with bottle openers as microphones. As if well-rehearsed, the pair put on quite the show, sharing the lyrics and choreographed dance steps. They had the joint jumping and as the end of the song neared, it’s slow sad words echoing around them, everyone shared the words Anyway the wind blows and the giant gong rang on the screen. Carl laughed and noticed Landon watching him. Landon winked and Carl shook his head, held up a glass and Landon nodded yes.

  Carl filled the glass with ice and filled it with cola from the bars dispenser. “You were gone a long time.”

  Landon took the offered drink and a long sip. “Were you timing me, Babes?”

  Carl’s eyes spanned the bar, hoping no one heard Landon’s term of endearment. Although deep down Carl tingled when Landon said it, he wasn’t comfortable with anyone else hearing him.


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