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SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8)

Page 5

by Laura Acton

  “Once you finish the structural analysis, Ray, check for any security cameras pointed in the direction of the evacuation waiting areas. We might be able to spot this lunatic since they say he likes to stick around. It would be a joy to lock him up and stop his reign of terror.”

  “Copy,” each replied, but Dan mentally reviewed previous experiences with security protocols and questioned, “Do I need an access key?”

  “Come with me, and we’ll check.” Nick rapidly strode towards Kolff’s head of security who stood near the perimeter established by patrol officers, and Dan fell in step.

  The rest of the team moved towards the Kolff building. Jon followed Loki as he maneuvered Lucille to the entrance. He couldn’t help but smile as their bomb expert enthusiastically spoke to the inanimate piece of machinery as if it were alive and would answer.

  Ray clicked a button on his laptop. “I sent blueprints to your phones.”

  Nick relayed the question, and Mr. Gellar said, “No key required. All you need is the security code. It unlocks the alcove door as well as the elevator and stairwell door.” He rattled off the code.

  After Dan repeated the code and received a nod, he took off at a fast pace. With quite a distance to cover, he understood why Jon chose him to tackle the lower levels. He was the swiftest, and it was critical to clear everyone pronto.

  Dan ignored the roiling in his stomach as he approached the side of the building. In his periphery vision, he caught a flash of red and white. He focused on the group being evacuated from an ancillary building and moved to a safety zone. He blinked once, not believing the sight before him. “Guys, I found the University bomber!”

  His eyes locked on a man wearing a red hoodie, sunglasses, and carrying a white backpack. The man appeared to freeze for a moment, then took off running. “Crap, he bolted. In pursuit,” Dan called out as he gave chase.

  “Get him, Dano. Don’t let him out of your sight. Ray, you okay to back up Dan?” Jon said as he and Loki arrived on the fifth floor. He wished he were down with Dan and hated sending Ray off in his current condition, but he had no choice at the moment.

  Ray left the laptop and began running. “Yeah, on it.”

  Dan charged after the fleeing man who had an ample lead on him, but Dan remained confident he would close the gap. He lost sight of the subject when the man reached the building’s corner. Pouring on speed as his stomach churned and pain gripped his abdomen, he disregarded his discomfort, utilizing his SERE training. Dan refused to allow the suspected bomber escape. “Subject went around the rear. Following.”

  “Coming, Dan.” Still feeling queasy, Ray found his speed off. He hated being slowed down. Dan needed backup, and he didn’t want to be so far away. No one knew what the University bomber carried in the backpack, and he might be armed.

  Kolff Research Institute – Rear

  Rounding the corner, Dan crashed into several unwieldy and unexpected objects. Cries of surprise commingled with shouted curse words, metal clinking with metal, and thumps of bodies hitting the pavement. Smack dab in the center of six costumed cyclists and variously sized unicycles Dan reached out to prevent his face from kissing the sidewalk, resulting in his hand being caught in the spokes of a spinning wheel.

  He let out a yelp when his wrist became lodged between the crank and frame, stopping the movement of the wheel abruptly. A grunt of pain expelled when the man atop the seven-foot-tall giraffe unicycle used him as a landing pad, and the man’s knee rammed into his mid-back exactly where he had been hit in the Bike-Minded shop.

  Extracting himself from the melee of velocipedes and riders, Dan could not believe his damned luck. Buried in unicycles for a second time today. Pushing himself up with one hand, he scanned the area as he cradled his right arm close to his body.

  Nick and the rest of the team caught Dan’s yelp, shouts from several people, and the clattering of metal. Then they overheard someone saying, “Sorry I fell on you, dude. Did I hurt you?”

  Dan stared at the guys dressed in bright, multi-colored unicorn costumes, complete with a horn on their heads, as they began to rise and pick up their cycles. His internal thoughts came out in words. “What the hell?”

  A silver and purple unicorn proclaimed, “We’re practicing for the Unicorn freestyle competition.”

  My day just gets weirder and weirder. Dan ground out more harshly than he intended because a pain stabbed his back as he spoke, “You need to evacuate the area.” As the costumed unicyclists continued to only stare at him, Dan ordered in an icy voice reminiscent of the general’s, “There is a threat against this building. Evacuate now! That is an order.”

  The men started to comply, and Dan searched the vicinity scanning for his quarry, upset he lost track of him. He caught a glimpse of red and white as it entered his original destination.

  Impressed with Dan’s authoritative tone, Jon realized he would’ve snapped to attention if the timbre had been directed at him. That sounded so much like General Broderick’s voice when he barreled into TRF HQ after the gang war. Jon pushed his musings away and requested, “Dan, status.”

  Ray neared the rear of the building and was stunned when six men in unicorn getups approached him, pushing or carrying their mono-wheeled cycles. Continuing around the corner, he spied Dan running.

  Answering Jon status request, Dan said, “I lost him a moment when I ran into the damned unicorns. Spotted him going into the basement entry.”

  The team, all except Ray, paused a second and Nick’s bemused tone probed, “Unicorns?” before he added, “Dan, are you okay?”

  Dan understood he would be in trouble for not being entirely honest, but he groused out anyways, “Been better,” and deflected with, “a unicorn unicyclist fell on me. What is it with unicycles attacking me today?”

  That garnered a chuckle from the team before Ray called out, “I’m almost with Dan now. He is at the structure which houses the entrance to the underground levels.”

  “Wait for Ray before you go in,” Jon ordered.

  “Copy.” Dan came to a halt at the edge of the alcove and waited. Using the delay, he took stock of himself. Nausea had not abated, and his gut still churned. His back now hurt like hell, and he was fairly certain his wrist’s tangle with the wheel resulted in at least a sprain … if not a break.

  Fortuitously, the injured appendage was his right one, so he still had use of his dominant hand. Holding his limb tightly to his chest to avoid moving the wrist too much, Dan glanced back and noted Ray closing in on him.

  Ray arrived, and the first thing he noticed was Dan held his arm close to his body. He wondered how severe the injury was but assumed it must not be too bad if Dan still pursued the subject. As his stomach turned and he fought the desire to throw up again, Ray thought, quite a pair we make.

  They shared a quick glance which communicated neither wanted this guy to escape. Both aware that more than a dozen people had been wounded or killed by the University bomber in past attacks. This man could not be allowed to go on hurting innocent people.

  “Punch in the code, seven two three eight five two eight,” Dan quietly requested as he unholstered his Glock and prepared to enter. He hoped Ray didn’t question why he told him to type the numbers. He didn’t want to be sidelined by Jon if Ray asked about his hand.

  Being closer to the keypad, Ray complied and withdrew his weapon too. When Dan didn’t move to open the door, he scrutinized Dan’s cradled hand. He is protective of it … why? Dan’s, “Ready?” stopped his thoughts and he gripped the doorknob. “Ready.” He yanked the portal open, and they swept inside expecting to encounter and apprehend the serial bomber but found the ten-by-ten space vacant.

  Noting the digital display above the elevator displayed L3, Dan said, “Could be on either level regardless of what the sign says. Though, I wonder how he got in without a code.”

  Pointing to a swipe card security box on the wall, Ray said in a low voice, “One of those was at the entrance too. Perhaps he stole an access c
ard or knows the security code. The blueprints also showed a stairwell through that door even though it is labeled utilities.”

  Dan glanced at the door then back at Ray. “I’ll take the stairs. You stay here in case he tries to come back up the lift.”

  Ray nodded and witnessed Dan use his right hand to open the door as he aimed his gun with his left. The barely detectable hiss confirmed to him Dan had been hurt in his collision with the unicycles, but he didn’t halt his teammate from moving forward with their plan.

  Kolff Research Institute – Fifth Floor – Robotics Lab

  Jon observed as Loki maneuvered Lucille into place. Though security said the floor had been cleared, he checked and found no one left hiding or refusing to leave … a small relief. “What are we dealing with, Loki?”

  Without pausing in his scanning, Loki said, “Not sure yet. One man down range, Jon.”

  He nodded to Loki and then called out, “Dan, on my way. Go careful. He might be armed or possess a detonator.”

  Jon didn’t like Dan’s response earlier. His voice held a tone which was not quite right, and they all heard him yelp. If I find out he was less than honest with his status, Dan’s gonna be counting ammo for the rest of his career.

  Tempering his anger, Jon drew upon knowledge of Broderick none of the others possessed. The night the doctor told Dan his lungs would not recover, Jon listened as Dan poured out all the terrible incidents he endured. Events and details Jon would never share with another soul, nor would he ever forget the hellfire which forged this man and made him exceptional.

  Dan’s ability to survive impossible odds and do his duty even while injured, still amazed him. However, Dan was no longer in a war zone, he was a constable now not a soldier, and he had Alpha Team here to back him up. He didn’t need to go it alone anymore.

  Kolff Research Institute – Various Locations

  Halting on the main floor landing of the stairs, Lexa reported, “Cleared my floors. Jon, do you want me to sweep the garage or assist Dan and Ray?”

  “Boss, send a couple of uniforms to clear the parking level. Lexa, backup our guys.” Jon bounded down the steps, unwilling to wait for the elevators to arrive. With Ray ill, and Dan’s status questionable, he didn’t want to waste time getting to them.

  “Copy.” Relieved Jon allowed her to help the guys, Lexa’s feet flew as she sped out the rear exit. She covered the distance quickly and arrived at the alcove in back only slightly winded.

  Moving to the utility door, angry with himself for allowing Dan to go alone while injured, Ray said, “I’m going to take the stairs and cover Dan. Stay here in case the subject uses the elevator to flee.”

  Lexa nodded, and Ray moved into the stairwell.

  On the fourth floor, having cleared one through three, frustrated beyond belief, Bram informed the team, “Having some difficulty getting several people to leave. The technician insists on closing down tests with biological materials he says are critical and dangerous if left running unattended.”

  Having reached ground level, Jon was at a crossroads where he could assist either Dan or Bram. “You need help, Bram?”

  “No, only letting you know this will take longer than expected.”

  As Jon resumed running, heading to the back, he asked, “Lexa, any activity on the elevator?”

  “No, it’s still displaying level three. Perhaps there is a way to disable this, to limit the subject’s ability to exit,” Lexa said.

  Nick chimed in, “We’re on the same wavelength. I obtained a key from security which will shut it down. On my way to you now.”

  Kolff Research Institute – Basement Entrance

  As Nick chugged to the alcove, a thunderclap sounded, and the sky opened up letting loose a deluge of rain. Wonderful, this is all we need. “Loki, how goes it with the bomb?”

  “Pretty complicated configuration. I’d feel better if everyone was out. Though it doesn’t appear to contain enough explosives to blow the whole building, Ray didn’t get a chance to study the schematics. This could be a central point or weak spot.”

  Not liking the situation Nick directed, “Get out if you run out of time. Rather the building come down than lose you. Is that understood?”

  “Copy that, Boss.” Loki continued to work on the challenging device. It contained several countermeasures he must neutralize before he could begin deactivating the trigger mechanism. With Bram’s information about the fourth floor not being cleared, he would stay as long as possible to get the job done. This bomb is not gonna beat me.

  As Jon and Nick arrived soaking wet at Lexa’s location, Dan whispered over the headset, “Boss, we are on the third level. Cleared half and we are sending up three civilians in the elevator.”

  “Why not via the stairs?” Jon wiped rainwater from his face.

  “One uses a wheelchair. Also, it removes one of the two egress options.”

  “Smart thinking, Dano. Once they’re up here, Lexa and I will clear the second level.” Jon peered at Lexa who nodded in agreement.

  Halting behind cover, Dan softly said, “Be careful on that level. One of the females we sent up told me they keep lab animals there.”

  Lexa asked, “What kind of animals.”

  “Unicorns I suspect,” Dan quipped, to communicate he was capable of his job. It might save him from Jon’s wrath later.

  Ray snorted and grinned at Dan. The rookie must not be hurting as much as he previously thought. Though, he did still baby his hand.

  Dan became serious. “Rats, mice, snakes, including a few venomous ones, dogs, and cats mostly.”

  Jon spied the corners of Nick’s mouth tick up into a quirky smile when Dan listed cats. “Not a word.”

  Nick suppressed his grin as he spied Jon’s uncontrolled shiver at the mention of cats. “What is on level three?”

  “Offices and loads of computer equipment. Must be a supercomputer down here with the temperature … downright chilly.” Ray shivered. Though cold, he was relieved to be on the level without snakes. He hated serpents. Even non-venomous ones gave him the heebie-jeebies.

  Lexa detected Ray’s relief and teased, “So, techie stuff, nothing slithering.”

  She returned to professional mode at the ping indicating the elevator’s arrival. Lexa raised her handgun along with Jon and Boss in case the bomber had fooled Dan and Ray and attempted to escape.

  Three frightened people, two women and one man, stared at the weapons aimed towards them. They put their hands up as the woman in the wheelchair stammered out, “The officers sent us up and said we had to evacuate.”

  Lowering his weapon, Nick inquired, “Is there anyone else down there?”

  She shook her head as her colleague pushed her out of the lift. “No, like I told the blond officer, only the three of us were working down there today.”

  Moving to the stairs, Jon asked, “Any idea how many might be on the second level?”

  “No, I’m sorry. I never go there. Don’t know who works on level two.”

  Lexa joined Jon at the stairwell, and they started down as Nick locked the elevator’s controls. The subject now only had one exit path.

  After securing the controls, Nick escorted the technicians out and pointed them towards the safety zone. He removed his hat and rubbed his face briskly. Nick glanced at the prematurely darkened sky. Heavy, charcoal grey, rain-laden clouds blocked the remaining daylight.

  Nick contacted the patrol sergeant on scene to request a pair of officers be sent to guard the exit on the off chance the subject slipped by his team. As he waited, the sergeant provided him an update on the clearing of the surrounding buildings. Once the patrolmen arrived, Nick pulled his ball cap low, ready to brave the sheets of icy water.

  He left the alcove, jogging towards the command truck, and within seconds the downpour drenched him again. Ignoring his misery, Nick focused on getting the job done like the rest of the team. “Bram, how goes the evacuation?” Before Bram could answer, sounds of retching filled their communica
tions channel.

  The Darwin Effect


  January 6

  Kolff Research Institute – Various Locations – 5:15 p.m.

  Nick’s stride hitched upon hearing one of his team become sick. His mind brought forth an image of his information specialist. He kicked himself for allowing Ray to backup Dan in his condition. I should’ve put my foot down and countermanded Jon’s direction. His call of, “Dan, how is Ray?” coincided with Jon’s booming voice demanding, “Status!”

  Jon halted near the end of the hundred-yard tunnel which linked the entry to the main part of basement level two. His gaze fastened to Lexa’s both showing concern for a fraction of a second, before his morphed into well-used hardened features … his protection method, as he bellowed for status. As the retching continued, he recognized he erred in sending Ray.

  Lexa wanted to ask if they should go to the third level but comprehended her question would be ignored until her tactical lead received a status report.

  Frustrated to the point he considered ordering the lab technicians out of the building at gunpoint, Bram halted in his pacing when sounds of Ray becoming violently ill filled his ears. He waited to answer Boss, needing to find out Ray’s condition. He relaxed slightly. Dan is with Ray and won’t let any harm come to him while he is incapacitated.

  Worried and stunned expressions covered both Dan’s and Ray’s faces as they listened to one of their teammates hurling. Both fighting nausea the sounds caused their stomachs to clench in unison. During a break in the puking, Dan enlightened the team, “Not Ray.”

  Realizing Lexa consumed some of the pad kra pao, but not putting together the fact Jon wouldn’t be calling for status if it was her, Dan’s concern rocketed up. “Lexa ate pad kra pao, too.”

  Ray’s soft, “Dammit, I picked the place,” was overrun by renewed gagging.

  Reaching the command post, Nick turned to stare up at the building, ignoring the icy deluge. The only other person who might be sick … his heart seized. “Loki?”


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