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SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8)

Page 50

by Laura Acton

  Jon raised a finger indicating to her to halt a moment. “Boss, you hear that?”

  Crisis Maternity Shelter – Rooftop – 10:28 a.m.

  “Yes.” Nick calmly said, “Jess, we want to help. Would you move back a little, so you two are safer?”

  Jess shook her head. “You’re lying, like them. You only want my baby. You can’t have Hogan.”

  “No one will come close. Please step back. I’m staying right here. Please.”

  Sobbing, Jess stepped closer to the edge. “I can’t live without him. Hogan needs me. I’m his mother. Go away.”

  Command Truck – 10:28 a.m.

  Antsy, Dan stood waiting for Loki to do his thing, hoping Loki could unlock the tablet and find something useful.

  Loki turned on the computer and tried Hogan as a password which didn’t work. “What else did you find in her stuff?”

  Raking his hand through his hair, Dan listed the items. “A stuffed zebra, a book of baby names, a picture of a guy who might be her boyfriend … he was in an Army uniform. Clothes. Not much else.”

  Loki tried zebra to log on, no go. “Any names circled in the book?”

  “Not that I recall. Want me to go check?”

  “No. Boss, we need the boyfriend’s name.”

  Jon answered, “Frank Zebric according to Jess’ friend Pearl.”

  Loki typed in Zebric and grinned when he gained access. His fingers flew connecting to the internet, and a puzzled expression crossed his face.

  “What did you find?” Dan moved forward to peer over Loki’s shoulder.

  “Strange font. The letters are styled differently. Heavy bottoms, inclined letters, wider spacing, various height.”

  Dan gazed at the screen recalling a conversation with Becca while he visited home at Christmas. “I know what that is. Boss, Jess might be dyslexic. My sister Becca showed me this. The font opened up the world of books for one of her friends. If she has dyslexia then…”

  Crisis Maternity Shelter – Rooftop – 10:28 a.m.

  Lexa finished Dan’s sentence, “Jess may not have comprehended what she signed. A girlfriend of mine from high school is dyslexic. She struggled to read fluently and spell words correctly. JD thought she was stupid because she couldn’t read, write, or spell at grade level, but she was highly intelligent, articulate, and a creative thinker … far from stupid.”

  Nick absorbed the information. He took a tiny step toward Jess as his mind put together a possible deceitful ploy. “Jess, did you read the documents you signed to give up your baby?”

  Her eyes streaming tears, Jess shook her head. “I couldn’t. I have dyslexia and letters bounce around. I asked Mrs. Feversham what they were. She said it was so Hogan could be taken care of properly and implied he needed to be examined by doctors. I didn’t know. She tricked me.”

  “How did you find out?” Nick queried.

  “Frank gave me a tablet with a special font. He started teaching me to read better before he deployed. I got an email of the papers and tried reading them after Mrs. Feversham took Hogan from me and told me I gave him up. They can’t take my baby from me. I would rather we both die than live without him.”

  “Jess, your friend Pearl is concerned for you. She said you and Frank are planning to be married. Can you step back for Frank and Hogan? If you can, we will investigate what occurred here. You can hold Hogan while we do.” Nick held out his hand, his expression one of concern.

  “You believe me?” Jess haltingly said.

  “I believe we need to figure out what is going on. And if you were lied to, no one will take your child.”

  Outside Crisis Maternity Shelter – 10:35 a.m.

  Dan stepped out of the truck and spotted Feversham standing with a group staring up at the roof. He strode over, anger building as memories of the Tabor-Kettle boys and how Ms. Crudele callously tried to separate the brothers came to mind. Plotting to take a child away seemed to him the cruelest act, but he remained professional since there was no proof at the moment.

  Stopping near her, Dan said, “Mrs. Feversham may I speak with you a moment? Only a few questions about the adoption process.”

  As he led her away from the others, closer to the trucks, a couple rushed up to them. Mascara ran down the woman’s cheeks as she dabbed at teary eyes with a soaked tissue. The man’s words came out harsh, “Alison, you said she wouldn’t change her mind. She wanted nothing to do with the baby, to move on with her life, and forget about being raped. We put our trust in you. My wife is devastated.”

  Alison’s eyes flicked between the officer and Mr. Drayton then stayed on the adoptive parents. “Who called you?”

  In Dan’s ear, Jon said, “Jess wasn’t raped. Detain Feversham.”

  “Mrs. Bettesthorne. Why?”

  Alison turned and ran, her low heels clicking on the pavement. She didn’t go far before Dan seized her arm, halting her. As Alison hyperventilated, she began to wobble. Dan instructed, “Slow your breaths. Inhale. Hold. Exhale. Slow and easy.” The woman didn’t comply, and Dan caught Alison as she fainted. “Loki, need EMS out here.”

  TRF HQ – Briefing Room – 3:20 p.m.

  “Excellent work today.” Nick closed the transcript and gazed at his team.

  Ray leaned back, his face calm but still showing disbelief. “I can’t believe Feversham deceived so many teen mothers into giving up their rights.”

  Loki’s knee bounced slowly. “She not only betrayed the mothers but the adoptive parents by lying to them about the kids they adopted. I hope she receives the maximum prison sentence for destroying families.”

  “One bright spot, Jess exposed a web of deceit. A desperate young mother, who fought against formidable odds. I’m only sorry Jess felt so trapped she ended up on the roof.” Lexa smiled, glad they helped save a family today.

  Turning to Dan, Jon asked, “What did your father have to say? Is there anything the Army can do at this point?”

  Though he had not wanted to call his dad, Dan did. They avoided the topic of contention and addressed the specific issue. “He will contact Frank’s CO to arrange a week-long hardship leave, and the family readiness group will assist with locating an apartment until base housing is available.”

  Bram nodded. “Good. Today I learned something new which I think might help Emilie. She is not progressing in reading as Leslie did. I’m going to talk to Kellie about testing Emilie for dyslexia. If she has it, I’m buying an e-reader and installing that special font. I don’t want Emilie missing out on a love of reading if we can do something to help.”

  TRF HQ – Men’s Locker Room – 7:15 p.m.

  Bram noticed Dan becoming quieter as the afternoon wore on and was not certain why. Perhaps it was because none of them asked him about his plans for his birthday. They messed up last year, and this year they planned, well, Loki actually organized a blowout party to make up for their previous oversight.

  The only thing Bram disagreed with was Loki’s desire to keep everything under wraps to surprise Dan. Though it went against Bram’s grain not to mention Dan’s birthday, he went along with Loki’s suggestion because the techie worked so hard on arranging things. But he couldn’t resist saying, “The offer for dinner still stands if you want to come over.”

  Dan finished zipping up his jacket. So far, he managed to brush off Bram’s offer without lying. “Thanks, but I’m having drinks with a couple of buddies.”

  “Oh, who?” slipped out before Bram stopped himself.

  “Jim and Jack.” Dan deflected as he thought about the bottles of Jack Daniels and Jim Beam waiting for him at home. “Catch ya in a few days.”

  After Dan left, Jon shut his locker, recalling old days of going out with buddies for birthdays and drinking too much. “Well, at least we don’t work tomorrow if he and his buddies overindulge.”

  Lexa’s Home – 9:30 p.m.

  After handing Ray and Loki each a second beer, Lexa sat on her couch next to Loki and curled her chilled feet under her. She smiled as she
picked up her partially eaten carton of chicken chow mien.

  Using chopsticks, Loki snagged another piece of Ray’s orange chicken. “So, are all plans in place for tomorrow?”

  As Ray groused when Loki popped the chicken into his mouth, Lexa chuckled. “Almost. Kellie is baking the cake. Jen made the salad and placed the order at Dan’s favorite pizza place. Boss confirmed we have the Pond’s backroom at four to begin setting up. The only thing left is to figure out how to get Dan there, but I promise to have him there by five.”

  “What about inviting Dan’s Army buddies and his parents?” Ray asked.

  Lexa shared, “Bram spoke with General Broderick. Unfortunately, neither of them can be here. Mrs. Broderick is hosting a charity event, and the general is required to be in Edmonton for Corporal Merrill’s court martial which starts tomorrow. With the three-hour time difference and flight time, he wouldn’t be able to make it in time. Jim, Blaze, and Winds will be here, but not Mason.”

  “I’m beginning to think this Mason guy is a ghost,” Loki cracked open his fortune cookie and read, everything happens for a reason.

  “Not a ghost, an in-demand soldier. Though, I would eventually like to meet him. From the few things Dan shared about him, he seems like another Bram. Oh, I also got a call from Scott. He, Lily, and Jeff will be here. The other cousins are on duty and can’t arrange to come.”

  Passing his cookie over to Loki, his friend enjoyed the treat, and he didn’t care for them, Ray inquired, “So, you find the stuff you needed?”

  “Yeah,” Loki said rubbing his hands together eagerly. “It’s gonna be great fun. But I’m glad I have a whole year to plan Dan’s next one. The big three O should be a blowout birthday.”

  Lexa and Ray laughed at Loki as he almost bounced out of his seat with excitement. Their phones all began buzzing, and they reached for them. Part of being with TRF meant they could be called up at any time even if they had just finished a shift. All three shared a groan as they read the text message.

  Wearing a deep frown, Loki stared at his phone. “Well, this stinks! All my plans for Dan’s party are going down the tubes now.”

  Ray patted Loki’s shoulder. “Nah, we only need to make a few changes. I’ll call the Pond and move the time to seven thirty.”

  Nodding, Lexa said, “I’ll start with Scott, Blaze, and Jim. Loki, you call Jen and Kellie.”

  The three put down their beers and spent the next hour contacting people they invited to the surprise party to inform them of the change in time.

  Dan’s Apartment – 11:00 p.m.

  Dressed in sweats and a t-shirt, Dan raised his glass of Jack Daniels in the air in silent salute, downed it in one gulp, and slammed the glass on the counter. He grabbed the bottle of JD, preferring the Tennessee whiskey over the Jim Beam Kentucky bourbon Winds left as a thank you gift for letting them stay here for Jim’s wedding, and staggered toward his black swivel chair.

  As he sat, Dan missed the chair entirely and ended up on his ass on the carpet. When he arrived home at seven forty, he started drinking heavily from both bottles because he didn’t want to technically lie to Bram … he drank with Jim and Jack.

  By the time he received the text at nine thirty informing him Alpha Team would be covering for Bravo tomorrow because four of the seven members called out sick, Dan’s thinking was too muddled with the alcohol in his system to stop his consumption. Though, a tiny rational part of his brain made him slow down. Regardless, he would be hungover when he showed up for workout, but at the moment he didn’t give a damn.

  Three sheets to the wind, emotions Dan kept tightly restrained for three hundred and sixty-four days each year had already been unleashed, and he wallowed in a private hellish party. Ever since he stole Bella’s bourbon on his seventeenth birthday, he only allowed himself one single day, February eighth, to seek relief from unrelenting guilt from failing to protect Sara.

  Bringing the open bottle to his lips, he tipped it back and chugged. Not something you should do with JD. He ended up coughing as the burning subsided. Setting the bottle down, he tried to climb into his chair but could not manage it. The damned thing kept turning away from him. Giving up trying, he grabbed his bottle and crawled unceremoniously to the corner of the room.

  Praying for strength, Brody followed Danny. His desire for Lexa to be with Dan tonight to prevent the excessive drinking didn’t pan out. He almost wished the others were not planning a surprise party for Danny because his brother needed someone tonight … someone with form and substance who could take the whiskey from his hands before Danny killed himself with alcohol poisoning.

  As Danny lifted the liquor bottle again, Brody cried out, “Lord, help me!” as he swatted at the glass vessel wishing he could fling the thing across the room and smash it to pieces. Surprise lit his green eyes as the JD bottle flew through the air, hit the wall, and shattered. A smile grew. “Thank you, Lord.”

  Dan stared at the shards of glass and wet wall. His tanked-up mind didn’t recall tossing it … he had been about to drink more. He didn’t think long on it as the crying began … usually took half a bottle before he could let loose the tears. Once they started, they ripped through him.

  Brody pulled Danny to him and whispered, “Remember everything happens for a reason. The pain you experienced as a child prepared you for the life of a protector. You know deep in your soul you are not responsible for Sara’s death. It was the demon angel Samael’s first attempt to draw you to the darkness. He made you believe your parents hated you, but you fought him and clung to the light.

  “It is time for you to release the guilt you carry for her death and begin celebrating your life. You now know your family never abandoned you. They love you, and so does Sara. She would tell you herself, but when you are like this, we shield her from witnessing your pain because it makes her unhappy.”

  Brody glanced up to find Hamon appeared wearing a sorrowful expression. “What’s wrong?”

  Hamon knelt next to Daniel, placing a hand on the head of his descendant with his warrior queen. He sighed and a golden light emitted from his palm. “Daniel is not ready to pardon himself. Though progress was made this summer when he learned William and Yvonne do not blame him and love him.”

  As the glow diminished, Hamon turned his gaze to the broken bottle then to Brody. “Not many can do what you did. You grow stronger each day. The Lord chose well in making you Daniel’s guardian.”

  Brody beamed at the compliment. “Surprises me whenever I can interact with the mortal world. What did you do to Danny just now?”

  Hamon smiled. “Only a little help to lessen the effects of the alcohol. Demons drive him to drink too much, trying to draw him to the dark. Only right I do what I can to counteract their influence … at least enough to keep him safe.”

  “Will I be able to do that?” Brody questioned with hopeful eyes.

  Rising, Hamon peered at Brody, marveling at his lady of light progeny. “In time, but I hope by the time you are capable, Daniel won’t require the assistance. I must go now. You should too. Daniel will need you at full strength tomorrow.”

  After Hamon faded, Brody took a moment to gaze at Danny. He ran a hand through Danny’s hair. “You are loved by so many. Please heal, brother. Our deaths are not your fault.” He faded to recharge as Danny’s sobs quieted.

  Dan pulled out his picture of Sara and him from their seventh and ninth birthday. Slurred words spilled forth, though they came out with a slight change from previous years. After the events months ago, a subtle shift occurred, but after harboring the same thoughts for so long, he still had not wholly modified his view. “Sara, I’m so sorry. I wish I could’ve protected you. In spite of everything, I still wish I had been the one killed, not you.”

  His sluggish mind mulled over the difference. He would always be sorry, but this year he said could’ve not should’ve. Though he accepted his mom and dad did not hold him accountable for his little sister’s death, it was a slow process to let go of the belief
he was responsible, and if he had only seen the vehicle he could’ve reacted in time and Sara would be alive.

  He slurred out barely above a whisper. “Sara, I miss you so much. It’s been twenty years, and this emptiness and pain never leaves me. Tomorrow I will be twenty-nine, and you would’ve been twenty-seven. I wish you were here.”

  Pushing up to his feet, using the walls for support, Dan swayed as he stared at the mess, still wondering how the whiskey bottle got over there. His steps unsure, he staggered to his kitchen and gripped the bourbon bottle. He started to lift it to his lips, but something compelled him to dump the entire contents down the drain.

  Ripsaw grinned as Blondie did as he whispered, getting rid of the Jim Beam. He should be recharging now since Jim was sleeping, but he wanted to check in on Blondie and was glad he had. “Thank you for listening to me. Now get your ass … butt to bed, Kid. You must be up in five hours for work, and you require sleep. Don’t forget to set your alarm too.”

  Dan dropped the empty bottle into the trash and tottered to his bedroom, stopping to turn on his alarm before flopping on his mattress and succumbing to an alcohol induced sleep. No nightmares ever invaded this sleep. It would be as if he was dead to the world, which tomorrow he would wish he was.

  Hungover, Harangued, and Hamstringed


  February 9

  Dan’s Apartment – 4:40 a.m.

  Beep, beep, beep thundered in Dan’s head for the third time, and his hand of its own volition whacked the offending device calling him back from blessed oblivion and putting his head squarely in a vise, ratcheting it down until his brains wanted to seep out his ears. His tongue and teeth felt like something fuzzy crawled in and took up residence. Cracking open an eye took as much effort as lifting an elephant, and the result caused his putrid stomach to heave as if trapped on the damned Minnow in the Caspian Sea.

  Somewhere in what was left of his pickled brain cells, Dan grasped it was important to check the time. After rubbing the crusted bits of a tear-infused discharge from his eye, he squinted at the red numbers. Reality hit him like a white-hot poker, shooting him up out of bed. “Shit! I’m gonna be late.” Thundering renewed with motion and his own voice.


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