SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8)

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SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8) Page 70

by Laura Acton

  “You know the name of my phobia of being buried alive?”

  Nick gave her a slight smile. “Yes. I’m aware of everyone’s. Jon suffers Ailurophobia.”

  “Didn’t realize there is an actual name for being terrified of cats.” Lexa smiled. “Does Loki’s dislike of the woods have a name?”

  This is working to distract her. “Yes. Xylophobia. My flying anxiety should be easy—”

  “Aerophobia.” Lexa released a long breath, relaxing. Boss always knows how to settle my nerves. “And Ray’s dread of snakes is ophidiophobia.”

  Nick nodded. “Do you know what Bram’s fear of clowns is called?”

  Lexa shook her head. “No, but Loki being deathly afraid of spiders is arachnophobia.”

  “That’s right. Bram’s is coulrophobia.” Nick deliberately didn’t mention Dan’s needle phobia because he was endeavoring to divert Lexa’s attention from him.

  The sounds of sirens caused both to turn, and they watched as Jon and Bram met the fire captain and began to fill him in on the situation. Both sighed when they spotted a friendly face. D’Ante Tate and his crew would do their best to reach Dan.

  Jon stopped near D’Ante. “Glad you’re here. Dan’s the one trapped.”

  D’Ante frowned. “Give me the details.”

  “We were combing the woods for the subject responsible for holding up a mini-mart. A witness indicated the armed man ran this way. Ray and Dan found this cave or old mine shaft … not sure what it is really. Loki is searching for land surveys to figure that out.”

  Jon took a deep breath and refocused on relevant details. “They went in together, Dan in the lead. Dan shouted ‘Out’ right before an explosion-like sound reverberated. He shoved Ray towards the entrance when the ceiling started collapsing. In the chaos, they became separated and ended up on opposite sides of the cave-in. When the rumbling stopped, Bram and I rushed in and found Ray sprawled out on the ground half-covered by dirt.”

  Noticing the EMS rig arriving, D’Ante inquired, “He okay?”

  “Banged up, deep cut, and might have a broken hand or wrist.” Jon stopped as he noticed Boss leading Jim and his partner Trey to the truck to check out Ray. Turning back to D’Ante, he continued, “If Dan hadn’t propelled Ray forward, he would be buried under the pile of rocks. Dan’s alive on the other side of the wall of dirt and boulders. His legs are trapped. We tried to move some of the smaller stones to create a crawl space, but more stuff fell, so I pulled them out since this is your area of expertise.”

  As Jon related the circumstances, Bram studied the crew disembarking from the rig and gearing up. He smiled as he spied a four-legged member jump down from the rear seat. The border collie followed his handler and sat waiting for a command.

  “I didn’t realize dogs worked with your crews,” Bram said as he approached a firefighter crouching near the dog and attaching a pack around the canine’s mid-section.

  Duke glanced up, and his stomach clenched recognizing one of the men from the Valentine’s Day inquisition.

  Seeing the man’s face, Bram blew out a breath. “Duke, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah.” Duke rose to his full height, unsure of the reception he would receive but not wanting things to be too awkward. “Hey, look, um, we’re all professionals here, so—”

  Bram cut him off. “Sorry for putting you through the wringer in February, we were only looking out for Lexa. No hard feelings, I hope. I’m Bram, by the way.” He held out a hand.

  “I understand. She’s a jewel worth protecting.” He shook Bram’s hand.

  “Who’s your partner here?” Bram asked.

  Duke grinned. “This is Blue. We finished training last week. This is his first trip. One of your team is trapped?” Duke hoped it wasn’t Lexa.

  “Yes. Dan.”

  “How is he with dogs?” Duke crouched to adjust Blue’s pack.

  Bram shrugged. “Not sure. Hang on.” He unmuted and said, “Dan, do you like dogs?” He waited for a response. “Dan. You there?” When Dan didn’t answer Bram jogged over to Jon. “Dan’s not responding.”

  Jon halted his conversation. “Dano, status!” Dead air. “Dan, respond.” Nothing. “D’Ante, we don’t know how much air he has or if he is downplaying injuries … he has a bad habit of doing that. We need to get him out.”

  “Cap, we’re ready,” Duke said as he trotted over to D’Ante with Blue on his heels.

  Jon glanced down at a dog wearing a pack and a helmet with what appeared to be a camera attached to the top.

  “Add a portable oxygen apparatus to his gear,” D’Ante ordered.

  Blue and Duke hustled back to the rig to acquire the item. Within minutes, the fire crew, Jon, Bram, Nick, and Lexa converged at the cave’s entrance.

  Lexa got her first glimpse of Duke since the Valentine’s Day debacle.

  Duke smiled at Lexa. “Small world.”

  “Yeah.” Lexa shifted her eyes to the entrance of the cave, thoughts returning to Dan.

  “Do you have something of your teammates?”

  “What?” Lexa turned to Duke again.

  “It will help if Blue can have his scent,” Duke explained.

  Loki rushed up with a ball cap in his hand. “Here. This is Dan’s.” Frustrated by finding nothing on abandoned mines or geological surveys which indicated anything about this cave or shaft, when he learned there was a search and rescue canine on scene, he grabbed Dan’s hat out of the SUV and raced over.

  This is the only way I can help. Loki turned his concerned eyes to the opening. After the explosion, the rumbling sound continued for at least three minutes. Once they found Ray and not Dan, they began yelling for status, but it took Dan several more minutes to respond.

  He was cut off from the exit and trapped under something heavy. From his position, Dan reported only seeing rocks and what he thought might be wooden beams. He claimed to be stuck, but not injured. Though no one was sure whether to believe him or not, he hid his injuries too often.

  The team observed as Duke gave a command to the dog and then grasped a lead line which uncoiled as the rescue dog started forward. D’Ante held a tablet receiving the video feed from Blue’s camera. The border collie gingerly picked his way into the cave.

  Inside Cave – 5:20 p.m.

  With only silence from his headset, Dan assumed the battery died and tugged out his earpiece. He shifted, hoping to reach his phone. Difficult with his legs and one arm pinned and the pocket he kept it in on the opposite of his free arm. After several attempts, digging at the layer of dirt and rocks covering him, he managed to pull his cell out.

  He pressed the button to bring up his contacts, but only blackness greeted him. Running fingers over the screen, the cracked glass told him the mobile became another brick. “Well, shit. They’re going to think something bad happened to me. Jon’s gonna be ticked at me for not telling them about my arm being trapped. But hey, I told the truth, not hurt, only stuck. At least I’m not afraid of the dark. Though I’m damned glad this isn’t water, or I would be thoroughly screwed.”

  Falling silent, Dan wondered how long it would be before they got him out. He had no doubts his chosen family would move heaven and earth to rescue him. He chuckled. “Earth for sure considering that is what is surrounding me.” He shivered a little in the dampness of his small tomb.

  Tucking his free arm under his head, Dan rested. He had tried to dig himself free, to no avail. Every time he made progress, something shifted and piled more on top. He slowed his breathing to conserve air, not knowing if he was sealed in or not. In the total silence, Dan drifted into a light sleep.

  Brody hovered close by Danny before moving back a bit to spread his wings. He shook them causing stones and dust to sprinkle to the ground. Several damaged feathers fell too. By sheer force and aid from above, he managed to flip Danny over and drag him out of the path of a huge boulder which would’ve shattered his spine, but he didn’t possess enough speed or force to prevent his brother from being pinned.
  Interactions with the mortal world took significant energy and manifested in physical damage for him too. Though broken and dirty feathers were a small price to pay, and a little recharging would set him to rights again.

  Esteban materialized and peered down at Dan. “You and Dan saved Ray’s life today.”

  “You had a hand in it too,” Brody said as he grinned.

  “I only covered Ray once he was on the ground. I’m thankful Dan listens so well to you, and you gave him enough forewarning to make sure Ray was not crushed.” Esteban took in Brody’s disheveled state. “Ray will be heading to the hospital for x-rays. Want me to remain with Dan while you recharge?”

  Kaitlin popped in and knelt next to Dan. Her delicate hand brushed through his hair as she recalled the very first time she met him. The little boy had grown into a handsome man. “You go with Ray. I’ll stay with Quill.”

  “Quill?” Brody arched his brows at the new name.

  A soft smile formed as Kaitlin said, “A story for another day. Go now.”

  Brody realized he wouldn’t be able to coax anything out of Kaitlin she didn’t want to share. Sometimes he wondered just when she first met Danny. She knew things about Dan that even he didn’t. Brody sighed. “I won’t be gone long. He will be okay by himself for a bit if Lexa needs you.”

  Kaitlin only nodded and continued to caress his hair. When both Brody and Esteban faded, she leaned close and whispered, “No matter what happens, you maintain hope. Lexa is your soulmate whether she recognizes it now or not. I promise, she will one day.”

  Woods Near Cave – 5:30 p.m.

  Jim approached the group with worry etched on his features. “Ray informed me Dan claims he is only trapped, not injured. Anyone disbelieve him?”

  A soft harrumph came from Jon. “If he is deflecting again, so help me, I’m going to—”

  “Jon, not the time,” Nick sharply cut in. He turned to Jim. “I believe Dan, but I’m a little worried because he is no longer communicating. I don’t want to jump to conclusions though, it may be a simple comms issue. How is Ray?”

  “Called another unit to take him to the hospital for sutures and x-rays, though my gut tells me his wrist is only sprained. Wanted to stay here in case Dan needs me.”

  “I think Blue found an opening,” D’Ante said interrupting the conversation and drawing all eyes to him.

  Blue to the Rescue


  April 1

  Inside Cave – 5:32 p.m.

  Startled awake by a sound, Dan opened his eyes to blackness. He listened intently and picked up a noise not too far away from him. The most absurd thought flittered in his mind. I hope to hell it isn’t a rabid raccoon. Recognizing the ridiculousness of his notion, Dan refocused on the sound as it came closer. He detected breathing so whatever was coming, was alive. Well, no duh, it is digging. The barking coming from the top of the rubble trapping him clued Dan into the animal. A dog.

  Blue barked, alerting his handler he discovered what he searched for. After scrambling down the dirt and rocks, he carefully sniffed around the still man. He yapped again and nudged him.

  Dan lay still, unsure in the dark if the canine was friendly or not. When the dog bumped him, he felt something odd. Reaching out a slow hand, he came in contact with metal. His hand moved and determined it to be a helmet. Venturing further, Dan found a vest.

  Blue dipped his head and nuzzled the man’s face. Lifting his head, he again woofed.

  “Good boy. You found me. What did you bring me?” Dan searched one-handed on the little vest until he located the clasp and pinched it together to release it. He tugged the article off and began searching in the pockets. The first thing he came across was a flashlight.

  Flicking it on, he shone the light on his new furry friend. “Well, aren’t you a beauty. You remind me of Mr. Waggles only less bouncy. Waggles is my neighbor’s puppy. Perhaps you are more like Mr. Happy. He was an excellent dog too. He lived to be nineteen.” Dan noted the service collar and the name. “Hello, Blue. I’m Dan.”

  Blue wagged his tail and yipped.

  Dan found oxygen. Not that he needed any now, but useful if required. He also pulled out a bottle of water, an energy bar, and a shrink-wrapped emergency blanket. The cherry on top of the sundae came in the form of a coms unit. Dan turned it on and fitted the earpiece over his left ear.

  Woods Near Cave – 5:35 p.m.

  D’Ante smiled as Dan conversed with Blue. Regardless of the lack of sound, the mood of those around him improved significantly when Blue found Dan. Once Dan attached the headset, he said, “Hey, Dan. A bunch of people out here are relieved to see you. Your buddy there is Blue. This is his first day. Be nice to my rookie.”

  Dan laughed. “D’Ante, glad to hear your voice. My headset battery must’ve died, and my phone is busted. You gonna get me out of here?”

  “Working on a plan. Sorry, but it will take some time. Blue’s gonna stay with you though. Got someone else who needs to speak to you.” D’Ante handed off the tablet, grabbed his helmet, and jogged off to supervise his men.


  “Hey, Jim. Only trapped. No injuries and no pain.”

  Jim studied the camera image. “Trapped how?”

  “I think a beam, and lots of dirt and some rocks are pinning my legs and one arm.”

  “Do you have feeling in your limbs?”

  “Yes. No tingling and doesn’t hurt when I flex my toes and fingers, limited for movement though. I tried to dig out, but more stuff falls, so I stopped.”

  “Alright. You inform me the minute anything changes.” Jim gave the device to Nick.


  “You only told me your legs were pinned. We’re going to have us a little heart-to-heart chat when you are out of there,” Jon said as he peered over Nick’s shoulder. He witnessed Dan grimace and decided to tone it down.

  “Copy,” Dan responded, before asking, “How is Ray?”

  “He’s on the way to the hospital. Jim believes his wrist is only sprained and he needs stitches for the cut on his hand,” Nick shared.

  “I’m glad it isn’t worse. This was not a natural cave-in. Tell D’Ante’s men to be on the lookout for explosives.”

  “Why do you say that?” Jon had the same thought but wanted Dan’s take on the situation. His gut told him this might be related to the BDC.

  “Detected a distinct odor of motor oil right before I shoved Ray. So probably C-4.” Dan reached out and petted Blue.

  Duke, who was monitoring his dog, said, “Blue would’ve alerted if there were any active materials. Part of his training. So we are likely not dealing with a potential explosion, but I’ll inform my captain.” He trotted off.

  “Boss?” Although wanting to talk to Dan, Loki’s professionalism kicked in and with one word he requested permission to aid D’Ante to ensure their safety … and Dan’s. At Nick’s nod, Loki sprinted to the truck to grab his bomb sensing gear.

  For the next fifteen minutes, the rest of the team chatted a bit with Dan, assuaging their fears of his condition. The last to go was Lexa, and she maintained a tight hold on the tablet, staring at Dan as the others dispersed to help. She felt terrible about not helping, but Boss tasked her with keeping a visual on Dan, most likely because he was aware of her phobia. They told Dan to turn off the coms unit to conserve battery because D’Ante estimated it would take them several hours to shore up the cave to safely reach him.

  She smiled as Blue laid down and placed his head on Dan’s chest. It gave her a perfect view of his face. Being able to view him reduced her anxiety and she reconsidered her irrational thoughts earlier. Now glad she took the risk and opened her heart to him.

  Inside Cave – 6:00 p.m.

  Dan wrapped an arm around Blue and scratched behind his ear. The dog’s fur was soft, and he provided warmth in this dampness. He wouldn’t admit to anyone, but having company, even a dog, lifted the gloominess. He continued to pet Blue as he drifted off to sleep again. />
  Woods Near Cave – 7:55 p.m.

  No longer smiling, Lexa paced, gripping the tablet so hard her knuckles turned white. An hour ago, she began praying … or something of the sort since her faith had been shattered upon her mother’s death. Dan lay so still, unresponsive to the barking dog. Dan’s going to die, and I can’t do a damned thing to save him. Wake up! Now. Please, Dan. Don’t make my worst fear a reality.

  Inside Cave – 8:00 p.m.

  Something wet disturbed Dan, drawing him up from the depths of dreamless sleep. Sluggishly he blinked awake. Confusion and a headache came with semi-wakefulness, causing him to push Lexa off him, wondering why she was licking his face … not exactly the best way to wake.

  His hand landed on fur instead of skin. His still foggy mind cleared enough to recognize his new four-legged friend, not Lexa. His voice came out a bit slurred as Dan said, “Hey, Blue. What ya doing that for?”

  Blue yipped, licked again, and moved away, only to return with the oxygen apparatus and dropped it on Dan’s chest. He woofed again, before running back to the tiny crawl space he came through at the top of the rock pile where the air was fresher.

  When the man closed his eyes, Blue trotted back down. He barked until the eyes opened again. After nudging the little tank closer to the human’s face, Blue settled on his haunches, his intelligent eyes begging the human to understand.

  In the darkness and with his wristwatch buried, Dan had no idea how much time passed. He ignored the portable oxygen and switched on the headset. He rubbed his forehead, wishing the dull throb would ease. “Checking in.”

  “About damned time, Broderick. You had us all worried sick.” Lexa sighed with relief as Dan stirred and spoke.

  “I’m adding cave to the unacceptable nap locations list. Now put on the damned oxygen mask. The CO2 level is too high in there,” Jon ordered. He glanced over at Jim and Trey who were busy treating one of the firefighters who had been injured in the latest cave-in. D’Ante’s crew had moved faster than recommended when Dan became unresponsive.


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