SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8)

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SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8) Page 56

by Laura Acton

  “She will love that. I have one more present for you.” William laid a long box in front of Daniel.

  Stunned after opening the gift, Dan stared at the rifle. He lifted his eyes to his father. Unable to form words as pleasant memories of spending time with his dad at the gun range as a child flooded in, Dan took in a shuddering breath.

  When Daniel failed to speak, William worried he gave the wrong gift. “If this is not what you want, I can return—”

  “No. This is perfect, sir,” Dan interrupted, finding his voice. “Thank you.”

  “I wish I could stay longer. Once Merrill’s trial is over, Yvonne and I plan to visit Toronto. I would like to go to the range and dial this in with you.”

  Rendered speechless again for several minutes, Dan gazed down at the Remi, and his fingers glided over the barrel. Lifting his head, sapphire orbs met, and Dan said, “I would like that a lot. Thanks, Dad.”

  William pulled Daniel into a brief hug. “Happy Birthday, Daniel.”

  After the gifts, the party wound down, and as each person left, they wished him a happy birthday. In the end, only Loki, Lexa, and he remained in the backroom. His teammates helped him carry out and load the gifts into Lexa’s Jeep. His pain must’ve shown because Lexa glared at him and told him to sit in the passenger seat as she and Loki made a second trip to grab the few remaining items.

  Loki came out holding over three dozen balloons. Lexa stared at him. “Just where do you think those are going?”

  “With us. They’ll cheer up Dan’s place,” Loki claimed. He planned to ride with them to help carry stuff then Lexa would return him to the Pond to retrieve his car because they both lived in the opposite direction of Dan’s home and it made no sense for both of them to drive there.

  “They won’t fit. And it will be a hazard driving with them,” Lexa stated.

  Dan reached out and took one as the two began a staring contest. He popped a small hole at the base and inhaled the helium. In the reedy high squirrelly voice helium creates, Dan said. “Thanks for the happy birthday.”

  Lexa and Loki burst out laughing. The three of them sat in the parking lot inhaling helium, cracking jokes, and chuckling. When the balloons were all deflated, Lexa drove Dan home. Loki and Lexa helped take all the presents up and bid Dan goodnight. Lexa winked at Dan, and he realized she would be returning instead of going to her house.

  Dan’s Apartment – 10:45 p.m.

  While waiting for Lexa to return, Dan changed into a pair of soft sweatpants and a loose t-shirt. He wouldn’t be up for bed-sports tonight, he ached too much, but he enjoyed being with Lexa even if all they did was sleep. Sitting in his leather chair, easier to rise from than the couch, he stared at the picture of him and Sara he always carried in his wallet.

  Sighing, he focused on her sweet smiling face. “I miss you so much, Sara. This year is the first one in twenty years which didn’t completely suck. I still wish you were here.” Dan sucked in a ragged breath as a wave of grief washed over him. Exhaling gradually, he let the pain of his loss ebb down to a manageable level. “Happy twenty-seventh birthday.”

  At the soft knock on his door, Dan used the chair’s arms to stand. His muscles protested, but he did his best to ignore the soreness. Opening his door, he grinned at Lexa. “What a surprise, didn’t expect you,” he teased.

  Entering, Lexa smiled. “Un huh, right.” She spotted something in his hand. “What’s that?”

  Forgetting he held the snapshot, Dan said, “What?”

  “In your hand.”

  Dan glanced down, and a sigh escaped. “A picture.”

  “May I see?” Lexa noted something off with Dan. She discerned he hurt, and he undoubtedly had not bothered to take an analgesic. Another factor about him which she found baffling. He would rather endure physical pain than take simple painkillers.

  Lifting the photograph, Dan turned it for Lexa to view. “Me and Sara on her last birthday.”

  Lexa studied the image of two smiling children. Both appeared happy. In the lower right corner, she noted a printed date. She barely controlled the sharp intake of air as she read Feb 09. Dan’s thumb covered the year. Her gaze moved to Dan’s face as conflicting information swirled in her head.

  I’m certain Gambrill said Sara was born two years after Dan, and Dan refers to her as his little sister, but he just indicated this was taken on Sara’s final birthday … not his. Could Gambrill be wrong? She is smaller than him. Little might refer to size rather than age, but no, she was seven and he nine when she died. Confused, Lexa laid a hand on Dan’s bicep and asked, “Is Sara your twin?”

  Dan smiled as he realized nothing got past Lexa. Her eagle eye must’ve spotted the date and drawn a conclusion from his statement. If he was not careful, he would end up revealing things to her he shouldn’t, but this piece he felt comfortable sharing with her. “In a way. We were born on the same day two years apart. I only ever told Brody and would appreciate it if you kept this detail to yourself. Blaze and the others don’t even know.”

  This time Lexa couldn’t control the rapid inhalation as her mind made connections. The faint odor of alcohol in Dan’s apartment, only noticeable to her because it was a foreign scent in his characteristically sanitary place.

  Lexa wanted to blurt out she realized why he got hammered last night but decided to keep the knowledge to herself, worried he would withdraw or clam up. Getting him to reveal any of his past was difficult, so she didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize their fledgling connection.

  So instead she said, “Your secret is safe with me. Sara is cute.” She smiled up at him and changed the subject. “Now, I have another present for you, but it is at my place. Let’s pack you an overnight bag and get going.”

  Dan groaned as he shuffled to the island where his wallet lay, to put his photo away. “Not in the mood to go out again.”

  “Don’t care. You’re coming with me, so suck it up.” She strode to where he kept his ibuprofen, grabbed two pills and held them out to him. “Take these. I’ll grab your shoes and jacket for you.”

  Lexa’s Home – 11:40 p.m.

  After pulling into her garage and putting her Jeep in park, Lexa hit the button to lower the garage door. Peering at Dan in the passenger seat, her smile grew. He genuinely was not up for going out again, and part of her regretted forcing him, but with two days off, she planned to spoil him. Another new thing for her … she had never desired to care for someone the way she did Dan. He brought out her nurturing side.

  She reached into the back and grabbed his go bag, one she packed for him as he leaned on his doorjamb after telling her if he sat on his bed he wouldn’t be getting up. Lexa recalled never to startle Dan awake, so opened her door, stepped out, then softly said, “We’re here. Time to wake up, Dan.”

  Coming out of his light doze, Dan turned to Lexa. “Hmmm.”

  “If you don’t want to sleep in the cold garage, let’s go inside.”

  The idea of moving his body distasteful, Dan’s groggy mind let out, “Slept in lots of worse places.”

  “I’m sure, but I don’t want you freezing to death. Would be difficult to explain to Boss why you died in my Jeep. Hard to claim, oh I forgot he was in the vehicle, particularly since Loki was with us when I dropped you off at your place.” Lexa started for the door which led into her kitchen.

  Dan chuckled and forced his stiff and aching body to move. He trailed after Lexa, through the kitchen, and to her stairs. He peered up at them, dreading the effort necessary to climb. “Too bad you can’t carry me as I did you last Valentine’s Day,” Dan quipped.

  Keeping things light, Lexa retorted, “You can always sit down, and I can drag you up the stairs, might be a bit bumpy though. Not the best idea for your hip.” Understanding he hated appearing weak, she bounded up the steps, leaving him to make his way without her gawking at his slow progress.

  Alone, Dan didn’t hide the grimace as he lifted his left leg and gripped the handrail for support. Slow and careful, on
e step at a time, he reached the top. Grateful Lexa was nowhere to be seen, Dan leaned against the wall to take a short break and wiped off the light sheen of sweat from his forehead. Wishing he was in better condition, he shuffled down the hall to Lexa’s bedroom.

  He halted at her doorway, his mouth gaped open at the sight before him, and he wished like hell he was up for more than sleeping. Sexy Lexie stood near the bed wearing only a lacy hot-pink bra and panties. He gave her a WOW smile. Recalling the words on her note, he repeated them, “Mmmm tasty.” Then added, “You are delicious in pink.”

  Lexa beamed. “Well, soldier, plans for tonight changed. You’re on the injured reserve, so I came up with another activity.” She sauntered to her dresser and pulled open one drawer. “First, let me show you this.”

  Dan made his way to her, wondering what was inside. His jaw dropped again when he spied the contents. His widened eyes locked on Lexa’s beautiful hazel eyes. “Wow, are you sure?”

  “Yes.” Internally, Lexa was not sure, but she did it anyway, listening to her heart instead of her mind for once. She closed the drawer … his drawer now since it contained the extra items she had packed for him. Taking his hand, she led him to the bathroom.

  His mind still reeling that Lexa gave him a drawer for his things he went with her without thinking … following her like a puppy. When she switched on the light, he blinked. Her sink countertop sported a blue cup in addition to the cream colored one Lexa used. Inside stood a new toothbrush in its packaging and next to it the brand of toothpaste he preferred.

  Lexa went to her shower and grabbed a bottle. “I bought this too.” She held up the bodywash-shampoo Dan used.

  “I don’t know what to say … uh, wow … um, just wow.” Dan stared, and a grin grew as Brody’s words came to him. Your beauty is out there. You only need to keep your eyes open and be patient.

  Setting the bottle down on the counter, she went to Dan. Going on her tippy toes, she wrapped her arms around his neck and gazed into his stunned eyes. “Happy Birthday.” She kissed him tenderly, knowing he needed sleep, so she didn’t want to stoke their ever-present banked fire.

  Stepping back, Lexa clasped his hand. “Now, time for bed. My present will be a visit from Isobel … she will work her magic on you, and you will sleep like a log tonight.” She flipped off the bathroom lights and turned the dimmer control for the bedroom lights, creating a soft, relaxing glow rather than the harsh bright lights.

  Again, leading him, she took him to her bed, helped him off with his shoes, pants, and shirt. When she tried to remove his boxers, because he preferred sleeping au natural even in winter, his hands stopped her. She gazed up at him. “What’s wrong?”

  Dan blushed, but in the dim light of the room, it was not noticeable to Lexa. He bold-face lied, though a grain of truth could be extracted given his injury, “Um with the bandage on my hip, probably better to keep them on.”

  Recalling her wild thought at Shadeforce, Lexa switched on the bedside lamp. Her gaze went to Dan’s arms and legs noting the pink hair. Shifting her eyes to his face, the bright pink flush on his cheeks revealed the truth. Yep. Oh boy. He is thoroughly embarrassed.

  For the life of her she couldn’t explain why, but in a sultry voice, she said, “Mmmm. You are delicious in pink.”

  Her repeating his earlier words hit Dan’s funny bone, and although he would’ve never guessed this would be his reaction, he busted out laughing.

  Lexa smiled, happy her words didn’t backfire. When Dan calmed to chuckling, she said, “The first night you rode your Ducati into my garage, you were dressed all in black. When you dismounted, I had the image of a sleek black panther.”

  Dan arched a brow wondering where she was going but remained silent.

  She rested her hands at his waist and hooked her thumbs on his loose boxers. In a swift motion, she sent them to his ankles then stepped back and boldly perused his manly attributes. Her eyes twinkling with a mixture of mirth and passion, she lifted them to connect with his stunned sapphire orbs. “Still my graceful and powerful hunter, but now you are my Pink Panther.”

  Her use of my, claiming him as hers, caused Dan’s heart to sing. Her ability to set him at ease still astonished him. His discomfiture faded and he kicked off the underwear. Dan grinned, stepped to Lexa, embraced her, and lowered his lips to hers. The heat generated ignited his passion, claiming her as his too.

  Before Dan became too lost, Lexa broke the kiss and cupped his cheek. “Not tonight. You need rest. We have two whole days to be together, and I plan to pamper you whether or not you like it.” With that, she gently pushed him towards the mattress. “Lie on your stomach and Isobel will take away your aches and pains.”

  Wordlessly complying, Dan crawled into bed and with a little difficulty managed to find a comfortable position. As Lexa’s warm and delicate fingers kneaded his muscles, Dan drifted off, content, recognizing for the first time in twenty years he had a genuinely happy birthday, and Sexy Lexie was the hot-pink icing on the top of his day.

  Restoration in Progress


  February 10

  Lexa’s Home – 12:34 p.m.

  Sleep slowly released its hold on Dan as he floated up from a dreamless state, awareness coming in stages. His ingrained behavior to listen before opening his eyes the first conscious action. The only noises he distinguished were the soft hum of the heater, and the distant sound of Lexa’s voice singing a sweet tune.

  Cracking open an eye, he was surprised to find the room dark. His internal clock told him it should be way past sunrise, but the lack of light in the room indicated not. Confused, he turned to peer at Lexa’s bedside alarm. His puzzlement increased as he read 12:34. He was too rested to have slept less than thirty minutes, and Lexa was not lying next to him.

  Answers came as the bedroom door opened and natural daylight spilled in along with Lexa who carried a tray. Role reversal from two weeks ago occurred as this time Lexa beamed at him and said, “Good, you’re up. I don’t have to wake you now,” and padded over to his side of her bed. “Lunch is served.”

  Lexa smiled, noting Dan’s rested countenance. She perceived a bit of befuddlement and added, “I pulled the blackout shade down so you could rest longer. Works beautifully at keeping my room darkened when we work the night shifts and must sleep during the day.”

  Dan glanced at the window his voice holding a note of wonder, “I slept twelve hours?”

  “Yep. Told you Isobel would work her magic on you. Now sit up so you can eat your sandwich.” Lexa waited as Dan moved, detecting stiffness in his motions. She set the tray on his lap. “Take the ibuprofen too. Against policy to be in pain while at the McKenna Retreat for Wounded Wildlife.”

  Chuckling, Dan popped the pills and washed them down with iced tea. “So what kind of animal am I?”

  Lexa’s smile increased. “Well, you are a rare beast indeed. Only one in the world as far as I know.”

  “And what beast is that?” Dan lifted his fork and speared a piece of pineapple from the mixed fruit Lexa provided with the ham and swiss sandwich.

  “Why a pink panther of course.”

  Dan nearly choked on the pineapple as he laughed. “Oh, man. If the guys catch a glimpse of my body hair, I’m never gonna live this one down. I’m going to have to start dressing in the shower stall again.”

  Lexa crawled on the bed and sat cross-legged facing Dan. “What do you mean again?”

  His comfort and ease with Lexa continually growing, Dan answered, “When I first joined, I didn’t want to expose my scars so …”

  “So you dressed where they couldn’t see you.”


  As Dan ate, Lexa thought about the problem and an idea formed, though she was not sure if Dan would go for it. “I might have a solution.”

  Dan’s eyes popped open. “I’m not shaving off all my hair. Rather be pink than shave down there.”

  Lexa laughed. “No. Not what I was going to suggest. In college, my frien
d Hailey went through a wild phase.”

  Interrupting, Dan declared, “She is still in it … she’s scary. Kinda glad she is in Amsterdam.”

  Tilting her head, chuckling, and nodding, Lexa continued, “Be that as it may, while at university, she once dyed her hair down there bright blue.”

  Dan’s jaw dropped. “Women do that?”

  “Some. She tried to get me to do it too … bought me the purple dye. I refused. Anyhow—”

  Eyes flashing with delight, Dan said, “Sexy Lexie purple … Hmmm.” The next instant he was rubbing his bicep. “Ow, I thought you said pain isn’t allowed at your retreat.”

  “Only when animals misbehave. Now back to what I was saying. If you want, I can go buy a box of Blondie Down Under—”


  Lexa giggled at Dan’s stunned face. “That is what the product is called. I would be happy to help you dye your hair back to normal, or at least closer to its original color. Though, I’ll be sad to rid the world of the only pink panther.”

  Dan considered the option and then lifted both arms. “Would it work on pit hair too?”

  “Probably.” Lexa held in the giggle but grinned seeing his hot-pink armpits. She hopped up. “I’ll run to the store and be back shortly.”

  Ray’s Apartment – 1:50 p.m.

  Loki glanced up from his position on Ray’s couch. “Think we should invite Dan over to watch the game?”

  Ray ambled into his family room and shook his head. “He’ll be lucky if he wants to crawl out of bed today after running the stairs yesterday and falling into the vat. Water might be softer than concrete, but from the height he fell, it had to hurt.”

  “Yeah, he’s undoubtedly gonna be all shades of the rainbow. Maybe we ought to call him and go over there instead of bringing him here.” Loki grabbed a couple of pretzels.

  “Let him rest.” He handed Loki a beer and took a seat. Selfish he was aware, but he wanted Loki to himself today. A chance to check up on his best buddy after all that went down with his ex-stepfather, to ensure the restoration of Loki’s serenity continued. “How does Sonia like her new place?”


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