SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8)

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SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8) Page 23

by Laura Acton

  “What do they mean?” Lexa asked.

  “Dante is steadfast. Amedeo means to love or love of God. Baldovino comes from two words, brave and friend,” Loki replied.

  “Perfect name for you.” Ray patted his best buddy’s back. “You are a steadfast, lovable, and brave friend.”

  Dan set his cup down. Time to delve into the painful history. “Your ma thought your father brought Narciso into the business wanting to help his friend. It is a little more complicated. True Narciso worked menial jobs, but unknown to Leonardo, Narciso was already working for the Cignotti’s as a courier. After Leonardo left for Naples, Narciso hooked up with the crime family after he dated one of Giulio’s daughters.”

  Bram inquired, “Who is Giulio?”

  “Sorry, should’ve explained that first.” Dan provided them with details on the Cignotti family who ruled Palermo but left off the part about the expansion. He would address that afterward.

  “Anyway, unbeknownst to your mother, Narciso is the one who initiated contact with your dad, told him a sob story, and asked if Leonardo could help him move to Canada. He did that because he didn’t want to marry Zina Cignotti. Leonardo presumed Narciso’s story of wanting a better life to be true and sponsored his move. Things went along swimmingly for several years.

  “Narciso wormed his way into every aspect of Leonard’s firm to the point many assumed he was Leo’s equal partner. As they expanded internationally, seeking business in Italy, Leonardo sent Narciso as his representative to broker the agreement. You found the emails related to the last deal.”

  Loki nodded. “The one my pa wanted to stop.”

  “Yeah, that one. Seems Giulio Cignotti tasked Narciso with doing whatever necessary to change Leonardo’s mind. When it became clear Leo would not budge and planned to abandon the negotiations, Narciso decided to eliminate your father and take over the company.

  “With the help of the Cignottis, he staged the car accident. The man in the other car was Priamo Lazzari’s friend, Dino Maisto. Giulio killed him to gain leverage over the local detective. He threatened to kill Priamo’s family and friends one by one if he didn’t cover things up when requested.

  “Lazzari witnessed numerous murders, and he speculated Narciso drugged Leonardo with belladonna. An overdose can mimic drunkenness, which Loki’s dad displayed as he left the restaurant. Cignotti goons brought Lazzari to the location and made him watch his friend die. They duct taped Dino’s hands to the steering wheel, leaving him conscious to burn to death after the explosion.

  “The former detective disclosed a semi-conscious Leonardo glared at Narciso. As the explosives were placed, Leonardo yelled, ‘Deceitful bastard, you will never own my business. My new will ensures you’ll never get your filthy hands on Amedeo Systems. Only my sons will inherit my life’s work.’”

  Loki turned puzzled eyes on Dan as the shock of all the information overwhelmed him. “What?”

  “The company is Loki’s?” Ray breathed out in shock.

  “Did Leo have another son?” Jon’s curiosity piqued by the plural term.

  Lexa rose from her chair and moved to Loki as the color drained from his face. She uncapped bottled water and held it to his lips. “Take a sip.” When a shaky hand raised to grasp the bottle, she maintained hold and lifted it for him.

  Bram gazed at Loki, his heart breaking for the lovable techie. Having suspicions his father’s best friend murdered his dad was one thing. To have it verified quite another.

  Stunned by the news, at a rare loss for words, Nick only stared. Nothing he could say would ever right a wrong so egregious. The level of betrayal Leonardo must’ve felt that night … incomprehensible. Narciso stole Loki’s father from him. “Why?” he murmured, but it rang out in the silent room.

  Loki nodded as he peered at Dan. “Why? Why did he kill my father?”

  “One of the oldest reasons on earth … money. He wanted control of the business and all that went with it … wealth, power, prestige. According to my friend, Giulio has his hooks so deep into Amedeo Systems there isn’t a single honest aspect left. The firm is now a shell for laundering Cignotti’s dirty currency.” Dan hated telling Loki that, but he had to know.

  Jon prompted, “You said, sons.”

  “Yes, but Loki is the only son. It took some stealth work, but my contact discovered the updated will of Leonardo Amedeo Baldovino. He will deliver a copy to me soon. He didn’t want to chance sending it electronically or via mail.”

  “Where did he find the will?” Bram queried.

  “He didn’t tell me, but I believe him.” Shifting his eyes to Loki, he said, “I’ll ask if it is important to you.”

  Taking a steadying breath, Loki nodded. “What did my pa’s will say?”

  Dan tried to recall the words and summarized. “Leonardo’s original will left the running of his business to Narciso with the stipulation of providing for Donata and Gina. Based on the date of the newer will, Leonardo changed things after you were born. He wished to pass his corporation to a son.

  “The changes included several items. First, you were named outright as the sole heir to the company with the following stipulations. You had until your twenty-fifth birthday to decide if you wanted to accept. If you declined, the next male heir would be given the option, and it would pass down the line until one of his progeny assented.

  “In the event none of his natural heirs accepted, Leonardo put in a clause stating if Donata remarried and produced any male offspring, they would be offered control of Amedeo Systems under the same caveat. There was a notation where Leonardo explained his reasoning for the condition. He wanted each of his children to pursue a life of their choosing without the pressure of taking on the enterprise he built.”

  Lexa’s mind whirled. “What happens if no son assumes leadership?”

  “His will directed the sale of the corporation with the proceeds dispersed according to assigned allotments. I recall this part verbatim. ‘My beloved Donata is to receive fifty percent of all profits and the remaining funds split equally between all natural-born children of Donata, which includes any born from a future marriage.’”

  A soft whistle emitted from Ray. Narciso’s deceitfulness ran deep. His grip on Loki’s shoulder increased as his best friend began to shake. He was not certain if it stemmed from rage, shock, or both.

  Loki exploded from his chair as he shouted, “He killed my pa. He hurt Ma. He cheated Gina out of what should be hers.” He strode back and forth as so many emotions crashed down on him. His fists clenched. Wild, hurt eyes turned to the man he needed … his surrogate father.

  Nick stood and went to Loki when he stopped and stared at him. The pain and anger visible in Loki’s entire bearing. Nick wrapped his arms around Loki, embracing him firmly as he whispered, “Figlio mio, sono qui per te. Qualunque cosa ti serva.”

  As Loki sunk to his knees, the team averted their eyes, giving Loki a bit of privacy as he broke down in Boss’ arms. His sobs loud and heart-wrenching.

  Dan translated Boss’ words in his head. ‘My son, I am here for you. Whatever you need.’ Loki’s words began to sink in. Trust me … we have your back as much as you have ours. The actions of everyone on the team proved to him, time and again, they could be trusted. His eyes caught Lexa’s, and they shared a moment of comfort, each hurting for Loki’s pain.

  Unseen by human eyes, Leonardo wept as he too embraced his boy. His wings enclosing both Dante and Nick, seeking to stem their shared pain. For many years, Leonardo feared the day Dante learned the truth of his demise but thanked God that six exceptional people supported his son. The members of Alpha Team would fortify and guide Dante down a path of light when coping with Narciso’s deceit.

  Don’t Shoot the Messenger


  January 23

  TRF HQ – Briefing Room – 9:45 a.m.

  Loki pulled himself together, removing himself from Nick’s protection and the floor, to resume his seat. Red-rimmed eyes scanned his teammates, acceptin
g the heartfelt expressions sent his way. One of them, he had no clue who, slipped out at some point and procured him a hot chocolate filled with mini-marshmallows. If he ventured to guess, it would be either Lexa or Ray.

  He took a sip of the warm delight as the others waited for him to start the conversation again. He let the chocolate coat his taste buds and slip down his throat as he decided what he would ask first. As he reviewed all he learned, a sliver of a fact fell into place, and he almost choked on his drink.

  Drawing on his professionalism, Loki kept his emotions in check. “Narciso waited until I turned twenty-six before he divorced Ma. He must’ve known about the stipulations. He undoubtedly married her for the same reason. To maintain control of my father’s company if she had additional boys.”

  “Devious bastard!” Lexa growled.

  Ray agreed with Lexa but turned eyes on Dan. “So, technically Amedeo Systems should be sold and the proceeds distributed to Loki’s Ma, Gina, Sonia, and Loki?”

  “Yes, but the authenticity of the will would need to be proven in court. Doing so might be difficult. Loki would be required to furnish evidence Narciso was aware of the updates. All the details I provided are only hearsay. And there is no physical proof of the homicide,” Dan clarified.

  Bram clenched a fist under the table and kept an unruffled voice, though Narciso’s heinous crime sickened him. “But this Lazzari, the former detective, he could testify to what he viewed.”

  “He is unwilling to do so,” Dan stated.

  “Why?!” Ray exclaimed. “He witnessed his friend die a horrible death. Wouldn’t he want the man responsible put in jail?” Once the words left his mouth, Ray realized he didn’t need an explanation. He had been in the same boat and did the same thing. His guilt made his secret hard to bear.

  Dan exhaled slowly before answering. “He is scared. The Cignottis made Lazzari’s life miserable, intimidating him for decades. He never married or had children for fear of them killing those he loved. And he cut-off friendships with everyone, living an isolated life, regularly checking over his shoulder.

  “The only reason Lazzari provided testimony against some of the lower-level dons of the organization is that he was promised a new life in exchange for the information. He only did this after his last living relative passed away so the Cignotti could not retaliate against people he cared about. With his new identity, he developed friendships and is now enjoying life.

  “Testifying to what he saw would put all that and his very existence in jeopardy. My friend also indicates the trial process in Italy is quite different from ours. Obtaining extradition orders with no physical evidence to prove murder would be a massive hurdle.”

  Loki’s head bowed as he stared at his lap. “I don’t want to mess up his life. I also don’t want Ma to be hurt knowing she married the man who murdered the love of her life. I think she probably married Narciso because he manipulated her. I’m sure with the way he treated her he must’ve made Ma believe she couldn’t take care of Gina and me without his help.”

  He lifted his eyes to peer at Boss. “Ma’s always been a little naïve. Reared in the old country, a conservative and traditional male-dominated culture, Ma was sheltered and raised with the expectations to be a passive housewife, mother, and to defer to men. Narciso took advantage of her in that way.”

  Nick nodded, and he used a soft tone as he said, “Donata is a wonderful woman who didn’t deserve to be used by Narciso. I understand your desire not to hurt her further. How would you like to proceed?”

  Shaking his head, Loki pursed his lips. He swiveled his chair to stare out the window, his thoughts and emotions churning into a befuddled mess and web of sadness, unsure what to do and how to safeguard his mother and sisters.

  Dan observed Loki for a moment before saying, “There’s more to this.”

  “What?” Jon’s gunmetal gray eyes flashed at Dan, anger surging forth at the bringer of news which deeply hurt Loki.

  Bram caught the glare and needed to stop his friend before he said or did something he would regret. “Jon, don’t shoot the messenger.”

  Shifting his eyes to Jon, Dan glimpsed the banking fire directed at him. Dan’s gut reaction was to lift his shields. He had been in this position before, doing right and being attacked as a result. I turned in Brogan Snow for criminal acts, but I reaped the disdain of everyone in the Fourteenth, not Snow.

  Pushing his painful past to the back burner, Dan turned his eyes to Lexa, needing her support. “Loki needs to consider the reach of the Cignotti crime syndicate before making any decisions.”

  With warmth and concern, Lexa inquired, “What does he need to know?”

  Time to address another issue. Dan bit the bullet. “They don’t only operate in Italy. Four of Giulio’s sons transplanted themselves in other countries to expand their empire. Upon moving to the new locations, they changed their names to hide their connection to the Cignotti’s businesses, but they remain firmly under the control of Giulio. One son, Raffaello Cignotti, settled in Canada and changed his name to Ralph Bewick.”

  Lexa’s eyes rounded at the last name, and she swallowed a lump forming in her throat. Her voice came out a mere wisp of air, “Settimo Bewick.”

  Dan nodded. “Ralph is his father.”

  The color drained from Lexa’s face as the implications of Dan’s words hit her. Her pity date came back to haunt her. I should’ve gone to the party dateless. My desire to cover my relationship with Dan put him at risk.

  Jon surged to his feet and began to pace. His gaze moved between Dan and Lexa as his apprehension skyrocketed. Both might be a target for retaliation. Hell, we might all be targets after the events at the Christmas party and ballet.

  “Well, fuck!” Ray snapped out a rare cuss word, recalling how Lexa emasculated Settimo by pushing him into the pool. A man with ties like his might seek revenge.

  Loki’s body went rigid. His mind freezing on the fact Lexa and his family may well be targeted, and Narciso would have ready access to off them if he desired. The attack on him in the hospital took on new meaning. Maybe Narciso got wind of my discoveries and wanted to shut me up.

  Removing his cap, Nick briskly rubbed his face as he softly muttered, “Son of a bitch.”

  Dan remained stoic, concealing his emotions from view. No less affected and worried as the rest but needing to convey one last detail which would likely garner heat from his tactical lead. “Jon, your brother Jackson is the detective who led the investigation into Settimo’s securities fraud.”

  Abruptly halting, Jon glared at Dan again. He and Jack never discussed work in the rare times they got together. “How the hell do you know?”

  In monotone, reminiscent of the way he dealt with hostility from the team when he joined, Dan replied, “My contact is thorough. He left no stone unturned, wanting to provide us with the full picture of what is at stake if Loki decides to move forward with charges against Narciso.”

  Nick stood, taking command. This situation required a calm head, and as the team’s sergeant, the role fell to him, regardless of his sentiments. “Jon, take a seat. Dan is not the offending party and doesn’t deserve you barking at him.”

  Realizing he lashed out inappropriately, Jon sat. “Sorry, Dano. I was out of line. I’m not angry at you, just at the whole situation.”

  The sincere apology somewhat surprised Dan, and he gave Jon a slight nod accepting the expression of regret.

  “Who else have you shared this information with?” Nick asked Dan.

  “No one. I thought Loki had a right to be told first and he could decide what he wanted to do,” Dan said in a voice a little less closed off.

  Coming out of his rumination, Bram suggested, “I think Blaze’s unit should be informed. They are tasked with providing protection, and this new information might change who we believe attacked Loki. Settimo took an intense dislike to both Loki and Dan. His unprovoked comments to them were quite insulting. Plus, Dan knocked the man’s tooth out at the ballet. I’m s
ure with his family it wouldn’t be too hard for him to communicate his desire for revenge even from within prison.

  “They would surely have …” Bram trailed off as his face went ashen with an image of Allie in Dan’s arms while Settimo approached. He recalled Dan telling him Allie whispered she didn’t like Settimo while the man was in hearing range. Settimo was also right next to Leslie and Emilie as they talked to the dancer.

  “Bram?” Nick moved to the entry specialist, worry rising.

  All eyes turned to Bram as he managed to speak, “My girls … they were there. Settimo knows what they look like.” His volume dropped, “Would they stoop to attempting to kill a child … my Allie?”

  The team sat in stunned silence considering the monstrous possibility, until Ray broke the hush as he said, “Lexa pushed Settimo into the pool. She or any of the women who insulted Settimo could be targets also.” Ray shifted his gaze to Dan. “Even your ballerina friend Clara.”

  Dan’s gut twisted tight. He had not thought about Clara. He wondered if the Cignottis went after women and children. I need to call Dom. He will find out if he isn’t already aware.

  Turning to face his team, Loki declared, “I agree we tell Blaze. I trust him to keep this quiet and his unit must be made aware of potential threats. However, I need some time to think about this. I don’t want any of the tainted money from the company. Whatever my pa built died with him years ago.”

  “Al Capone.”

  Everyone’s eyes turned to Jon, and Lexa questioned, “What?”

  Jon explained, “Perhaps instead of convicting Narciso for the murder of Leonardo, to shield Mrs. Baldovino and Loki’s sisters from the truth, I contact my brother Jack in the Financial Crimes Division. I’m sure he would be interested in digging into Amedeo’s books. Narciso would be sent away for years for money laundering.”

  “But doesn’t that put us all at risk?” Bram’s uneasiness centered on the safety of his daughters and wife.

  Leaning forward, recognizing Bram’s anxiety, and feeling the same for Jen and his boys, Jon argued, “Yes, but Loki and his family deserve some form of justice. We’re cops. We take calculated risks. We can’t turn a blind eye to this. We can take precautions, but we took an oath to serve and protect. It doesn’t come with qualifiers, when we want or when it is safe.”


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