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Redeeming the Biker's Past (Dogs of Fire: Savannah Chapter Book 3)

Page 13

by Piper Davenport

  “The Dead Presidents in Seattle just had one of their places fire-bombed,” Hatch said. “I’m guessing that’s no coincidence.”

  “They haven’t said or done shit to us,” Dash said.

  “Yet,” I retorted.

  “You know they’ve been sniffin’ around the Honey Pot,” Doc said.

  The Honey Pot was a bar in the center of Savannah where a shit ton of bikers congregated. Billie, the owner, only hired hot, bubbly women, so it was popular among the clubs. It was considered the ‘Switzerland’ of the MCs in the area, though, and the rules of peace were strictly enforced. However, the Spiders’ showing up to drink and play nice was a new development, and it admittedly made folks a little uneasy.

  “Yeah,” Dash conceded. “But they’ve been behavin’ themselves and I just don’t want to get involved in something that starts a war.”

  “We’re already involved, whether we like it or not, brother,” Hatch said. “But that happened long before your time.”

  “How far back?” Dash asked.

  “Twenty-five years at least,” Hatch said.

  “When Cutter was alive, the Burning Saints ran protection and collections in Portland, lock stock, and barrel, right?” Crow asked.

  “Yeah,” Hatch replied. “Until the kid took over.”

  “The Saints’ going straight wasn’t Minus’s idea,” Crow said. “It was Cutter’s.”

  “No shit?” Doc asked.

  Hatch nodded. “No shit, and in order to make peace with Los Psychos over what went down between their clubs, Minus agreed to hand the books over to them, with certain conditions.”

  “What kind of conditions?” Moses asked.

  “I’m guessing the kind that don’t include the Gresham Spiders,” Doc said.

  “We’re on the verge of civil war right in the Northwest,” Crow said.

  “Sounds like they’ve branched out to causing shit here in Colorado, too,” Hatch observed.

  Moses crossed his arms and nodded, focusing on his men. “Link, the Dead Presidents’ Prez, along with his club, have already pledged support to Minus and are standing strong with the Burning Saints. As are the Dogs. I’m proposing we do the same.”

  I scanned the room but couldn’t get a read on how his brothers would vote.

  “I know that we have our own voice,” Doc said. “But I also propose we back our brothers.”

  Dash glanced my way and I shrugged. Truth be told, I wasn’t sure how I felt. It seemed like a fight between the one-percenter clubs. Why should we get locked up or killed over some turf war between the meth-heads and the leg breakers? I had bigger issues in the form of Quin’s psycho ex.

  “After years of tension, we have peace with the Saints, and I believe in Minus’s efforts to go clean,” Hatch said. “Crow did the same back in the day and it’s not easy.”

  “No shit,” Crow agreed. “Minus is holding onto his club by a thread and he could use our help. And frankly, we’re gonna need their club should the Spiders and their new chapter President come gunning for us.”

  The group nodded, mumbling in agreement, then Sundance dismissed the meeting, but asked me to stay for a bit.

  “What’s up?” I asked, leaning against the table once everyone else left.

  “Your little problem?”

  “Michael Westgate?”

  “Yeah, brother. He showed up here last night.”

  “What the fuck?” I snapped. “You didn’t want to clue me in?”

  “No. We handled it. He’s gonna be hurtin’ for a few weeks, and I figured you’d want your woman kept out of the loop on that. It’s up to you as to whether you tell her about this, but I figured you’d appreciate us taking care of it.”

  “If he knows we’re here…”

  “He can’t touch you here. He knows that now. I’ve got recruits on him twenty-four-seven. He can’t make a move without us knowing about it.” He set a bandana on the table, unwrapping it to reveal a gun in a bag. “He had that on him.”

  “Fuck,” I breathed out.


  “We need to get the fuck outta here.”

  “I wouldn’t do that,” Sundance countered. “You’re safe here. If you leave, you’re exposed. Stay within the crowd, brother. He can’t get to you here.”

  I dragged my hands down my face. “You’ve got a point.”

  “Gonna hold onto that gun. Insurance.”

  “Appreciate it, brother.”

  “Try to relax. We got you guys covered.”

  I nodded and made my way back to my family.

  * * *


  Knox walked back into the great room and I could tell something was up. Something not good. I made my way to him and slid my arms around his waist. “What’s wrong?”

  He gave me a quick squeeze. “Nothing. It’s all good.”

  I frowned up at him. “Twenty bikers just walked out here looking like someone killed their favorite puppy. Don’t tell me it’s nothing.”

  He smiled, but it was forced. “Club business, Welly. Seriously, it’s fine.”

  “I thought this trip was supposed to be a break from club business,” I complained.

  “You’re right. Let’s eat.”

  I grabbed his hand. “Tell me everything’s okay.”

  “Everything’s okay.”

  “Are you lying?”

  “Do you want me to lie?” he challenged.

  I decided I didn’t really want to know if something bad was on the horizon, so I dropped the subject. Knox kissed me, obviously knowing what I was doing, and we headed out to the covered patio to grab food.

  I noticed Moses in the corner chatting up a cute blonde and realized quickly it was Sage. I glanced around to see if Grinder was close, but he wasn’t, which was probably why Moses wasn’t dead yet.

  “When did that start?” I asked Knox, nodding to the couple.

  “I’m guessin’ today. Fuck. Grinder better not see them.”

  “She’s twenty-six,” I said. “She’s quite capable of making her own decisions when it comes to who she dates.” Knox grunted in response and I chuckled. “Kinsey—”

  “Kinsey’s not dating until she’s thirty.”

  I snorted. “Okay, honey. We’ll see how that goes.”

  “Daddy!” Kinsey squealed, breaking away from Willow and making a run for Knox.

  He scooped her up and held her close. “How’s my girl? Hm? Happy to live with Daddy for the rest of her life?”

  “Daddy,” she whispered and stroked his cheek.

  “See, Welly, she’s all good to stay celibate.”

  “Sounds like it.” I laughed. “Let’s eat.”

  * * *

  The sound of pipes awakened me early the next morning, and I groaned as I rolled over and reached for Knox. I got nothing but sheet. Sitting up, I padded out to the front room and peeked out the drape. Knox was on the front porch with Kinsey and they were waving to the bikes driving past the cabin.

  I pulled on a pair of sweats and a hoodie, sliding into my shoes as I made my way out to join them. “What’s going on?”

  “Dead Presidents just got here,” Knox said, and set Kinsey on her feet.

  The Dead Presidents were a Seattle-based club whose members were apparently made up of veterans. I watched as all manner of sexy men climbed off their bikes and walked toward the main building.

  “I’m gonna go clean up real quick,” I said. “Then we’ll head up for breakfast?”

  “Sounds good,” Knox said, and I rushed through my morning duties.

  The day was chilly, so I grabbed my heavy coat and walked with Knox and Kinsey up to the big house. The great room was already crowded with bikers and their families, and it took a little time to find our group who were in the back of the room, sitting at one of the long tables.

  “Well, who is that?” Sage murmured and I followed her eyeline.

  A tall, muscular, long-haired man stood with whom I assumed were the Dead Presidents, a
nd all eyes of the female variety were on him.

  “That’s Wasp,” Hatch provided. “Outside of the fact he’s very married, if your daddy sees you lookin’ at him like that, he’s gonna lose his shit.”

  Sage grinned. “My daddy doesn’t run my life.”

  Hatch’s response was a grunt as he set off to greet the newcomers.

  Sage was hot on his heels and I couldn’t stop myself from standing a little taller to watch. He really was illegally pretty.

  “Get your tongue back in your mouth, Welly,” Knox growled.

  I rolled my eyes and gripped his cut. “I’m simply admiring the view, honey, but he still doesn’t hold a candle to you.”

  “Good answer.”

  He leaned down and kissed me and I grinned against his lips. “But if you wanted to grow your hair out, I wouldn’t object.”

  “Jesus,” he hissed, shaking his head. “Never gonna happen.”

  I shrugged. “I’m fine with that too, honey. You do you, BooBoo.”

  “Quin,” he warned.

  I frowned. “Honey, I’m just messing with you. I love you. You’re beautiful. Way more gorgeous than the buzzy bee over there. You are my be all and end all.”

  “Just checking.”

  “Whatever. You gonna feed your woman?”

  He grinned. “Shoulda woken you up with a protein breakfast.”

  “Something to look forward to tomorrow.” He hissed quietly and I grinned. “Or, we can go somewhere private right now. Just say the word and I’ll give Kinsey to Willow for a few.”

  He smiled, taking a swig of coffee.

  “I’m not kidding,” I pressed.

  “Fuck, seriously?”

  I raised an eyebrow in challenge.

  He linked his fingers with mine. “Willow, can you watch Kinsey for a few?”

  “Of course,” she said, and then Knox tugged me through the crowd and down a long hallway.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “Don’t know yet.”

  I bit my lip and tried not to grin like a loon. He pushed open one door, peeking inside, then quickly closing it.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Someone else had the same idea you did.”

  “Oh,” I squeaked, feeling heat creep up my neck.

  He pushed open another door, then pulled me inside, closing and locking it behind us before unbuckling his belt.

  I knelt in front of him, tugging his jeans down his thighs, freeing his already hard cock and wrapping my mouth around the tip.

  “Fuck,” Badger breathed out as I took him deeper.

  Sliding his hands into my hair, he pulled me closer and I gripped his thighs, anchoring myself to him while he fucked my face.

  “Up,” he demanded, pulling out of my mouth.

  “What? No.”

  “Up,” he repeated and lifted me off the ground, tugging my yoga pants down my legs, panties and all, and gently pushing me over a table.

  It registered then that we were in an office of sorts with a desk by the window and a four-person table near the door. I gripped the edge of the table and Knox buried himself deep inside of me.

  “I fuckin’ knew you’d be soaked,” he hissed, pressing in deeper.

  “You kind of do that to me,” I panted out as he slammed into me.

  It wasn’t lost on me that even though he was fucking me mercilessly, he was gentle, making sure my belly was protected from any impact. This fact turned me on more than I could have imagined, and I screamed his name as an orgasm assaulted me without warning.

  He wasn’t far behind, gripping my hips as his dick pulsed inside of me.

  “Jesus Christ,” he hissed, gently pulling out of me. “Don’t move.”

  “I don’t think I could if I tried,” I grumbled.

  Knox dug through a drawer and found a box of tissues, cleaning both of us up, then helping me with my clothes before taking care of his own.

  Leaning down, he kissed me gently, stroking my cheek. “More than the moon.”

  “More than the universe.”

  “Gonna get rid of this shit.”

  I nodded and followed him to the restrooms, then we made our way back to our family.

  The rest of our vacation was spent eating, drinking, and exploring Monument. It was perfect.


  Three weeks later...

  FRIDAY NIGHT, KNOX got back to the club just before seven. He and Dash walked in looking haggard and I made my way to my man, wrapping him in a tight hug. “Hi.”

  I had been there most of the day setting up for Doc’s birthday party the next day. Olivia had taken him away for a sex night so we could surprise him. She said she was taking one for the team, but since the party had been her idea, we all knew she just wanted an excuse for a sex night. We didn’t point that out, however. We were good enough friends to allow her her delusions in regard to Doc.

  Our plan was to stay the weekend, and I had a feeling there was something else going on, but hadn’t had a chance to ask Knox.

  Knox hugged me back, then kissed me gently. “Hey, baby.”

  He smelled like motor oil, which was strangely a turn-on for me. “How was your day?”

  “Long. Need to hit the shower, then we’ll eat. Sound good?”

  I bit my lip. “I actually need to run by the house.”


  “Forgot to grab a few things for Kinsey, and I bought a baby book I want to have here since it looks like we’ll be staying for a bit longer.”

  “We can’t go back to the house.”


  He sighed. “Michael’s missing.”

  “Well, shit on a brick,” I bit out. “This is why you want us here for the whole weekend.”


  “Well, then we need to head to the store or something.”

  “Let me clean up and I’ll take you.”

  “We’ll need a truck.”

  Badger frowned. “Just how much shit do you need to grab?”

  “Honestly, if I can get some pull ups, toddler appropriate food, and a few more books for her, I can deal.”

  “Okay, I’ll take a quick shower and we’ll run to Walmart.”

  “Thanks, honey.”

  * * *


  I appreciated Quin understanding going back to our place was off the table, but even the thought of letting her out of the compound filled me with dread. Under normal circumstances, I’d take more than a couple of soldiers with me, but Stump and Rabbit worked at Alamo’s shop with me and we were shorthanded. They were young, but they were smart, and I knew it wouldn’t be long before they earned their patches. I trusted them implicitly.

  I sent Stump and Rabbit a text, then stepped into the shower. Once I was dressed, I checked on a sleeping Kinsey, then made my way downstairs where Quin and the recruits were waiting for me.

  “Willow’s going to make sure Kinsey’s covered if she wakes up,” Quin said, and grabbed her purse off the sofa.

  “Sounds good,” I said.

  She gripped my cut. “You looked wrecked, honey. I can go with Stump and Rabbit if you want to get some rest.”

  I smiled. “I’m good. We’ll take your car.”

  She nodded and we made our way outside.

  Pulling up to Walmart, we headed inside and I stuck close, while Stump and Rabbit manned the exits and kept an eye out for anything suspicious.

  I guided the cart as Quin dropped her purse into the kid carrier and started pulling shit off shelves.

  “I thought we were just getting a few things,” I complained.

  She grinned at me over her shoulder. Fuck me, she was cute. “This is just a few things.”

  I rolled my eyes, but continued to follow her. We were in the back of the store now, so I heightened my awareness and stayed close.

  “Need to see you, baby,” I reminded Quin.

  “I’m right here, honey,” she said distractedly as she read the packaging of some toddl
er crackers. She dropped the box in the cart, then pulled another, reading that also.

  “Yeah, I hear you. Just a reminder.”

  She smiled at me. “I got it.”

  We headed down the next aisle and Quin grabbed some clothing for Kinsey, then we moved on. We passed the men’s section, so I snagged a pack of socks off the end cap just as I saw Quin disappear down the next aisle. I sped up to follow her and turned my cart to the right. The aisle was empty. “Quin?”

  She didn’t answer, so I rushed down the next aisle, then the next. “Quin? This isn’t funny. Quit fuckin’ around.”

  I left the cart and made a run for the front doors. “Rabbit!” I bellowed.

  His head came around and he frowned, as he approached me. “What?”

  “I can’t find her.”

  “Fuck,” he snapped, firing off a text to Stump who came running.

  “Did you see her?” I asked.

  “No, man. Nowhere. Let me see if Walter’s workin’. He’ll let me see the tapes.”

  “Goddammit. Where the fuck is she?” I rasped and headed back the way I came to do another search.

  * * *


  I came awake with a start and rolled in time to vomit all over the floor. My head was pounding and I had no idea where I was.

  I was at Walmart laughing at something Knox had said, then I turned the corner and everything went black.

  Before I could unravel what was going on, I heard a creak, then a voice from my past said, “Oh, good, you’re awake.”


  I scrambled to my knees, only to discover I was buck naked and one of my hands was handcuffed to a bed. “What’s going on, Michael?”

  He came into view and cocked his head. “Well, you and I have some unfinished business, don’t you think?”

  “You’re supposed to be in Colorado.”

  I felt the sting of his hand on my cheek before I even saw him lift his arm. My head jerked back too late to make a difference and I couldn’t stop myself from crying out as the pain registered in my brain.

  “You’ve forgotten your place, Quinlan.”

  I closed my eyes and took several deep breaths. I needed to stay calm. I needed to give Knox enough time to find me. I just had no idea exactly how that would happen.

  “Now,” Michael continued. “Are you hungry?”


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