SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8)

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SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8) Page 4

by Laura Acton

  Lexa couldn’t help the burst of laughter she emitted as she maneuvered the SUV on to the street. Dan is incorrigible … part of his charm. One thing which draws me to him and makes me consider taking risks I never dreamed of before he came along.

  Dan settled back with a lopsided grin. Making Lexa laugh filled him with pleasure and he forgot all about the ache in his side.

  The Spice of Life


  January 6

  TRF HQ – Commander Gambrill’s Office – 2:45 p.m.

  Nick knocked, and Gambrill said to enter, so he opened the door and walked in. “Afternoon, Commander.”

  Gambrill set his paperwork aside and greeted his best sergeant. “Afternoon, Nick. What can I do for you?”

  Setting a folder on the desk, he said, “Injury report from the last call.”

  Walter sighed. “Do I need to guess who?”

  “Probably not.”

  Opening the file, Walter scanned the form. “These reports used to be all about De Haven. Did you make Broderick go to the hospital for an ultrasound to be certain he didn’t damage his kidney?”

  Nick shook his head. “No. The medic supplied a list of symptoms. Dan claims to be okay, but the team will monitor him. You know as well as we do how hard it is to make him agree to be checked on scene. Let alone a follow-up trip to the ER.”

  Leaning back in his chair, Walter agreed. “No easy task I grant you.” He pulled a file from his desk and handed it to Nick. “This came in a little while ago. I planned to brief the sergeants tomorrow, but since your team is patrolling today, it would be better to disseminate the information to them.”

  Doing a cursory review, Nick frowned. He flicked the page and stared at a sketch and a grainy black and white photo captured by a security camera. “The University bomber is suspected of being in Toronto?”

  Walter nodded. “Yes. Although the suspect hasn’t been identified, the Montreal task force sent us this report because they believe he is expanding his targets and moving toward Toronto.”

  “I’ll request Tia send the photo and sketch to my team.”

  After signing the injury report, Gambrill said, “Witnesses at all five attacks give the same description. The investigators say the bomber likes to remain close by while his bombs go off. Camera footage confirms he always wears a red hoodie, sunglasses, and a white backpack with a bright red maple leaf.”

  “Any clues as to motive?”

  “No, not yet. The first three bombings occurred at universities, a life sciences building, a biology department, and bio-engineering satellite campus. However, the last two have been at private biomedical research facilities.”

  Nick’s mind immediately moved to profiler mode. “The subject might be an activist who opposes their experiments, though without more information the perpetrator’s motives could be anything from a to z.” Closing the file, Nick returned his gaze to Gambrill. “I’d like to review the details and draft a profile from the little which is known. Mind if I hold on to this for now?”

  Smiling, pleased to have Pastore analyze the report Montreal provided, Gambrill nodded. “Be my guest. You can share your thoughts in tomorrow sergeant’s meeting. Oh, and make sure Broderick goes for an ultrasound after shift. He can do that at an independent lab and stay away from the hospital. The general will have my hide if I let this slide.”

  Nick chuckled. “Okay. Hate to do it, but I’ll tell Dan he is in the truck for the next two weeks if he doesn’t comply.”

  “Damn glad there are things he dislikes to hold over his head. Otherwise, we’d have a hell of a time getting him to conform without a direct order.” Walter held out the signed form to Nick.

  “I concur. He’s been harmed too much by orders. Though this is for his welfare, I dislike ordering him. I’ll ask Bram to take him.” After taking the file from the commander, Nick turned and left the office, striding to Tia’s desk so she could send the particulars to his team.

  When Nick closed his door, Walter turned his chair and stared out the window. Nick is right. My godson has been abused too often with orders. A little coercion is better than a command. That way the choice is still up to Dan. Not that it is much of a choice, but it is still his to make.

  He turned back to his desk and refocused on the budget reports. The politicians were demanding further cuts. TRF already lost the services of one of the department psychologists due to cutbacks. Luckily, Pastore developed a comprehensive training plan for the TRF officers, and they possessed skilled negotiators on all five teams.

  Now the cake-eaters wanted to ax spending on training and ammo and return to six-man teams. The politician’s unreasonable demands disgusted him. They did not understand training was crucial to saving both citizen’s and TRF constable’s lives. Seven-man teams had become essential to the smooth running of this department and ensured his officer’s work-life balance.

  He sighed and began formulating his response. Perhaps he could stave off some of the cuts for at least another year, and if fortunate, the team size for a bit longer, but he was under no illusions. The writing was on the wall, and he must plan a strategy for the eventuality.

  Perhaps when the time came, he would agree to remove a member from each team, but at the same time finagle an additional team. Which, of course, would be comprised of those dropped, creating advancement opportunities for some of the officers who appeared ready for leadership roles.

  Walter decided to speak with Nick about how best to prepare for that possibility and begin identifying members who should be groomed. A smile grew as he thought about his godson.

  Dan will be an exceptional candidate in a few years. His transition from soldier to constable is coming along quite nicely. Although William still holds out hope Daniel will rejoin the military, that boat sailed long ago. Dan was manipulated and subjected to untenable atrocities by Plouffe and others.

  Here is where Danny belongs, and here he’ll stay. In TRF, Dan makes a difference and Alpha Team will continue to help heal his fragile soul.

  TRF SUVs Patrolling and TRF HQ – 3:00 p.m.

  Boss finished telling them about the University bomber, and Tia sent the sketch and photo to their phones. Dan pulled his out and reviewed the image. At the stoplight, he turned his cell towards Lexa. “This is the guy.”

  Lexa studied the picture. “Looks a bit like the Unabomber with the whole hoodie and sunglasses thing.”

  Over the headset, Jon said, “Wouldn’t hurt to do a patrol of the campus.”

  “We’re the closest. We can do it,” Lexa responded.

  Loki pipped in, “Ray and I are not too far away.”

  “How about both of you do a drive-by then stop for an early supper to beat the crowds?” Jon directed.

  Ray said, “I’m all for that … I’m starving. Dan, Lexa, you two want to join Loki and me? There’s a new hole-in-the-wall Thai restaurant my friend Miguel told me about nearby.”

  Loki gaped at Ray. “Are you trying to kill me? Dinner with Dan and Lexa? They still think I switched their uniforms. Which I did NOT.”

  Everyone laughed. Dan smirked as he kidded, “Loki, you are safe for dinner. I promise to keep Lexa from poisoning your food or punching you.”

  Lexa rolled her eyes at Dan. “Loki, I’ll make sure Dan doesn’t de-pants you at the restaurant.”

  Loki groaned. “Guys. I really didn’t do it. Come on, give me a break. I will find out who did though. Then all three of us can plot revenge. Deal?”

  Dan snickered, enjoying himself immensely. “Well, … you did come up with an awesome prank on Bravo team … seven swans a-sinking. What do you say, Lexa, do we believe him?”

  “Yeah, I guess. Loki, you’re safe, but if I discover you did exchange my pants, you’ll be sporting bruised biceps.” Lexa flashed a smile, savoring the rare opportunity to tease her friend. Seldom did the tables turn and they could pull one over on the prank master.

  Nick chuckled at the easy banter among his team, his family. Smiling, he said, “
Behave children. Remember you are out in public and representing TRF. Jon, Bram, perhaps you can swing by headquarters. Need to talk to you about something.” Nick thought it best if they discussed how to get Dan to agree to go for an ultrasound without the rookie around.

  Thai Underground Restaurant – 3:15 p.m.

  After doing a sweep of the university, Loki, Ray, Dan, and Lexa headed to the restaurant Ray suggested. Lexa found a parking spot on the street, then she and Dan got out. The Thai Underground was a tiny restaurant one could easily miss, and Dan’s keen eyes were the ones which spotted the sign at ground level pointing to stairs leading down.

  As they approached the steps, Lexa said, “They beat us here.”

  “Ray isn’t kidding. This joint is a hole-in-the-wall.” Dan started down.

  “More like a hole-in-the-ground.” Lexa shivered at the thought of going underground. Her irrational fear of being buried alive tended to kick in when she was in underground spaces.

  Upon entering, they caught sight of Loki and Ray. Not hard to do in the nearly empty cafe. Jon’s idea of taking their meal break before the dinner rush meant they had the place almost to themselves. Joining their teammates, neither paid any attention to the man who entered behind them and assumed a seat at a two-person table next to them.

  “What does Miguel recommend here?” Dan asked as he scanned the area, a habit he mostly controlled, but for some reason his danger antenna made him glance around. Noting nothing out of the ordinary, except the eatery didn’t appear too clean, Dan relaxed. I’ve eaten in a hell of a lot worse places.

  “You like spicy so the pad kra pao might be to your liking.” Turning to Loki, Ray grinned. “For those with less daring palates, they have milder dishes like pad see ew.”

  Ray and Dan both ordered pad kra pao. Dan also decided to try the tom yum soup. Lexa chose a mild chicken coconut soup and also selected mango sticky rice to share as a dessert. Preferring less spicy, Loki went with moo daeng, a barbequed pork covered with a sweet, red sauce.

  As the four launched into conversation, none of them paid attention to the man sitting at the next table. If they had, they would’ve seen him rise and walk to the kitchen shortly before their order was delivered and might have questioned why he exited wearing a malicious grin.

  Busy laughing at Loki’s joke, they also did not overhear him speaking Chinese on the phone as he left the restaurant. “The stuff will make them miserable. I procured the vial from Runming as directed. He claims his brother, Renqing, was an apothecary in Russia.” He paused and listened. “No, I wasn’t spotted, but I couldn’t add it to all the food. I got bumped and ended up dumping most into one of their soups.” Pausing again, he smiled. “Yes, I dosed the spicy stuff first, so I got the right meal. Won’t take long to take effect.”

  Dan flagged the waitress and requested more water. After she refilled their glasses, he turned to Lexa. “Try a little. It’s not all that spicy. Come on, are you chicken?”

  Hiding his smile by taking another mouthful, Ray wondered if Dan realized he would be a dead man soon. The fire in Lexa’s eyes at being challenged meant the rookie would pay for his sins in the next sparring session.

  Gauntlet thrown and unable to back out, though she usually preferred food which didn’t burn away her taste buds, Lexa took a forkful. Fire erupted in her mouth causing her to promptly down her entire glass of cha nom yen, a tea mixed with condensed milk, to quench the heat.

  When she could breathe, the sparks in her eyes flickered as she declared, “You and Ray are insane. How the heck can you guys eat that?”

  Ray shrugged. “An acquired skill.” He sipped water, glad for the refill. The pad kra pao was spicier than he typically enjoyed but he wouldn’t let on that his tongue felt as if it had been branded.

  Having fun, Dan said, “Well, if that is too spicy, how about trying the tom yum?” He offered a spoonful to Loki, who shook his head. Lexa glared at him when he shifted the utensil in her direction. She’s gonna make me pay for this … tonight should be interesting. When she declined, he moved to his last target and grinned as Ray accepted.

  Taking the offered portion from Dan, hoping for a reprieve with something cooling, Ray experienced an unexpected inferno as the chili-infused shrimp soup blazed a trail down his throat. The spoon clattered to the tabletop as he snagged his water and guzzled it to put out the flames engulfing his mouth. Still on fire, Ray downed Lexa’s and Loki’s full glasses of water as he plotted revenge for Dan’s prank while the others chuckled.

  All in all, the teammates enjoyed dinner, though Dan could only finish half of his tom yum. The dish was too hot even for him. It left him wiping beads of sweat from his brow. The sweet mango dessert Lexa ordered was a welcome relief for his fiery mouth.

  TRF SUVs Patrolling – 4:20 p.m.

  Back on patrol, Dan began to feel nauseous, and he was still experiencing side effects from the fiery food. He wiped his sweaty brow and closed his eyes trying to stem his need to hurl.

  Lexa glanced at Dan, noticing the perspiration. “You doing okay?”

  “Dinner was a little spicier than I anticipated. My mouth is still on fire.”

  “Serves you right. I still can’t believe you tried to trick me into trying the tom yum,” Lexa stated.

  Dan grinned. “Worth a shot. Too bad Ray gave it away. Would’ve been funny watching Loki’s reaction. Can you imagine?”

  “I heard you, Dan. I’m going to help Ray pran—” Loki’s words were interrupted by a groan before his tone became concerned, “You okay, buddy?”

  “Pull over. I’m gonna be sick.” Ray switched his headset to mute.

  Reacting quick, Loki turned into a convenience store parking lot. Almost before he came to a stop, Ray yanked open the door, dropped to his knees on the patch of grass between the SUV and sidewalk, and proceeded to lose his dinner in full view of the passing motorists.

  Nick inquired, “Loki, what’s going on?”

  Racing around the vehicle to shield Ray from gawking eyes, Loki said, “Give me a sec,” then muted. Several minutes later Loki came back on the line. “Dinner didn’t sit well with Ray. He said it was too spicy and upset his stomach. He’s doing a little better after throwing up.”

  Dan wondered if purging his meal would stop the queasiness as he swiped at the sweat beading on his forehead.

  Glancing over at Dan, Lexa said. “You ate the same thing. Maybe this is food poisoning. Is your stomach upset?”

  Dan didn’t get a chance to answer as Tia called out, “Alpha Team, critical call. Security at Kolff Research Institute found a suspicious package. Sarge, patching Mr. Gellar through to your phone.”

  Getting the Job Done


  January 6

  Kolff Research Institute – Front – 4:40 p.m.

  The team assembled outside the main building at the sprawling Kolff campus. Jon took in Ray’s pasty complexion. “You don’t look so hot. We can use you, but in the command truck, unless you aren’t up for this.”

  Ray swiped his sweaty brow with one hand as the other continued to type on the laptop sitting on the SUV’s hood as he searched for the building’s blueprints. “Queasy, but my stomach is settling. I’m okay for now.”

  Having registered Lexa’s remark, Dan consumed the same thing as Ray, Jon turned an assessing eye on the rookie and scrutinized him for visible signs of impairment. He didn’t want to make unnecessary waves since Dan became testy when they badgered him and gaining his agreement to go for an ultrasound later would be more difficult if he pissed him off now. He found nothing in Dan’s physical appearance to concern him, but queried, “You good?”

  Dan nodded. “I’m good to go.” It was a slight turn of words. He didn’t admit to being alright, only able to perform. His current condition, though not a hundred percent was still a thousand times better than when he exfiled from the Cherry Club … and he got the job done that day. He experienced a multitude of instances of being in a worse condition while in the field. A
n upset stomach wouldn’t prevent him from doing his job.

  Not finding any ominous distinction in his rookie’s phrasing, Jon accepted Dan did not suffer any ill effects from the spicy food.

  On the drive over, Nick spoke with Mr. Gellar, the Institute’s security lead, and now shared details with his team. “Based on the Montreal task force report, this has the earmarks of the University bomber. A biomedical engineer found a suspicious package in his robotics lab on the fifth floor. He contacted security who immediately called us and started evacuation procedures.

  “The main building is emptier than usual given they are renovating the top two floors and the time of day. However, we need to ensure everyone is out because the last two attacks by the bomber have brought down buildings, instead of only damaging a floor or two.

  “Their security, with patrol units supporting, will evacuate the other buildings, but we will handle the one with the bomb. Ray, while Loki takes in Lucille, I need you to review the blueprints and determine if the bomb’s placement appears to be in a structurally vulnerable location.”

  Patting Ray’s back before he pivoted, Loki strode to the arriving command truck, raring to go. He and Lucille would analyze and defuse the explosive device before it wreaked havoc and possibly injured or killed someone.

  Jon glanced at Ray. “How many floors are we dealing with?”

  Doing a quick perusal of the designs, Ray shared, “Three below ground in addition to the nine above. The first underground level is a parking garage accessible by the central elevators. Unfortunately, the entry for the two lower levels is in a separate structure about a hundred yards behind this one.”

  Bram glanced up at the massive concrete and glass edifice. “Though they say the top floors are being remodeled we still need to ensure everyone is out.”

  “Agreed.” Jon assigned his team. “I’ll cover Loki and clear the fifth floor. Lexa, take six through nine. Bram, first to fourth. Dan, check basement levels two and three. Whoever finishes first can sweep the parking level.


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