SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8)

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SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8) Page 24

by Laura Acton

  Jon leaned back and glanced at Dan. For the first time, he got the sense he genuinely understood what motivated Dan. The rookie lives and breathes the oath. It is part of his DNA.

  Considering Jon suggestion, Loki’s knee worked up and down so fast it sounded like an off-balance load on a high-speed spin cycle as his thigh struck the underneath of the table. The ensuing silence when he stopped actually startled Ray. Loki spent at least a minute staring at his teammates, going from Ray, Lexa, Dan, Bram, Jon, and ending on Boss.

  “I could live with Narciso going to jail for fraud or whatever white-collar crimes can be substantiated. If we shut down the business and wipe out his wealth, leaving him penniless, that would be even better. I would feel a little bad for the employees, but they’re in all probability Cignotti people anyway.

  “But I don’t want to pursue this without everyone’s consent. This could have ramifications for every one of you and your families.” Loki turned back to Jon. “You lost one brother in the line of duty. I don’t want Jackson mixed up in something which might get him killed.” His knee started bouncing again but at a much slower rate.

  Jon maintained Loki’s gaze. “I’m in without reservation. How about we let Jackson decide? I can call him, and we can brief him.”

  Laying his hand on Loki’s thigh to still the movement, Ray quietly said, “Count me in, my brother from a different mother.”

  From behind Loki, Lexa wrapped her arms around him and squeezed. “I’ll always have your back.” Releasing her hold, she moved next to him and caught his eye. “What are best friends for?”

  Certainty in his expression, Bram squared his massive shoulders. “We face this threat together, as a family. We are stronger together.”

  “Are you sure … the girls?” Loki’s concern for Bram’s daughters only slightly less than Bram’s.

  “Yes. Without a doubt I know you would be there for me if this were reversed. And if we take them down, we make the world a safer place for everyone.” Bram held firm.

  Nick grinned. “As I said, whatever you need, I’m here for you.”

  Loki turned to Dan when he remained quiet, and the rest of the team turned with him wondering what his response would be.

  Dan’s countenance was unreadable as he stood, stepped to where Loki’s hand lay on the table, and placed his on top. He spoke with conviction, “To serve and protect. Solidarity.”

  Loki quirked his head to the side, as a grin began to grow. He put his other hand over Dan’s. “Solidarity.”

  The remaining five members each mimicked the motion and word until all stood tightly around Loki. All seven stayed still and silent for several moments before drifting back to their spots.

  Dan pulled out his phone and said, “Perhaps we can arrange for Jackson, Blaze, and Winds to meet at the same time so we can review the details once instead of twice.”

  Jon fished his cell phone out of his pocket as he nodded. As both men placed calls to arrange a time Bram suggested to Lexa they run to Timmy’s to grab decent coffee for the entire team. Nick excused himself to inform Gambrill that Dan would need to reschedule the evaluations he had been tasked to do for TRF today, this took precedence.

  Edmonton, AB – Club Ed – Solitary Block – 10:45 a.m.

  Plouffe paced around a well-worn path in his spartan accommodations in the central area of the solitary confinement cell block. One he traveled almost every single day since being unjustly incarcerated in the military prison. His thoughts never strayed far from meting out his revenge on General William Broderick and his toy soldier, Daniel Broderick.

  One hour per day he was allotted to be out of his cramped cell. Sixty minutes to stretch his legs, view a bit of TV, not that anything half-way decent was ever on. Most of the guards liked to torment him by turning the channel to a child’s program with an annoying singing dinosaur. The insipid tune cycled on a loop in his mind during sleep.

  This might be considered cruel and unusual punishment. And for what, trying to rid the world of an inept, self-righteous general who should’ve never attained the position. The role of Special Forces General should belong to me, would have if Broderick had not ruined my plans and let Colonel Grasett ride with him and Lieutenant Colonel Elkin. Grasett was not supposed to die, only Elkin and Broderick.

  A malicious grin came over Plouffe’s face. I will have vengeance on both Brodericks. Father and son are cut from the same damned cloth, neither easy to exterminate. However, those around them are vulnerable and easy targets. Although Pletcher screwed up and failed to slay Becca and Yvonne this past summer, my new puppet will produce better results. Tapia has an incentive. The Brodericks ruined his career as they did to so many decent men.

  Chuckling, Plouffe conceded, in truth, Tapia’s dishonorable discharge was orchestrated by him. Some people are so easily manipulated. Tapia is an idiot, but a useful one. A few well-chosen words, telling Tapia that General Broderick would fix it so that his son got off scot-free for killing Hunter is all it took to set the ball rolling. Tapia tasering Dan was icing on the cake.

  Plouffe halted his movement when the main door to the area opened. He scowled when the two guards he loathed entered carrying a set of restraints and tasers. How he hated being shackled like an animal.

  Corporal Jose Montoya grinned as he approached the piece of shit with leg and hand restraints. “Your legal representative is here. Assume the position. Navarro will taser your ass if you try anything this time.”

  Juan Navarro held the electrical shock device at the ready. “I do hope he tries something. He deserves it after attacking Nicholls.”

  Putting his arms out to the sides with palms down and moving his feet close together, Plouffe submitted to being chained like a dog. First, the leather belt was fastened around his waist. Next, the damned guard clamped the ankle cuffs on and ran the length of chain to the connectors on the belt. Lastly, his hands were cuffed in front of him and secured to connectors at his midsection.

  “Move,” Montoya instructed Plouffe when he finished. He turned to his friend. “Sorry, Juan. No joy today. He behaved like a meek mouse.”

  Juan laughed. “We can always hope for next time.”

  Hiding his smirk from these idiots, Plouffe moved as directed. He only assaulted Nicholls to ensure no one suspected the weakling was his lackey. He had to make it appear real, so he released all his pent-up anger on Nicholls last night and beat the shit out of him.

  Club Ed – Interview Room – 11:00 a.m.

  Plouffe shuffled in, his feet unable to take more than a half-stride in his shackles. He moved to the chair and sat, remaining docile so the guard would not lock his hands to the table, something his lawyer asked them to dispense with months ago. He studied Lieutenant Ruellan. This man did not bail like the previous four lawyers.

  He initially told Ruellan a long tale of how General Broderick framed him, but Ruellan had not believed him. When he completed his story the attorney said, insanity sounds like your only logical defense and then laid out the evidence against him. Ever since, he bided his time, plotting for an opportunity to escape as well as to make the Brodericks pay.

  Lazarus Ruellan waited until the guards left the room before he addressed his client. “I came today to inform you the trial date has been moved forward an entire month. It will begin in two days.”

  “Why?” Plouffe barked.

  Startled, Lazarus jerked back. “I’m not exactly sure. But we are as prepared as we can be. Although, I did receive the final list of witnesses and there is an addition. Can you tell me what Jorge Pletcher might testify about?”

  “Pletcher!” Plouffe roared as he stood sending his chair flying behind him as he knocked into the metal table.

  Lazarus grabbed his carbon fiber cane before it fell to the floor, gripping it to use as a weapon if need be, given the fury exuded by Plouffe. “You are acquainted with the man?”

  Slamming his fists on the tabletop, Plouffe’s rage built to the point he saw red. His eyes narrowed on
Ruellan. If Pletcher had been caught and would be testifying against him, he needed to escape. With a roar, he pushed the table towards his disabled lawyer. His movement too fast for Ruellan to react, the table’s edge rammed into the lawyer’s chest, sending the man into the wall.

  Ruellan’s head struck the concrete. As he fell off the chair, he yelled, “Guards!” and swung his cane, whacking Plouffe’s temple hard enough to break the skin and cause the major to cry out in pain.

  Montoya and Navarro raced in upon hearing the commotion and call for help. As Plouffe moved towards the attorney, both men fired their electronic control device, electrodes embedding into Plouffe’s chest and sending voltage through their prisoner’s nervous system. Plouffe’s body spasmed as he crumpled to the ground.

  Using his cane, Lazarus managed to stand. He blew out a breath as one of the guards communicated the situation via their comms to their supervisor. Hobbling to the far wall, he leaned against it as his pulse normalized.

  Once he notified the sergeant, Montoya turned to Ruellan. “Are you alright, sir? Should I call a medic for you as well?”

  “No. I’m fine. Just need a moment to catch my breath.”

  Navarro removed the electrodes from their now contained prisoner, and as he stood he asked, “What happened?”

  Lazarus shook his head, still bewildered. “Guess he didn’t like the messages I delivered. Thank you for your assistance. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to speak with his psychologist again.” Ruellan limped out.

  My client is deranged. The insanity plea is his only defense. I can’t wait until this trial is over. Defending a guilty man goes against my grain, but I must do my job to the utmost of my ability.

  Drool running out of his mouth, Plouffe glared at his captors as he came to his senses and was lifted on a gurney. He was strapped down so securely he could scarcely move an inch. His mind whirled. What is Pletcher going to testify about? Pletcher is the only who can implicate me in treasonous acts.

  Equal but Opposite Reactions


  January 23

  TRF HQ – Briefing Room – 3:30 p.m.

  Jackson Hardy stared at his brother as if he had three heads. His always stay safe older brother handed him a once in a lifetime, career-making, and highly dangerous case against an international crime syndicate. Jon actually wanted him to tackle this and had faith in him to handle the investigation. Flummoxed summed up how he felt at the moment.

  “So, you interested? Or should we contact your captain and find someone else to run with this case?” Jon said as Jack remained silent.

  “Hell yes, I want this. I’m only trying to figure out why you asked me.”

  Jon sighed. His relationship with Jackson had not been what it should’ve been ever since Joseph’s death. They butted heads so often in the first year after Joe died they had, for the most part, avoided each other for the last four years. Along with fixing relationships with his wife and sons, he needed to mend fences with Jack too.

  His younger brother continued to gape at him, and Jon recognized he must say something, so went with the truth. “This is your area of expertise, Jack. I want the best man on this. Loki doesn’t want to pursue the murder allegations, so we need the other crimes to stick and Narciso to spend most, if not the rest of his life behind bars.”

  Dan’s phone began buzzing, and when he noted it was his father, he excused himself and moved off to the far corner before answering. “Hello, sir. How are you and Mom?”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t call sooner. We are both alright. I have been buried in work since returning, and your mother still believes you are unaware of the attack. She didn’t want to worry you, and neither did I. From Blaze’s reports I understand you had some excitement yourself.”

  “Yes, sir. Though, I’m not certain if any of this is tied to Plouffe. There are several possibilities.” Dan went on to give his dad a summary.

  William tilted his office chair back. “What a tangled web.”

  “Yeah. Any progress on how Plouffe communicated to Tapia?”

  “No. Though, that is one reason I called. I was successful in getting the trial pulled in. They swapped the order, and Plouffe’s begins on the twenty-fifth. I also arranged for you to be the first to testify. I know you want this off your back as soon as possible. And since you are currently on light-duty, the timing will impact your team less. You will travel with Blaze and his unit on the evening of the twenty-fourth.”

  Dan raked a hand through his hair. Not looking forward to testifying but understanding the necessity, he sighed. “I’ll inform Gambrill.”

  “You are welcome to stay at home while in Ottawa,” William offered.

  “Thanks, but Blaze already offered and I accepted.”

  “Perhaps come for dinner at least. Your mother would like you to visit.” As an afterthought, William quickly added, “So would I.”

  “Dinner would be agreeable. Just not on the day I take the stand.” He would need time to put everything back into his box and didn’t want to be around his mom until he contained all the horrible memories.

  Understanding why without the need of an explanation, William said, “Okay. We’ll play it by ear. Take care, Son.”

  “You too, Dad.” Dan hung up and resumed his seat next to Blaze. Quietly so as not to interrupt the discussion going on between the others, Dan said, “Blaze, I assume you’ll be notified soon, but the general called to tell me we will be going to Ottawa tomorrow night. Legal proceedings for Plouffe starts the day after.”

  Blaze nodded as a text came in from Colonel Sutton with the same details. “Can’t happen fast enough for me. I want him to be put on ice for the remainder of his miserable life. Wish we still used capital punishment for treason. I would volunteer to be part of the firing squad.”

  Dan suppressed a grin at the protectiveness of Blaze. “Yeah, well, you’ll have to be satisfied with life in prison for him … and so will I.” He tuned back into the conversation in time to catch Loki’s comment.

  “I’m going to tell my ma and sisters he is being investigated. I don’t want them surprised when this comes out in the news.”

  “Is that wise?” Jackson questioned. “They might tip him off. He is Sonia’s father after all.”

  Incensed, Loki bit out. “They won’t say a damned thing. If you only knew how he treated them you wouldn’t have made such an asinine comment.”

  “Chill, Loki. He doesn’t know them. Calm down.” Ray put a hand on Loki’s shoulder.

  “No offense.” Jackson’s light blue eyes turned to his brother. “I’ll get started right away. These investigations take time. If I go too fast, things will disappear. I’ll be in touch when we are ready to execute warrants.”

  Jon nodded. “Alpha Team will be the one to serve the papers.”

  Arching his brow, and his hackles going up, his initial response spurred by thinking Jon wanted to swoop in and take over, Jackson paused. He reassessed and realized what drove Jonathan’s statement. Joseph died because he failed to wait for TRF in a dangerous situation. And although this was a white-collar crime, it did involve an international crime family known for murder.

  “Fine.” Jack stood. “If any other information comes your way, pass it on.”

  Jon rose and put out his hand to his brother. “Thanks.”

  Jack took hold, shook, but then pulled his older brother into a quick hug. He needed to mend fences as much or more than Jon did. He stepped back and said, “We should go for a round of golf soon.”

  “Sure. Call me, and we can arrange a time.”

  Nick shared a glance with Bram. Both grinned, happy to witness the beginning of a long overdue reconciliation between the brothers.

  After the detective left, Dan said, “Boss, I’ll be leaving for Ottawa tomorrow night. Plouffe’s court-martial has been moved up a month.”

  “Thanks for the heads up. We knew this was coming. Do you want to talk with Gambrill or have me notify him?”

inform him.”

  Taking a moment to view his team, Nick said, “Find something to do for the remainder of shift. Lexa, I need to speak with you.”

  The team dispersed. Dan told Jon he would stop by Gambrill’s office then meet him, Blaze, and Winds at the gun range. Ray followed Loki to his tech room. Bram found a quiet corner to call Kellie and check on Allie. Lexa stayed in her seat, wondering what Boss wanted.

  Nick stood, moved closer to Lexa, and sat on the table’s edge. “I’ve had my annual chat with everyone except you. So, you know how this goes. I reviewed your psych eval, no worries there. Same with physical qualifications and range results. All stellar.

  “The thing I wanted to discuss is the transformation of your role on the team. Since Dan joined, you have spent less time as our sniper and more as my second. How do you feel about the change?”

  Lexa grinned. She hated annual reviews but understood the need. At least she could allay Boss’ concern. She never thought she would ever say this, and truthfully only a year ago she believed differently, but she confessed, “At first, I’ll admit Dan joining and taking over as sniper miffed me. Don’t get me wrong, I still want to stay sharp on my sniper skills, but I like where I am at now. I believe I can make a real difference in my current role.”

  A smile spread across Nick’s face. “I’m happy you are comfortable in the position. I must select one member of TRF to attend an advanced negotiation and profiling workshop. I want you to go. It is a week-long course in Montreal.”

  “When?” Lexa couldn’t hide her surprise.

  “The first week of March. The department will be picking up the tab. Gambrill wants your honest opinion of the course afterward. If the funding comes through, he wants to send one person from each team, and then have us develop an in-house version to train the rest of our members.”


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