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Taming Revy

Page 4

by Phoenix Williams

  Fuck my life.

  He was right. I was all out of options, and I desperately wanted to get back home, to Russia…to Sasha. I had never planned on being gone this long. I just wanted to see my sister and leave. Now, everything was different. I was different. My life had been changing ever since I stepped foot in this fucking town. I should’ve never come back to Hell Fire Valley.



  “Why?” I asked, breaking the tense silence. “Why do you want to help me?”

  I held my breath as I waited for his answer. For reasons I would never dive into, his reply meant more to me than it should.

  Rubbing his hand down his face, Trevor pushed his half-empty plate away from him. He placed his elbows on the table and clasped his hands before looking me directly in the eyes.

  “I could sit here and say that I owe you. That it’s my fault for Awakening your wolf, which it is. I could say that I’m loyal to Adara and this is a way to prove it, which it is. But, we both know that’s a lie. Right, Rev?”


  “That’s what I call you in my head.”

  “Think about me much, Farrell?” I quipped with a smirk.

  “All the fucking time,” he growled, eyes blazing. My smile evaporated as my heart sped up in my chest. “I want you. I want you in many ways. Most of them I know I’ll never get to experience, but there are three things that I would give my last breath to make come true. I want you in control of your wolf. I want you safe. But, most importantly, I want you happy. Even if it’s not here…with me.”

  Clearing my throat repeatedly, I asked, “How long will it take?”

  “Six weeks.”

  “And, you’ll help me convince Adara I can leave?”


  Honest notes rang out loud and clear in that one word, making it easy to believe him. I never pinned my hopes on anyone outside of myself. But, for once, I was going to put my trust in someone. I just hoped he wouldn’t let me down.

  “Deal,” I said, extending my hand.

  His large hand swallowed mine as we shook. Jolts of something I couldn’t explain shot through my body. Wolf stared at him in confusion, and for the first time all day the bitch was quiet. So quiet that for the first time, I could hear my surroundings.

  Sliding my hand out of his grip, I placed them underneath the table, far away from his reach.

  “So,” he sighed. “Six weeks and then we can—”

  Before he could finish his statement, I snatched the shotgun from where I pinned it underneath the tabled, pumped it, and aimed at the intruder sneaking around the corner while my eyes remained locked on Trevor.

  “Take another step, and I’ll blow your fucking head off.”

  Glancing around me, Trevor expelled a deep breath. “Stand down, Rev. It’s just Brenna.”

  Slowly dragging my gaze away from him, I took in the woman who was two seconds away from being a distant memory. She was a pretty brown skin woman with a shit ton of piercings in her ears and nose. She had that curvy figure—big tits and ass—that most men went after. Taking a breath, I inhaled her scent.


  The beast inside me began to growl, and Trevor swore underneath his breath.

  “Don’t know how to knock?” I asked. Brenna ignored me, her attention on Trevor. “Hey! You hear me talking to you?”

  With a roll of her eyes, she crossed her arms underneath her breasts, and they threatened to fall out of her low cut top.

  “You’re not my Alpha. I don’t answer to lesser rogue wolves like you.”

  Let’s kill her.

  I was on the same page with Wolf. This bitch had to die.



  Unease raced down my spine as I watched Rev watch Brenna who was watching me. The snarl in Rev’s throat was darker than anything I had heard from her before.

  Brenna was going to die.

  “Why are you here?” I asked.

  The quicker I got this woman out my house, the quicker Rev would calm down.

  “I need to talk to you.” She ghosted a glance at Rev and scowled. “Alone.”

  Before I could say a word, Rev put her gun back under the table—something I was going to have to look into later—and left the room. I wasn’t too proud to admit my eyes followed the sway of her slim hips and bounce of her ass as she walked away.


  Not that fucking nickname again.

  “Trevy, why is she still here?”

  Leaning back in my chair, I barely constrained my wolf’s growl. “I believed I asked you a question first.” Sweeping her dark hair over her shoulder, she moved to take Rev’s empty seat. “Did I ask you to sit?”

  “Why are you so cold?” she whined.

  “Why are you here?” I repeated. “And, what did I tell you about letting yourself into my house?”

  “You weren’t saying that a few weeks ago when I was sucking your dick!”

  Here we go.

  I knew sleeping with Brenna Anders was a mistake as soon as I did it. She was the worst type of woman. Power hungry. Entitled. Manipulative. She didn’t care who she hitched her wagon to as long as it was being led to the top.

  Months ago, she was after Daniel. Now, she was trying to sink her claws into me. And, I had opened the door of possibilities by giving her multiple orgasms. One vulnerable drunken night and I couldn’t shake the gold digger.

  “Lower your damn voice.”

  Hands on her hips she narrowed her eyes. “It’s because of her, isn’t it? Because of the psycho bitch you have running around Hell Fire.”

  “Brenna,” I warned.

  “I can help you, Trevy. I can be the Alpha Queen. I can be the one to keep you sane.”

  “You’re not my mate.”

  “Ha!” she laughed, humorlessly. “Mates are overrated. Do you think that crazy bitch is your mate?”

  “Watch your mouth.”

  My wolf was pushing against my skin. It was getting harder to hold him back these days.

  “She’s nothing. She’s nobody. She’s Mashall trash that will help put you down when—”

  Flipping the table over, I stood as dishes shattered against the wood floor.

  “Silence!” Power pulsed through every syllable, causing Brenna to choke on her words. “I forbid you to come to my home. I forbid you to talk shit about Revy Mashall. If you so much as even think badly about her, I’ll sever your bond with the Pack and banish you.”

  “You’re crazy!” she whispered with tears in her eyes.

  “Yeah…I am.”

  Backing towards the door, she was practically shaking with anger.

  “You would choose her over me?”

  “She’s the only person I see. She’s everything.”

  “A Mashall and a Farrell?”

  A bark broke through my lips, shaking the windows.

  “Last names and bloodlines don’t mean shit when it comes to her! All that matters is us! Rev and Trev!”

  Whimpers escaped her lips as she ran from my house. Oh, I knew there was going to be hell to pay. You didn’t piss off an Anders without retribution. But none of that mattered to me. My wolf had chosen its mate the moment he saw her shooting from the trees.

  I had six weeks.

  Six weeks to help Revy.

  Six weeks to bask in her presence.

  Six weeks to be us…Rev and Trev.

  Six weeks before I asked the Green Dragon Queen to kill me.



  “You ready?”

  The mid-afternoon sun beat across my exposed shoulder blades as I sat on the grass in the middle of the backyard. Placing my locs in a high ponytail, I crossed my legs. Thanks to my sister, I was wearing something other than cutoff shorts.

  Yesterday, after the showdown with Brenna, she dragged me to the Creekside Mall that was two towns over. The way Trevor’s eyes ate me up made the trip worth it. In less than two hours, I had a w
ardrobe of mostly leggings, tank tops, and t-shirts. I was a simple girl, the only thing I splurged on was lingerie. Silk, lace, and vodka were my main vices.

  I straightened out my lime green tank and wiped my palms on my black leggings before locking my eyes on him.

  “I’m ready.”

  Trevor smiled and nodded. “Your wolf is sick.”

  “No shit.”

  “No,” he stated sternly. “She’s really fucking sick. Heartsick. Head sick. Soul sick.”

  “She seems fine to me.” Picking up a blade of grass, I began shredding it.

  “Really…okay. Have you ever talked to her?”

  “We talk all the time. The bitch will literally not stop fucking talking.”

  “Not argue.” He shook his head and sighed. “Have you held a conversation?”

  Searching inward, I tried to connect with Wolf.

  Fuck off, Revy.

  “Uh…yeah. We chop it up.”

  The words sounded hollow even to my own ears.

  “You’re poisoning the Amarok. She’s feeding on your energy. You need to fix whatever happened before I Awoken her.”

  “How the fuck am I supposed to do that?”

  “What happened in Russia?”

  My heart pounded in my chest. I wasn’t a sharer by nature. None of the Mashalls were. If you had feelings, you buried that shit deep inside and never talked about it.

  My mouth opened and closed several times before finally words poured out.

  “I was eleven.” Feeling slightly nauseous, I rubbed my stomach. “Didn’t you get this part from Adara?”

  “I don’t care about Adara’s story. I only care about you. Tell me.”

  Blowing out a breath, I closed my eyes and tried again.

  “We had just gotten back from grandma’s house. Summer was over, and we were starting school in two weeks. I spent the night in Adara’s bed. We were watching movies, and I fell asleep.”

  The rattle of my wolf grew louder with each word.

  Shut up, Wolf.

  Don’t talk about this, she growled. It hurts.

  Ignoring the wolf, I continued. “I woke up days later in a cabin. I was lying on a small bed covered with thick flannel blankets. When I opened my eyes, I saw two people. Sasha and Natasha. Sasha was twenty-six and Natasha was forty-three.”

  My body shook as the memories roared back to life.

  “Rev, look at me.” The tenderness in his voice was destroying my resolve as I lifted my head and opened my eyes. “You don’t have to tell me everything now. Just tell me the parts you can.”

  Pressure lifted off my shoulders. I didn’t want to disappoint him. If he was going to help me get back to where I belonged, I could at least let him see me. The me I never showed anyone in the last thirteen years.

  Not Revy the gunslinger.

  Not Revy the Amarok.

  I wanted him to see me, Revy Mashall.



  “For the first few years, I learned everything there was to know about guns. I was a dead shot. I could shoot down anything, even from miles away. It was the one thing I excelled at. I was finally somebody. My own person and not just Adara’s little sister.”

  Fuck! I didn’t mean to say that last part.

  The discomfort must have been written all over my face because Trevor smiled encouragingly.

  “Whatever you say to me, stays with me, Rev.”

  “Okay. I can do this.” Wiping my sweaty palms against my thighs, I took a deep breath. “When I was fourteen, Natasha was killed out in the field. Sasha became the leader of our organization, and I was sent out on missions. And, damn it, Trevor, I was so fucking good. I completed every mission without getting a scratch. Well…except for that one time in Australia.”

  Wolf growled loudly as I thought back to Australia. It was all still a blur. Fire. Explosions. Gunfire. Searing pain.

  “Revy, keep going.”

  “I slept with the targets,” I blurted out. If I was going to save myself, I had to get it all out in the open. It hurt. God, it hurt so fucking bad. “Sasha told me the easiest way to kill a man was when his guard was down. A man was always most vulnerable when he was fucking.”

  My stomach threatened to empty its contents. Tears burned the back of my eyes.

  “At first…I felt ashamed. Then, I felt nothing. I used sex to feel and to kill. Between assignments, I slept with Sasha just so I wouldn’t feel so numb.”

  “Jesus Christ.”

  Gaping wounds in my heart that I covered with vodka and sex were laid bare. There was a reason Mashalls didn’t share, it brought out the worst in us.

  “Four years ago, I stopped sleeping with targets. Only Sasha. Only Sasha.”

  Doubled over, I clutched my stomach as screams tore from my throat. Memories. So many fucking memories assaulted me, making me feel like I was breaking from the inside out.

  “Do you see me now, Trevor?” I could smell his sadness, his pity. I could damn near taste it. “Lost girl. Lonely girl. Broken girl. Sasha’s girl.”

  “Do you love Sasha?”

  “Love. Hate. Fear. Sasha. Only Sasha.”

  “Finish it, Revy!”

  “It hurts!” I roared. “It hurts. I can’t do this. I wanna go home.”

  Chanting Sasha’s name, I tried to hold back Wolf as she pushed to break free.

  “Fix me, Trevor.”

  With tears in my eyes, I glanced at him. He looked gutted, utterly destroyed.

  “I’m trying, Revy.” Peeling off my top, I unsnapped my bra and threw it to the side. “What are you doing?”

  “Fix me. Make me feel something other than this…shit.”

  Scooting away from me, Trevor shook his head. “No, Revy. Not like this.”

  “I don’t want to feel like this. I just wanna go home.”

  “That’s your problem. You’re a runner, and you use sex to cope when you can’t flee. You run from things that don’t feel good.” He stood, backing away from me. “Well, newsflash woman, life doesn’t always fucking feel good. It hurts. It destroys. It kills. That’s how it is. Face your shit, Revy. For once in your fucking life, stand and fight!”

  And, because I was hell-bent on destroying anything and anyone that was good to me, I let Wolf have my body.

  “Good job, Revy,” he muttered, pulling off his shirt. His body pulsed with power and his eyes glowed silver. His wolf was getting ready to break free. “You just proved my point.”



  “Tank,” I called out from across the room. The burly bartender glanced at me. “Go ‘head and pack it up. We’ll call it a night.”

  “Yeeep. Whatever you say, Alpha.”

  Hunt. Kill. Protect.

  God, I hated that fucking title. We all knew that I was a shit Alpha. I never wanted this. Never wanted any of it. This was Daniel’s dream not mine.

  Tank left, and I busied myself with wiping down the counters and serving beers to the last few customers. It was dead in here. For the first time in years, The Thirsty Howler was looking like it might close early.

  I had just started texting the family members of the town drunks when I heard it. Motorcycles. Less than two minutes later, a group of twenty men walked in. All human. All smelling like hard liquor and bad intentions.

  The leader sidled up to the bar, his long brown beard stark against his sunburnt face.

  “Yo,” he called out to me, his voice raspy. “Get my boys and me some shots of whiskey and a round of beers.”

  Taking out a bottle of whiskey, I lined up twenty shot glasses and filled them. I slid those over to the men taking up every inch of space at my bar top before pulling out the beers from the cooler.

  For the next thirty minutes, I was serving shot after shot, beer after beer to the crew of rowdy bikers. My wolf was on edge as it always was when I worked the bar these days. Humans and Shifters were pouring into the town. All hoping to get a glimpse of the Dragon and Amarok.
  But, this was different. These men were different.

  I was practically choking on the bad vibes they were shooting out. They smelled like danger.

  “Hey,” the leader shouted at me. “C’mere.”

  I stayed rooted to my spot. I was an Alpha. I didn’t take orders from anyone.

  “Didn’t you hear my Cap say get over here?” one of the bikers asked, his hazel eyes full of fury.

  Crossing my arms over my chest, I stared them all down. “I can hear you just fine from here.”

  Hazel eyes tried to stand, but Cap placed a hand on his shoulder. “I got this.” Cap reached into his jacket and pulled out a piece of paper. “You know this person?”

  He tossed the paper down the bar, and it floated towards me. Picking it up, I bit back a growl. Revy.

  “Nah,” I lied. “I don’t think I have.”

  “Think hard,” Cap bit out. “You see…I need to find this bitch. She has something that belongs to me.”

  “Oh yeah?” I drawled, bored.

  Didn’t matter to me what they wanted Revy for. They would never get near her.

  “Yeah. A few weeks ago she stole my fucking bike! She disrespected me.”

  “Sorry. Can’t help you.”

  “I think you’re lyin’. In fact, I know you’re fucking lyin’ to me.” Cap clenched his beer bottle in his hand until it shattered.

  Barstools scraped against the sticky wood floor, and the twenty men moved closer towards me. Trapped behind the bar, I wasn’t scared. I had spent the last few weeks fighting an Amarok every day. These men were no match for me. No one was.

  “Now, tell me where the bitch is before we tear you limb from limb.”

  The town drunks quickly got up from their seats and ran out the door.

  Smiling, I allowed the wolf to make its presence known. My eyes glowed. My fangs elongated. My throat vibrated with a growl.

  “Oooooh,” Cap laughed. “A Shifter? Is that supposed to scare me?”

  “Imma give you ten seconds to get the fuck out of my bar.”

  “You know,” Cap chuckled. “I shoulda known you were one of them freaks.”


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