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Tainted Deception

Page 10

by Aleya Michelle

He reacquainted with Patricia, whom he’d had an affair with when I was two. I tried to overlook that misdemeanor to avoid an argument.

  Having a mother figure around again was actually pretty nice. The first months I spent with her were easy and enjoyable. Her eleven-year-old son was still in boarding school and it gave us a chance to bond, even though she would never replace my beautiful mother.

  It all changed the day Christopher arrived. He thought the world owed him something all because he missed out on eleven years with my father. I wondered why Patricia didn’t tell him sooner, but obviously her relationship with my father hadn’t ended well.

  From day one, I could see he was a nasty piece of work. He pushed me roughly into the dirt, smashed a wine glass and blamed me, just to name a few things. Patricia was clueless to his endeavors, completely oblivious to her little tyrant, and worshipped him. And he played on it something fierce.

  He was nothing more than a liar and a troublemaker.

  “Mother, Chase just punched me,” he would call out as he lied through his teeth. Of course, Patricia would come running and all the blame would be placed on me.

  You name it, he did it, just to get under my skin and cause trouble. He sprayed graffiti on Father’s car, and then put the spray cans in my room. He stole from the mall, and then hid the stolen items in my closet where Patricia found them. But the worst thing he did to me was destroying my bedroom. It was the one sacred place I had all to myself, where I could escape from the outside world. And the asshole knew it.

  He smashed everything to pieces, broke all of my personal belongings, cut my clothes with scissors, but when I caught him wearing the locket my late mother gave me, I lost my mind.

  I dove on him and began punching his face again and again. My anger overtook me until Father pulled me off him.

  I was shipped off to boarding school, while he got to live in my house. Sometimes life was not fair. But I was glad to be away from him.

  Boarding school turned out pretty cool. The guys in my room were easy going except for Stuart. He was as straight as they came. The in-bed-by-seven-thirty-every-night followed all the rules, kind of straight. So when he requested a room change, we were all relieved. The boarding school was the best in New York, the classes were top notch, and the teachers were much better than I was expecting.

  I met Talon at school. It’s hard to believe it now, but the guy had no friends and was picked on and bullied until I stepped in.

  Talon also despised Christopher, seeing him for the psycho he really was.

  I refused to go home during the holidays because of my horrid stepbrother. When Father came to visit me for the fifth time in two years, he told me that Patricia and Christopher weren’t living with us anymore, so Talon spent that Thanksgiving with us. I was ecstatic not to see my stepbrother, but a little sad that a there was no mother figure in the house.

  Over the years, Christopher constantly meddled in company affairs. He lied his way to the top and made a name for himself as my less fortunate brother.

  “You can’t make people like you,” I told him one evening at dinner after a heated discussion. “You need to earn the respect and be a decent person, not the lying, cheating rat that you are,” I spat at him. It felt great to get that off my chest.

  “You have been handed everything to you on a silver platter your whole life, Chase. Don’t lecture me about being a decent person,” he replied.

  “Bullshit. Hudson Industries wouldn’t be half the company it is today without me, Christopher. I am the cement that holds this place together. You on the other hand; people wouldn’t even notice if you never showed your face again,” I retort as I feel my anger building.

  “Actually, that is a perfect idea. You have one more chance, Chris. Stop acting like the world owes you and stop being a dick, or you are not welcome in this office anymore. I will have you escorted off the premises if you don’t show some common decency to myself and your father,” I threatened him. Even though I know I wouldn’t have the last say, I’d be over the moon not to ever associate with this scum bag again.

  Hanging out with Talon has me totally confused. One minute, he is interested and all over me, and the next, he’s cold and absent. The most perplexing guy I’ve ever dated, and that is saying something. We spent last weekend together at his place, but he was acting very strange.

  He kept getting a lot of phone calls that he wouldn’t answer. But the caller was damn persistent and kept blowing up his phone.

  “Who are you trying to avoid, Talon? Your phone has rung ten times in the last twenty minutes,” I state to him after the last ring. It’s probably a woman, the jerk.

  “It’s no one important,” he responds looking a little guilty.

  “Is it another woman? Tell me if it is, I don’t want to play games,” I declare in frustration. I metaphorically take one step forward with him and then two steps back.

  “No, it is not another woman; it is a work colleague. A very annoying colleague,” he tells me then kisses me, obviously trying to distract me.

  But then he started asking me peculiar questions. Most of them related to Chase and Ivy. Almost kind of stalkerish.

  “You and Ivy seem close. She doesn’t strike me as the usual chick who comes from a family with money,” Talon surprises me by saying.

  “What does that mean?” I question.

  “Well, you know her style in clothes, the old car she drives, and her place was nothing like I would expect from a chick with money,” he replies shocking me with every word coming out of his mouth.

  “God, you are a jerk,” I tell him feeling annoyed with his comments.

  “Why am I a jerk? Because I’m being honest, Lilly? I bet her and Chase aren’t even serious,” he continues, and I defend Ivy like any best friend would. We argue for twenty minutes, with Talon continuing to ask weird questions before I angrily take off.

  If Chase is his best friend, then why is he asking me these things? Something just doesn’t feel right.

  I decide I need to talk to Ivy about it, just to make her aware of the situation, but not to cause her too much concern.

  Hey, doll, okay if I come over after work tomorrow? –Lilly

  I text her just to make sure. Who knows when her stud muffin will be there.

  Of course, I’ll take care of the food if you can grab some wine, girlfriend. –Ivy

  Perfect. I’ll grab a bottle of our favorite wine. We are overdue for a girls’ night anyways.


  We are both tired after work, so we just chill on the couch. Ivy puts her iPod on shuffle and we snack on chips and dip. After twenty minutes of catching up with each other—like how her family is, work antics, and how busy our lives are—I decide to talk to her about Talon.

  “It’s so awesome how you and Chase are seeing each other more often,” I say casually.

  “He is amazing, Lil. It’s kind of scary, like I am waiting for the bubble to burst,” Ivy tells me, and I hope to God that Talon is not going to be the thing that bursts her happy bubble.

  “I am so happy for you guys, Ivy. You deserve happiness,” I state honestly. This woman does deserve it.

  “So, I guess Chase and Talon are pretty close—Talon talks about him all the time. Does Chase speak highly of him?” I ask Ivy. I don’t want to rock the boat just yet.

  “Well, yeah, he is his best friend—they catch up probably once a week. Why do you ask? Did he end things with you? I swear I will break his balls,” Ivy growls protectively. It makes me laugh at the way she looks out for me.

  “No, we are definitively still fooling around. I saw him last night for a booty call. It’s only ever sex with us though, but he does talk and asks a lot of questions,” I reply.

  “Well, that is a good sign. Sounds like he is interested in you,” Ivy affirms.

  “He is not really asking questions about me, though,” I tell her, making her aware bit by bit without just blurting it out.

  “What do you mean? What kind of q
uestions is he asking you?” she queries.

  “Weird ones, Ivy. Like about you, your job, your family. It always came off as him just being interested in my friends, but last night, it felt like he was digging deeper.” I finally spill the beans on the situation.

  “What do you mean deeper? What the hell did he ask you?” Ivy questions sounding a little shocked at what I am revealing.

  “Promise me you won’t tell Chase. I’m not looking to make waves; I just want you to be aware of what he was asking,” I state to her, making her keep her lips sealed.

  “I won’t mention it; just tell me what the hell Talon asked about me?” she inquiries looking puzzled and sounding annoyed.

  “Well, he wanted to know what position your father held in his company, how much he makes, if your parents had a will in place,” I reveal to her hoping to hell Talon doesn’t find out I have mentioned this to Ivy. He would not be impressed.

  ‘Chicks over Dicks,’ that is our saying. I will stick to that no matter what happens.

  “Why the hell would he ask that? It’s just so random,” Ivy responds sounding annoyed. I can’t blame her; I feel irritated myself.

  “I told him he was being rude and intrusive, and that I wouldn’t answer any more questions, then I left his place and went home. I haven’t heard from him today. It felt great to leave; we’ve just been using each other for some fun, but I’m a little worried about why he wants intel on you.”

  “Hopefully, it is nothing, and we are just overreacting,” she adds to try and calm us down a little.

  “Yeah, you and me both,” I reply angrily. “But I plan to find out exactly what Talon is playing at.”

  Lilly leaves just after nine thirty, which is perfect since Chase is coming over after his workout at the gym. I am looking forward to seeing him all hot and sweaty in his tank top. I love seeing him in a tank top with not much left to the imagination.

  I don’t bother showering after work since he will be sweaty, and a shower together definitely sounds appealing.

  I quickly tidy up and flick through the channels on my TV to see if there is anything on and end up watching a rerun of Friends. It always makes me wonder why Brad Pitt left Jennifer Aniston; she is gorgeous, but I guess Angelina has that bad girl vibe about her that he must like.

  I suddenly remember that today is payday and my paycheck should have gone into my account. I pull out my phone to check my bank balance while I wait for Chase. I use the app on my phone and type in my password. This message appears on my screen.

  You have been locked out of your account due to three incorrect password attempts.

  What the hell? I typed it in correctly, and it was only once. I wonder if my bank is having issues with their online banking.

  Three incorrect attempts.

  Has someone tried to hack into my account?

  I will be on the phone to my bank first thing in the morning.

  The intercom buzzes, breaking me from my internal musings. Perfect timing, Chase.

  I press the button and say, “Ivy’s house of carnal pleasure, enter at your own risk.”

  “Very funny. I’ll take my chances; see you in two minutes for some carnal pleasure,” Chase jokes. God, I am glad I took a chance on him. I always thought I was a good judge of character, but I judged him based on his clothes and how much money he makes, not on the person that he is.

  In the words of Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, “Big mistake. Huge.”

  I have another idea to go with my house of pleasure line. Screw it, you only live once. I quickly strip down to my black underwear and slip my work heels back on. When he knocks, I open it wearing nothing else. Judging by his thrilled expression, I made the right choice.

  “Hot damn, woman, you have made my long, boring-ass day so much better,” he states as he slams my door and attacks me with his mouth. He kisses me hungrily and passionately.

  It was never just a kiss with Chase, it was always so much more. His mouth explores mine, every inch is devoured like he savors my taste and needs it for his continued survival. I could die a very happy woman right now from his kiss alone.

  I’ll admit this to myself—I really, really like him. Nothing in the whole world has felt like this before. He feels so right.

  Chase scoops me up into his arms and places me on the couch. His scent is a mixture of salty sweat and his aftershave, it’s sexy as hell.

  He gazes deep into my eyes, holding me captive. Can he see the fire in my eyes? Does my body language give me away?

  Every little thing he does gives me a rush. I get crazy around him and lose complete control.

  Already feeling turned on, I dig my fingernails into his back and kiss his neck. I bite his skin; he tastes divine like salt and sexy man. He eagerly rolls his hips between my legs. His cock is already like steel, ready to sink into me.

  “It’s going to be hard and fast tonight, vixen,” Chase tells me, and I nod as my breathing hitches. He removes his shirt, and I’m almost orgasmic seeing his rock hard chest and abs. I run my fingers along them in awe of his hard work and dedication, much like when I create a painting on canvas. I am admiring this man’s canvas—his structure is curved to perfection.

  Chase reaches down and rips the material from my panties at either side, completely shredding it. I’m stunned and turned on at the same time. Jesus, this man knows how to push my buttons.

  Lowering his gym shorts, he exposes his thick and unyielding cock. I get a condom from the bedside table and throw it next to him. He strokes his length and rips open the foil packet, sliding the condom onto his hardness. In no time at all, he guides his cock to my core, dipping the tip into my wetness before pulling it out to rub against my clit. I’m enjoying his teasing when he unexpectedly thrusts inside hard and deep just like he said he would.

  “Fuck!” I moan from the deepness and full-throttle force. He never relents as he thrusts again, but this time even harder, then again and again. After only a few minutes, he hits the spot deep inside me, triggering my release to crest and take me all the way. It vibrates through me like a tsunami, causing me to convulse and flutter as my hips gyrate against his.

  My orgasm is so sensual. Wave after wave, I explode and see glistening fireworks.

  Chase never relents as he slams faster again and again as I feel his release hit.

  The sound of his thrusts, the slapping of skin against skin, and our juices flooding between us is fucking hot! He kisses me as his release ebbs, but he stays inside of me, almost reluctant to move.

  “I don’t ever want to take my cock out of you, Ivy. Can’t we just stay this way?” I know what he means; this is the ultimate closeness.

  The feelings I have about Chase are intense. I can’t escape wanting to be with him. I crave this man like chocolate. He is an aphrodisiac and makes me feel on top of the world. He makes me want to fall in love again. He’s worth it. He is worth the risk of being hurt again.

  I catch him staring at me, lust burning in his eyes, but it’s more than that. I see the deeper emotion, the depth of his feelings for me. Under his intense gaze, I feel like I’m melting; the heat from his skin radiates against mine still pressed against his.

  Honestly, I have been dreaming of this man for all these years. It is as if he has the key to my heart, the key to my soul.

  “Come and shower with me, Mr. Hudson. You are very dirty. Let’s get you cleaned up, so I can get you dirty all over again.” I winked at him before I take his hand and lead him to the shower.

  So much for finding out about Talon. When it comes to Chase, I’m always distracted.


  The next morning, I find myself awake before Chase. I look at my phone and see it’s 5:00 am. Just watching him lying there has me aroused again, so I decide to give him a nice little present to start the day with.

  I make my way under the sheet, thankful we both slept naked. I start by licking along his shaft, and as planned, it starts to twitch and harden.

  I take his co
ck into my hand and stroke it, then I lick the tip, swirling my tongue around the top. I flick his tip with my tongue then I kiss him all around, and then, with my lips wrapped around the tip, I suck it deeply into my mouth. He groans in pleasure.

  I suck hungrily, again and again, taking him deeper. I can feel him at the back of my throat. I love pleasuring him. I grip his cock tightly with my hand and stroke his length as I suck, then swirl my tongue across the tip. I devour his hardness inch by inch, taking him deeper into my throat.

  I increase my speed and pressure as I stroke his shaft. My core dampens from having this control over his pleasure.

  His louder groan tells me how close he is getting. I want his warmth in my mouth so I pump and suck like crazy as he arches his neck and moans loudly. I swallow him, every drop.

  “That was the best wake-up call I’ve ever had,” he tells me, showing me his perfect teeth through his huge, glowing smile.


  Chase kisses me as he leaves at six. My alarm is set for six forty-five, so I doze back to sleep.

  “No, no, no! I’m sorry!” I wake screaming, and I realize I’d been dreaming. I’m covered in sweat, and I feel anxious and out of breath.

  Shit, I was dreaming about Heather and the accident again. It has been a few months since I’ve had that dream. It’s not something you can forget even after fifteen years.

  Darkness tried to consume me, but I didn’t lie down and let the murky shadows deplete me. I chose to be unstoppable; I chose to fight and push through the storm.

  After Heather’s accident, it took a lot to finally realize that I couldn’t give up. Part of me kept living for my sister since she was no longer alive. It wasn’t a choice she made; her choice was taken from her. I would live for her—I would continue to breathe fresh air into my lungs and feel the sun's warmth on my face, and it would all be for Heather.

  Life is too fucking short to wait for things to come to you. No, you need to head out into the world and prove to yourself that you’ve got what it takes to make it. Through my own thick skin, and after years of counseling, I came out the other side stronger and fiercer.


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