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SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8)

Page 52

by Laura Acton

  “I don’t believe for one second he drank in excess to celebrate his birthday and you shouldn’t either. He is too disciplined to make that kind of mistake. I expect more from you as a team leader. Draw on your negotiation training to see past what is presented to you. Hell, even your strategic mind can come up with reasons why he might claim one thing to divert from another.”

  Nick blew out a breath as he waited for Jon’s anger to diminish to the point he would begin to accept they were dealing with something else.

  Taking a step back and lowering his arms, Jon let his mind replay the morning. Dan barely made it in on time. Uncharacteristic, the man was always early. He closed himself off from conversation listening to music. Dan used music to cope with emotions … he learned that from Dan’s unit. His workout was high intensity … as if he tried to sweat out the residual alcohol. A tactic he used himself when recalled for an unexpected shift after one too many beers the night before.

  “Alright. I concede there may be mitigating circumstances, but this can never occur again. We either resolve whatever the issue is or he is written up and suspended the next time. There are seven people on this team who I must ensure go home safe after each shift.”

  “Agreed.” Nick grinned, satisfied because Jon included Dan in his count of members, and waited for him to ask, a technique used to engage Jon’s mind.

  After a moment of silence, Jon said, “What do you think this is about?”

  “I’m not certain. There are many variables.”

  “Yeaaah,” Jon breathed out long as he shook his head.

  Nick shared some of his thoughts. “Never met anyone so mired in secrets. His childhood is a mess. He could be dealing with any number of issues related to the misconceptions he held for years. Remember, he only learned the truth about events surrounding Sara’s death seven months ago. Nineteen years of memories to sort through and reprocess is a lot for anyone to deal with, even someone like Dan who possesses exceptional coping skills.

  “And I noted yesterday, Dan appeared hesitant to contact his father and their conversation was brief and to the point. Might be some tension there. Not my place to judge, but neither of his parents are coming to his party. His mother chose to attend a charity event over coming here. The general not coming I understand, his hands are tied with Merrill’s court martial starting today.”

  Jon nodded. “Then there is Plouffe’s death. Could be a delayed reaction. Perhaps he was drowning guilt for having another birthday and his best friend Brody isn’t. Or maybe one of those Victoria Crosses he received happened on or near this day. The cornfield comes to mind … if it is the anniversary of witnessing five men hacked to death.”

  Nick’s brows arched. “You might have a point there. Plus, Dan and we have had a rough beginning to this year with the whole Kolff call, the assault on Loki in the hospital, Allie being hit by a car, all the goings-on connected to Loki’s stepfather—”

  Jon stepped in and added, “Gould trashing Dan’s truck. The attack on Mrs. Broderick. And lest we forget all the crap before Christmas.” He blew out a heavy breath. “Damn, that is a lot for one person to handle. I’m surprised he hasn’t come apart at the seams.”

  Putting his hand on Jon’s shoulder, Nick let out a sad chuckle. “Now you understand. Whatever caused Dan to behave out of the norm, I believe there is a valid reason. Keeping an eye on him will be important. Also, remember he copes better when he is kept busy. Idle time for him is dangerous.”

  Jon pinched the bridge of his nose as all that rolled around for a moment, agreeing Dan would require monitoring and to stay active. He noted the pre-dawn lightening of the sky and glanced at his wristwatch, noting it was now after seven. He needed to shower and suit up for the day. Reluctantly, Jon shifted gears as they began the trek inside. “About this warrant?”

  Not His Dyeing Wish


  February 9

  TRF HQ – Briefing Room – 7:25 a.m.

  Listening, Loki scarcely controlled his mirth every time Boss said the names of their subject and vice detectives. A little juvenile, but in the company of his team, Loki could be himself. And as such, Mr. Richard Badcock, who went by the diminutive first name Dick, being investigated by Detectives Harry Nutts and Ben Dover struck his funny bone and were snicker-worthy.

  “Dover and Nutts have been building a case for suspected human trafficking against Dick Badcock for six months,” Nick said the men’s names without a hint of laughter. Though, the grin on his face and twinkle in his eyes indicated he found them as humorous as Loki and the rest of the team even in light of the seriousness of Badcock’s suspected crimes.

  “Their undercover operation has amassed evidence which indicates he uses textile shipping containers to move human cargo. The detectives believe there is a shipment in play, which is why they called on us to serve the warrant. They need Badcock taken alive to interrogate him about the location of the shipping container.” Nick handed the session over to Jon to plan their tactics.

  Jon reviewed the details provided by Nutts regarding the layout of the textile plant’s interior then engaged the team, focusing on Dan, to define a strategy. After a discussion, they agreed on a plan. He wrapped up with a few closing statements, “Remember Mr. Badcock may be armed with a knife and small caliber gun. According to Nutts, Badcock is likely to run, and we need Dick alive, so keep your eyes open.”

  Heading out to the SUVs, Lexa whispered to Dan, “You alright?”

  Dan nodded, not wanting to discuss his verbal reprimand. A shower, coffee, and dose of analgesic managed to rid him of most of the lingering effects of last night’s alcohol binge, and now he desired to focus on work.

  Outside Shadeforce Textiles – 9:00 a.m.

  Alpha Team went in six directions upon arrival. Shadeforce’s manufacturing complex consisted of two brick structures built in the early 1920s. The first one contained weaving machines, storage, and a shipping dock, while a second building used one-quarter of the space for two floors of administrative offices and a reception area.

  Dover and Nutts worked their investigation undercover and indicated the executive office is where Badcock would likely be found since Dick would not be expecting them. Per their strategy, Jon and Nick would enter the office area, ask to speak with Badcock, and serve the warrant while the rest of them covered all exits in case he bolted.

  The remaining three-quarters of the structure was a vast, two-story, open area with vats for dyeing fabric. Overhead, a crane system moved the materials in and out of ten-foot deep, round, steel die tanks. Each container had two sets of stairs and a small platform on either side for workers to view and check the contents. Besides the front entrance, this building had four ground-level egress points, three standard sized doors, and one dock entrance.

  A unique and odd feature of the textile plant was an external, covered bridge between the weaving and dyeing buildings. With the only doorways located on the second level, the walkway could only be accessed via matching stairs on the interiors and exteriors of each structure.

  Dan jogged to his designated location. Though Jon engaged him in the planning session, his tactical lead made his displeasure over Dan’s decision to drink last night unmistakable when assigning positions. Jon placed him at the least likely option Badcock might use to flee … inside, guarding the second-floor door to the bridge.

  His hamstrings and quads still ached from his earlier punishment, and he almost groaned out loud as he started up the outside service stairs. Suck it up. Could be worse. Jon would’ve been within his rights to bench me. Making it to the top, Dan soundlessly opened the door and moved inside.

  Shadeforce Textiles – Catwalk

  Scanning the area, Dan noted a significant difference from the blueprints they reviewed. The drawings did not show the metal grate catwalk extending from his position to an office. They only indicated the stairs leading to the floor below. Instead of being a secondary and unlikely escape path, this now became a primary one.

  Dan said, “Boss, Jon, there is a narrow walkway between Badcock’s office and the exit to the footbridge. If the subject bolts, he is likely coming my way. Do you want me to move to the office door?”

  Shadeforce Textiles – Main Entrance

  “No, maintain your position,” Jon acknowledged then clenched his jaw. His plan to keep Dan involved but on the periphery just went kaput. He recalculated possible outcomes as he waited with Nick until the entire team reported they were in place.

  “Copy.” Dan would comply, no need to further poke the beast and incur more of Jon’s wrath by pointing out being closer would be a strategic advantage.

  After Lexa reached her spot, the furthest distance in the rear, Nick and Jon moved to the front entrance. Approaching a young woman at a reception desk who did not bother to greet them as they entered, too focused on the cell phone in her hands, Nick said, “Excuse me, is Mr. Badcock available?”

  Still, without peering up, engrossed in her game, she replied, “Yeah, he’s in his office.” She blew and popped a huge bubble with her gum before waving one hand to her left. “Up those stairs and to the right. Can’t miss Dick’s office … it’s the one with the red door.”

  Jon shared an unimpressed shake of his head with Nick at the distracted employee before hurrying up the staircase.

  Shadeforce Textiles – Catwalk

  Continuing to scan the interior to determine any potential threats to the team, Dan noted only a handful of employees below. Shifting his gaze to the second-floor office across from him, possessing a clear view through the long bank of windows, he spotted Badcock pacing as he held a phone to his ear.

  When their subject stopped to peer out the window, Dan realized he was too visible. He moved forward and to the side to conceal himself a little behind a pole. MP5 at the ready, he waited, as Nick softly told them they were about to go in and to be prepared. Dan primed to react if necessary.

  Maintaining a visual on the room, he saw Jon and Nick enter. Badcock bolted out the door to the skywalk. Jon followed with gun drawn, moving slower, knowing Badcock would be trapped between them. Jon ordered Dick to stop, but the subject failed to comply.

  A portly Badcock rushed forward, unaware of the constable at the other end of his escape route. His hard-soled shoes pounded as he loped away, causing the walkway to shudder under his weight. Three-quarters of the way to him, Dan stepped out, making himself visible, but at the same time, Dick had glanced to his waist, not seeing him.

  Dan yelled, “Gun!” when Badcock withdrew a pistol, pivoted, and fired off a round towards Jon. Although Dan wanted to neutralize the active shooter who aimed at Jon, they needed to take the man alive, so Dan sprinted forward.

  The ping on the metal right next to his head caused Jon to cringe and move, but he refrained from shooting for many reasons. Primarily because Dan ran towards the man, and Jon refused to fire and possibly hit his teammate. The incident during Lieutenant Governor Blunt’s reception where Dan disarmed the knife-wielding subject as Jon took the PapaGulf shot, scared the crap out of him. Lower, and likely last on his list, they had orders not to kill Badcock.

  Right before another bang reverberated, Dan lunged at Badcock, slamming into Dick, taking them both down to the narrow, metal path. The entire footbridge swayed violently as Badcock fought him. The overweight man was surprisingly flexible as they wrestled. Dan’s first order of business … disarm Badcock, he wrenched the weapon away, and as it fell, Dan got the upper hand and began to pull Badcock’s arm behind him to cuff the man.

  Jon’s boots pounding on the unstable bridge, and Dick’s renewed struggling made for a precarious situation. Badcock twisted in his grip, but Dan did not let go as the force behind the movement caused his left hip to slam into the flimsy guardrail. For one fraction of a second, time stood still as Dan’s eyes locked with Jon’s who was now only about five feet from him.

  Real-time caught up, and nothing supported either him or Badcock as the barrier gave way. He released his hold on Dick as they fell. Dan closed his eyes, accepting his life would end on his birthday … somehow fitting. He waited to smack into the concrete floor. Guess my dying wish is gonna come true today after all. See you soon, Sara.

  “Dan!” Horror filled Jon as Dan broke through the railing and he was too far away to do a damned thing except watch his rookie plummet from twenty feet in the air. Dan’s actions saved him, and he was powerless to return the favor. A lump formed in his throat as he strove to inhale, preparing to look down at the shattered body of a teammate.

  A splash, followed by another caused Jon to whip his eyes below. A surge of relief flooded through him as he realized Dan and the subject landed in a vat full of liquid. The rushing waterfall sound in his ears, caused by his pumping blood, dissipated and Nick’s words registered over the headset.

  “Loki, Bram, Dan went down near your positions. He and Badcock fell into the tank labeled R sixteen, get to them now!” Nick called out after he sucked in a breath. “Jon, the quickest path down is the stairway. Go. I’ll meet you there.” He pivoted and dashed out of the office.

  Jon sped across the rocking passage to the staircase leading to the first level. He took the treads two at a time, and when he cleared the steps, he sprinted to reservoir R-16, noting Bram and Loki each starting to ascend to the platforms on opposite sides of the ten-foot-tall tank.

  Shadeforce Textiles – Dye Tank

  Brody enveloped Danny’s body with his wings, “You’re not dying today, brother. At least not quite the way you might think. Not letting you drown either.” His hand clamped over Danny’s nose and mouth, preventing him from inhaling as Danny’s back smacked into the vat and liquid engulfed them.

  Surprised for the softer than cement landing, somehow, despite the air forced out by the blow, Dan managed not to breathe in as the momentum of his fall submerged him. Before he went under, Dan glimpsed Badcock doing a colossal belly flop. Stunned by the impact, his body solid muscle, Dan sank like a rock, unlike Badcock who more or less floated due to the buoyancy of fat.

  “Where is he?” Bram shouted across to Loki once he reached the platform, and he spotted a sputtering and struggling Badcock, but not Dan.

  “I don’t see him.” Loki breathlessly called back after his mad dash. Worried the fall might’ve knocked Dan unconscious, Loki unclipped his MP5, removed his Glock from his holster, and started stripping off his vest, preparing to dive after his teammate.

  When Dan’s butt hit bottom, it took him a moment to orient himself and move his feet underneath him. Pushing off, he launched himself upward. Dan’s head broke the surface, and he drew in a deep breath when the odd constriction he had felt over his mouth and nose dissipated.

  “Thank, God.” Loki sighed when Dan bobbed up.

  “I can’t swim! Help,” Dick screeched and his arms flailed, finding purchase on the officer who appeared next to him. He seized hold in panic, pushing the constable down in his attempt not to drown.

  Dan managed to rise again, spitting out the foul solution, and escaped Badcock’s hold. “Stop thrashing,” Dan commanded not breaking through the subject’s terror. The fact he did not swim well and his phobia of water amped up Dan’s anxiety, but this was not open water, he could always push off the bottom again if necessary. He tamped down his fear, grabbed the back of Badcock’s shirt and began an ungainly dog paddle, moving both of them towards Bram who knelt on a small landing.

  Bram contemplated diving in to help since Dan appeared to be a terrible swimmer. Guess growing up in the frozen Yukon didn’t afford him much opportunity to swim. But Dan made progress, so he stayed put and encouraged him. “Almost here, Dan. Keep moving. You got this.”

  Dan’s head dipped entirely under for the tenth time as he labored to make it to the side as Badcock floundered. This sucks, but at least I didn’t die.

  Jon reached the top of the tiny platform in time to witness Dan’s awkward progress as he grappled with Badcock. When Dick pushed Dan under again Jon growled, “Dammit, B
adcock, relax and quit trying to drown my officer.”

  As Dan closed in on Bram and Jon, Loki grabbed his weapons and headed back down. He rounded the tank arriving at the same time as the rest of the team. He shoved his guns to Ray and pounded up the stairs to give them a hand pulling out the subject and Dan.

  With only a few more kicks Dan seized the vat’s edge. “Take him,” Dan said out of breath, pushing Dick toward Jon and Bram.

  “I’m suing. You almost killed me. Police brutality,” Dick complained.

  After dragging Badcock out, Jon handcuffed Dick as he struggled with them. “Shut it. I expect additional charges for multiple assaults on officers will be filed against you.” Jon shoved Badcock to Loki. “Get him out of my sight before I do or say something I might regret.”

  Loki, who waited a couple of steps below the landing, took the man’s arm firmly and guided him down. Nick served the arrest warrant on Badcock. Loki and Ray escorted Dick outside to the paramedics to be hosed off and examined before being turned over to a patrol unit.

  Dan hung onto the edge as his teammates dealt with Badcock because the metal grate platform was not big enough for more than three people. While waiting for assistance to climb out, Dan began to experience pain in his hip. He reached down to explore the area and discovered a tear in his pants. Must have caught on the railing and ripped when I fell.

  “Give us your hands, Dan,” Bram instructed, and both he and Jon reached out to grasp a hand.

  Once Dan’s free, left hand clasped Jon’s, he released his grip on the side and took hold of Bram’s. In a swift motion, the guys pulled him up, out, and settled him on the now crowded landing.

  Bram crouched to be at eye level with Dan. “You okay?” Now that Dan was safe, he could not suppress the smile blooming on his face.

  “Just give me a sec to catch my breath.” Dan wondered at the odd smiles on both their faces. “What?”


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