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Escape (Elite Supernatural Trackers Book 3)

Page 12

by Heather Renee

  She rolled her eyes, and Spencer cut her off before she could add more inappropriate commentary. “Grab your stuff, everyone. We’re leaving the bag here, and the dealer will be handled.”

  Well, that was the easiest case we’d ever worked. There was no argument from me as Jaxon led us from their room to get our stuff.

  Maybe this was the turn in luck we needed, and things would start looking up. Even as the thought began to formulate, I was laughing out loud.

  Not a chance in hell.

  Chapter 16

  Hot didn’t even begin to describe our surroundings. More like motherfucking scorching.

  Sweat pooled beneath my boobs, under my arms, and between my legs, and I was disgusted. Who the hell voluntarily lived in the pits of hell? Psychos, that was who.

  Nixie sat on my shoulder; even her wings drooped from the sticky heat. “Where the fuck are we? And can we never come here again?”

  Seth laughed. “It’s the humidity. You get used to it after a while.”

  “Fuck no, I don’t. I leave and pretend this horrid slice of the world doesn’t exist. That’s what I do.”

  We were in the bayous of Louisiana, out in the middle of no man’s land, surrounded by swamps, bugs, and things that could kill us. Okay, maybe that last bit was an exaggeration, but I was used to the cooler East Coast weather. Whatever Louisiana was offering, I didn’t want any of it.

  “It’s like eighty degrees. It’s not even that bad,” Blake said, and Jenna smacked him upside the head.

  “I’d say nothing else until we’re out of this hell hole.” She was panting and clearly as sweaty as me. At least I had help keeping the guys in line.

  Seth moved ahead of us, seeming to be in considerably better spirits since we left Vegas. Hopefully, the kid realized the grass wasn’t always greener on the other side and stayed his ass home with people who didn’t make him do stupid shit.

  Watching in fascination, Seth opened an invisible door next to a swamp tree and gestured for us to go through. I was hesitant to do so until Mason went first and sighed loudly.

  “There’s air conditioning.”

  My feet were moving before he finished the last word, and I pushed Jaxon out of my way to get away from the soul-sucking humidity.

  Once everyone was in and the door was closed, I leaned against a wall, completely oblivious to what was happening around me. Probably not the smartest choice, but I was with my Fabled Fuckers. I wasn’t too worried about anyone getting the jump on me.

  Introductions were already in progress as I came back to the present with a cooled down body temperature. The joyous gentleman before us was nothing like I expected if he was Raymond, leader of the coven and Spencer’s family friend.

  Most coven leaders were fierce in appearance, exuding strength just with their presence, but this guy? No, he exuded love and comfort. Lots of it. My feet took a step toward him, and he reached a hand for me.

  “You must be Cara. It’s nice to meet you.” Smile lines appeared around his soulful cognac eyes, and I couldn’t look away. I’d never been so entranced by another supernatural before.

  When I gave him my hand, he pulled me into a hug, further drawing me into whatever power he was currently holding over me. Suddenly, I began to mentally panic. I didn’t know this man, yet I was letting him touch me as if we were family. I wanted to push him away, but my arms wouldn’t listen to the alarm pulsing through my mind.

  Blake stepped closer. “Siren? You okay?”

  My head nodded, but my mouth said, “No.”

  “She’s fine. She’s just overwhelmed and will be back to normal in a moment,” Raymond answered, catching Jaxon’s attention.

  “Ace, I don’t know who this man is to you exactly, but if he doesn’t let her go, I’m going to rip his arms off.”

  My face was still squished into the chest of the bear-like man before me who somehow felt like home but I’d never met before. So, I couldn’t see anything happening around me, but I hoped like hell things would begin to make sense really fucking soon.

  After another tense minute, Raymond finally released his hold on me, and Spencer let Jaxon go as well. I met him in the middle and gladly let him wrap protective arms around me in hopes I could shake whatever that was. I didn’t need Jaxon to save me, but I needed some normalcy after whatever the hell I’d just experienced.

  “Who are you?” I asked when I caught a breath.

  “My name is Raymond Grove. I was a friend of your grandmother’s. We grew up in the same coven until my family moved to the South.”

  Ahh, maybe that explained his familiarity? Even though I’d never met my grandmother, her magic still flowed through me, and if they’d been from the same coven, then part of his magic would be the same as hers. Maybe just not as powerful unless he was a relative that I knew nothing about.

  Considering we looked nothing alike with his umber skin and ebony hair in comparison to my paler features, I doubted there was any chance of relation.

  Raymond took a step further back, grasping his son by the shoulder. “Thank you for bringing Seth home. I hope it wasn’t too much trouble.”

  Spencer shook his head. “Not at all. Glad we could help, and I wish we could stay, but some of our friends are in trouble and we need to get going.”

  Raymond’s head tilted with interest. “What kind of trouble?”

  “None you need to be involved in,” Spencer answered gruffly in a way that left no room for argument.

  “Could I at least give you anything that might help your situation?” Raymond pushed.

  Mason whispered something to Spencer, and he seemed to ponder it for a moment. “We need to break into somewhere filled with lots of people. Some who deserve to die, but a lot who don’t. We want to be in and out with little drama. Any thoughts?”

  Raymond’s perfect smile grew. “I have just the thing. Seth, get them something to drink, and I’ll be back.”

  For the first time, I finally took stock of our surroundings. I’d been so relieved by the cool air, and then enraptured by Raymond, that I’d been oblivious to the house we stood in. The size was modest and open. We were in the living room, or so I assumed with all of the couches and side tables.

  There were solid tan walls with ancient paintings and artifacts hanging on them that intrigued me, but we didn’t have time for a history lesson, so I refrained from asking any questions. As soon as Raymond was back, we needed to get going. I hadn’t forgotten about Ethan and Gabe. If anything happened to them because we waited too long to act, I’d never forgive myself.

  Taking a seat next to Jenna and Blake, while Jaxon, Spencer, and Mason still stood, I realized there weren’t any windows. “Why do you guys live in hiding?”

  “My dad likes to keep this place safe. None of the other homes on the property are hidden, but this is the coven’s most valuable asset. There is more to this house than what you see.”

  Such cryptic words. I really hoped we could make it back, not only to find out what else was in this house but to learn about my grandmother. Maybe Raymond had pictures… I let the thought drift off and tried not to dwell on it. There were bigger fires to put out before I went searching for answers about my ancestors.

  Spencer went to Seth. “You’re going to stick around this time?”

  He nodded. “For now. I might still leave, but I’ll do it properly if so. Things outside the Bayou are a lot different than I realized.”

  At least he’d learned his lesson.

  The room was quiet, and I realized that was an oddity. “Where is Nixie?” Panic began to set in that I’d somehow left her outside to drown in the pits of hell.

  “Up here,” she cooed, and my eyes followed her voice.

  Nixie was sprawled across the air vent, soaking in the cold pushing through. “Okay, that is a bit much, even for you.” I laughed.

  She was in such heaven, the snarky fairy didn’t even respond. A rarity I’d never witnessed before.

  Raymond came back into t
he room with a leather sack full of bottles I could hear clanging around. Setting it on the table, he pulled one out. “This is a potent gas I’ve perfected over the years. It spreads further and faster than any spell I’ve ever seen. If you need to move quickly, this will do the trick without hurting anyone.”

  The glass casing had a cork top with a cylinder piece of metal sticking about an inch out. The liquid inside was clear in color, but murky when it swirled around.

  “When you’re ready, place one of these at every entry point to the building and pull the tab. Results should be instantaneous, so wear these before you do anything.” Raymond dug through the bag and pulled out sleek face masks that looked like they’d seal only our mouths and noses.

  “How long does it last?” I asked.

  “Depending on their strength, probably five minutes for a really powerful supernatural and nearly an hour for lesser beings,” he answered while placing everything back into the bag.

  We were going to be quick. Like super-fucking-speed if we wanted to be in and out before the Luccovinos woke up. I had no doubts that they’d only take the five minutes, or even less. I’m sure the gas hadn’t been tested on an original vampire before, so there was no way I was asking and revealing anything about what we were doing.

  “Thanks, Ray. We really appreciate this,” Spencer said, holding up the bag.

  “It’s the least I can do for making sure my son is safe. Now, the two of us have some talking to do, and the rest of you have places to be, but I expect a visit from you in the near future.” Raymond’s stare landed on me as he finished, and I had no problem with that request. I’d already been thinking it.

  We said our goodbyes, then headed outside after I pried Nixie off the air vent, reminding her that if she opened the portal fast enough, maybe we’d avoid the worst of it.

  Unfortunately, that was a lie. The sweat was back as soon as we opened the door, but Nixie was on it with the portal and we stepped through first. I’d never been so glad to see an overcast sky and trees before.

  We entered through Zeke’s front gate, hoping like hell he’d come up with some options we could work with while we’d been gone. Going into the house, it was eerily quiet, and I began to think the worst. The Luccovinos found him, killed him, and were going to be sitting on the couch covered in Zeke’s blood waiting to do the same to us. Graphic, I knew, but the possibility was high.

  Instead, what we found was a mess of papers, empty beer cans, dirty plates, and a passed-out sorcerer at the dinner table.

  Jaxon kicked him. “Wake up.”

  Zeke’s hand swung up, flicking a spell at Jax, but he’d been prepared for it and moved out of the way as it fizzled out.

  “What the hell have you been doing?” Spencer asked.

  Zeke lifted his head with a glare in his eyes. “Research. Now piss off and get out of my room.”

  “You’re not in your room,” I said with an eyeroll. He’d obviously had one too many of the beers I saw on the counter.

  Nixie didn’t seem to have any patience and flew from my shoulder to Zeke. Her hands rubbed together, and she pressed them to his forehead. “Get the fuck up.”

  Zeke jolted from his spot, eyes wide, skin pasty, and body shaking. “What the hell was that?”

  “Just a bit of adrenaline to get your blood pumping. Now, come on. We have plans to make and places to be. If we’re breaking into Mandora, then we need to do it tonight. During the day will make it take longer, and I have no patience for that shit. I’ll end up killing people, and then someone will be mad, and I won’t have any fucks to give, which will inevitably piss more people off.”

  She walked a fine line between helpful and psychotic. I loved every damn minute of it.

  Zeke glanced at the guys, and they all nodded in agreement. We knew Nixie wasn’t joking, but apparently Zeke hadn’t been around enough fairies to realize it on his own.

  “We have gas to knock them all out and break in without killing anyone, hopefully,” Blake said while he watched Jenna go to the fridge for blood.

  Poor girl. I hadn’t even thought to ask if she’d brought sustenance with her. It was no wonder why Blake was her perfect match. If she hadn’t, he had likely been the only thing keeping her from feeding on the nearest available body.

  When I glanced back to Zeke, there was finally some life back in his face, and he was more agreeable than I expected. “Well, let’s finish the plan, then.” He left all of the papers at the table and headed for the recliner in the living room.

  “Did you learn anything new while we were gone?”

  He nodded. “But nothing that pertains to this. Let’s just focus on getting the others back. How do you plan to use the gas?”

  Spencer went into the detail on that, but I stopped paying attention as I watched Blake and Jenna trying to quietly argue in the kitchen.

  “No, and you can’t make me.” Her arms crossed as she snarled at him.

  “Jenna, baby, please don’t do this. We’ll be gone for less than thirty minutes. A quick in and out.”

  She poked a finger at his chest. “If it’s so quick and easy, then why can’t I come?”

  “Because my brothers need me to focus, and I can’t do that when I’m worried about you. These people aren’t to be messed with, and I can’t risk something happening to you.”

  Her lip quivered. “Like I’m supposed to do by staying behind and having no idea if you’ll get hurt or worse? What am I supposed to do if you don’t come back?”

  Damn. I felt for her. Blake was the only reason Jenna had been able to keep her shit together. They were in a shitty situation, and I didn’t envy them. Even though Jaxon was stubborn and arrogant, at least we were equal in the fact we didn’t have to be worried about each other all the time.

  My eyes moved away from them and back to the conversation in front of me.

  “Three people. That’s it, and you’ll need to find somewhere else for the other two to stay. There isn’t enough room for them here,” Zeke grumbled.

  He probably didn’t think there was space for the rest of us, either, but so far, he’d yet to say so. Not that I had any problem leaving, but considering the Luccovinos couldn’t find us here, I wasn’t in any hurry.

  A yawn escaped me, and Nixie flew over to me. “Need some adrenaline as well?” There was a twinkle of mischief in her eyes that I hadn’t seen for a few days.

  “I won’t say no to it, but not as much as you gave Zeke. More like the doses you gave me when we drove to Greggor’s house.”

  She grunted. “That was before I got my full strength back. I’m not sure I’m capable of being so weak again, but I’ll give it my best shot.”

  She was a big fucking liar.

  Her hand touched my collarbone, and my entire body felt like fire pulsed through it. Thankfully, it only lasted a second, but I was flushed and breathing hard.

  “Yeah, I don’t think I’ll be needing that particular service again. Ever.”

  She shrugged. “Suit yourself.”

  “So, we’re ready to leave?” Jaxon asked, and I glanced back at Blake and Jenna, who were now locked in an embrace.

  “I’m not sure all of us are. Do we really need him to come?” I nodded back at them.

  “There are only five entries into the prison. Technically, we don’t as long as the rest of us each takes one,” Spence answered.

  My gaze fell to Jaxon, and I expected him to protest about splitting up considering what happened the last time we were there, but I was pleasantly surprised when there was no objection.

  “Hey, Blake,” Jaxon called. “We need someone to stay here and be ready to treat the others if we send them through separately. We don’t know what kind of condition they’ll be in or if there will be any complications. You game to do that? Your skills in keeping them calm could be helpful.”

  The walls around my heart that had already been crumbling for a while became even weaker. It wasn’t lost on me that every time it was better to leave someon
e behind or give them a lesser task for their own good, they made the job sound important, regardless of what it was.

  The empath nodded. “Sure, we can do that. Just send Nixie back to get me if things go sideways, though.”

  I could tell by the tick in his jaw, Blake wasn’t exactly happy to be left behind, but it was a compromise he had to make for the sanity of Jenna until she had more experience that preferably didn’t come from dealing with the most powerful bloodsuckers in existence.

  Mason cracked his knuckles. “Let’s do the damn thing.”

  Chapter 17

  Facing the cement walls of the prison again wasn’t something I was terribly excited about, especially knowing that my psychotic family was within the walls. I gagged on the last thought. What the hell had my mother been thinking screwing an original vampire?

  Unfortunately, I’d never know the answer to that question.

  “Alright, I’ll be back,” Nixie said before flying from my shoulder.

  “Wait, what? Where are you going?” I asked.

  She huffed. “Were you not listening when we were back at the fortress?”

  I shrugged with little remorse. I’d been distracted by Blake and Jenna.

  She threw dust in my face. “Listen this time. I’m going in first since they didn’t seem to sense me before when I shielded myself. I’ll find the locations of Ethan, Gabe, and Owen. You five stay right here in Zeke’s little condom bubble, and I’ll be back to tell you exactly where to go.”

  Condom bubble? I snorted at that. “Got it. So, what are you waiting for?”

  She flipped me off before flying forward, and the air around her shimmered for a moment before she disappeared.

  Jaxon grabbed hold of me, pulling us as far from the others as he could until his back made another shimmer in the air like Nixie had. Must be the bubble she’d mentioned. Thankfully, it was XXL-sized.

  “I know I didn’t say anything earlier, but just because I didn’t, doesn’t mean I like that we’re supposed to split up,” he said, his hands moving up and down my arms.


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