SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8)

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SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8) Page 71

by Laura Acton

  Dan grabbed the device as he asked, “How long was I out?”

  Smiling at the video image, glad Dan woke, Bram replied, “Two hours.”

  “Two?” Dan peered at the camera. “Sorry, didn’t mean to worry you.” He put the mask on after turning on the flow. After several deep breaths in and out, the fuzziness of his brain started to clear. Apparently, the air in here is stagnant. Realizing Blue just saved his life, Dan reached out and petted the dog. “Thanks, buddy.”

  Satisfied his human remained awake, Blue climbed back up to the top, near the opening and resumed overwatch.

  Becoming more alert with fresh air, Dan asked, “How much longer?”

  Nick answered this time. “D’Ante estimates another two to three hours. It is slow going to ensure everyone stays safe.” He didn’t share they dealt with three additional cave-ins while Dan was unconscious.

  After sucking in a few more welcome breaths, his headache began to subside. “Okay. Well, Blue and I will hang out here and wait for you all.”

  With the fireman stabilized and ready for transport with another unit, Jim hurried over after being alerted to the change in Dan’s status. “I want you to keep the oxygen on. If it runs low, you tell me. Blue will be called out to bring you another one.”

  “Copy. What about the rookie?”

  “He’s a smart dog. He keeps moving up top for air. Carbon dioxide is heavier than oxygen, so you are the only one at risk. There is no air current in there to move things around, so all the CO2 settles to the ground. Any headache or confusion?”

  “A little when I woke, but both dissipating now. And before you ask, still feel everything and no pain.”

  “Another one of your miracles. You’re way beyond nine lives now.” Jim nodded to Trey when he beckoned as the other medics arrived. “I’ll check back on you in a bit. Don’t go anywhere.” At Dan’s slight growl, Jim snickered.

  Woods Near Cave – 8:15 p.m.

  Nick wiped his face, only smearing the dirt and sweat around as he noted D’Ante exiting the cave. He wanted to speak to him, so said, “Continue to keep an eye on our guy, Lexa.”


  Fully awake and bored, Dan decided to tease Lexa. “So, you are watching me sleep? Feels kind of …”

  “Broderick, shut it!” Lexa snapped.

  Dan chuckled.

  Taking a break from helping with the digging and wanting to check on Dan after finding out he woke up, Loki sidled up to Lexa. “Hey, mind if I?” he motioned for the tablet, and she gave it to him. “How ya doing?” Loki inquired as he peered at the image.

  “Be better when I’m outta here, but okay. Bored mostly. Did you catch the subject?”

  “No. Pope came by earlier. Turns out the whole thing was bogus.” Loki took a seat on the ground and smiled up at Lexa as she handed him a bottle of water.

  “So, another swatter call.”

  “Yeah, I reviewed the footage from the mini-mart security camera, and no robbery took place. The real clerk was found tied up in the stockroom and the witness we spoke to disappeared. Pope thinks with the explosive residue we found he will be able to convince the judge to sign off on the warrant. This one appears to be a total setup with the intent to kill one or more of us.”

  “Damn near worked. Heard from Ray yet?” Dan craved to move, his muscles stiff from being immobile for so long.

  “Yep. Ten stitches and a few bruises, but still waiting for the x-ray results.” Loki grinned. “I bet you’re going to have him beat on the bruising though.”

  Dan rolled his eyes. “Yeah, most likely.”

  “Hey, I got a question … if you don’t want to answer, say so, and I’ll drop it.” Loki learned his lesson when he found out why Dan didn’t like corn mazes, but this question niggled at the back of his head for a couple of days now.

  “Shoot. I’ll answer if I can.”

  “Um, you said, you miss occasionally. When? I’ve never seen you miss.”

  Inside Cave – 8:20 p.m.

  Dan blew out a breath. He didn’t expect this query. He thought for a moment on what he could reasonably share, knowing if he didn’t tell Loki something, the techie wouldn’t believe him and might start blaming himself again for not realizing about the backup system at the hospital.

  “Sorry, I shouldn’t have asked,” Loki said as Dan remained quiet.

  “No, it’s okay. Only figuring out what I can say and what I can’t. Give me a minute.” Dan scratched his head recalling the incident … not one of his most illustrious memories and without Brody, things would’ve been disastrous.

  Lexa sat down next to Loki. Peeks into Dan’s former life were rare, and she needed the diversion right about now.

  Dan decided on partial truths and omissions. “Okay, well first off, we weren’t supposed to be called for a mission for a week. It was about seven months into my first year with Blaze’s unit, and three weeks after Robbie died, and Ripsaw joined our unit.

  “Brody and I went to the base bar, and well, I drank more than I should.” Dan left off he was dealing with the guilt of Robbie’s death and that morning he had finally been cleared for alcohol consumption after Murphy’s and Travis’ beatdown of him during the Christmas mission with Carrall’s unit.

  “We got upped for a rescue mission. A unit got pinned down. When Blaze discovered I had been drinking, he benched me, but Plouffe pulled rank and sent me anyway. We infiled on the opposite side of the ravine where the soldiers were trapped and engaged the hostiles.

  “At first, I shot like crap, missing more than I hit. Brody, who was spotting for me, understood my visual acuity was off and accounted for it in the information he fed me. That mission was not one of my finest moments, but through teamwork, we rescued them all.

  “When we arrived back at base, and the other unit leader found out I was drunk and was sent to rescue his men, he laid into me for not being mission ready.” Dan chuckled. “Blaze got into his face and told him to back off his rookie because despite being drunk, I still saved his ass.”

  Another chuckle escaped. “The next morning, Blaze was of a different mindset and ran my sorry ass into the ground. From that point on, I rarely drank more than one or two beers on the few occasions we went to the bar.”

  Loki appreciated Dan sharing. “Thanks for telling me. Do you think Plouffe’s actions …” he realized he shouldn’t reopen that can of worms, “never mind.”

  Dan answered Loki’s unfinished question. “Yeah, I do. Another example of him putting me in a bad situation and most likely hoping to either get me killed or discredit me and cause a dishonorable discharge.”

  Woods Near Cave – 8:55 p.m.

  After Dan shared his story, their conversation shifted to other topics as Loki and Lexa kept Dan entertained. However, Loki halted, handed the tablet to Lexa, and popped up after spotting Ray striding to them. “So, is anything broken?”

  Ray grinned and held up his braced wrist. “Nope, only sprained. How’s digging Dan out coming along?”

  Shaking his head, Loki said, “Slow.”

  Exhausted and taking the break his captain ordered, Duke approached the woman he had a crush on since high school and grinned. “Hey, Lexa.”

  Lexa peered up at Duke. “Hey.”

  “So, this might be weird and all, but I wondered if you might’ve changed your mind and wanted to go out with me again. We could grab a bite to eat, catch a movie, or something.” Duke figured it was worth a shot.

  “Um, well. Thanks, but …” Lexa’s eyes flicked to Dan. “I’m kinda seeing someone exclusively now, and it wouldn’t be right.”

  “Really?” Duke’s eyes widened. Lexa never went exclusive. She made that clear in their few dates. “You mean someone got past four dates with you?”

  Lexa narrowed her gaze at Duke. “None of your business.”

  Backing up with hands raised, Duke said, “Whoa, didn’t mean to tick you off. Glad you found someone.”

  Loki, stared dumbfounded at Lexa. “You’re da
ting someone seriously, and you never told me?”

  How the hell do I get out of this? Lexa scrambled for an answer. “Not serious, but not, not serious either.”

  Delighted for his friend even if a little wounded she didn’t tell him, Loki teased, “I hope his name doesn’t start with S.”

  Inside Cave – 9:10 p.m.

  Dan listened, finding both humor and a sense of warmth in Lexa’s situation. His emotion at first had been jealousy plain and simple. He wanted to yell out, ‘back off she’s mine.’ Though that would be the worst thing, he could do.

  When she responded warmth invaded his heart. Humor joined in when Loki, Bram, Ray, and Jon all started pestering her. She did an admirable job of deflecting and after Loki yelped and the kidding stopped, he realized Lexa undoubtedly punched Loki’s bicep.

  Blue came down to check on him again, and Dan petted him before reaching for the bottled water. He wished there was a way to give Blue some. An idea formed as he shined the flashlight around. Using one hand, he managed to dig a shallow hole and move the nylon pack into the depression.

  He lifted the mask and gripped the cap in his teeth, twisting he broke the cap’s seal before tucking the container between his bicep and side to unscrew it the rest of the way. Replacing his oxygen first, Dan poured water into the little depression he made.

  Patting next to the makeshift bowl, Dan said, “This is for you, Blue.”

  Blue inched forward and eagerly lapped up the water.

  Dan decanted more, and the dog drank it too. Shifting the annoying, yet necessary mask to the side, he took several sips himself before recapping the bottle. Again, using teeth, he tore open the energy bar. After chewing and swallowing one bite, he bit off another piece, transferred it to his hand, and held the granola treat to his furry friend. “Want a little treat?”

  After sniffing, Blue nibbled the piece from the palm. He shared the entire bar, alternating bites between him and Blue. When he finished, he took another drink of water, provided more for Blue, and put the oxygen back on.

  Woods Near Cave – 9:30 p.m.

  After the guys desisted in their teasing, Lexa silently observed Dan. Her heart warmed as Dan shared his meager provisions with the rescue dog. He truly possesses a golden heart. “Enjoying your date?” Lexa quipped.

  Dan flashed a WOW smile, “Yes, I am.” He patted the tri-color collie. “Not often one can date a blond, brunette, and raven-haired lady at the same time.”

  A soft chuckle bubbled out as Lexa beamed at Dan’s reply. “Technically, Blue is a he, not a she. And he is black, brown, and white.”

  Further chatting halted when Dan’s face was illuminated with bright light, and D’Ante’s booming happy voice came over her headset via Dan’s.

  Inside Cave – 9:32 p.m.

  “I see you treated my rookie nicely,” D’Ante said as he slid down the mountain of dirt carrying a bright floodlight which dispelled the darkness.

  Dan laughed. “Us rookies gotta look out for one another. Right, Blue?”

  Blue barked and licked Dan’s face before scampering off to Duke who called him through the larger hole made by the rescuers.

  D’Ante assessed Dan’s predicament. “We’ll have you out of here in no time.” He called out to his men and two more entered with gear.

  Within fifteen minutes they dug Dan out. After taking a moment to work out the stiffness of being stationary for hours, Dan crawled out of the cave and was greeted by his happy, yet filthy and exhausted team. Forced to the EMS rig by Jim to be examined, he received the all clear ten minutes later. Before leaving with his team, Dan knelt next to Blue and scratched behind his ear. “Thanks for rescuing me.”

  Simple Acts of Love


  April 1

  TRF HQ – Briefing Room – 11:30 p.m.

  Elation of Dan’s rescue and the fact he truly was uninjured and Ray’s injuries being minor ebbed as exhaustion and aching muscles took hold of seven TRF constables. They wrapped up debrief, and Jon refrained from having his little chat with Dan, he didn’t see the point now. The rookie would always downplay his situation out of some misguided attempt to protect them … he now accepted that part of Broderick.

  Noting they finished, Tia entered with a smile and news for her team. Yeah, she laid claim to them although she didn’t go out on the calls with them. She noted how none of them appeared as if they wanted to move. And though she didn’t experience the same physical exertion, the call’s tension wiped her out too. “D’Ante phoned to update us on Drew’s condition. His helmet protected him. He woke with a headache and received a few stitches, but he is fine.”

  Bram nodded. “I’m glad. When the rocks started coming down for the third time, and the boulder whacked his head … well, let’s just say I thought things would be bleak. Guardian angels undoubtedly watched out for us today.”

  Grinning, Ray said, “One of them named Dan Broderick for me. Thanks for the shove.”

  Dan gave him a slight nod. “You’d do it for me, so no thanks needed.”

  “Damn right I would.” Ray slumped further in his seat. Every ache and pain now in full force. He didn’t relish the idea of the effort to drive home.

  After Nick stretched his back, he pushed up from his chair. Too bushed, he would not be staying late tonight to do all the paperwork involved with today’s call. “Calls are being directed to Charlie Team. Shower, change, and go home early. Gambrill gave us tomorrow and the next day off. Hopefully, by then, Pope will have secured the warrant for the BDC.”

  Loki studied Ray and offered, “Come to my place. I’ll drive you. Ma will pamper you with homecooked meals.”

  Though beyond fatigued, Ray grinned. “An offer I can’t and won’t refuse tonight.”

  Jon eyed Dan. “You okay to ride your Ducati?”

  He was not, but Dan wouldn’t admit it to them. He started to reply yes, but Lexa beat him to speaking.

  “No, he isn’t, no matter what comes out of his mouth. I’ll take him home tonight.” She leveled him with a glare, one everyone understood meant business and if you dissented you would end up with a bruised bicep.

  Dan snorted. “Guess Lexa’s driving me home. Don’t think I want to add to my contusions.”

  His response garnered a chuckle from everyone as they all slowly rose from chairs, ready for hot showers and a decent night’s sleep. Each one glad Gambrill adjusted their schedule.

  Nick brought up the rear as they headed for the lockers. His observations of Lexa, while Dan was unconscious, sealed in his mind the relationship between two of his snipers had moved well past what TRF allowed for teammates. He had never witnessed Lexa come apart like she had when they thought Dan died from lack of oxygen waiting for them to rescue him. The reaction went beyond what he expected of her if it were only her phobia or even how she would act if it were Loki and not Dan.

  He hoped for years Lexa would find a man who held her attention for more than two dates and penetrate her wounded and walled-off heart, but now he only wished the lucky man had not been their blond rookie. Nick worried for several reasons, but primarily, because of Dan’s penchant for dating many women, and according to what Jon overheard when Dan spoke to the councilwoman, Dan’s lack of desire for long commitments. Nick didn’t want Lexa’s heart broken.

  Secondly, he couldn’t allow an intimate association. Fraternization of a sexual nature was banned for a good reason. During a call, they must remain professional and follow the priority of life protocol. Relationships muddied the waters and might cause them to either take unnecessary risks or put the public in jeopardy if they failed to adhere to proper codes of behavior.

  He didn’t want to lose either of them, so they had a choice to make, their relationship or the team. If they chose to stay together, determining who must leave would be as painful as cutting off one of his limbs. Both were members of his family, and both needed this team.

  Nick sighed. I have two days to figure out what I’m going to do. The only decisions I
must make at the moment is who to talk to first and how to broach the subject.

  April 2

  Lexa’s Home – 12:15 a.m.

  Easing himself out of Lexa’s Jeep, Dan gave her a lopsided grin. “Thanks. I could’ve ridden home, but this is way better.”

  As Lexa moved to her kitchen door and unlocked it, her voice came out sarcastic, “Yeah, right, and pigs fly. You might fool the guys, but not me. Inside, up the stairs, and into the tub filled with Epsom salts is what you are doing.”

  Dan chuckled. “Yes, ma’am.” His movements slow and pained he followed orders without complaint.

  Twenty minutes later, lounging in her huge master tub, the jets of warm water massaging him, Dan was happy Lexa offered to let him come home with her. In his little apartment, with his luck, the water heater would be busted again, and he would be facing a cold shower and a lonely bed. His head lay back on the plastic pillow Lexa put behind his neck as she ordered him to stay put until he was a prune.

  Lexa returned carrying two plates stacked on each other, two beers, and ibuprofen. She stopped at the entry and enjoyed the sight before her. Never in a million years did I think a man could make me so happy. Though the sword of Damocles still hangs over my head. If our relationship is discovered, the sharp edges governing my reality will sever the gossamer thread and plunge the blade into the heart I struggle to shelter and rebuild.

  She padded into the bathroom and set the beers on the bathtub’s edge. Sapphire eyes opened at her activities, and she smiled at Dan as she pulled over the little vanity seat and sat next to the tub. Lexa placed the snack she brought Dan on the tub’s rim. “You need something in your stomach when you take these.” She held out the pills.

  “I don’t need them.”

  Cocking her brows up, Lexa eyeballed him, making her opinion clear as she positioned her hand closer to him.

  “Alright. I’ll take them. Geez, I’m buried by a half-ton of dirt, and you go all mother-hen on me.” Dan gingerly lifted his right hand from the water, the one attached to the arm which had been buried, colorful bruising evident from shoulder to fingertips.


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