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The Splendid Outcast

Page 24

by George Gibbs



  The body of Harry Horton had been removed from the studio and this itseemed made Moira's task less painful. But she was now armed with adesperate courage which even the sight of Harry's mangled body would nothave dismayed. And the thought that her keenness of perception, herintelligence, her woman's instinct were the only weapons she had withwhich to combat the scepticism of this skillful detective and save JimHorton from the perils of impending indictment for murder, gave her asense of responsibility which keyed her faculties to their utmost anddrove from her heart all terrors of her situation. She _must_ succeedwhere Monsieur Matthieu had failed. Instinct would guide her, instinctand faith. Monsieur Matthieu, if not her enemy, was prejudiced in favorof a pre-conceived idea which every bit of evidence justified, and yetthere must be other evidence--clues neglected, trifles overlooked--andshe must find them out.

  The burden of the testimony against Jim Horton would fall if she couldprove it physically possible _for some one to have been in the studiowhile Jim Horton and Piquette had waited outside_. This was herobject--nothing else seemed to matter.

  On the way to the Rue de Tavennes in a cab Monsieur Simon repliedpolitely to her questions, giving her all the information she desired,while Monsieur Matthieu sat opposite. How she hated the man! His smilepatronized, his reddish hair inflamed her. She could see that in hismind Jim Horton was already convicted. But when they reached the _portecochere_ of Madame Toupin, Monsieur Simon handed her gravely down andMonsieur Matthieu led the way up the stair to the studio where apoliceman was still on guard. Moira followed the _Commissaire_ closelyand stood for a moment on the threshold of the room while MonsieurMatthieu unbent enough to show her where the body lay and to indicatethe locked door and the chair which had been overturned. To Moira thesematters were already unimportant, since she saw no reason to deny thetestimony of the many witnesses on these points. She entered the roomslowly, with a feeling of some awe, and for a moment stood by thefireplace, glancing from one object to the other, thinking deeply. Adark stain on the rug, just before her, gave her a tremor, but sherecovered herself immediately and walked slowly around the room,examining each object as though she had never seen it before.

  "Does Madame wish to look in the apartment or the kitchenette?" sheheard Monsieur Matthieu's voice asking.

  But she shook her head. The answer to the mystery lay here--in thisvery room. She was already satisfied as to that.

  "Is this room in the precise condition in which it was found when thepolice first arrived?" she asked coolly.

  "Yes, Madame, except for the removal of the body, nothing has beendisturbed."

  "You are sure of this?"

  "I am, Madame. It is for this reason that a policeman has been alwayson guard."

  "And you yourself, Monsieur,--you have moved no object--no drapery--nochair?"

  "No, Madame. Nothing. I climbed upon the couch to look out of thewindow. That is all."

  She nodded and passed around the lay figure which she was regarding witha new interest.

  "And the gray drapery on the shoulder of the lay figure--you say it hasnot been touched?"

  Monsieur Matthieu looked up with a smile.

  "I examined the figure carefully, Madame. I may have raised thedrapery--but I restored it as I found it."

  "Then things are not precisely as they were," she said keenly.

  "No, Madame. Not the gray drapery," said Matthieu amusedly.

  "You did not touch the bolero jacket?"

  "No, Madame."

  "Nor the skirt?"

  "I am quite sure of that," said the _Commissaire_.

  She removed the hat from the head of _papier mache_ and examined itminutely, then took off the head itself and stared into the painted eyesas though asking the mute familiar lips a question. And then suddenly,as the _Commissaire_ and Monsieur Simon watched curiously,

  "It is a pity that you moved the draperies, Monsieur Matthieu," she saidslowly.

  "Why, Madame?"

  "Because you have disturbed the dust."

  "I can't understand why----"

  "I was away for a week. Some dust would have accumulated, upon thedraperies--the figure has been touched. It is not as I left it."

  "Of course, Madame, I made a thorough investigation----"

  "And what did you learn from it?" she asked quietly.

  Monsieur Matthieu glanced at her once and then shrugged.

  "Nothing, Madame. A lay figure is a lay figure."

  "True," said Moira carelessly, but the _Commissaire_ found himselfregarding her with a new appraising eye. What did she mean by thisquestion?

  But she moved past him quickly as though with a definite purpose, andapproached the north window.

  "Which of these sashes was unlocked, Monsieur?"

  "The one to the right, Madame."

  "I see. You say it was closed but not fastened?"

  "That is correct."

  "That is strange."

  "Why, Madame?"

  "Because I fastened it with great care before I left for Fontainebleau."

  "You are sure of this?"

  "Positive. It has an awkward catch. You see?"

  And she demonstrated how easily it came unlatched unless pressed firmlydown.

  Monsieur Matthieu came forward smiling.

  "You only indicate, Madame, that it will slip easily out of place."

  Moira met his gaze firmly.

  "Try to make it slip, Monsieur," she said, "since I have fastened it."

  He tried by tapping--by shaking the window, but the catch held.

  "It is a matter of little moment," he muttered, "since it would beimpossible for the murderer to have escaped by this way."

  "Perhaps," said Moira.

  But while she spoke she unlocked the catch, then slipped it insecurelyinto place and stood aside, studying it keenly.

  "What is it that interests you, Madame?" asked the _Juge d'Instruction_.

  "The catch, Monsieur," she replied quietly. "It is an old one. Theedges are worn quite smooth." And just then as a breeze came fromwithout, the French window swung gently open.

  Monsieur Matthieu started back a pace and glanced at Monsieur Simon.

  "You found this window open, _Monsieur le Commissaire_," said the Judge.

  "That is true," replied the _Commissaire_ confidently, "but it ispossible that Monsieur Horton may have disturbed it when he examined itbefore the murder."

  Moira turned quickly.

  "The window was securely locked. I left it so. Monsieur Horton found itso. You make nothing of this, either, _Monsieur le Commissaire_?"

  Monsieur Matthieu shook his head and pointed toward the opening.

  "My answer to your questions, Madame, is yonder," he said with a grin."Explain to me how any living man could have descended from that windowand I will surrender to you my position and my reputation as_Commissaire de Police_."

  Moira made no reply. She had climbed upon the couch and was alreadyhalf out of the window, examining the broad ledge outside, whileMonsieur Simon, somewhat alarmed lest she should lose her balance, hadcaught her by the skirt of her dress.

  "Be careful, Madame," he warned, "you may fall."

  "Have no fear, _Monsieur le Juge_," she said with a smile. But she hadlowered herself to her knees upon the ledge outside and clinging to thejamb of the window was carefully examining every inch of the sill andtin gutter.

  Monsieur Matthieu, inside the room, had lighted a cigarette and waspuffing at it contentedly, looking on with an amused tolerance at thesolicitude of Monsieur Simon, who as he knew was more easily swayed thanhimself from the paths of his duty by a pretty face or a well-turnedankle. Through the panes of glass he saw that the girl had bent forwardat the edge, her eyes near the tin gutter, the fingers of one handtouching the edge, while Monsieur Simon held her other arm and besoughther to return. This she did presently, s
tanding for a moment upright inthe open window and looking down at them intently, a challenge in hereyes for the _Commissaire_.

  "Did you discover anything, Madame?" he asked politely enough.

  Though his professional manner may not have indicated it, MonsieurMatthieu was sorry for her. She had attempted the impossible. Herlover was doomed. But she was handsome--with the fine color that hadcome into her face from her exertions, and the new gleam of hope thathad come into her eyes--handsome, but her effort was futile, so futileto hope to find clues where he, Matthieu, had failed.

  She didn't reply and accepting the hand which the gallant _Juged'Instruction_ offered her, stepped down to the couch and so to thefloor.

  "You see, Madame," ventured the _Commissaire_ more kindly, "that itwould be quite out of the question for the murderer to have descendedfrom the window."

  "I have never thought that he did, Monsieur," said Moira dryly.

  The _Commissaire_ stared at her for a moment in astonishment. What wasthe meaning of this sudden assurance in her tone? Could it be possiblethat this girl had noted something that he had overlooked? That she hadevolved a theory out of some intangible bit of evidence that had escapedhim? Impossible. And yet curiously enough, he experienced a slightfeeling of uneasiness which might have been discomfort had he not beenso sure of himself.

  "You have perhaps happened upon something that has escaped my eye?" heasked frankly.

  "I do not know what your eye saw or what it did not see, Monsieur," shesaid quietly, "but I have learned nothing to make me change my opinionsas to this crime."

  "I hope that you will be able to confirm them," said the _Commissaire_."If there is anything that I can do----"

  "Yes, Monsieur," broke in Moira with precision. "If _Monsieur le Juged'Instruction_ will grant permission," with a flash of her eyes atMonsieur Simon, "I would be obliged if you will summon for me MonsieurJoubert or any others in the building who followed Monsieur Horton upthe stair."

  She glanced at Monsieur Simon, who bowed his head in agreement.

  "By all means," said the Judge, "if Madame has reason to believe----"

  "I ask it, _Monsieur le Juge_, not as a favor, but as a necessary stepin the administration of justice in this case."

  "It is little enough. Go, Monsieur. Here are the names. Madame Toupinwill direct you."

  Monsieur Matthieu hesitated. He did not wish to leave the room.Something had happened to change the manner of this woman. Her eyesglowed--she was authoritative--inspired. He was beginning to believethat after all...

  "You will please go at once, Monsieur," the voice of the Judge wassaying. "Madame and I will await your return."

  And so with a backward glance, Monsieur Matthieu went out.

  "You think you have found a clue, Madame?" asked Monsieur Simon with anair of encouragement.

  "I don't know, Monsieur--a hope--perhaps a vain one. But you arefriendly. You shall see."

  And crossing quickly in front of him she went directly to the lay figureand examined it minutely.

  "This old skirt, Monsieur, as you will observe, is fastened by buttonsand is somewhat twisted to one side."

  "Yes, Madame."

  "This was the first thing that attracted my attention. But one buttonholds it, and it is fastened at the wrong button-hole."

  "And what does that signify?"

  "Merely that it has been tampered with--I did not fasten it in this way,Monsieur," she said positively.

  "You are sure?" Monsieur Simon was now as eager as she.

  "Absolutely. I am a leisurely person. I have done all the cleaning inthis studio myself. I am careful in small matters. It would have beenimpossible for me to have fastened these buttons as you see them."

  "_Sapristi_! Madame--And you think----?"

  He paused as Moira unbuttoned the old skirt and slipped it down whileshe moved eagerly around the partially disrobed figure.

  "Monsieur!" she gasped in sudden excitement as she pointed to the cottoncovering of the mannikin. He looked where she pointed and saw a stainof dirt and dust which extended the full length of the thigh.

  "What does it mean?" he asked.

  "The lay figure has been moved from its iron bracket----"

  "And even so, what----?"

  But she had fallen on her knees before it and didn't even hear him, forshe suddenly bent forward with a little cry and put her finger into asmall tear in the cotton cloth on the outside of the right calf.

  "I have it," she muttered excitedly, as though half to herself. "I haveit--new--clean on one side, soiled on the other----"

  "What, Madame--what?" asked Simon, catching the fire of her eagerness.

  "The hole in the leg, Monsieur," she cried. "Don't you see? A piecetorn out against some rough surface----"

  "Yes, but----"

  "And here is the cloth that was torn from it," she gasped, exhibiting asmall piece of cotton cloth. "You see? It fits the tear exactly."

  Simon took it from her hands and scrutinized it through his glasses.The torn piece was of the same material as the cotton skin of the layfigure, soiled upon one side and clean upon the other.

  "Where did you find this piece of cotton, Madame?" he asked in asuppressed tone.

  "Outside the window--hanging below a torn edge of the tin gutter, whereit must have escaped the eyes of _Monsieur le Commissaire_."

  "_Mon Dieu_! Then the lay figure must have been outside on theledge----"

  "Exactly. Outside. The stain of dust upon the leg shows how itlay----"

  "_Magnifique_, Madame----"

  "But the skirt and the jacket were first removed," she went onbreathlessly. "Isn't it obvious? Otherwise there would have been nostain of dirt upon the leg. There is no mark of dirt upon them."

  "Quick, Madame. The jacket----"

  And with his own hands the Judge helped her remove the Spanish jacket,taking from his pocket a small magnifying glass with which he examinedthe figure intently.

  "By the armpits, Monsieur Simon. It is there the hands would havecaught."

  Simon obeyed while Moira lifted the arms.

  "There's something," he muttered softly.

  "A stain," broke in Moira quickly. "I can see it with the naked eye."

  It was a faint smudge, of a brownish color like rust.

  "The print of a finger?" she mumbled.

  "It shall be analyzed. It looks like----"

  "The murderer's fingers--stained----"

  "If it is blood, Madame----"

  "Yes, yes----"

  "Then the murderer carried this figure back--_after_ the murder----"

  "Exactly. And he----"

  She paused and then was suddenly silent, for Monsieur Matthieu, the_Commissaire_, appeared at the door of the studio. He came quicklyforward, glancing at the denuded mannikin in the absurd pose ofgesticulation into which they had put it. It seemed to be making aribald gesture at the astonished _Commissaire_.

  "You have left nothing to the imagination, I see, Madame." And then,"You have discovered something?" he asked.

  "Perhaps," said Moira briefly. "You have been able to find some of thewitnesses?"

  "Yes, Madame. The most important. But it would give me pleasure toknow----"

  "In a moment, Monsieur. I am intent upon this problem. Perhaps we shalllearn something. It is Monsieur Joubert that I wished to seeparticularly. He is a carpenter and lives in the court at the rear----"

  "It is he I have found, Madame." And turning aside, Matthieu beckonedtoward the corridor, and Monsieur Joubert entered. He was well known toMoira and saluted her, his brow troubled.

  "_Bon jour_, Monsieur Joubert," she said, trying to control the beatingof her heart and the labor of her breathing, for here she knew was to bethe test of the worth of her discoveries. Everything that she believed,would stand or fall by the testimony of the people who had followed JimHorton up the stair.

  "_Bon jour_, Madame 'Orton," said the carpenter politely.

p; "Where were you, Monsieur," she began, "when you heard Monsieur Horton'scry of alarm?"

  "In the court below, Madame. I was standing with Monsieur Lavaud, thepastry cook, at the angle of the wall just inside the _Loge_ of MadameToupin----"

  "And when you heard the cries what did you do?" asked the girl.

  "I waited a moment in fear and then with Monsieur Lavaud went toward theentrance."

  "Were there some others there?"

  "_Oui, Madame_. A number of persons came running into the court. Theyseemed to spring from the earth as if by magic."

  "And were you among the first to rush up the stair?"

  "_Oui, Madame_. There were but two or three before me."

  "And whom did you find on the second landing?"

  "Monsieur 'Orton and a lady who told us that a murder had beencommitted."

  "And you went with him up the stair?"

  "Yes, Monsieur. A policeman had come rushing in, and we all mounted tothe third floor."

  "Was it dark out there on the third floor landing?"

  "Not dark, but dim. The studio door was open and threw a lightoutside."

  "And what did you do then?"

  "Some rushed into the studio. We were all greatly excited. I stood inthe hallway. Some went to the small hall room, the door of which waspartly open."

  "It was dark inside the hall room?"

  "_Oui, Madame_--dark."

  "You have testified that one of the crowd went into the small hall roomand came out saying that no one was there."

  "_Non, Madame_. No one was there. I and Monsieur Lavaud went into theroom, made a light and verified the statement of the man who had comeout."

  Moira clasped and unclasped her hands nervously, and when she spokeagain her throat was dry with uncertainty.

  "Monsieur Joubert, you will please listen very carefully to my questionand try to answer very accurately."

  "_Oui, Madame_."

  "You say that one of the crowd who had come up the stair with youexamined the room. Did you see him come out of the door?"

  "_Oui, Madame_. I saw him come out."

  She paused significantly, and then, with emphasis,

  "Did you see him _go in_, Monsieur Joubert?"

  Joubert stared at her stupidly for a moment, and Monsieur Matthieu andthe Judge leaned forward, aware of the intent of the question.

  As the man did not reply, it was the _Juge d'Instruction_ who broke thesilence impatiently.

  "Yes, yes, Monsieur Joubert," he questioned sharply, "_did you see himgo in?_"

  "The truth--Monsieur Joubert," gasped Moira.

  Joubert scratched his head and snuffled his feet awkwardly.

  "No, Madame. I can't really say that I did."

  "Did any of the others see him go in?"

  Here Monsieur Simon broke in quietly. "Pardon, Madame! But that is aquestion the other witnesses must answer."

  Moira glanced at him and then at Monsieur Matthieu.

  "Perhaps you can inform me, _Monsieur le Commissaire_," she said. "Haveany of the witnesses who testified to seeing this man come out of thedoor also testified to seeing him go in?"

  "Many persons went into the room, Madame----"

  "_Later_, Monsieur," she broke in quickly. "_Later_, after this man whohad come out had mingled with the crowd and gone down the stair."

  Monsieur Matthieu started.

  "Madame!" he gasped.

  "Listen, Monsieur Joubert," she went on earnestly, "and answer metruthfully, for the life of a human being hangs on your replies. Didyou know some of the people in the crowd who rushed up the stair?"

  "As to that--_oui, Madame_," said Joubert more easily. "Most of them Iknew--they are of the neighborhood. Monsieur Lavaud, Monsieur Picard ofthe _Lavoir_, Monsieur Gabriel and others----"

  "But this man who came out of the door of the hall room," she insistedclearly. "You had never seen him before?"

  Joubert shrugged.

  "Now that you mention it, Madame, I think that is the truth."

  "Are you sure that you never saw him in the neighborhood?"

  "No, Madame. I never saw him in this neighborhood."

  Moira gasped in relief, aware that the _Commissaire_, from contempt,from indifference, had been reduced to the silence of consternation.She saw it in his face and in the eyes of Monsieur Simon, who stoodbeside her, listening in admiration and ready to aid her with advice orquestion. He was on her side now. But she was reserving her strongeststroke for the last and she delivered it with growing assurance, for inher heart all along she had known through whom and by whom the murdermust have been committed.

  "Monsieur Joubert," she asked coolly, "you say the light was dim in thecorridor. Was it too dark for you to see what the man who came out ofthe door looked like?"

  "It was dim, Madame. But I remember him perfectly."

  "You could identify him, if you saw him?"

  "I think so, Madame."

  "Good. Perhaps I can describe him to you, Monsieur Joubert. He was nota large man, he was smaller than you, with broad but bent shoulders,long arms like an ape's, which reached nearly to his knees, a thin face,small black eyes, a nose like the beak of an eagle----"

  Joubert had started back in astonishment.

  "It is he, Madame! You have described him----"

  "And when he walked he had a slight limp of the left leg----"

  "A limp, Madame. It is true," cried Joubert, "the very same. Helimped. I saw it as he came forward----"

  "That will be all, Monsieur Joubert," said Moira wearily.

  And when the man had gone out she turned to Monsieur Simon with a smileof triumph. "Have I made out a case, _Monsieur le Juge_?"

  "_Parfaitement, Madame_. But the murderer----?" he urged.

  She grew grave at once.

  "The man I have described is Monsieur Tricot."

  The two men exchanged glances.

  "We have already taken steps. He will be found, Madame," said the_Commissaire_. "All the police of Paris are on his trail."

  "I pray God you may find him," said Moira quietly.

  "And even if we do not, Madame," said Monsieur Simon, "you have createdalready a reasonable doubt." And then, with a mischievous look towardMonsieur Matthieu, "But I think perhaps it would be as well if you took_Monsieur le Commissaire_ into your confidence."

  Monsieur Matthieu, aware of the position the _Juge d'Instruction_ hadnow taken, was silent, but still incredulous.

  "I should like to hear the other facts upon which you base thistestimony," he said slowly.

  Monsieur Simon waved his hand toward the mannikin, its frozen gesturenow almost prophetic. "Tell _Monsieur le Commissaire_ what happened inthis room as you have traced it, Madame."

  Moira glanced at the _Commissaire_, who bowed his head in an attitude ofattention, which had in it not a little of humility.

  "The murderer lay in wait for Monsieur Jim Horton," said Moira. "Thereis no doubt in my mind as to that. The _Petit Bleu_ was the lure, thisstudio the trap. The affair had been planned with skill. The motivewas vengeance, and a desire to prevent certain papers from reaching thehands of Monsieur le Duc de Vautrin. This man Tricot was already in thestudio when Monsieur Horton and Madame Morin arrived. Perhaps _Monsieurle Commissaire_ has already guessed where."

  "Go on, Madame," said Matthieu gravely.

  "He had taken the clothing from the mannikin and put the lay figure outin the darkness on the ledge outside the north window. Then he went andstood in the place of the lay figure. He had put on the old skirt andbolero jacket, and slouch hat, and about his shoulders was the graydrapery. He had only to remain silent and motionless. He was preparedto spring upon and stab Monsieur Jim Horton when his back was turned,but the appearance of Madame Morin disconcerted him. He had counted ona quick death without an outcry. Madame Morin knew him. He did notdare to attempt to kill them both. And so he waited."


  "Monsieur Horton and Madame Morin
examined the studio in curiosity andthen went out into the hall, now suspicious that all was not as itshould be. Monsieur Tricot did not dare to go until he was sure thatthey had gone. He was about to take his leave when he heard a man'sfootsteps upon the stair and went back to his position on the modelstand. The man entered. He thought that it was Monsieur Jim Hortoncome back alone. But it was not Jim Horton. It was my husband, HarryHorton, his twin brother. The testimony shows that their clothing wasmuch alike. Their faces were the same. Tricot saw my husband's face fora moment under the low gas light as he came in the door, locking itbehind him. God knows why my--my husband was here. I don't. He cameto spend the night perhaps--to wait for me."

  She paused, breathing hard, her words scarcely audible. But a word fromMonsieur Simon encouraged her again.

  "This Tricot is desperate and very strong. He sprang upon my husbandand killed him. But there was a sound of struggle and the noise of afalling body which Monsieur Jim Horton and his companion heard from thedoor of the room in the hall. They came out. And weapon in hand, JimHorton, after several minutes, broke in the door. But by this time themurderer had taken his place again as the lay figure, just as he stoodwhen they had first entered the room. In their horror at theirdiscovery they passed him by and rushed down the stair."

  "And then, Madame?" nodded the Commissaire.

  "He ran quickly to the window, outside which he had put my lay figure,dragged it in hurriedly, dressed it in its clothing and restored it toits place, then ran out and hid in the darkness of the hall room,intending to leap out to the roof below. But he did not dare it withhis injured leg, resorting to the clever device which I have indicatedto you, of going out when the crowd swarmed excitedly up to the studiodoor, and announcing that no one was there. Then, Messieurs, in amoment he had mingled with the crowd and was gone."

  "And how did you learn this, Madame?"

  "By a trifle which even your experienced eyes had overlooked. This,Monsieur----"

  And she produced the small piece of torn cotton cloth from her pocket.

  "It was torn from the mannikin upon a projecting piece of tin and hungfrom the gutter outside. You have only to apply it to the leg of themannikin, _Monsieur le Commissaire_."

  The bewildered police officer took the small object and turned it overin his fingers, then went to the lay figure while Monsieur Simon showedhim the stains at the arm pits and upon the thigh, explaining the lineof reasoning the girl had employed.

  He raised his head and looked at her, but his voice was that of a brokenman.

  "My honor--my reputation, are in your keeping, Madame," he muttered.

  But Moira caught him by the hands in an access of generosity.

  "I render them to you, Monsieur. If _Monsieur le Juge_ keeps silent,you may be sure that I shall do so."

  "You are very good, Madame----"

  "It is not your fault. You were not familiar with the studio as I was.And besides--you were doing your duty, while I--it was my life, my wholehappiness, that was involved."

  "And what can I do to repay you, Madame?" he asked.

  "Find Monsieur Tricot!" she cried with spirit.

  "And Monsieur Quinlevin?" asked the Judge quietly.

  Moira glanced at them, then sank upon the couch and buried her head inher arms, but she did not reply. She could not. She had reached theend of her resources.

  Monsieur Simon bent over and touched her kindly on the shoulder.

  "You had better be going and getting some rest, Madame. If you willpermit me. I am sure that Madame Simon will be glad if you will let mebring you to her."

  Moira looked up at the dark stain upon the floor, the terrible mannikin,and then rose. There were tears in her voice as she gave the _Juged'Instruction_ her hand in gratitude.

  "Ah, thanks, Monsieur, you are very kind. If it will not troubleyou----"

  And leaving the theater of her life's drama to the solitary policeman onguard, she followed the charitable Monsieur Simon down the stair.

  Monsieur Matthieu had already disappeared.


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