WindSwept Narrows: #8 Hannah Taylor

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WindSwept Narrows: #8 Hannah Taylor Page 8

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  “It’s okay…I’ve discovered I’m lousy at waiting for answers,” Noah told her, struggling to clear his throat. “It was also pointed out to me by Frannie and my mother…I’m not your doctor.”

  Hannah stared up at him through the mist and steam in the bathroom. “I…I want to get out of here. Can we go home, Noah? I…I have to tell you…we have to talk about…I should have…”

  “Let me get you a towel, Hannah. I think it can wait until we’re home,” he opened cabinets, pulled a large towel out and watched as she halted the jets and pulled the plug. “Are you okay? I mean…to get dressed alone…I can ask my mother…”

  “I’m better. Frannie gave me something to relax the muscles…” Hannah stood up carefully holding onto the railing at the side. She wrapped herself in the towel and followed him into the bedroom, sinking to the large bench at the bottom of the bed. “I have more for later and…she brought me what I needed for now.”

  “I…I’ll go have the car brought out and get Lili buckled inside,” Noah dropped to his heels in front of her, his hands on her face. “Wait here for me to help you down, please, Hannah…humor me…”

  “Noah…” Hannah felt her eyes watering. “I’m so sorry…”

  “Don’t, Hannah,” he put one finger on her lips. “No fault. Wait for me.”

  “Alright…please…tell your parents…”

  “It’s okay,” he assured her, slipping his jacket on as he went downstairs, talking to his mother as he walked.

  Hannah was slipping her shoes on when the door opened. She held up one finger warningly. “You are not carrying me out of here.”

  Noah only arched one eyebrow. “Mom is waiting by the car, talking to Lili,” he offered her his hand and held his breath as they went down the stairs. His father had closed the doors to the main dining room and stood outside with Susan.

  “We will have a grand Christmas, Hannah,” Susan promised, hugging her before kissing her cheek. “You rest and I’ll call this week. We can shop and have a girl’s day out at my spa.”

  “Thank you…both of you. Good night,” Hannah hugged Blake and slid into the car, turning to face Noah and put her hand back to the wiggling fingers from the backseat. “Hi…did you have a fun time?”

  “I had a really fun time,” she breathed tiredly.

  “Your parents are amazing,” Hannah said quietly, wrapping both her hands around his when he lifted one of her palms with a reassuring squeeze. “Are you okay, Noah?” She stared over when his laughter filled the car. “What is so funny? You were a little stressed,” she told him, glancing back to see Lili staring out at the lights, her head bobbing as she fought sleep. “She’ll sleep well tonight.”

  “She…was the belle of the ball,” Noah said with a smile. “You redheads wrap us poor saps around your little fingers…”

  “She isn’t used to so many people…not relatives…she’s used to a day care center and teachers…” Hannah sat looking at his profile. “You…”

  “I what? I’ll get her inside and into bed, Hanna…you get in the bedroom and get into bed. Do you want something to drink?” Noah parked the car and was out before she could respond. But he was watching her move, studying her. Women were amazing, he thought. She walked as if nothing had happened. As if everything was normal. And she blushed when she looked up to see him watching her.

  Hanna fixed a tall glass of ice water and took it to their bedroom, carefully hanging up her dress and putting her pajamas on. She went to check on Lili only to be turned and guided back to the bedroom.

  “Noah…” Hannah laughed softly, sighing and giving in.

  Chapter Ten

  “She’s out like a light. In her pj’s and snoring. I think my relatives wore her out. She wasn’t quite sure what to make of them all. The monitor is on and now we have the night to ourselves,” Noah told her, hanging up his suit jacket and quickly finding the pair of pajama bottoms that had appeared in the bathroom.

  “You knew,” she said when he sat against the headboard, one leg bent beneath the other, the dim light on the nightstand casting shadows around the large room. “How?”

  “Let’s start with my lost weekend…” Noah suggested, stopping when he saw the wince cross her features. “Where’s the stuff Frannie gave you?”

  “In my bag…I was going to get it when you…diverted me…”

  “I’ll be right back,” he promised, going quickly around the room and locating what she wanted, handing her the small purse a few seconds later. He waited while she dumped several capsules into her palm and drained half the water she’d brought to the bedroom. She set the small bag on the nightstand and pulled a pillow to her lap.

  “Hannah…” He waited until she looked up. “Will it disturb the story if I hold you? I really need to…” he almost burst out laughing when she launched herself just like Lili did, her arms up and around his neck. “God, you scared the…” Noah buried his face in her neck, his arms holding her tightly.

  It was five very quiet minutes before Noah slid her to the bed and turned to the side, holding her so he could watch her. She lay peacefully, her head on his arm, eyes closed for a few seconds. Hannah peered up at him finally, her palm leaving his bicep and touching his face.

  “You don’t remember any of it? The weekend?”

  “I remember the memorial,” he said solemnly. “I’ve been getting…flashbacks, if you will…just glimpses…almost like still clips of you or Lili in different places. Lunch…making snow balls…us, in bed…”

  “Lili and I were making snow angels outside the inn when you came kind of weaving to the courtyard of the inn,” Hannah told him, ignoring his chuckle when she felt her cheeks tint a little red at his memories. “You talked to us. You knew me and spoke to me by name. You kept disappearing to…refresh…” she smiled at the closed eyes and low groan.

  “It’s a wonder I have a decent reputation with you at all,” Noah said with a sigh. “I hoped when I talked to you I didn’t…”

  “You apologized in advance, Noah,” she teased softly. “Asked me not to hold it against you if you make an ass out of yourself.”

  “I…uhhh…” Noah sighed. “I knew this wasn’t going to be good…”

  “We went for lunch…and you showed up at the table. You told me you knew me from the resort. I asked if you were okay…you told me about your friend…and we took you to your room. I left you there and went to get you some capsules that would help with stomach and headaches, because you weren’t eating. But when we got back, you were gone. We went back out to play. We were mostly settled in bed when you kind of banged around the hall…’cause I had your key card. That’s how…we had two queen beds. I got you settled in the other bed,” Hannah sighed. “I thought you were down for the night…”

  “A nightmare,” he said quietly, his forehead falling against hers.

  “Yes…umm…then…to be honest…well, you asked why I wasn’t married,” she shrugged. “I told you about my inheritance….and how it would definitely be easier if I was, because then they would give it to me. I…then you….you are such a good kisser,” she whispered, frowning at his laughter.

  “I charmed you under the influence…” Noah moved his mouth next to her ear. “I love you, Hannah Madison…no matter how it happened…”

  “Back to the story,” she said, wide eyes sparkling happily. “You were…well…we were…it was getting steamy…and then suddenly you said you had to go. And you did. Just up and out of the room.”

  “I…” Noah laughed, his head shaking. “I obviously came back…”

  “You did…about thirty minutes later. You stood in the middle of the hall calling for me because you evidently refreshed, grabbed a justice and two witnesses and couldn’t remember what room I was in,” Hannah traced one finger around his smile. “You’d filled out the paperwork and told me to sign on the line. That…that then you could take care of me and Lili…” she said tenderly.

  “You almost didn’t…” he said thoughtfully,
the hall and Hannah coming into his memory. “You were in your pajamas,” he said in amazement. “I…we got married…”

  “In the hall at midnight…and yes, I was in my pajamas,” Hannah admitted with a sigh. “They all left, and you fell face down on the bed and started snoring. I went to the bathroom and came out and you were…thrashing…and mumbling…I talked to you, tried to wake you…”

  “I remember,” Noah peered into her eyes, kissing the tint of pink touching her cheeks. “I remember that part now…I can see you…I’ve been having flashes in dreams…I promise I won’t have any more weekends like that, Hannah. So we were married and I got you pregnant on our wedding night…”

  “It did take two, Noah…I don’t know what…it felt so good to be with you. You were so sweet and considerate…” Hannah sighed heavily. “Drunk or not, you definitely knew what you were doing…”

  Noah pulled her down with him further onto the pillows. He stroked his hand over her head. “Are you okay, Hannah…And I know you’ll be physically fine. Frannie told me that…and I know that, professionally, but…”

  “It was an accident, Noah…I’m sorry I fell…I’m not sure how I feel about another baby right now…I was so confused…I told Frannie I would make a decision by Monday. I…I like my career…the new classes…it’s so hard to be a good mom and all the other things in the circle…” Hannah laid her head on his chest. “Then you come bursting into my life…and I thought…you were conscientious enough to…to use condoms, so I thought for a short time that you didn’t want to be a father…but then it seemed so very important to you when Lili called you daddy…I was going to tell you tonight. I decided it had to be a joint decision, that I just wasn’t strong enough to make it on my own. I didn’t want to risk keeping secrets and have you…hurt or angry with me.”

  Noah kissed her and held her for a long time before speaking.

  “Neither one of us is ancient, Hannah,” Noah said thoughtfully. “How about we revisit things in a year or so…just you, me and Lili for a time…”

  “I think I’d really like that, Noah…a lot,” she nodded and kissed him. “You’re a very easy man to love…”

  “How did I get home?” He asked, just relieved she was in his arms.

  “We fell asleep…pretty much like this…only minus clothing,” Hannah told him, staring at his chest. “Somehow, you got out of bed, dressed and went out, but at least you took the key card with you that time. I woke up a bit before dawn, showered and got dressed and then fell asleep next to Lili in the other bed. When I woke again, you were sitting on the other bed, dressed and holding a large orange juice. I gave you some herbs and you swallowed them without question. Then…you asked me if you’d hurt me…and if I’d give you a ride back to Tacoma. You fell asleep in the car while we had breakfast. Lili was singing Christmas songs all the way back and you slept. I had your address from the marriage forms and certificate they’d given me when I checked out, so we took you home.”

  “That’s how Lili knew about the chickens,” he said, pieces finally falling together. Hannah frowned at him. “I was in the daycare….Wednesday after the weekend…talking to Eve about her infirmary for the sick kids and Lili wandered past me, doing that little flip wave she does with a ‘Hi, Noah’. And the instant she did…I saw the two of you playing in the snow…so I talked to her…and decided it was time I made a move to court her mama.”

  “Then the weekend was over…and it was Monday and you didn’t…” Hannah shrugged. “I realized you didn’t remember. The last thing I wanted to do was…I didn’t want you to think…I didn’t want to be the girl you married while you were drunk kind of thing,” she finally blurted out, trying to look indignant at his laughter. “I figured once I had this inheritance thing straightened out…I’d get a quiet divorce…only by then…”

  “You found out you were pregnant,” he said softly, sighing thickly. “I swear, Hannah…hell, I don’t even know how I can swear…I’ve never done anything like that before. I think I was angry at Hank…and at me for not seeing how depressed he was…thinking I could have helped…that I could have fixed things somehow…when I know it probably would have ended the same way.”

  “We need to work on your control issues,” she whispered with a teasing smile, glad to see his eyes crinkling. “I hope your parents weren’t upset…I don’t think this was how they expected their holiday to go…and then to shock them by blurting out about being married…”

  “They aren’t the least upset,” he reached behind him and turned the light out when she tried hiding a long yawn. The doctor in him had to keep in mind how much energy she was going to be short over the next few days.

  “Noah…being told your son got married and…”

  “And they not only have a beautiful daughter-in-law, but an adorable grand-daughter, made their holiday, believe me. We’re going to have to seriously work to keep them from bringing a pony over to the house for Lili,” Noah said with a chuckle. “Go to sleep…you need your rest, Hannah.”

  “I am a little tired,” she admitted, snuggling down against him with another yawn. “Tomorrow…I’ll be fine…”

  Chapter Eleven

  They were glaring at one another.

  “I know I am not your doctor,” he said the words quietly and low. “But I can not stop being a doctor. And this might sound gross and it might sound personal and even invasive…but you’ve been lying flat all night, Hannah. When you straighten, it’s going to be like…like the flood gates were opened. I’ve seen the effect it can have on the psyche, no matter how prepared you think you might be…”

  Hannah nodded, closed her eyes and listened, flushing with color when he helped her tug the pajamas down and handed her the thick towel before lifting her and carrying her to the large soaking tub in their bathroom. The door closed quietly behind him after he set her on the edge with a soft kiss.

  Noah watched the weary little figure drag a blanket down the hall toward the kitchen, pajamas crooked and telling him she’d already gone to the bathroom. He fixed her pants and lifted her to the chair at the counter where he sat drinking coffee and half listening to the news on the television.

  “Good morning,” he offered a small glass of juice.

  “Hi…where’s mama?” Narrow slits blinked, looking around the room.

  “Mama is in the tub…she needs a little rest for a few days,” Noah wasn’t sure how to explain things but he knew simple would be best.

  “Mama fell at the party,” Lili rubbed her eyes with one fist. “Is she hurt?”

  “She’s a little hurt…but soaking in the tub is making it better,” he told her, remembering Hannah’s instructions. “Breakfast?” He brought out the two choices she’d had in the freezer. French toast strips or eggs and potatoes. Lili studied the pictures and tapped the eggs. “Good choice. I’ll share my toast with you,” he promised, rewarded with a little grin. “This is looking kinda ragged,” he said, tugging on the lopsided little ponytail.

  “Mama will fix it later,” she said confidently, sipping her juice. “I need socks…down, please…”

  Noah watched her run into her room and heard drawers opening and closing before she came running back, plopping in the center of the floor and tugging the little thick socks into place. He had her seated with breakfast before he opened his phone, tapping up the number he wanted and waiting patiently.

  “Freeman, Collier and Lassiter, how may I direct your call?”

  “Ethan Collier, please, it’s Noah Madison,” Noah hooked the earpiece in place and set the phone on the counter.

  “Noah…I haven’t heard from you in a few months,” Ethan Collier stared at the skyline spreading below him. “I’m sorry I didn’t make the memorial,” he said quietly. “How was it?”

  Noah thought for a moment. “Memorable. I’m actually glad you didn’t make it. I’ll invite you over for dinner soon and introduce you to the reasons why.”

  “Sounds like a plan. You sound good.”

“I am…happy…never realized how a simple word like that can fill in so many answers, Ethan. To which…I happen to be in need of your services,” Noah turned his mind to the reason he was calling.

  “Got a pen ready,” Ethan Collier looked down at the empty sheet of paper.

  “I faxed a couple documents to you a few minutes ago,” Noah told him. “One is a copy of the will with the bequeath left to Hannah Taylor, now Hannah Madison. The other is the marriage certificate. You have anything you might need about me. Find out why they’re holding back on giving her the inheritance. The only reason I can come up with…”

  “If the inheritance is no longer there,” Ethan filled in the blanks for him with a nod to himself.

  “I just emailed you the name of the attorney handling this for Hannah and the attorney working for her parents and grandparents,” Noah sighed, wiping up the counter and setting Lili free. He watched the pink clad girl disappear into her room, the sound of Christmas music the next thing he heard.

  “I’ll work on it and see what’s going on…Give me a couple days and take it easy,” Ethan told him, ending the call and glancing around his office.

  Noah checked his watch. It had been almost forty-five minutes. Lili was fed and changed. The kitchen looked…he frowned slightly. He wasn’t sure when he gave over his kitchen, but Hannah somehow made it hers and he’d just go check on her, he decided. He pushed the bedroom door open quietly. Hannah lay facing away from him, curled around a large pillow. There were three bottles of herbs sitting on the bathroom counter.

  Noah sat at her side, his palm up and stroking lightly over her head. She’d been crying. Pale lashes opened slowly, his heart jumping at the tiny smile she offered.


  “Hi…” Noah bent down and kissed her. “Hormones?” She nodded. “They teach us about that stuff in doctor school…but I’m still just a clueless husband, Hannah.” A watery little giggle broke free.


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