SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8)

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SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8) Page 3

by Laura Acton

  A thorny memory for him but unfortunately or fortunately, Dan could never decide which, he had not known Clay Sheldon well. The rookie had only been with them for a few months, and he did not have an opportunity to form an emotional bond with him. Though, he still carried guilt for surviving when Unicorn didn’t and maintained he was responsible for his death.

  After the mission, the unit tried for weeks to tell him he bore no blame, but it never worked. Over the summer as he recovered from Plouffe’s attempt to murder him, he spoke with Dawn Tansy regarding many of the deaths he witnessed, Unicorn’s was one she helped him make some progress on.

  He did not yet fully accept he was not at fault, but he began to consider some events might be out of his control … like the last mortar which brought down the wall. Although if he contacted Blaze when the water first started invading their space, Unicorn might still be alive.

  As to why he shared everything he could about this with Lexa, Dan realized she was easy to talk to like Dawn. Neither became preachy or judgmental, and they didn’t press him for details, allowing him to impart only as much as was comfortable for him.

  If this relationship was going to grow into what he wanted, then he needed to share. It seemed only fair he expose the ugly side of himself to Lexa. He didn’t want a connection built on fallacies or fantasies. Lexa should know the real him. If she accepted the man behind his shields, then any relationship they created would be stronger.

  It surprised and pleased him she did not contradict any of his statements of accountability like the unit did. Lexa merely acknowledged his loss while offering empathy. Her response boded well but Dan recognized he must take things slow. Trust was a two-way street, and he would protect himself until she opened up to him too. He had been burned before when he trusted too quickly.

  Approaching the rear of the SUV, passing an alleyway, Dan glanced to his right hearing a commotion. He dropped both beverages as he called out, “Lexa, backup now, alley.” He rushed towards two thugs roughing up what appeared to be a homeless man. One of them held a short pipe ready to strike. As he ran, he pulled his gun and yelled, “Police. Stop now!”

  Within seconds of Dan’s alert, Lexa followed him into the alley as she informed the team, “Boss, we have a mugging in progress. One is wielding a metal pipe.” Then she gave their location.

  Jon replied, “We’re close, Lexa.”

  The teens froze when the officer shouted at them to stop.

  Ernie muttered, “Shit, just my luck. I’m not going back to juvie.” He took off running still holding his pipe.

  Cody remained in place as the armed officers approached. Why the hell did I let Ernie talk me into this? He put his hands up.

  “Lexa, you got him?” Dan asked as he observed one running away, wanting to give chase.

  “Go. I’ve got this one covered,” Lexa said as she came alongside Dan, noting the teen appeared scared to death.

  Dan raced after the boy with the pipe, unmuting his headset as he ran. The youth had already turned onto the street at the other end of the passage, so Dan took the corner wide in case the subject waited to swing at him.

  Noting his quarry was halfway down the block, Dan poured on speed and began to close the gap. Dan saw the teenager run into a shop. Damn, this might turn into a hostage situation.

  Bike-Minded Shop – 12:45 p.m.

  As Dan reached the shop’s entrance, he supplied details to the team, “Subject entered a bicycle store on Crescent.”

  Jon instructed, “Go careful, Dano, we’re almost there.”

  “Copy.” Dan entered with his Glock at the ready, moving deliberately and checking each aisle. “I know you’re in here. Nobody else need be hurt. Put your weapon down, your hands up, and show yourself.”

  A frightened woman with a preteen boy appeared on his left. Dan whispered, “You must leave now,” as he moved nearer to them and motioned with his head to exit. They rushed out.

  Filtering out the headset chatter taking place as Loki and Ray arrived at Lexa’s location, took custody of the other subject, and called for EMS for the assault victim, Dan caught a slight noise on his right. Her whipped around, and rapidly moved his gun off an older man wearing a polo shirt with the store’s logo and a name tag reading Kian. “Outside, sir,” Dan directed.

  As the owner brushed by Dan, Kian revealed, “He’s near the unicycles.”

  Dan nodded and moved forward to the considerable unicycle section. Dozens hung from the ceiling and even more rested in racks on the floor. As he made his way, he continued to scan. What are the odds? I was just talking about Unicorn and unicycles. My life is full of weird coincidences.

  Catching sight of a bald officer and a massive one rushing toward his shop, Kain relayed the same information to them as he told the constable inside.

  Spotting Dan midway in the shop, Jon motioned to Bram to go around the building. As Bram took off running, Jon informed Dan of their positions. “I’m coming in the front. Bram is covering the rear exit.”

  Speaking to the hiding subject, Dan urged, “Come out slowly. Make this easy on yourself and surrender peacefully.”

  A sudden loud clang of metal hitting metal caught Dan’s attention, and he turned towards the sound. At that moment, the support wire holding the unicycles aloft snapped. Though reacting fast, his split-second hesitation resulted in dozens of cycles raining down on him. As he ducked and covered his head to protect it from the barrage from above, he grunted when something hard slammed into his mid-back.

  Unable to stop the events unfolding before him, Jon continued to search for their subject.

  Laying on the floor buried in one-wheeled cycles, a flash of a tennis shoe caused Dan’s hand to automatically snake out and latch on to an ankle.

  As the boy darted out, Jon glimpsed Dan’s hand grab for the youth’s leg.

  Not realizing the officer tripped him, Ernie lost hold of the metal tubing when he went sprawling to the ground. Still trying to escape, unaware of the other cops, he reached for his length of pipe only to have it roll out of range.

  Jon rushed forward and restrained the felled delinquent before he could reclaim the weapon. “Subject in custody.” After dragging the adolescent to his feet, Jon turned a concerned gaze toward Dan. A hell of a lot of unicycles landed on him … had to hurt. “You alright, Dano?”

  Pushing a wheel off himself, Dan grumbled, “Will be as soon as I get these damned things off me.”

  Bram came running in and began clearing away the mass trapping Dan. Tossing the last one aside, he offered a hand to assist Dan to rise. “Better?”

  Dan clasped Bram’s hand and allowed his teammate to pull him up. He rubbed the right side of his back. “Yeah. Thanks.”

  He bent to pick up his gun which had been knocked from his hand, and a slight hiss escaped. As Dan stood, he hoped Jon and Bram had not heard. His eyes flicked to each. Crap, no such luck. “A little sore. You would be too if you had a dozen unicycles fall on you.”

  Jon started moving the subdued youth out to a waiting patrol unit as he said, “Yep, but you’re still getting checked out, Dano.”

  “Aw come on, Jon. It was only a few bikes. No need to bother EMS with this,” Dan contended.

  Nick came over the headset, “No arguments, Dan. You submit to an exam, or you come back to headquarters and stay here with me filling out monthly requisition forms, or I could always have you recount the ammo.”

  “Copy,” Dan groused unhappily. He decided a quick check by a medic would be the lesser of the evils.

  Bram and Jon hid their smiles. All it took was a threat of being benched to the truck, doing paperwork, or counting ammo and Boss could usually force Dan to comply with a medical check.

  EMS Rig Outside Timmy’s – 1:10 p.m.

  Dan strode back to the alley near Timmy’s where the medics arrived to assist the victim. He realized Bram was sent as his mother hen, though he tried to tell their combat and entry specialist he only needed to work the kinks out. He caught
the non-verbal communication between Jon and Bram at the bike shop when he insisted on walking to the SUV he shared with Lexa.

  Jon gave Bram a glance, and both nodded. Bram went along with Dan, ensuring he went directly to the paramedics. They learned Dan was not always entirely truthful with them about his injuries. They accepted it would be a slow process to change his ways and earn Dan’s trust. Though they made inroads, particularly Lexa, none of them achieved it yet. Someday Bram hoped Dan would confide in them like he did Jim and his old unit.

  Bram eyed Dan like a hawk as they strolled back to Timmy’s. Dan appeared okay except occasionally putting his hand on his back. “Your back hurting?”

  Dan glanced at Bram. “Only a little. Think a pedal hit me, or perhaps one of the seats. Nothing to worry about.”

  As they arrived at the EMS rig, Bram said, “That’s what the medic will determine. Now be a good boy and let them take a look at you.”

  A medic Dan had never seen motioned for him to sit on the gurney and asked, “Do you have pain anywhere?”

  Bram didn’t even allow Dan an opportunity to deflect. “Mid-back on the right side. He keeps rubbing the spot.” Dan gave him an evil glare, and Bram shrugged and smiled. “Not gonna let you get away with not telling him.”

  Melvin requested Dan lift his shirts. “Wow, an impressive bruise you have there.” He probed the area gently.

  The touch hurt but nothing Dan couldn’t handle, and he did not want a trip to the ER, so he clenched his jaw and held in a hiss of pain. When the man stopped examining his back, Dan said, “Always appears worse than it is.”

  Noting the paramedic peered at him unbelievingly before turning to Bram, seeking confirmation of his statement, Dan almost rolled his eyes. No one ever believes me about my bruising. Wish they weren’t so vivid.

  Bram nodded. “It’s true. Surprised us the first time we saw him turn all colors of the rainbow after a round of hand-to-hand combat training.”

  Dan chuckled recalling how Ray scared the crap out of him when the team’s info specialist glimpsed the discolorations which came from an intense sparring session. Dan forgot about his bruises after showering off the stench from climbing in a dumpster with Ray to rescue a boy.

  He walked out of the showers with only a towel wrapped around his waist. Upon setting eyes on his torso, arms, and legs, Ray yelled so loud it jolted Dan into next week. When the rest of the guys spotted him … well, he had to best Jon’s obstacle course time to prove he was alright.

  Melvin accepted the fact and took vitals before declaring Dan fit for duty with cautions. “The bruised area is near your kidney. If you detect blood in your urine, go to the emergency room right away. There are a few other signs which may indicate an injury to the kidneys, and you should contact a doctor if you experience them.

  “They include abdominal pain and swelling, severe flank or back pain, and drowsiness or reduced alertness. Besides bloody urine, you may also have an inability to urinate or decreased output. Other symptoms are fever, increased heart rate, nausea or vomiting, and skin which is pale or cool to the touch coupled with sweating.”

  Dan nodded. “Okay. Can I go now?” He tucked in his shirts and hopped off the gurney.

  “Yes, we are done here. Just remember to watch for those symptoms. It is important to seek treatment if you have any of them,” Melvin stated again.

  Bram smiled. “Don’t worry we will. Did you all note the symptoms?”

  The entire team responded, “Yes.”

  “Guys, I’m okay. Really. No mother hens required.” Dan shook his head as Bram only grinned at him. He would have an army of hens pecking at him all day. He resigned himself to the fate … and his heart warmed.

  Nick chimed in, “We’ll be the judge of that, Dan. Excellent job everyone. Love the teamwork. How about you all head back to headquarters for debriefing.”

  They all answered, “Copy.”

  TRF HQ – Briefing Room – 2:35 p.m.

  As the team wrapped up debriefing, a sharp pain flared in Dan’s right side. Damn that hurt. The hot poker sensation subsided, and he released a slow inconspicuous breath. At least he thought it went unnoticed until Lexa leaned close to him.

  Spotting Dan’s wince and noting his exhale sounded like a hiss, Lexa asked quietly, not drawing the others attention, “Hurting?”

  Dan shrugged and whispered, “A bit.”

  “Did you take any meds?”

  “No. Only a twinge.”

  Lexa dropped her questioning now but would ensure he took a pain reliever before they returned to patrol. She would do it on the sly as she had before Christmas. He appeared to accept her help if she didn’t make a scene in front of the guys.

  Nick finished, “We received word Ernie will be going back to juvie. The assault is a clear violation of his release.”

  Ray asked, “What about Cody? He gave the impression of being afraid and dazed when we arrived. He kept apologizing to the man. The victim said Cody only pushed him once and Ernie was the one who beat him.”

  “I recommended Cody be put in a diversion program with community service since this is his first offense. He only got mixed up with the wrong sort. Sending him to a juvenile detention center is more likely to create a problem than solve one for this boy. Any more questions or comments?”

  Grinning, Jon said, “Stellar takedown from under the unicycles, Dan.”

  Dan nodded once to Jon. Although pleasant to receive praise instead of being told he acted rashly or took a risk, Dan still didn’t quite know how to accept kudos for only doing his job, especially from Jon. And truthfully, in his mind, he didn’t deserve a compliment. If he had been better, faster, and more alert he would’ve moved out of the way of the damned unicycles or captured the boy before he knocked the cycles down.

  The annoying pain in his side was a fair punishment for his failings. A reminder to improve and not make the same mistakes again. He was only glad no one else got hurt because of his unsatisfactory performance.

  “Alright, off you all go.” Nick sighed as he glanced down at the form he must fill out. At this point, he should probably make a template with Dan’s details and only leave the date and circumstances fields blank.

  Nick chuckled recalling having similar thoughts regarding Bram once or twice over the years. Before long, Dan would surpass Bram’s injury record. No easy feat when comparing Bram’s eight and a half years of service with TRF to Dan’s eighteen months … of which only twelve were active duty.

  TRF Parking Garage – TRF SUV – Dan and Lexa – 2:45 p.m.

  As they left the conference room, Lexa told Dan she needed to stop and grab something from her locker and would meet him in the garage. Lexa preferred to drive, so Dan climbed into the passenger seat, and rubbed his aching back, attempting to relax his muscles. With his headset muted and alone in the vehicle, Dan released a groan. He stopped abruptly when the driver’s side door opened.

  Lexa jumped in and started the SUV. She had noticed how Dan stood in the briefing room … gingerly and gradually. Clear evidence to her that he hurt more than he let on. She held out her hand to him with two pills in her palm. “Take these.”

  “No.” Dan stared at the tablets before moving his gaze to Lexa’s face.

  With a tone mixed with both frustration and authority, Lexa responded. “Dan.”

  “Lexa,” Dan grated back at her.

  Making a fist around the ibuprofen pills, Lexa made a show of moving her hand on her comms unit. Not above using underhanded tactics to compel Dan to take the painkillers, she said, “Fine, I’ll make Jon aware of how much you are hurting. I’m sure you won’t mind spending the day doing inventory or relegated to the sidelines.”

  Dan growled out, “Dammit, Lexa. You wouldn’t do that.”

  “Wouldn’t I?” Lexa challenged.

  An upset sigh expelled from Dan. “Give me the damned pills.”

  Lexa dropped the medication into Dan’s palm. With a smile and in a gleeful tone she said, “G
lad you accepted.”

  Popping the pills in his mouth and dry swallowing them Dan threw out in a disgruntled fashion, “See if I tell you the truth again.”

  “Right. You must think I’m blind and can’t see when you wince or detect cautious movements denoting you are in pain. I must be deaf too because I certainly can’t hear when you let out a painful hiss.”

  Crossing his arms over his chest, Dan realized she was too observant. “Drive. You made your point. Don’t rub it in.”

  Lexa put the SUV in gear but held her foot on the brake as she ran her fingers down his arm. “I care. I don’t like it when you hurt.”

  His lack of response told her those words would not extract him from of his grumpy mood, so she teased, “Besides if you’re aching, sex is out of the question tonight. Would you rather take two ibuprofens or miss out on having fun in bed with me?”

  Dan couldn’t help the uptick of his mouth. Lexa brightened his days. Assuming a stoic mien, he deadpanned, “Not sure. Hard choice.”

  “Ow!” Dan exclaimed as Lexa jabbed him in the left bicep.

  Lexa arched a brow.

  “Alright, you win. But, my sexy sniper chick, I’m holding you to seriously hot sex tonight because I took the damned pills.”

  Chuckling, Lexa released the brake, pressed her foot on the gas pedal and said, “Turn on your comms unit.”

  “Uh, Lexa. Um. Uh. Shit, mine is on,” Dan kidded using a worried tone.

  Lexa slammed on the brakes so hard Dan jerked forward. Only the seatbelt saved him from smashing into the windshield. He cringed when he glimpsed the utter horror on Lexa’s face. “Joking. Only messing with you. Mine’s off too. Sorry, Lexa.”

  “OOOOWWW!” Dan yelped again rubbing where Lexa punched him a second time.

  “Broderick! You caused my heart rate to skyrocket,” Lexa admonished.

  A smug expression lit Dan’s face as he cockily said, “Wouldn’t be the first time today. Seemed to me you rather enjoyed the fast heart beats in the laundry room this morning.”


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