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SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8)

Page 9

by Laura Acton

  Jon snickered at Lexa’s high-handed dealings with Dan. If the rookie was not careful, she would be bruising him severely in their next sparring session.

  Ray sat back on his heels, surprised by Lexa’s vehemence, but glad not to be the target of her ire.

  Not giving in, Dan retorted with, “What else should I do while we’re stuck down here?”

  Lexa threw up her hands and paced, as she muttered unintelligible words. She quit her mini-rant after five minutes, remaining silent for the next five, then vociferously insisted, “Ray, retake his pulse.”

  Mouthing a silent, “Sorry,” Ray did as Lexa commanded. “Down to a decent eighty-eight BPM.”

  A light gasp from Lexa preceded an admonishment which surprised both Jon and Ray, but not Dan. He understood she knew what his usual resting beats should be. “Dammit, Dan. Why didn’t you say anything? That’s like twice your resting average.”

  Jon eyed Lexa. “How do you know?”

  Conscious of her error, Lexa couldn’t reveal the real reason. I enjoy listening to and counting his heart beats as my head rests on his chest. Dan tends to recover and calm rapidly after a rousing session of passionate sex. So, she lied to cover her secret. “Dan bragged about his ultra-low heart rate. He said on average it is about fifty beats per minute.” Then she went on the offensive, “Dan, why did you try to hide a rapid heart rate?”

  Dan rebutted, understanding Lexa’s tactic to maintain their secret, “Not hiding anything. It is bound to be higher than usual with my body a bit out of whack due to painting the ground with my unappetizing dinner.”

  Ray took that moment to put a hand on Dan’s sweaty forehead. “I think his temperature is on the rise too.”

  Though Dan sidestepped her questions about other indicators, she was unsure if he recognized many of them were shared between food poisoning and a potential kidney problem. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, she softened her tone, “Dan, I don’t think this is only the result of bad food. Do you recall the warning signs the medic said to watch out for?”

  Dan’s soft, “Oh shit,” caused Jon to command, “Turn on your headsets. Now!” They all complied, and Jon said, “Boss, you there?”

  Nick checked his wristwatch and noted it was earlier than their appointed check-in time. “Jon, is there a problem?”

  “Oh yeah, we’ve got problems, and two heads are gonna roll,” Jon bit out. “Any progress on getting us out of here sooner?”

  “Might be a solution, the designer of the system is on her way. Ms. Antonia Ferranti should be here in about thirty-five minutes. The firefighters finally made it into the security office and found the override switch destroyed. Cutting through the ten-inch steel doors is progressing at a snail’s pace after Captain McMillian received authorization to proceed. They started on the first door of level two about twenty minutes ago. What is the problem?”

  Jon’s anger echoed in his voice, “Dan, care to explain yourself?”

  Letting out a soft sigh, Dan had chalked up his indisposition to the meal until Lexa pointed out the similar symptomatology. Now aware, he conceded his kidney may have sustained damage, especially after two blunt force blows to his back and the fact his queasiness and abdominal discomfort increased over time unlike Ray’s which diminished.

  Since Ray told Jon about his arm, Dan must own up to his screw up and take his lumps. Understanding his teammates much better now, Dan expected a full measure of Jon’s rage regarding unacceptable risks, a stern lecture from Boss about taking care of himself, and an air of disappointment from each of them for the decisions he made today.

  Dan took a steadying breath. “I went in after the subject with an injured wrist. I was a little nauseous, but truthfully, I believed it was due to the food like Ray and Loki. My right flank hurts, though …” He trailed off, clenching his jaw to stop a hiss as a burning sensation spread in his mid-back.

  When Dan halted, Ray gazed at him and filled out the report, owning up to his failure, “Boss, I should’ve told you earlier, but a computer landed on his already bruised and swollen wrist when the building shook. It might be busted now. And, Dan is still sweating, running a fever, and is too pale.”

  Nick stomped in a circle under the awning erected for the command post. He tried hard to control the words which wanted to burst out in full force. He managed to keep his voice to a constrained roar, “Son of a bitch.” He stopped and stared at the burn-scarred building. “Dan, any blood in your urine?”

  “Don’t know. Haven’t gone.” Dan pushed up in the corner, using his legs and the walls to stand, realizing what Boss would require him to do.

  Nick ordered, “Go find a bathroom. Now!”

  Ray stabilized Dan when he took a first wobbly step. “I’ll stay here with the subject. The bathroom is to the right and halfway down the hall.”

  Shuffling out the door, Dan listened to Ray apologize to Boss. He butted in, taking responsibility. “Ray, this isn’t on your head. I’m to blame.”

  Jon exclaimed, “Damn straight this one is your fault! However, Ray isn’t off the hook for his poor choices.” Or me for mine.

  Glaring at Jon’s back, Lexa strode to the door. She needed a private conversation with Boss. She threw over her shoulder, “Be back in a moment.”

  Turning to Lexa, Jon said, “Where are you going?”


  Kolff Research Institute – Basement Level Two – Ladies Room

  Lexa muted her headset as she pressed Boss’ number. She stood staring at her reflection as the way she handled Dan taunted her and the words Jon threw at him as Dan went to comply with their sergeant’s order made her angry.

  Nick fished his buzzing phone from his pocket, expecting Ms. Ferranti arrived, and confusion replaced anticipation as Lexa’s face displayed. “Hello?”

  Relieved he didn’t speak her name, Lexa swiftly requested, “Mute your headset. We must talk privately.”

  Complying, Nick’s puzzlement increased. “I’m muted. What’s wrong?”

  Lexa blew out a puff of air which lifted her bangs. “Remember the conversations we had before Christmas? The one on the seventeenth when you called me into conference room three, and then again on the twenty-first when you popped into the women’s locker room?”


  “Jon must be reined in before he does something to shut Dan down completely. Dan is starting to confide in me, but I almost messed it up with my reaction. He deflected when I let concern for my teammate cloud my judgment and I got snippy and demanding with him before we contacted you.”

  Lexa hoped Boss wouldn’t read more into her admission since he requested she keep an eye on Dan before the holiday. She confided in him that Dan opened up to her about asking for medication the day he saved Jon’s life when the beams collapsed at the Collie Brothers construction site.

  She continued, “According to Ray, his shields are solidly in place. He said Dan went all stoic soldier. I’m certain it is because Dan doesn’t want us to worry about him or show us …” she took a breath, “any weakness. He only admitted things we called him on. Unlearning behaviors ingrained over a lifetime takes time. Though we only have his welfare in mind—”

  Nick interjected, “I understand what you’re getting at. Dan’s ability to trust us will not happen overnight, particularly with the way we treated him when he joined. We must prove ourselves.” He smiled as the heart of their team began speaking again.

  “Exactly. The only people he trusts implicitly are his unit buddies. During his six years in the field, they demonstrated to him they would never hurt or betray him. Bonds forged in hellfire. We need to do the same. No one should hound him when he returns from the bathroom.

  “He will undoubtedly attempt to hide the full truth using deflection. Whatever he says, we shouldn’t push him for more. We will only alienate him and cause him to withdraw further. It would be counterproductive.

  “And for the record, his reaction when I pointed out the similarities between s
ymptoms seemed genuine. I believe him when he said he attributed his ailment to what he ate.” Pausing to let Boss absorb her words, she turned on the sink and cupped one hand to take a drink.

  Nick let all Lexa’s comments flow through his mind, her assessment coincided with his. A thought popped into his head, recalling something Lexa shared with him on the seventeenth. Dan reached out to Jim when he was hurting after the Blackbird Industries call. “Do you have Heather Shea’s number? I don’t want to bother them on their honeymoon, but Jim might help us discover the truth of Dan’s condition.”

  Drying her hands, Lexa said, “Great idea, but they’re not on a honeymoon. Heather said they were only taking two days off and saving their vacation to splurge on a two-week honeymoon to Hawaii in the summer.”

  Nick grinned. “Can you contact EMS dispatch and check if he is working now and request him if he is? If not, have them contact Jim and convey he needs to call me pronto. While you’re doing that, I’ll talk with Ray and Jon and tell them not to push Dan when he returns.”

  Lexa nodded at her reflection, pleased with the solution to obtain the straight scoop on Dan’s health. “Copy.” She hung up and placed a call to EMS.

  Kolff Research Institute – Basement Level Three – Men’s Room

  Dan found the restroom. “I’m muting. We might be a team, but no way in hell I’m sharing this part with you all.”

  His comment elicited a chuckle from Ray, but not Jon, Lexa, or Boss.

  Dan leaned on the little wall for support as he unzipped. The short distance he walked wiped him out, and he now recognized most of the abdominal pain centered nearer his right kidney and not his stomach, though it radiated through his entire belly. They will never believe I thought my symptoms were only related to dinner.

  When he finished, unmistakable proof of blood in his urine swirled in the urinal. “Shit!” He flushed, zipped up, and went to wash his hand. Leaning on the sink, he glimpsed his pasty complexion. No wonder Ray stared at me with concern. Compared to me, a ghost is tanned. This can’t be good. How the hell am I going to deflect now? Do I have to?

  Fatigue cloaked him as he studied his swollen and discolored hand. Hope it isn’t shattered. I’ve spent too much time away from the job. They will probably replace me if I keep missing days.

  His gut tightened agonizingly, and this time the cause was not physical. Emotions at the thought of being off Alpha Team caused a deep ache. Fate is always messing with me. Everything I care about is taken away in one way or another.

  Deciding to do his best to cover his physical weakness, Dan straightened and gave himself a pep talk in the mirror. “You can do this. Mind over matter. Hide all your pain. Lock everything away and pretend you’re fine.”

  The last word hit him. Fine. Yeah, everything is FINE. He rinsed his hand, splashed cold water on his face, and dried both with a paper towel.

  Unmuting his headset, and more sluggishly than he desired or expected, Dan plodded out of the men’s room, steeling himself to face Ray and to tell the team a bold-faced lie. No blood and I’m okay.

  Battling Monsters Within


  January 6

  Kolff Research Institute – Various Locations – 11:00 p.m.

  Swamped by a wave of backstabbing pain, Dan floundered, attempting to stay afloat with an ineffectual doggy-paddle, failing miserably as his hand reached out, grabbing for a man who never let him drown. Blaze help me.

  Ray hung up with Boss, understanding not to push Dan. He turned toward the door, wondering what was taking Dan so long to return. His timing impeccable, he witnessed his teammate leaning on the doorjamb where he began to sink to his knees, his hand outstretched seeking something to grasp.

  “I got you!” Ray exclaimed as he caught Dan before he hit the ground.

  Jarred by the incongruent voice, the image of Blaze faded and Dan found himself being held up by Ray. With his teammate’s face registering concern, Dan adverted his gaze. So much for telling them I’m okay. Damned fate!

  Assisting Dan to the two-seater couch and lowering him to the pleather cushion, Ray noted a clamminess and increased paleness. In his smooth, calming cadence, Ray said, “Sit here. It is more comfortable. Rest now.”

  The cat out of the bag, with his head bowed and eyes closed, Dan focused on the one person on the team he wanted desperately to trust. He blocked out all others, creating a world with only the two of them. Scarcely above a whisper, Dan said, “Lexa, about not being tired …”

  Until Ray spoke to Dan, Lexa prowled the room, waiting to hear the results. Now she clawed the back of the chair as tension built. “Yeah?” Lexa replied, managing to keep her tone neutral.

  “My little trip, well, it kinda exhausted me.” Dan listened for censure.

  “And the other? The reason for the trip.” Compassion filled Lexa’s words as another chunk of the wall surrounding her heart crumbled into dust by Dan’s willingness to share with her.

  Dan sighed and confessed, “Yeah, blood in my urine.” Quite a lot, but I’ll keep that piece to myself.

  Boss’, “Son of a bitch,” followed by a call to Tia for an EMS unit to be dispatched shattered the fragile cocoon Dan constructed and the reality of where he was and who was listening caused him to lift his head and meet Ray’s gaze. No condemnation showed in the Hispanic’s eyes, only concern. “No one believes me, but I swear I thought all this was due to lousy food.”

  To maintain a lighthearted façade, while recognizing the critical nature of Dan’s admission, Ray used Bram’s words from earlier in the day when addressing Loki regarding the uniform prank. “One word. Reputation. But for what it’s worth, I believe you. Rest easy. Boss will have us out soon.”

  Taking a cue from Ray, realizing too much molly-coddling might elicit the reaction they hoped to avoid, Lexa permitted a hint of hostility she held for Mr. Darwin for locking them down here, to shade her words. “Dan, you better not do anything else stupid.”

  Jon stood stock still as the ramifications slammed into him. His short talk with Boss kept his mouth clamped shut though he wanted to express his outrage at the situation. Cutting through the steel doors was expected to take four hours if everything went as planned—which it rarely did. Pissing blood means internal bleeding. Can Dan last hours before treatment?

  Ray grinned at Dan, pleased Lexa played along, but inside his unease ratcheted up. “You ticked off Lexa. I don’t want to be you right about now.”

  Dan clung to her rancor as a lifebuoy. She wouldn’t behave in this manner if she believed him weak. No, she would go all soft as she did when she dealt with someone or something vulnerable. Like when they rescued a litter of kittens from the parking lot of the Harborview Hotel after the mother cat was killed by a car the day she visited him in Ottawa as he recuperated.

  Mustering all his energy, Dan produced a familiar bantering retort, “Just gonna lay here. Will that satisfy you?”

  “Broderick, you’re such an idiot sometimes. We’re a team. You don’t have to be all he-man macho-man. You know the rest of us can apprehend a subject now and then. You shouldn’t have gone after Smellie!” Lexa fake growled, desiring to be with him to hold his hand and run her fingers through his hair to provide comfort.

  Jon nodded in agreement with Lexa but again held his tongue as Nick requested … no, more like ordered him to do.

  Stunned by Lexa’s approach—counter to showing they cared—Nick’s jaw slackened. “Lexa, I understand you’re angry with him, but that isn’t helping and can wait. Ray, do what you can to look after Dan. EMS is on their way.”

  “Copy.” Ray noted more color drained from Dan’s face as the rookie’s eyes drifted shut. This is bad.

  The beast fettered inside Ray broke free, unchained his rage surged forth. The object of his unbridled fury, one man, the smelly asshole responsible for Dan’s predicament and Loki being injured in the blast … Uranus Smellie.

  Standing, Ray muted his comms as he stormed over and glared at the man he previo
usly showed mercy to, cuffing him so he was able to drink from the water bottle given to him, instead of keeping the man’s hands restrained behind his back. The anger-fueled monster in him demanded he rectify his error and seek revenge.

  A dark, menacing voice from Ray’s past snarled, “You better hope neither of my friends die. One was almost blown up by your fucking bomb. The other hurt chasing your stinking ass down and being trapped in here.” Cocking his head towards their sniper, but scowling at Uranus, Ray said, “He may never miss in a quick, painless, clean kill, but …”

  Biceps flexing, indicating the power a blow from him would deliver, Ray fisted one hand, wanting to ram it into the smarmy man’s stomach. His other hand twisted the jerk’s hoodie and yanked him forward. Ray’s enraged eyes bore into Uranus’ frightened ones. “My way is a quite a bit messier and a hell of a lot more painful. You don’t move an inch from this spot, or I’ll mete out double the pain they are experiencing.”

  Before doing something he would regret, Ray reined in his rage, released the idiot, and pushed the chair so forcefully it rolled across the room, banging into the far wall. I want to pound him to a pulp, but I’m not that guy anymore. I vanquished my beastly behaviors long ago.

  Ray took several calming breaths before pivoting and striding back to Dan. His expression returned to a placid lake, hiding his inner turmoil, as he knelt near his injured teammate. “Do you want a drink?”

  Dan lifted his lids, and his response came out in a soft whisper, “Someday you might have to tell me about your way.”

  His eyes rounding, Ray said, “You heard me?”

  Despite his lassitude, Dan managed a lopsided grin. “Why do you think Loki can never sneak up on me? Got hearing of a bat.”

  A lackluster smile came to Ray’s face, feigning cheerfulness. “I’ll keep that in mind if I ever wish to keep something secret and your bat ears are around. So how are you doing?”

  Dan shrugged as he comprehended his condition would progress from bad to worse. He was in real trouble, but no one could do anything about it, so he only said, “Been better.”


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