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WindSwept Narrows: #8 Hannah Taylor

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by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  Hannah Taylor

  WindSwept Narrows

  Book Eight

  Karen A. Nichols

  Copyright 2011 by Karen A. Nichols

  Smashwords Edition

  Published by Karen Nichols. Copyright, Karen Nichols. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author.

  This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.

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  Chapter One

  Hannah Taylor ran after the three year old, laughing and tossing little snow balls in the side yard of the inn where they were staying. She didn’t notice the man watching them until he wandered a little unevenly to the snow covered bench and plopped down. He had pale hair blown by the winter winds and his glasses were fogged as if he’d just stumbled from the inside.

  He stood up, brushed the heavy snow to the ground with leather covered palms and sank back onto the thick wooden bench. Matching redheads, he thought in the middle of a very hazy gaze. The little one stretched out on the smooth snow and flapping her arms next to her mother.

  Tall, willowy and wispy. Those were the words his mind had assigned to her when he first saw her striding around the resort, looking very professional. Her hair was worn in a thick, feathery cap that barely touched her shoulders and curled lightly around her face.

  “Hannah Taylor…you are the most beautiful snow angel in the world,” he announced loudly, frowning at the sound of his own voice. Those were supposed to be private thoughts. Contained. How had she managed to wander into his private fantasies? He wasn’t sure he had the brain cells at the moment to answer that one so he let it pass.

  Hannah lifted the ends of her scarf from the ground, wrapping the deep green wool around her head and checking Liliana’s to make sure her cap was still in place. He was twenty feet away and just staring. She leaned a little, eyes narrowed. He didn’t look well. Not sick, but….something wasn’t right, she thought, walking through the thick snow.

  “How do you know who I am?” She asked, watching the three year old make little mounds of snow balls and stack them.

  “Noah Madison, Miss Taylor,” he tried to stand up, wobbled and fell to sit back on the bench, frowning. “Hmmm…”

  “You’re drunk,” she announced as if it were something he wasn’t aware of, pale lashes blinking and watching him. She had to smile. He was cute…hadn’t shaved in a day or two, with pale hair that kept falling onto his glasses. His eyes were a pretty shade of amber, the sun sparkling off the snow and making him squint a little.

  “And in honor of my friend, I intend to stay that way for three solid days,” he declared triumphantly, no humor in his eyes.

  She caught sight of a small card that had fallen to the ground. She pulled one glove free and picked it carefully from the snow. A memorial card. She read through it quickly and slid it into the top pocket of his heavy overcoat.

  “I’m sorry. You were in the military together,” she stated with a certainty that had him blinking. “Was he ill?”

  “Depressed…PTSD…” His hand went up in a shaky form of a gun to his temple. “I…if he had just talked…how do you help if you don’t know…”

  “People keep it to themselves,” she said softly, brushing the snow off the end of the bench and sitting down, making little snow balls and tossing them toward Liliana. “It’s hard to understand someone wanting to die. Not impossible…just hard, I think. We think of the pain we’re in, but not the pain that made them want to leave so badly.”

  “Have I mentioned that I find you immensely beautiful?” He asked with only the smallest of slurs to his words, his elbows on his knees and hands hanging between his knees.

  “How do you know me, Mr. Madison?”

  “We work for the same place, Miss Taylor,” he returned with a slightly slurred but polite nod. “You’re far from home.”

  “Oh…we came over to play in the snow,” she said with a smile at the little girl.

  “Where’s her father?” He asked with a momentary burst of lucidity.

  “He died when I was three months pregnant,” she answered honestly. “He never knew.”

  “I’m sorry…so you came to play in the snow…”

  “It’s a nice way to spend a day off,” she watched him push against the bench and stand up shakily. “Are you staying at this inn? I can help you…” Hannah stood up and moved quickly to stand in front of him, her hands up and on his chest. “Whoa…you didn’t drive here…I hope…”

  “Plane…taxies…and yes, I am staying at this inn…but at the moment, I am going to visit the lounge and refresh,” he drew in a long breath, fresh snow and some sweet shampoo filled his senses. “Thank you for your company.”

  Hannah went to Liliana, helping her with her snow ball collection as she watched him weave into the lounge at the side of the inn. She was giggling when Liliana launched herself at her, knocking them both into the sun drenched snow. Somehow she managed to get them to the concrete and dusted down, going into the small restaurant for food and warmth.

  She had her jacket and Liliana’s off, the soup creamy and flavorful as she offered a spoon of the chowder to the little girl busy coloring the rainbow. She blinked up when the shadow fell across the table, both of them watching as he slid onto the bench seat opposite them.

  “May I join you?”

  “Who’re you?” Liliana set her crayon down and opened her mouth for the spoonful of potatoes and clams.

  “Lili, this is Noah…he’s a friend from work,” Hannah said carefully. She couldn’t smell anything. But his eyes were definitely glazed, his words a little fuzzy, reminding her for all the world of Captain Jack Sparrow.

  “Hi,” Lili smiled brightly.

  “How do you do, Miss Lili,” he reached over, lifting her palm and shaking easily, smiling at the little giggle it brought from her. “That looks like a fantastic rainbow.”

  “I’m gonna put a unicorn under it,” she told him with a serious nod.

  “Excellent idea.”

  “Have you eaten anything?” Hannah asked cautiously, letting Lili dip a fry into the soup and eat it.

  “We have soup…we can share,” Lili announced happily.

  “Most kind of you,” Noah acknowledged, his head shaking. “Not hungry right now, however, thank you both.”

  “Are you going to remember the memorial?” She asked quietly.

  “Sadly, yes…as for the rest of the time…that I’m not so sure of,” he admitted. “If I make an ass out of myself, please don’t hold it against me. I’ve seen you in the cafeteria…and in the halls…you work for Banner.”

  “I’m his admin, yes,” she said easily. “Do you know him?”

  “We’ve been a few places together,” Noah answered vaguely. “You have freckles…”

  “I’m actually
surprised you can see them,” Hannah had to work to keep from laughing at the expression on his face. “Here, munchkin…another bite…”

  “It makes your belly warm. Can we make more snow balls later, mama?”

  “I think that would be a fun idea,” Hannah answered in between bites for her and Lili. “Finish your fries…”

  “Wanna make snow balls with us? It’s fun,” Lili asked him with a smile.

  “I think it would be fun,” Noah agreed tiredly.

  “Where’s your key card?” Hannah held out her hand expectantly. She watched him pat down several outer pockets before his hands moved to the suit jacket inner pocket. He slapped it triumphantly into her hand. “Lili…I need you to walk…we’re going to take Noah to his room…”

  “Okey-dokey…” she stood up on the bench seat and let her arms be put into the sleeves of her jacket. Hannah left the front unzipped and stood up, lifted Lili to the floor and moved to stand in front of Noah. She lifted his arm and slid easily beneath it, urging him to his feet. “Let’s go upstairs…”

  “Not so sure about steps…”

  “We’ll manage…run push the button, Lili,” Hannah walked as quickly as possible toward the elevators.


  “Up…he’s in the room by ours…”

  “Is he sick?” Lili tipped her head to the side, a little frown as she peered up at him.

  “I think he’s a little sad,” Hannah said quietly, leaning him against the stainless steel railing. “Number three…good girl.”

  “She’s smart,” Noah commented, his head back against the wall. He didn’t want to think right now. About anything. “Brilliant and beautiful…just like her mother, I’m sure.”

  “Come on, Noah…” Hannah lifted his arm and led him down the wide hall, swiping the card and pushing on the door. “Hold the door open, Lili…I think he just needs a little nap.” She sat him on the bed and pushed, his body falling back silently. “I’ll bring you something to take…it’ll help with…the morning…”

  Hannah took the key card with her, watching Lili skip down the corridor with her to their room. It took a few minutes to find the things she wanted, something for a stomach that will definitely be protesting and something for a head that won’t want to join the living. She slid her card into her pocket and lifted Lili into her arms, striding down the hall and opening Noah Madison’s door.

  “He’s gone,” Lili leaned over in Hannah’s arms, peeking with very wide eyes.

  “So he is…” Hannah looked outside at the sunshine. “Let’s go make snow balls…then we’ll get some food and come to the room and play.”

  They returned to their room a couple hours later, cold but laughing. Hannah striped them both and put warm pajamas on before laying out the healthy snacks she had bought. Lili played with her things on the second double bed while Hannah read the book she brought along. Both looked up when the noise began outside in the hall.

  Hannah went to the door and opened it enough to peek out. She sighed thickly and blocked the door open. Moving quickly down the hall to the man fighting with the handle of the door and mumbling darkly to himself.

  “Who is it?” Lili slipped to the floor and went to peer after Hannah. “Hi, Noah,” she said, watching Hannah help him away from the wall and down to their room.

  “Hi there, Miss Lili…lovely pajamas…” He said with a wink that brought a little giggle to the surface from the child.

  Hannah was breathing heavily. He was much bigger than he looked, she thought, leaning him against the door and sliding his overcoat off. She dropped it to the large chair and walked him to the bed.

  “Where did you go?”

  “It was time to refresh,” he said simply, watching her with a curiously tilted head. She wore some smooth, silky pajamas that barely covered her breasts and rode very low on her hips. Her toes were a bright crimson color.

  “Okay…no more refreshing tonight…” She worked his jacket off and tugged on the knot of his tie, tossing them both to the chair. “Lay back and close your eyes.”

  She turned the TV off and tucked Lili beneath the blankets, slipping into bed with her. She lay on her side, staring over at him. Losing his friend to suicide was something he would have to deal with for a very long time, she thought, drifting off to sleep when she was positive she heard him breathing evenly.

  Hannah woke quietly. He was thrashing. No words were spoken. Groaning came from the other bed. She slid from the bed and moved to kneel lightly at his side. Her hands came out firmly to hold his shoulders down, her voice low.

  “Noah…it’s just a bad dream…you can hear me…” Hannah lowered herself to sit at his side, leaning over him and trying to hold him still. “Noah…listen to me…you’re safe…” she stopped when his eyes flew wide, her hands suddenly shaken off. The next second, she was peering up with a pair of very wide, frightened eyes into his face. He’d toppled her to the bed, her arms pinned to her sides and Noah Madison looming above her. “Noah…it’s me…”

  Noah worked to shake off the dream, his breathing ragged as he peered down through narrowed slits at the woman.

  “Hannah…” his head fell forward, a long shudder making his fingers loosen. “I am…I’m sorry…”

  “It’s okay,” Hannah sat up and pushed gently until he was lying down. “It was a bad dream, Noah…you were thrashing and…it’s okay…I don’t bruise that easily.”

  “You shouldn’t be bruised at all,” he said gruffly, two hands up and on his face, rubbing tiredly. “Why aren’t you married, Hannah?”

  Pale lashes blinked at him. She closed one eye trying desperately to follow where their conversation was bouncing to.

  “It would be easier if I were married. I could get my hands on the inheritance my grandparents left me,” she said softly. “I could get a little house for Lili and me…things would be easier,” she repeated quietly.

  “You have to be married for that?” Noah felt his head thumping even as he tried forcing himself to think clearly.

  “They were old fashioned. Until I’m married and have a man who can manage my finances for me, I can’t have it,” she shrugged. “No matter. I can take care of myself and Lili,” she declared defiantly.

  Noah sat up slowly, his hands beginning at her wrists and caressing lightly to her bare shoulders. He didn’t want to think. About anything, his mind repeated. His palms shook slightly as they framed the pale oval of her face, his mouth down gently, caressing over the full lips and drinking in the sleepy surprise hidden within.

  “Noah…” Hannah put her hands on his shoulders and shoved for space at the same time his mouth came down and bit lightly over her throat. “Oh, god…that feels so good…I…I can’t do this…”

  “So sweet…you smell good…I bet you taste even better,” he whispered huskily against her throat, just beneath her ear. He felt her slender form shiver when he bit down on her earlobe. “You make all the bad dreams fade…just kissing you…” His palms moved down her arms and onto her hips.

  Hannah wasn’t quite sure how she ended up on top of him, a pair of strong hands massaging over her behind and pressing her hard against him. His groan rippled through their kiss, a soft, plaintive moan breaking from her lips when her body arched at just the right angle.

  “Let me love you, Hannah…let me lose myself in your softness,” he whispered as one palm slid beneath her top and cupped her breast. His fingers grazed the alert nipple, making it harden a little more for him. He felt her hands on the buttons of his shirt and groaned.

  “Noah…I can’t…Lili…” Hannah felt the heat of him when her palms touched his chest, firm and solid.

  “I need you…so much…” Noah peered up at her, the glow from the street lamps and snow casting shadows around the room. He stopped abruptly. “I’ve got to…I can’t…I’ll be back…” Noah pushed against the bed, stumbled against the wall and was out the door before she could stop him.

  Hannah slumped down on the bed, her head spinni
ng with the unspent passion. She had known Russ almost a year before he got into her bed. What was wrong with her? She shoved both sets of fingers through her hair and stared at the ceiling.

  “I seriously hope he remembers where he came from,” she looked at his jack, overcoat and his key card. She had them all. She laid back on the warm spot and closed her eyes.

  Chapter Two

  “Hannah! Hannah…where are you?”

  Not thirty minutes later, she heard her name shouted in the corridor and bolted upright. Without thinking, she scrambled off the bed and pulled the door open.

  “Noah!” She hissed furiously, a startled yelp following when she saw the three other people standing with him. She tried to retreat. Tried to bring her hands up over her pajamas. “People are trying to sleep! Stop shouting!”

  “Ahh…the bride!” Noah declared loudly. “Isn’t she gorgeous? Hannah, sign this…we’ll finish the rest in the morning. This is Idaho. We can get married right here, right now.”

  “I…you…Noah, you’re not thinking clearly,” she stuttered frantically. At the same time, she heard the voice telling her to take what was being offered. She deserved what her archaic grandparents had left her. She looked closer at Noah’s eyes and realized he had managed to “refresh” as he had been calling it.

  “Sign, Hannah…and I’ll be able to properly take care of you and Lili…” Noah pressed the pen into her fingers, holding the clipboard out to her. He looked at the other three people. “Have you met Lili? Beautiful child…and very bright…”

  She saw that he had filled out his portion and signed it already.

  Temptation. Her tongue came out, moistening her lips before she hastily filled out the information and signed the form.


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