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Landon's Desire (Book Three of The Pulse Series 3)

Page 12

by Rose, Jennifer

  Once inside they discovered there were four small bedrooms to accommodate seven large men, a huge common area which suited its purpose well and a large eat-in kitchen with a table that sat ten.

  And if anyone asked, Landon would have said it was most definitely rustic.

  Thank God it was nestled deep in the woods and located on the shore of a large man-made lake, because there was no running water and the closest thing to plumbing was a decrepit outhouse with a crescent moon cut out of the door, which was clearly the worse for wear. Washroom facilities consisted of a cold shallow lake and whatever tree you chose to water.

  “It’s going to be great,” Landon pinched Carl’s chin and kissed the tip of his nose. “Look at the size of the bathtub.”

  Carl apprehensively looked out the window at the lake and let out a sigh, “What time are we leaving on Sunday?”

  “Let loose, Babes,” Landon said, standing behind Carl with his hand on his shoulder. “Breathe in the fresh air and enjoy Mother Nature at her finest…for Christ’s sake relax.”

  The interior was a mix match of furniture and items that dated back to the Stone Age. From the orange oval braided rug in the center of the room, to the armchair covered in cowhide and the end tables that resembled stacks of oversized books. There was a giant moose head above the stone fireplace with a shotgun perched precariously across its antlers and several more ancient shotguns sat on the mantle covered in a heavy layer of dust and cobwebs. As far as the antler theme went, the chandelier, a mirror’s frame and the coffee table, were all made from them. It was like a hunter’s paradise.

  The second floor, where the four bedrooms were lined in a row, was balconied over the great room, the railing was made from tree trunks and thick tree branches and as they climbed the staircase it creaked and groaned under their weight.

  “Buddy up my friends,” Arthur called, from the kitchen area, “the first door on the right’s mine.”

  That left three rooms and six men.

  “Thank fucking Christ Tiny didn’t come after all or we’d be bedding up in our vehicles for the night,” Rex laughed.

  Gus pushed open the door of the room next to Arthur’s and let out a relieved sigh, when he saw two single beds. “This one’s ours Rex. Do you want the window side or door?”

  “Door,” Rex said, tossing his bag on the first quilt covered bed.

  The next room in line had a queen sized bed covered in a multi-colored granny square afghan. The four remaining men eyed each other before Chase stepped forward with a humorous grin spread over his face. He grabbed Mason’s sleeve and yanked him through the doorway and placed his backpack on the floor at the foot of the bed.

  “We’ll be happy in this room,” Chase tittered. “It’s not like we haven’t had to bunk together before.”

  “Whatever,” Mason said, squeezing by Chase and falling back onto the bed. “I’ll be too drunk to give a fuck who I’m sleeping with.”

  “Sleaze,” Chase teased his best friend.

  “Fucker,” Mason countered, throwing the pillow from the bed in Chase’s direction and missing his target.

  “You throw like a fucking girl,” Chase said. “I hope you cast better than that.”

  “I’d be more worried about me with a loaded gun mistaking you for a bear in the woods.”

  “Oh, ha, ha, ha!” Chase feigned hysterical laughter and then stopped abruptly, turning his attention to Landon.

  “That leaves door number four for you guys,” Chase winked at Landon, who questioned his strange behavior with narrowed eyes.

  Carl was watching the two of them as he dropped his bag to the floor and crossed his arms over his chest. “Am I being set up here?”

  “The possibility,” Landon started, “that we are indeed being set up is a strong one. I’ll sleep on the couch if you’re uncomfortable.”

  He headed to the stairs when Carl called out to him. “Don’t be an idiot. I think we can handle sharing a fucking bed for a few nights. Stick to your side, I’ll stick to mine, deal?”

  Carl didn’t wait for an answer before he swung open the door and stepped into the room which contained a double sized bed with a duck motif bedspread, a chair and a single nightstand with a duck based lamp.

  “Awesome,” Carl grumbled, making Landon laugh.

  “Two nights,” Landon whispered, as he walked behind Carl’s back and put his duffle bag on the bed. “Try and control yourself, Babes.”

  He let out a huff as his brow rose and he dipped his chin. “You are joking right, Ace?”

  Landon held his hands up in surrender. “You can handcuff me to the headboard if you don’t trust me,” he grinned mischievously.

  Rolling his eyes, Carl sat on the bed and zipped open his bag. “You wish.”

  “That I do,” Landon laughed, then stopped himself long enough to give Carl a quiet covenant. “Seriously, I promise to keep my hands to myself.”

  Though Carl believed him, there was something almost depraved in his heart that made him wish Landon was lying. He gave Landon a silent nod and stood, ready to join the others downstairs. Landon blocked him and wrapped his hand around Carl’s throat in a demanding yet sexy as fuck way and tipped his head slightly back with his thumb. For several lingering seconds their eyes studied each other, the greedy lust lighting up their eyes. Landon would have swallowed him whole had they been alone, but instead gently touched his lips to Carl’s.

  Their lips parted and Landon smirked. “This doesn’t mean I’m completely keeping my hands off you this weekend…it just means in bed.”

  “We better get downstairs,” Carl said, totally sidestepping the subject as his heart raced with excitement. “See what the plans are for today.”

  “Fuck all of you,” Gus said. “I’m fishing before it gets too dark.”

  “I’m with you Gus, my man” Landon said, and looked to Carl as if for confirmation.

  “I think I’ll start dinner,” Arthur said. “Catch us a few fish, I’ll put on some pasta and garlic bread.”

  “I’ll give you a hand,” Carl said to Gus, directing a glowing smile Landon’s way.

  Mason and Chase were seated at the table with playing cards and poker chips, organizing them into piles. Rex joined them with a box of cigars, a few ashtrays and a crate from the club containing bottles of booze and bags of potato chips, pretzels and trail mix. He was eager to get started.

  Since neither Gus nor Landon was successful in their endeavor to bring home dinner in the form of a fish, spaghetti it was. Carl had prepared plenty of garlic bread with a heaping layer of cheese melted on top, and spiced up Arthur’s terribly bland sauce with a few hot pepper flakes and fresh mushrooms and garlic. They ate in silence like a hungry mob of youngsters waiting for recess. The speed of light had nothing on this group as they inhaled their meals.

  Carl and Mason cleaned up while the others mixed drinks, set up the card table and got everything ready for a night of gambling. No high stakes poker for these guys to Landon’s relief, it was nickel and dime stakes and Landon learned in a hurry when to fold. He wasn’t about to lose his shirt the first night and it gave him an excuse to torment Carl under the table.

  Draping his arm across the back of Carl’s chair, his fingers mapped circles between Carl’s shoulder blades up to his collar and back again. A few times he noted Carl had shivered and his jaw had tightened, he was losing it and Landon was enjoying every delicious moment of watching him unravel.

  Under the table while he was forced to play out a hand, Landon’s toes went in search of Carl’s and he’d rub their feet together. Talk about poker faces, Carl was the master never giving up for a minute that he was not only intoxicated by the alcohol he was consuming, but also by Landon’s touch.

  By the time the game came to a conclusion and Landon’s money had been dispersed pretty much evenly among the victors, leaving Landon penniless for the night, everyone was good and plastered and ready for bed.

  “What time is it anyway?” Carl slurred, we
ll on his way to being seriously intoxicated.

  “Nearly two,” Landon said, as he unclasped his watch and reached across Carl to set it on the bedside table.

  He hesitated for a second, staring face to face into Carl’s drunken eyes and grinned before giving him a quick kiss and leaning over him again to turn off the light.

  “Sleep tight, Babes,” he whispered and rolled onto his side, facing away from Carl and any temptation.



  “I can’t sleep.”

  “It’s only been 30 seconds, close your eyes and go to sleep.”

  Landon closed his eyes and snuggled farther into his pillow and pulled the heavy wool blanket under his chin. He could feel Carl’s warmth shared under the covers and shifted ever so slightly closer to the edge of the bed.



  “Are you asleep?”

  “Did I answer you?”


  “Then I’m not asleep.”


  Landon couldn’t help but laugh at Carl’s inebriation. “What’s wrong Carl?”

  “Are you mad at me for waking you?”

  “You didn’t wake me, I was never asleep and no I’m not mad.”

  “Then why are you calling me Carl?”

  “That’s your name,” Landon said, starting to get annoyed. “Go to sleep.”

  “Okay,” Carl said, and waited a few seconds before asking, “Don’t you want to fuck with me?”

  “What?” Landon asked, and rolled over to face him.

  “Am I replusib, replubsif…oh fuck you know what I mean.”


  “That’s the one, repulslive.”

  “No you are not repulsive.” Landon turned on the flashlight that was located under his pillow and aimed it at the ceiling giving the room a light glow.

  “So why aren’t you fucking with me and calling me Babes?”

  Landon took a deep breath. “I promised to keep my hands to myself, remember?”

  “You were serious?”


  “Huh.” Carl rolled onto his side deep in contemplation. “Can you hold my hand…justill I flall asleep?”

  Raising an eyebrow, Landon took Carl’s hand in his and raised it to his lips kissing his knuckles. “You’re a confusing man, Carl Ward.”

  “Yep, but I’m not replusive.”

  Landon chuckled. “Go to sleep, Babes.”


  Carl knew by the hot pot of coffee on the counter that Landon wasn’t far away. Coffee was his morning specialty, he would have a pot brewed and waiting when Carl rose each day. The others were clearly not awake yet, the place was wonderfully peaceful and Carl was happy to take advantage of the quiet, since his head was pounding.

  After filling a mug, taking a mouthful and moaning his appreciation for the caffeine wake-me-up, he walked over to the window to take in a bit of nature as Landon had put it.

  The sky was blue and birds were singing as the sun was shining over the crest of the trees. The land sloped in a long gentle path from the lodges doorstep to the waters edge. Carl’s eyes followed the trail that many feet had tramped down over the years and his breath hitched when he caught sight of Landon standing waist deep in the water. He was pouring water over his head with a small bucket. The water glistened in the morning sun on his beautiful flesh, each droplet sparkled like a diamond as it trailed over his tan skin and fell in a chain of droplets into the water, causing ripples to wave to the shore.

  Carl leaned against the windows frame and watched. Each muscle in Landon’s back flexed as he stretched his arms over his head and then tossed the bucket onto the shore. He dove into the water and his beautiful apple round butt surfaced just before his feet splashed water into the air. Steam rose off the water as Landon swam back to the shore and stepped up onto the grass, all of his glorious parts glistening beautifully. Carl only wished he was situated closer for a better view.

  Landon wrapped a towel around his hips and glanced up at the window, Carl ducked back not wanting Landon to know he was creeping him and quickly sat at the table before the door opened.

  “Hey,” Landon said, walking over to the coffee maker and pouring himself a cup. “How’s the head?”

  Carl rolled his eyes. “Urgh.”

  “That good eh?” Landon joked. “So how’s the view from up here?” Landon asked, winking with a smile as his secret had been revealed, he was officially a stalker.

  “Feel like going for a boat ride, we can follow the shore line, maybe do some fishing? Maybe make out?”

  The smile on Carl’s face was as bright as the sunshine outside the window. Landon looked at him questioningly as he stepped closer, set his cup aside and took Carl by the wrist. He forced Carl’s hand against his semi hard-on and smiled.

  “See what that smile of yours does to me?” Landon asked.

  Footsteps on the stairs caused Carl to hastily move away. Landon picked up his mug and headed to the stairs. He looked over his shoulder and winked. Carl grinned and turned to look out the window.

  “How’s the water?” Gus asked, in passing.

  “Fucking cold,” Landon announced, as he ran up the stairs.


  Try as he might, Landon couldn’t manage to get a moment alone with Carl all day. When they went fishing on Arthur’s pontoon they sat separately, when they tried wakeboarding and water skiing, everyone joined in, they could only share knowing glances. Even when Carl bowed out of hunting, volunteering to make dinner instead, Mason offered to stay and help using a headache as his reason. Landon kicked himself that he hadn’t been first to think up the same excuse to stay behind.

  As the group of men trudged through the forest with only a few rabbits to show for all their bother, Landon stopped by a tree to relieve himself. With a heavy sigh he dropped his head back and closed his eyes.

  “Mind if I share your tree?” Rex asked, startling Landon.

  “Sure, I’m done here anyway,” Landon said, as he zipped up and turned to walk away.

  “Are you and Carl an item or what?” Rex asked.

  “Or what,” Landon gave as his answer.

  “Because if you’re not interested I wouldn’t mind asking him out sometime.”

  Rex’s bold statement disturbed Landon. The man had a way of crawling under his skin and irritating the shit out of him. He was annoying at the best of times and now he was threating to step into sacred territory, overstepping boundaries that were clearly marked in Landon’s mind as his own. This would never do.

  “Leave him alone,” Landon warned, “he’s not interested.”

  Rex shook his head and snorted. “Let’s let him decide whether he’s interested or not.”

  “Let’s put this subject to rest right now,” Landon fisted the front of his jacket. “Consider Carl off limits, if I catch you trying anything with him...”

  With a snarl, Rex shoved Landon’s hand away and stepped back. “Fine, he’s off limits.”

  “Glad we see eye to eye,” Landon said, as he hit the trail happy to catch up with the others.

  “A little advice?” Rex offered. “Make your move or someone with a lot less scruples than me will come along and snatch Carl out from under you. He’s a hot commodity my friend, don’t think you’re the only one that’s noticed him.”

  “Duly noted,” Landon waved his hand over his shoulder, dismissing him.

  Several times during dinner, Landon caught Rex watching Carl, he wasn’t at all pleased and thrilled in the idea of hurling himself across the table and slamming Rex to the ground.

  The man could be a sleaze. Landon witnessed on more than one occasion what Rex was capable of. He strung woman as well as men along, having them believe they were the only one, when in fact he juggled them callously like a circus clown under the big tent. He schmoozed more than one in an evening too, with both clubs at his disposal and the private rooms when empty, he wa
s known to entertain until the wee hours.

  “Come on Carl,” Landon said as he stood and started stacking dishes. “Help me get some water to do the dishes.”

  They grabbed buckets and heavy leather gloves and walked down to the shore to get water, it was the only privacy on offer and Landon was happy to take it.

  “Why are you acting so weird?” Carl asked.

  “Am I?” Landon asked, catching the bullshit glare Carl was giving him.

  “I guess I’m frustrated,” Landon said, dipping his bucket into the water off the end of the dock, “because I was hoping to get you alone.”

  “Alone?” Carl asked. “Why?”

  Landon glanced up at the lodge, checking out the windows to see if they were being watched by a pair of unwelcome eyes. The light from inside assured him they had a moment of privacy. He wasn’t sure in the dusk how much could be seen from the lodge and at this moment he didn’t really care. He knew is friends were aware that he was gay, they didn’t seem to have a problem with it, but Carl was at a stage in his self-awareness that marked him as fragile. Landon didn’t want to risk breaking him when they’d come so far.

  “To do this,” Landon said, taking Carl’s face in his hands and giving him a soft, gentle kiss. “I’ve wanted to do that all fucking day. I needed to taste your lips in the worst way.”

  “I’m glad you did.”

  Carl smiled as Landon backed away and picked up the other bucket, filling it with water and handing it to him.

  Landon started a fire in the designated fire pit and placed both buckets on the center of the cast iron grate to heat. A few long heavy logs and old rubber tractor tires acting as seating, they shared a tractor tire and watched the flames dancing around the base of the pots.

  “I think I should warn you,” Landon started. “Rex wants to get with you.”

  Carl continued to stare into the fire. “Good for him.”

  With narrowed eyes and his brows meshed tightly together, Landon swung his head sideways giving Carl a death stare. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  Laughing when he saw the look on Landon’s face, Carl smiled and nudged his shoulder to Landon’s. “Take it easy cowboy, I mean he doesn’t have a chance. It’s not going to happen, not in this life time anyway.”


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