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A Mate to Match

Page 5

by Jeanette Lynn

  He pulled up abruptly and gripped my hips, snarling at me, then entering me with a hard thrust.

  I moaned, still sensitive from my previous orgasm, but ready for more.

  The fire was still there and I wanted him with every fiber of my being.

  "Mine," he growled in a gravelly voice.

  I gasped and moaned, pushing back against him eagerly.

  "Say it!" he demanded, pounding into me forcefully.

  I didn't answer him and he suddenly stopped, causing me to whimper and wiggle against him.

  He held me there, waiting, our bodies pulsing with the need he was denying us.

  "Say it, Kat! Say that you're MINE!" he barked, slapping my ass when I still wouldn't answer him.

  I jumped, swiping back at him with my nails, growling at him from low in my throat.

  He chuckled huskily and whispered hoarsely in my ear, "Say it, sweet Kitty Kat and I'll give you everything you want, sugar."

  He gave a hard thrust to emphasize his point and I growled again.

  "I'm yours.... I'm yours! Just don't stop, damn it! I need you!" I panted and he reared up, pounding into me again.

  "You feel so good....all mine... mine... all mine..."he babbled mindlessly as he thrust into me over and over.

  I was so close and I could feel that he was too.

  "More, more... more... please," I begged.

  "You want my pups, don't you, sugar? Want me to make you come so hard ...isn't that right, darlin'?" he punctuated between thrusts.

  He leaned over and bit me on the neck hard.

  I could feel his teeth digging deeply into my shoulder.

  What should have hurt like hell, quickly turned into pleasure and I soon felt my orgasm rocketing through me, my internal walls squeezing him so tightly, like a vice.

  He snarled, his teeth still in my shoulder and came in waves, his cock pulsing in time to his release.

  It seemed to last for a long time and he finally released my shoulder, lapping at the wound, then slumping against me, exhausted.

  We both lay there tiredly, still intimately joined.

  I felt the intense heat from earlier leaving my body and sighed in relief.

  Exhaustion quickly took over and I fell into a deep sleep, dreaming of running through the forest again, this time with a beautiful white wolf.

  Our mate, my dream self told me and unbeknownst to me, I smiled in my sleep.


  She fell asleep immediately and I just laid there, listening to her breathe.

  I sent her into heat, I marveled excitedly.

  My hand unerringly went to her tummy and rubbed gently.

  I wonder if we had already started a family yet, or if we would need a little more help in that department.

  Either way, it was a 'win win' situation for me, I thought and grinned.

  I guess I better get started on putting those walls up, I mused.

  I didn't even know mates could be induced into heat.

  Never heard of it before... never heard too much about werewolves finding their mates at all... but then again, my little Kitty Kat was special, so anything could be possible with her.

  It was a nice save too, the heat thing... I could see the wheels in her mind working, trying to hash out what exactly had happened for her to end up home with me.

  She won't be too happy with that conversation, I worried.

  Best to save it for later, I decided and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead, getting up and getting dressed to go out and chop some more fire wood.

  She seemed a little chilled this morning and I can't have her catching cold on me.

  Her first shift couldn't come soon enough, in my mind. Then she wouldn't have to worry about little things like that.

  Werewolves are naturally warmer natured and have superior immune systems.

  We never get sick and we have very long life spans.

  I rubbed my hands gleefully at the idea of all those years to play chase and catch with my wily mate.

  I wonder what she'll look like in her wolf form, I contemplated cheerfully as I went out to the back to chop more wood for my sleeping mate.


  Sweat dripped from my brow and I swiped at it with my arm.

  My cell phone rang and I pulled off my gloves and checked to see who was calling.

  It was Mama.

  I picked it up and answered.

  "Hello, Mama, what's up?" I asked politely, peeking at the house for any sign my mate had woken up.

  "Well, you never called me to tell me how your date went and don't you dare say, 'it went', Alfred Frankfurt Lupenstein, because that's not a proper response, ya hear me, young man?!" she intoned shrilly from the other end of the line.

  I winced at both her tone and the use of my full name.

  I cleared my throat and switched ears, the first one still ringing.

  "I like her a lot, Mama, she's the one," I responded happily, chuckling a little about it.

  The other end of the line was dead quiet and then Mama came back with, "What do you mean you liked her and she's the one? I don't even know this girl, Alfred!" she exclaimed.

  "Isn't that why you insisted on me going on these silly dates? To meet someone. That's what you told me, Mama," I said incredulously, having a feeling, now, that that wasn't her original plan at all.

  "Of course I told you that! I wanted you to think that! Date the mousy Human twits and tire of it and decide to have me set you up with someone that I like. Someone I could get along with. Really, Alfred, not everything is about you, you know," she huffed.

  Wow, nice to know...

  I thought she'd gotten over all of this kind of crap. Thought she'd changed...

  Guess not.

  "Guess it backfired then, Mama, because we mated. I'm mated now and if everything goes like I think it will, we'll have a litter of our own on the way soon enough, so you are just going to have to- Get. Over. It," I emphasized the last part, just for her, because I knew it would annoy her.

  "Like hell! You take her back now! No son of mine is going to marry a Human and give me inferior grandchildren, do you hear me?!" she snarled.

  "Watch your mouth! That is my mate you're talking about and no one will disrespect her! Do you hear me?!" I yelled into the phone, fed up with her drama.

  "And furthermore, if you don't like it, tough shit!" I roared in rage and crushed my phone in my palm.

  I started to half shift into my were form (as opposed to a full shift-my wolf form), my emotions too high at the moment to stop it.

  Right about that time, I heard a noise and looked up to see Kat wearing one of my flannels and nothing else

  Her shapely pale legs were exposed for my perusal, her hair down and wild around her face, trailing long and thick down her back.

  She looked beautiful.

  She gasped when she saw me, her eyes wide and frightened.

  Her face paled and she took off running, barefoot into the woods.

  I tried to calm myself enough to shift back and fight my body's first inclination, which would be to chase my mate down and take her, showing her she's mine.

  I howled in frustration, pissed at Kat for running and pissed at Mama for being... well, for being Mama.


  Oh, my god, there's a monster! A wolf man thingy and I think it ate my poor Alfred!

  My mind screeched, terrified for my crazy bean.

  What am I thinking? The man kidnapped me and, magical penis aside, that's wrong... wrong...wrong...

  Then why does he feels so right...? the little devil on my left shoulder whispered in my ear as I ran haphazardly through the woods.

  Maybe I'm as crazy as he is!

  I had to have imagined it.

  Monsters are not real!

  An eerie howl pierced the wind and I ran faster, my feet squishing as the terrain changed dramatically, turning muddy and swampy, like a bog or something.

  I tried to look behind me as I ran,
seeing if he was close behind, but stopped suddenly when I slammed into a tree and bounced back, thudding sharply onto the ground, slipping and sliding everywhere in the mud.

  I looked up and realized I hadn't slammed into a tree, but a giant, green, man thing.

  It was made of moss, vines, earth, and what skin that was visible, was green.

  It was a he, if that protrusion is what I think it is... I thought, avoiding eye contact with that particular bit of greenery.

  Don't want to give him any ideas...

  He also had really intense, piercing green eyes that seemed to be filled with intelligence.

  Those eyes were pinned on me as I sat there, gaping at him from the muck, my mouth flapping like a fish's does when it's out of water.

  He started reaching towards me like he was going to touch me.

  I screamed, scrambling up and running like a ninny in the direction opposite the wolf man and green vine dude.

  I ran, screaming my head off, deeper into the woods.

  Think, Katarina, think!

  Do something!

  I ran over to a tree and started to climb it.

  Wolves can't climb trees, right? Can a wolf man?

  This is the best I could come up with at the moment, so it would have to do... and the green man didn't seem to have followed me... so, here I sat, in a tree, covered in muck and mud, shivering, letting the whole situation sink in.

  I must have a death wish, I groused to myself, sitting in a tree with creepy things running amok everywhere.

  A young man came around a big tree suddenly, picking mushrooms, carrying a basket.

  He seemed normal, no green-ness or animal like appendages or anything.

  I studied him and wondered if he knows about the monsters.

  "Pppssssttt, pppsstt, hey, you! With the basket," I hissed at him.

  The boy looked up at me and I realized he wasn't a boy at all, but a shorter adult man.

  He looked at me and started gawking like he'd never seen a woman in a tree, covered in mud and slime before.

  ...probably because he hasn't and thinks you're insane!

  He had short, chocolate brown hair that had a bit of a curl to it and deep brown eyes rimmed with gold to make them almost seem amber.

  He looked up at my face again and seemed to snap out of his stupor.

  "What are you doing?" he asked quietly with a strange accent, cocking his head to the side as if I was a puzzle he just couldn't quite figure out.

  I'd never heard an accent like that before.

  It seemed almost musical in tone.

  "I, uh... something was chasing me..." I finished lamely, blushing as he raised his brows at me.

  "And did this something... that was chasing you... take your pants and undergarments as well?" he asked, grinning impishly at me, waggling his brows, and gesturing at what I now realized was the 'view' he'd been gawking at.

  My junk swaying in the breeze.

  Oh, dig a hole and bury me now! I berated myself, mortified.

  He seemed to have realized he'd distressed me and his grin fell.

  "Why don't we get you down from there and then you can tell me what happened, eh?" He smiled sweetly.

  He helped me down and we walked through the forest a little ways, heading toward the edge of the forest, or so he told me.

  "It's not every day a woman wanders into the forest half dressed, looking like a mud goddess," he said jokingly and I laughed a little.

  He had a reassuring presence and I liked that about him.

  He joked to diffuse a situation, not to be crude.

  It turned out he was around three inches or so shorter than my five six frame. From the tree he'd looked much shorter.

  I told him what had happened and he didn't seem surprised in the least, so I didn't feel so crazy.

  He said his name was William and I couldn't help thinking that's a lovely name and told him as much.

  We reached a clearing and stopped there for a moment.

  He kept fidgeting from one foot to the other, clearing his throat nervously, like he wanted to say something, but didn't know how to spit it out.

  I waited patiently until he could say what he needed to say.

  I looked down at my feet and was startled to realize that coming out of William's trousers were animal hooves.

  I froze, blinking my eyes in disbelief, hoping it was just a trick of the light or something, but nope, sure enough, they were hooves.

  A twig snapped behind me and my head shot up, looking where the sound emanated from.

  A man was entering the clearing, striding determinedly towards us.

  It was Alfred!

  "Alfred! You're okay!" I squealed happily and ran to him, jumping up into his arms and kissing the life out of him. Just happy he wasn't eaten alive or dead or anything by the wolf man or the green viney thing.

  He picked me up and kissed me back just as eagerly, picking me up and holding me to him in an intimate embrace.

  I wrapped my legs around him and hugged him, holding on for dear life.

  He broke the kiss and stroked my back with the hand that wasn't holding me to him.

  "Billy Goat," he said caustically in William's direction.

  William looked between me and Alfred wide eyed, his face turning red at the nickname.

  I guess those two don't like each other too much.

  William shook his head, as if to shake himself of any errant thoughts, and began to frown thoughtfully.

  "I thought you said he was chasing you, Katarina?" he asked, puzzled, motioning between myself and Alfred.

  "NO! Not him, a wolf man and a green dude, remember?" I reminded him.

  He gestured at Alfred and smiled knowingly, his eyes twinkling with mirth.

  "Sweet Katarina, Alfred here," he said, emphasizing Alfred's name, "is a werewolf. You just ran into the arms of the thing you were so desperate to get away from," he chuckled.

  I glanced at Alfred and he had a sober look on his face, glaring at William like he wanted to maim him.

  "You could, however, stay with me if you prefer?" William said slyly, looking directly at me, ignoring Alfred's ominous growl of warning.

  "She's Mine," Alfred snarled, "My Mate, Mine!" he continued, enraged.

  William looked steadily at me, not breaking eye contact, waiting to see my reaction.

  I didn't like how upset Alfred was getting.

  He seemed so distressed.

  My instincts were screaming at me to ease our mate, take away his pain.

  I blinked, startled at my thoughts.

  Alfred seemed to have calmed down quite a bit and I had to wonder if it had anything to do with the fact that I had been unconsciously rubbing his back soothingly while he held me to him possessively.

  "Is it true?" I asked Alfred, not too surprised anymore after seeing William's feet and all.

  "I would never hurt you, sugar, you know that, don't you?" he asked, looking at me with those beautiful ocean blue eyes pleadingly.

  I know we haven't known each other that long, but there was a sense inside of me that kept reassuring me that he would never hurt me and I believed it whole heartedly.

  "I know you wouldn't," I reassured him, giving him a quick kiss to emphasize my point.

  We have a lot to talk about still and I have a ton of questions for him, but I felt an unexplainably deep connection to him and I want to see where it leads me.

  Guess he wasn't so crazy after all with all the fairy talk and biting me...

  I still don't think I want to meet a tooth fairy though...


  My heart lifted a little when I felt her acceptance of the whole crazy situation wash over me through our mate bond.

  I wonder if she can feel my feelings yet too.

  'She trusts me' my heart cried happily.

  My mate, mine, I thought possessively.

  Billy Goat was still standing there, being... well, Billy.

  He needs to go away already, I
thought, growling again in warning.

  No, wait, what am I thinking?

  We can leave, I decided.

  "I have one question," Kat asked William.

  Billy looked at her expectantly.

  "Why do you have pig's feet?" she asked earnestly and I busted out laughing, the look on Billy's face making me break out into loud guffaws, Kat bouncing on my chest as I laughed at Billy's expense.

  "I don't have pig's feet!" Billy huffed out indignantly, "I will have you know, I am a Satyr, missy!" he tutted at Kat.

  "Did you put her up to this, dog boy?" Billy sneered at me.

  I wiped my eyes with my free hand, ignoring him and kissed my Kitty Kat hard on the mouth.

  "Oh, darlin', you just made my day," I chuckled happily, leaving a sputtering Billy Goat behind me as I headed home.

  Kat looked over my shoulder and waved at Billy.

  "Sorry about the foot, er, hoof thing. It was so nice to meet you, William, and thanks for the help!" she called out cheerily from my shoulder.

  When we were a safe distance away, Kat looked at me, her arms around my neck.

  "You can put me down, you know... if I'm getting too heavy for you...." she stated sheepishly.

  I hitched her up higher and nipped at her shoulder, eliciting a giggle and a squeal from her.

  "I like you just where you are, darlin'. Don't you go on insulting me or yourself by implying I can't handle carrying you, sugar."

  I grinned at her, admiring the pretty flush that bloomed across her face and spread down her chest.

  Hmm, wonder how far that blush goes?

  "Never did like them skinny broads anyways. All bones and no butt or boobs," I said, winking at her, rubbing my hands over her bottom, giving each globe a good squeeze.

  She giggled again and put her head on my shoulder, nuzzling at my neck.

  I shivered as she rubbed her nose against my throat, teasing me with her teeth where my neck met my shoulder.

  She paused and inhaled my scent.

  I grunted happily as my mate took in my scent like I was her own brand of personal catnip.


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