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Tainted Deception

Page 7

by Aleya Michelle

  “The crowd has been asking for you, man. A couple of the ladies got crazy and threw beer on stage. It just missed Monica’s head. It seems she ain’t a favourite with the groupies,” Al tells me. Hearing that pisses me off. Violence doesn’t solve anything.

  “Shit, I should have realized that would happen. I’m here now, let’s rock this joint.” I’m hurried to backstage and I stand behind the curtain waiting for the song ‘Freedom’ to finish—one of Monica’s originals. She is a talented singer; I’ll give her that.

  Byron spots me, as she finishes off her vocals and the drums go wild.

  The crowd cheers for that song, and I hear a chant starting. “Chaser! Chaser!” And man does that warm my heart. Hearing fans screaming for you to sing is a phenomenal feeling.

  Byron announces into the microphone, “Okay now, as promised, our front man, Chaser, has arrived! Who here wants him on stage with us?”

  I swear the glass windows almost shatter with their screams and roars. Already on a huge high, this is what I need to finish it off.

  “Okay, you guys win. Here he is, ladies. I present to you, Chaser!” he announces dramatically as cheers, girls screaming, wolf whistles, and feet stomping greet my entrance on stage.

  I stride out confidently with my arms in the air. I feel like Rocky Balboa or a movie star. I knuckle punch my dudes before I kiss Monica on her cheek as she hands me the mic.

  “You guys are fucking sensational!” I scream into the mic. They all scream in agreement after me in unison. “Sorry I’m late, everyone. Let’s give a huge thank you to Monica for filling in. You can sing, woman. I’m so fucking psyched to be here, so let’s fucking rock!” I scream.

  Our drummer beats an insane rhythm, and the band knows the song I want to sing as the bass and keyboards join with the melody. My electric guitar will be the next to join.

  I savour each and every word I sing. The crowd sings along, cheering me on, and it takes me to another place—it’s euphoric, mesmerizing.

  When it’s time for the slow songs, I close my eyes and lose myself in the lyrics picturing a very special, crimson beauty. I picture her jade green eyes sparkling, her dimples when she smiles, and those ruby red lips, so soft to kiss. Her hunger as she deepened the kiss had me rock hard.

  It really felt amazing to have Ivy open up to me and tell me about her sister. I know that wasn’t easy for her to do. The pain on her face was impossible to ignore. She looked like it had happened yesterday. I know from experience that these kinds of things never really heal or leave us, they just become a little easier to deal with day to day. The sharp pain in your chest eases ever so slightly and the guilt dwindles inch by inch.

  Well, if it is dealt with properly, it does. If not, then it festers until it explodes, and that is never pretty.

  “Oh, my God, Lilly, the kiss was unbelievable!” I almost scream into the phone when my best friend calls for the details of our date.

  “If there was such a thing, I would award him the gold medal of kissing. Maybe crown him the king of kissing. Everything about it was perfect. He was so tender at first, and then it just exploded into a kiss filled with passion and hunger.”

  “So it kind of sounds like you have changed your tune. Do you like him now?” she asks me, and I pause as my mind wanders.

  I like a lot about Chase, but I also dislike the materialistic side to him and his lifestyle of the rich and the famous. I wish I could overlook them.

  “Earth to Ivy, were you dreaming about him already?” Lilly questions me giggling.

  “Very funny. No, I was just thinking about the fact that he is most of the things I have tried my hardest in life to avoid, Lil,” I admit to her, feeling morbid for ruining my own happy cloud. “I escaped the stuck-up rich life for a very good reason. I’m just very reluctant to jump back into it.”

  “Don’t overanalyze this and think so much, Ivy. For once, just have some fun with the guy. If he is capable of loosening up, that is,” Lilly replies. She has a point; I always overanalyze.

  “I was surprised how easy our conversation flowed at dinner. He was so relaxed with me,” I tell her remembering just how smooth everything ran. “Oh and he told me had some surprises in store for me,” I reveal smiling. The thought of surprises has me excited.

  “Oh that sounds cool, and not something I would expect a boring billionaire to say,” Lilly replies sounding intrigued.

  “Kind of blew me away, too. Maybe there is more to this man than money, suits, and board meetings after all. I mean did you see those tattoos at the beach? I’m going to get to the bottom of who Mr. Chase Hudson really is and see what really makes the guy tick,” I announce to Lilly.

  “You go, girlfriend. Have some fun. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain,” she tells me and I smile at that thought.

  Exactly. Life is too short for questioning what could have been.

  Monday morning starts off with shit hitting the fan. I spill my boiling hot coffee on my first chosen shirt for the day, leading to a quick wardrobe change, and in return, I forget my fucking briefcase so I had to run back home.

  I spent yesterday recovering from the kiss of my life and a later than usual gig. I had more than a couple of drinks. Our manager was talking about putting together a tour for Hardcore, but it would be impossible.

  Sleep was not something that came easy for me over last few days and I tried numerous things. All I could think about was the crimson beauty that had the lips of an angel.

  I had to text Ivy.

  Good morning, Miss Maisen. I hope you slept well. - Chase

  I hit send and hope I get a reply.

  Good morning, Mr. Hudson. Why yes, thank you, I slept exceptionally well for some reason. – Ivy

  Her reply makes me smile.

  I’m glad to hear that, happy to be of service. - C

  I may need to borrow you more often as a night cap. - I

  I’m sure I can help you there. - C

  I look forward to it. - I

  I am so glad that our conversation continues effortlessly, with of course, a lot of flirting and sexual tension. Which will make our first time in the sack explosive, though it might not be a record of mine as far as how long I last…

  The effortless texting with my vixen was the only thing that went right all fucking day.

  The rest of the day was hell.

  Everything that could go wrong did go wrong.

  The state of the art office computers crashed, the goddamn stock market crashed, Father had to terminate three employees, one of which became disgruntled and smashed his office cubicle. He also knocked over two large metal filing cabinets and refused to leave, so when the police arrived, he was escorted out.

  Needless to say, we are glad we got rid of him when we did.

  “Chase, your father wants to see you in his office,” Claire tells me as she enters my office. She shrugs her shoulders as if she can read my mind.

  What the hell does he want now? The last thing I want is to play the blame game over anything that has gone wrong today.

  “Did he say what he wanted Claire?” I question her, and she shakes her head.

  “No, sorry. I wish I had more information for you,” she replies giving me a gentle smile. I can tell that Claire also despises my father—she has worked here long enough now to see his true colors.

  My father was the one who taught me to keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer. He is my biggest enemy. He is always out to make money. I honestly believe he would give up my life before his own. What other men can say that about their father?

  I indignantly stand from my desk, scraping my chair in frustration. Time to add another drama to the day and get it over and done with, I think to myself as I make my way to Charles’s office.

  I reluctantly knock on his large door that is always closed. He is not one of those approachable bosses, although he’s not one of those as a father either. And I bet if I asked Dionne, he’s unapproachable in the husband depa
rtment, too.

  “Come in,” he calls out. I open the door and enter.

  “You wanted to see me,” I say to him as he sits like a cocky bastard behind his fifty thousand dollar desk.

  “I need you in Cleveland on Monday. Along with everything else that’s fucked up today, Simon needs you for the new Highland job,” he announces in his usual rude manner.

  “Simon is useless. Maybe we should look at running interviews while I am there. What about Lucas? He is second in charge, but he has potential,” I suggest in frustration. This is the second time in two months that I’ve needed to fix their shit.

  “You may be right, but Simon’s father would pull his business, and losing ninety grand is not what we need right now,” he tells me. Once again he is a step ahead, always outsmarting me. I swear he thinks of every possible scenario.

  The toughest fights are the fights no one can see.

  Amen to that. I have a lifetime of misdemeanours in regards to my father. A lot of them are internal since he is the ultimate at mind games. I wonder if his father was the same. The man I knew was warm and gentle, but I didn’t see him in the office. Perhaps Grandfather was like me and had the capabilities to be hard when a problem arose, but then could be relaxed, and a decent fucking human being the rest of the time.

  Father definitely missed the decent human being gene. Maybe he was dropped at birth, which would explain a lot right there.

  “Your flight leaves Sunday night. I want you present in the office when it opens, bright and early for their big meeting. I will have my assistant type up the order of business and what you are expected to tell the board members.”

  All I can think about is how long I will be away. Will I miss seeing Ivy during the week? She is becoming a drug that I need a fix of. Just to see her for a few minutes and to steal another kiss would be heaven on earth.

  Thank fuck we are having lunch together tomorrow. I cannot fucking wait. I need to inhale every part of this woman.

  Easy Hudson, you are becoming hooked, dangerously hooked.

  Finally, Tuesday arrives. I hastily drive my midnight blue classic; though beat up, Mustang into work. Of course, living in New York, it’s easier to grab a train or a cab, but I prefer to drive. I love my car, it’s old and a little rusty, but it is a classic. I wish I could say I inherited the love of cars from my father, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

  The only memory I have of a car growing up was a station wagon. We only had it until I was five years old, and then we had a driver who took us absolutely everywhere.

  Another way we wasted money on unnecessary items.

  Thank God for staff parking. The hike from the public parking would make me five minutes late rather than just on time.

  Trying to figure out what the hell to wear for lunch today with Chase really didn’t help my less-than-punctual morning.

  I reluctantly decided on my classic knee-length black skirt, black wedges, and a few layered tops of blue, purple, and black. My unruly red hair is not behaving today, so I pulled it up into a messy bun. I applied my bb cream and signature smoky eye shadow then raced out the door. I can put on my lipstick in the elevator.

  I’ve never been the type to spend hours on my appearance—it matters, but it’s not the most important thing for me.

  Chase messaged me last night with lunch details.

  Miss Maisen,

  Would you accompany me to lunch tomorrow?

  I will be in the museum foyer at twelve o’clock sharp.

  I look forward to seeing you again.


  I reply to his formal message, which I am assuming is his way of acting all professional and yet humorous at the same time, so I follow suit.

  Mr. Hudson,

  I would love to accompany you to lunch.

  I will meet you in the foyer.

  However, I must insist you refrain from kissing me like you did the other night. My reddened cheeks would not go unnoticed by scrupulous eyes at my place of employment.

  Maybe I would allow just a slight peck?

  See you tomorrow.


  Miss Maisen,

  I cannot guarantee that I won’t kiss you like Saturday night. It would seem that once I am in close proximity of you, I have no control over my actions.

  I do apologize in advance.


  I smile at his last message. He wants to kiss me again, and that totally excites me.

  Work goes extremely slow. The anticipation of seeing Chase is making my stomach flip, and I’ve already overcharged a customer for two tickets, when he’d requested only one.

  “Oh, I am terribly sorry, sir. Here is your refund,” I tell the gray-haired gentleman who looks less than impressed at my error.

  My brain is betraying me just like my body, and I can’t get this sexy man off my mind, him and his suave ways, not to mention that damn eagle tattoo…

  Maybe I should have made more of an effort to dress up? I mean, the man is a director of a multi-billion dollar empire, for God’s sake—he will be immaculate, no doubt.

  “Christa, I am heading out for lunch today, is that okay?” I check with my boss even though it’s not usually a problem.

  “Sure thing, Ivy. See you in an hour,” she replies with her sweet voice. Christa is a divorcee with two teenage children, which doesn’t explain why she is so cheerful all of the time. I remember myself as a rebellious, stubborn teenager, and my mother was never smiling. Well, she never does now, but I’m just lucky to have a mother like that, now aren’t I?

  I head into the staff room and grab my fawn colored Mimco bag. Thanks to Lilly, it’s the most expensive purse I own. I feel excitable and maybe even a little tense as I ride the elevator down to the ground floor.

  Remember the other night, Ivy—he’s just a man, not a movie star.

  Oh, but that kiss… I can’t help but squeeze my legs together as I recall the passion I felt.

  As a much-needed distraction, I check my cell and smile when I notice a text from Lilly.

  Have FUN at lunch, hot stuff. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!

  I laugh out loud at her. She always knows how to make me laugh and relax. I’m suddenly grateful I’m alone on the elevator. I’m sure she realized how on edge I would be. That’s what best friends are for.

  Take one last deep breath. Remember it’s just lunch, Ivy. Be cool, calm, and collected.

  The doors slowly open, and I exit toward the modern foyer lounge. I notice the stunning man first, with his dark brown and lustrous hair.

  Chase looks nothing short of a God, as he unbuttons his gray business shirt and removes his black tie. He sighs with relief as he removes those items.

  He seems to sense my stare and turns in my direction. His smile radiates when he sees me, and what a dazzling smile it is. I’m pretty sure my ovaries just exploded from the sexual thoughts running through my mind. Like how I want to unbutton the rest of that shirt and reveal what I know he is hiding beneath it, like his toned abs and chest. How I want to rub my hand along his muscles, quickly followed by my tongue.

  Focus, Ivy. For fuck’s sake, woman.

  I smile broadly at the handsome man in front of me. He grins again showing his perfect white and straight teeth back at me. He walks to meet me the rest of the way. Ah, always the gentleman.

  “Hello, Miss Maisen. You are punctual today,” he jokes as he kisses my cheek. The usual tingle is there, giving me instant goosebumps as I shudder from his closeness.

  “Mr. Hudson, lovely to see you again,” I reply sarcastically, now smirking vivaciously.

  “Shall we walk to the restaurant?” Chase suggests as the sexual tension heats up.

  “Yes, I am famished. A coffee and toast for breakfast has fuelled me up until now.”

  “Perfect, I have the chef preparing something special.”

  “Of course, you do,” I say expecting nothing less, and then I shake my head.

  Talk about having connection
s, this guy would just have to say ‘jump’ and people wouldn’t even ask ‘how high?’ they’d just do it.

  Money is no object. That’s the world he lives in. I wish that didn’t leave such a bad taste in my mouth, but it definitely does.

  My life is about me, my friends, and my art. It’s about living for the now. I work damn hard to pay my bills. Nothing in my life has ever come easy. I refuse the money from my father each month; instead, he deposits it into a fund for homeless children. Once it reaches fifty thousand, which I am sure won’t be too much longer, I will host a benefit and gift them the check.

  “What is that mind of yours thinking about, Ivy? You look deep in thought for it only being noon,” Chase inquires, snapping me out of my daydream.

  “Oh sorry, I get a little distracted when I am hungry, that’s all,” I lie. God, if he knew my thoughts he would either run for the hills or buy me flowers, and I want neither of the two.

  “I am glad to hear you have an appetite. Jacque, our chef, has a couple of courses to keep us well fed.”

  I cheerfully smile. He has gone to a bit of trouble, and I am flattered.

  I wish I wasn’t wondering just how much lunch will cost, though. I’m tempted to tell him a sandwich will suffice. Fuck. I knew this wouldn’t be a good idea. Just breathe, Ivy.

  This is exactly why I help at the shelter. I’ve given the jacket off my back to warm up the homeless. I would give my last five dollars to help someone less fortunate. I participate in the forty-hour famine. Why should people starve to death so I can stuff my face? Why should babies freeze to death, so that I have a warm blanket? Why should finding clean drinking water be such a chore for other countries, when we have fifty different choices of bottled water alone?

  I am extremely passionate about all of these things. They matter to me. What you see is what you get with me.

  We don’t walk too far before we arrive at the quaint restaurant. Chase opens the door and ushers me inside where we are pleasantly greeted by two wait staff and the chef himself.

  “Mr. Hudson, it is a pleasure to see you again,” Jacque tells Chase. No doubt sucking up to a well-paying customer.


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