SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8)

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SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8) Page 55

by Laura Acton

  Perplexed by Jon’s action, Dan stared at his tactical lead’s back as he exited. I’ll never understand him. Never. He runs hot and cold with me. He turned his attention to Boss as he approached.

  “Ready to go?” Nick reached out to pick up Dan’s go bag but was prevented when Dan snatched it away.

  “Yeah. I can carry this. I can drive too.” Boss only smiled at him, and Dan gave in with a chuckle. An odd sensation filled him as he realized for the first time in twenty years he laughed on his birthday. This team is where I belong.

  Dan’s Apartment – 3:45 p.m.

  As soon as Dan opened the door and stepped in, apprehension grew. He made a mistake in agreeing to Boss’ request to hang out here until it was time to leave for the Pond. The odor of alcohol still permeated his apartment, and the broken Jack Daniels bottle remained where it landed last night. He had been too drunk to care about cleaning up and woke too late this morning to take care of it before leaving. Sucking in a breath, he said, “Boss—”

  Nick cut him off. “How about I make us some coffee while you change?” He softened his gaze, hoping to relax Dan and create a calm environment.

  “Yeah. Stuff is in cabinets.” Dan beat a fast retreat to his bedroom. Crap, Boss is going to ask me why. What the hell am I going to tell him?

  Nick went to the kitchen area, noting again how spartan and clean Dan’s place was, except for the shattered bottle. As he started the coffeemaker, he recalled Jon tying Dan’s shoes. Bending would be difficult for Dan, so Nick grabbed paper towels and the trash bin to tidy up for him.

  He spotted the empty bottle of Jim Beam in the garbage and remembered Dan indicated only taking a couple of shots. Glad he dumped out the rest. Though, that is also perplexing. Nick wiped down the wall, picked up the shards of glass, and soaked up the remaining dampness. After pouring two cups of coffee, setting one on the table, Nick took a seat on the couch to wait.

  Unsure what to tell his sergeant, Dan delayed as much as he dared, taking time to brush his teeth. He pulled on his loosest fitting jeans, buttoned up, and slipped his feet into his comfy and water-resistant leather mocs. Still felt weird to not always wear boots. It seemed he wore nothing but army boots his whole life, or at least since he was nine and moved to SFATB Yukon.

  He tugged on his royal blue, long-sleeved, collarless Henley t-shirt then layered a gray flannel button-down shirt on top. Causal but warm and comfortable. After grabbing his favorite jacket, Dan took a steadying breath and grasped his doorknob.

  Steeling himself, Dan entered his common room, and the first thing he noted was Boss cleaned up the glass fragments. He laid the jacket over the back of his swivel chair and carefully lowered himself. Leaning forward to retrieve the mug, forgetting movements like that hurt, a slight hiss escaped. As Dan sat back, he wrapped both hands around the cup and tried to deflect. “Thanks for brewing coffee and cleaning up my mess.”

  “You’re in pain,” Nick stated.

  “Little. Nothing I can’t handle.”

  Nick rose. “Where is your ibuprofen?”

  Accepting the futility of denying his pain to Boss, Dan replied, “Top shelf, second cabinet.”

  Returning with pills, Nick handed them to Dan and resumed his seat. Having given considerable thought to how to proceed, Nick said, “First, allow me to apologize. I’m partially to blame for Jon’s attitude, and I want to explain. After the murders of my wife and son, both victims of senseless violence, I crawled into a bottle of Canadian Rye and spent months at the bottom.

  “My grief so overwhelming, at times I didn’t want to live. Some days, I questioned why I became a constable and whether I could continue to be one since I was unable to prevent their deaths. It has been ten years now and still on occasions, like Martin’s and Janie’s birthdays, I find it difficult to cope, and the demons in the bottle call out to me. I struggle with the temptation not to drown my sorrows and hide from the pain their loss brings. My boy would’ve been Kent’s and Kristoffer’s age.”

  Nick rubbed his cheek and took a breath, gauging Dan’s reaction, challenging given his flat expression. “When I hit rock bottom, Jon was there to pull me up. It is one reason he went off the deep-end today. He cares, we all do. We both comprehend this,” he waved to where the whiskey slammed into the wall, “is out of character for you.

  “If you want to talk, I’m here to listen, and anything you say will remain confidential between you and me. There will be no mention in your records nor will I divulge this conversation to anyone on the team.” Nick stopped and sipped his drink, leaving it open for Dan to share or not.

  The silence elongated as Dan absorbed what Boss imparted. He settled on a partial revelation using some of what the team already knew. “My birthday is not a happy day. Hasn’t been since Sara’s death. Celebrating my birth when she isn’t here, never felt right. For so many years, I wished I died instead of her. Thought my parents desired that too.

  “Since my tenth birthday, no family parties were held. I lived at the Yukon base, so travel to and from during the winter tended to be extremely difficult, and honestly, I didn’t want a party. The few memories I possess of my childhood birthdays, I’m uncertain if they are twisted. I have not discussed them with my mother yet … not sure I will. I don’t want to cause her pain.”

  Nick nodded. “I understand. You care a great deal for your mother.”

  “Yeah. I do.” Dan glanced at his lap.

  “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  An idea formed, a way to ensure he kept the promise he made in the briefing room. Lifting his gaze, Dan said, “I need February ninth off, every year.”

  The request surprised Nick. “Do you do this every year?”

  Sucking in a breath, Dan decided to trust Nick. “Yes. Only once a year.”

  “I see.” Nick’s mind whirled searching for a way to assist. Dan had opened up a bit with him, though Nick sensed he didn’t know the full story and might never. “If I arrange that, can I ask something of you in return?”

  “Depends?” Dan worried what Boss might require from him.

  “You allow me to supply the liquor and you only consume the amount I provide. The quantity you indicated you drank last night is dangerous. Binge drinking and alcohol poisoning can be deadly.”

  Dan stared. Boss had no clue he just stated the same arrangement he made with Brody years ago. “How much are we talking?”

  Nick’s brows rose at the negotiation which began, pleased Dan was considering his proposal. “Enough so you are drunk but less than what would kill you. And you consent to call me if you feel the need for more than I furnish. I will check on you, and if you are safe, I will allow you more.”

  Silence reigned again as Dan weighed the options. “This stays between you and me … not even Jon will be told?”

  “You have my word.” Nick’s expression conveyed earnestness.

  “Okay.” Dan agreed, those conditions he could live with.

  “Okay.” Nick mirrored and gave Dan a slight smile recognizing the complicated man who held so many secrets, trusted him enough to accept his offer of assistance, such as it was. Though he truthfully didn’t want Dan imbibing excessively, this way he could ensure Dan didn’t kill himself in the process. Nick hoped once he demonstrated his trustworthiness, Dan would open up more, and he could help resolve the root cause of the drinking.

  Checking the clock, Nick said, “How about we head out?” As he stood, his phone buzzed. Answering, he listened, and after several minutes he hung up and turned to Dan. “That was Detective Nutts. They got the information they needed from Badcock. They located the shipping container and found twenty females from fifteen to twenty-two years old inside who were destined for forced marriages and sexual slavery in Singapore.”

  Dan rose from the chair and slipped on his jacket. “Glad we hit the vat instead of the floor. Otherwise, they would be living a life worse than death.”

  Nick patted Dan’s back. “I’m happy too, but chiefly becau
se you are alive.” Then to keep with the ruse, he said, “Don’t forget your wallet. The first round is on you for getting hurt.”

  “I’m gonna go broke,” Dan groaned as Nick chuckled. The two men left the apartment unaware of two ethereal observers.

  Brody beamed at Janie, pleased as punch. “I’m ecstatic Nick listened to you tonight. Thanks for whispering to him for me. Danny now has a governor again.”

  Janie nodded and giggled, taking in Brody’s appearance … his wings still vivid hot-pink after the dip in the dye. His ability to interact with the mortal world, more than any angel she ever met, apparently came with consequences. Though, Janie knew without a doubt, to keep his brother safe, Brody would gladly accept any aftereffects, including all Yankee’s and Ripsaw’s razzing about his colorful feathers.



  February 9

  The Pond – 5:15 p.m.

  Keeping eyes peeled at the entrance, Loki spied Boss and Dan pulling into the parking lot. He rushed to alert everyone in the backroom to prepare. His excitement built, thrilled things turned out well today, and they had the opportunity to celebrate Dan’s birthday. “Shush. He’s coming!”

  Dan’s muscles stiffened up again on the drive over, so his trek inside ended up slower than usual. Ruefully, he noted Boss maintained his regular stride and left him in the dust. Entering Gus’ Pond, the gazes and quirky smiles from the waitresses made Dan wonder if his pink lashes were more visible than he thought. He shook his head. No, more likely Loki blabbed about my pink hair to them. Ten-to-one he will enjoy razzing me about this for a long time. Dan rounded the corner and stopped dead.

  “Surprise! Happy Birthday, Dan!”

  Jumping back a step, his body jerking, Dan’s jaw dropped and his brows arched as his eyes rounded, shocked by his lack of awareness. Dan sucked in a breath as he scanned the room, his speeding heart rate beginning to calm.

  His gaze roamed over the occupants all grinning back at him as they sang the birthday song to him. He saw Alpha Team and their families, Tia, Jim, Heather, Blaze, Winds, Scott, a pregnant Lily, Jeff, Gambrill, his wife Harriet, Nurse Clare, Jarmal, D’Ante, and several members of other TRF teams. But what shocked him most was his father, Colonel Sutton, and Mike stood in the group too.

  Lexa tugged on Dan’s arm. “Come on. Let’s enjoy your party.”

  Dan allowed her to lead him to a central table with one soft cushioned chair among all the hard-wooden ones. Grinning like a loon Loki bounded over, and still stunned, Dan didn’t resist as Loki put a pink party hat on his head.

  Noting all the helium balloons, multiple colors … hundreds of them filled the room, Dan zeroed in on the white ones. He blinked and refocused. No. No. He didn’t dare do that. Dan groaned and turned, wanting to grab Loki but found his teammate disappeared swiftly. “Loki! Where are you hiding?” Dan yelled.

  Peeking out from behind Ray with a mischievous glint in his eyes, an innocent mien, and humor in his tone, Loki said, “You like the decorations?”

  Dan limped over to a bundle of white balloons. “How the hell did you do this?” He popped a balloon. The room burst out laughing. Dan popped every white one he found in the room as all the guests continued with mirthful expressions and soft laughter.

  Holding a single white balloon, Loki snickered. “Balloons Express works fast. It’s a good likeness, don’t you think?”

  Dan started for Loki when the general beat him to the prankster.

  William grinned. “It is an exceptional likeness, Loki, but I prefer Daniel with blond hair not pink.” He took the balloon from Loki. “But I believe I’ll keep this one for Yvonne.” He turned to Daniel, “You won’t mind me taking this one to your mother, will you, Son?”

  Rolling his eyes, Dan stared at the last balloon with his picture, most likely taken off the security camera from Shadeforce Textiles. The shop Loki used had reproduced the hot-pink shade almost exactly. Dan finally laughed. “No, sir. You may keep that one for Mom.”

  Patting Dan’s shoulder, William smiled. “You realize she wanted to be here. If not for the charity event for Lighthouse tonight she would’ve come.”

  Dan nodded. “I’m glad she chose to attend the fundraising.”

  A tad upset Dan’s mom wouldn’t prioritize his birthday, Loki inquired, “What is the Lighthouse?” He managed to refrain from adding, how is a fundraiser more significant than her son?

  Shifting his gaze to Loki, Dan answered, “A new treatment center designed specifically for children who suffer emotional and or physical trauma. They plan to use art and music therapies to help, and families who live out of the area will be able to stay on site while their kids receive treatment. Raising funds for it is more important than my birthday.”

  A sigh escaped William. “No. That is not true. Though, like you and I, Yvonne possesses a strong sense of duty. You got a double-dose.”

  Changing the subject, Dan said, “How did you get here? I thought Merrill’s court martial started today. It’s only three in Edmonton.”

  “Pays to have a security lead with access to a private jet, and a best friend who spoke to Judge Bellerose and requested a delay until tomorrow.” William gazed at Mike and Tom. “Both understood how much I wanted to be here, especially since your mother and sister are both unable to come.”

  Further conversation was interrupted as a pizza delivery guy strode in carrying a stack of boxes. The high-pitched squeals of excitement from Emilie, Allie, and Joey at the pizza made the adults cringe. Dan found himself back in the cushy chair, a plate filled with his favorite pizza, a root beer, and a salad set in front of him.

  As they ate, Dan turned to Loki who sat on his right and said, “You do realize this means war. Revenge is best served cold.”

  Lexa, sitting on Dan’s left snickered. Her two favorite guys in the world were beginning to build a deeper friendship, which pleased her immensely. Both needed more friends. Loki because besides her, he only had Ray to do buddy things with, and Dan because although he had Jim, Blaze, Winds, and the mysteriously absent Mason, only Jim lived in Toronto.

  For the next three hours, Dan had an enjoyable time. He talked with all his friends and family while they shared food and drink. He loved the cake Kellie, and her girls made. Allie made a point to tell him she was the one who added all the sprinkles.

  He was stunned when presented with gifts. Jon gave him a box of golf balls and stated he wanted to shoot golf with him. Nick’s present was a book on the psychology of people under stress. He said it would help him with his negotiation skills. Ray and Loki went in together and bought the three of them tickets for two home games of the Maple Leafs so they could enjoy some time hanging out.

  Dan smiled when he unwrapped a gift from Bram and his family. It was a picture of him and the girls from when they made cookies together over Christmas, nestled in a frame the little ones decorated with colorful mosaic pieces. Each of them drew him a birthday card too.

  Lexa’s present smelled delicious, and when he opened it, he found two dozen oatmeal-raisin-walnut cookies. There was a note which simply read Mmmm tasty. He folded the paper and put it in his pocket. He understood precisely what she meant … her real present would be given later.

  He received several more thoughtful gifts. One which both hurt and filled him with joy was a photo album from Blaze, Winds, Mason, and Jim. Most likely the result of him sharing the discovery of Ripsaw’s photo at Loki’s.

  His brothers had collected about three-dozen pictures of the unit from their years together. It contained one snapshot from when he and Brody first joined them. Dan couldn’t believe how young they both appeared. Winds’ continued use of Kid now made sense to him.

  William approached Daniel with gifts, waiting until last. “Daniel, I brought a few things. This one is from Becca.” He set down a thick packet.

  After ripping it open, Dan stared at the t-shirt, his face in a goofy grin.

  “Show us,” Loki demanded.

  Dan chuck
led and turned it around. It took the team only two seconds before howling with laughter. The imprint on the front was a drawing of Wile E. Coyote with one arm in a sling, using a crutch, one ear drooping and bandaged, and around the top, it said Alpha Acme Team’s Secret Weapon and, on the bottom, it read, if you run he will catch you.

  “I love that Alpha is struck out. We should rename ourselves Acme team,” Loki jested. “I like your sister’s sense of humor.”

  William handed over another thin package. “This one is from your mom.”

  Dan opened the envelope and withdrew two objects, a sheet of paper, and a wrapped item. He read his mother’s elegant handwriting.

  My Dearest Danny,

  I wanted to be with you today, but I know you understand, and I will make it up to you. We have missed too many of your birthdays. I count my blessings every day because you are my son. You grew into a strong and true man any mother would be proud to call son.

  Sara would be so proud of the man her big brother became, and she would want you to be happy and rejoice on your special day. Sara will always be in our hearts. Celebrate your life for her too.

  My gift is to remind you of a happier time. Do more of what makes you happy, find the beauty around you, and laugh each day.

  Love, Mom

  He unwrapped the blue and yellow present, and a grin grew as he peered down at a book filled with Calvin and Hobbes cartoons. He flipped it open and the first one he spotted fit his day. Calvin, drooped and sad, complained about a rotten day. He sees Hobbes lying on the ground. Calvin cuddles with the furry tiger then he walks away with a happy grin after fuzz therapy.

  Dan glanced around at Alpha Team and grinned. Yeah, they’re my new Hobbes … being around them makes me happy … usually. He closed the book and said, “I’ll call Mom tomorrow to thank her.”


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