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SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8)

Page 76

by Laura Acton

  Lois wished she could do something to ease his suffering now. The news had been awash in reports of the raid on a local gang hangout. Several of their current patients were gang members, purportedly shot by their own crew while trying to kill the officers sent to serve a warrant. Such terrible events with horrible outcomes for so many. An alarm from another room caught her attention, and she hurried off, leaving Dan alone with Lexa.

  Sounds drifted in and something called to Lexa, pulling her up, insisting she open her eyes even though she didn’t want to. She was comfortable right here in a soft floaty world swathed in sapphire and amethyst where only beauty and butterflies existed.

  She resisted but the urgency of the buzzing in her ear coupled with the sorrowful weeping won out, and she flickered her lids upwards. Her vision hazy and perception of her surroundings wonky at first, she didn’t realize what or rather who was before her until the wetness on her face clued her in. She drew in a breath and a faint, groggy, “Dan,” eked out.

  Dan pulled back and peered into glassy hazel eyes. “Lexa.” His other hand moved to caress her face. “Babe, I’m so sorry. Forgive me, please.”

  Focusing on the glistening eyelashes bordering Dan’s reddened eyes and noticing the streaks on his cheeks, it took Lexa a moment to comprehend his words. Her eyelids heavy, she struggled to keep them open. She had no idea what he was asking absolution for, but his tone and the pleading in his eyes told her forgiveness was vital.

  Without hesitation she pardoned him. “Always.” She lost the battle with her eyes, and they closed.

  Dan inhaled sharply and began to recompose himself. He used the corner of her sheet to dry her face of his tears and then to wipe his. Recognizing Boss would be waiting to return, and likely barge back in without warning, Dan leaned in close once more and kissed Lexa’s lips tenderly. “I love you. I’ll be back when I can. I wish I could be the one to stay, but Bram insisted I go home with him tonight, and if I don’t I’m afraid they will all find out about us.”

  He kissed her again, not wanting to go. One more caress, another kiss to the back of her delicate hand, he released his hold and exhaled gradually. “I promise to be here for you no matter what. I will help you rehab, and you will be back on the team in no time. The team needs you. I need you. Sweet dreams, my beauty. I’ll visit you tomorrow.”

  A rap on the glass made Dan turn. He spied Boss and wondered how long he stood there. Dan pivoted, hobbled to the door, and opened it, prepared to explain his actions, with lies if necessary to protect Lexa’s place on Alpha Team.

  Nick’s haggard eyes took in Dan’s equally exhausted ones. “Time for you to go rest. Bram is waiting for you in the hall. I’ll call everyone when she wakes or if there are any complications.”

  “She woke, briefly. Opened her eyes a second,” Dan said before he thought better, but the smile which came to Nick’s face relieved him.

  “Wonderful. Did you tell the nurse?”

  Dan shook his head. “Happened right before you knocked.”

  “I’ll tell her then. Now go. You shouldn’t be putting so much stress on your leg.” Nick waited outside Lexa’s room as he watched Dan shuffle away.

  He was thankful Bram stepped up and offered to take Dan home. Nick perceived guilt weighed heavy on Dan … clear and visible through the blue windows into Dan’s soul. He blames himself for Lexa’s injuries. Nick didn’t know yet if it was justified, but his intuition said no.

  The same intuition which made him suspicious of an intimate relationship between Lexa and Dan. An insight now confirmed by what he just witnessed. At the moment, he didn’t want to address the issue, not the right time or place. For now, he would focus on Lexa’s recovery. And if God forbid she couldn’t or didn’t want to return, the problem would be solved. He wouldn’t be the one to cause her further pain by making her chose between Dan and the team.

  Opening the door, Nick quietly entered and went to Lexa’s bedside, gazing at her still form, cherishing each of her heartbeats and breaths. She needs me as much as I need her. She brings light into my life, and I give her unconditional acceptance and love.

  While Ray visited Lexa, Nick called her father in Cold Lake. Alexander McKenna had been gruff and closed off before hanging up on him. Nick didn’t understand how the man ignored and disowned his own daughter. Pulling the chair close, he sat and picked up her limp hand, reassured she lived by the warmth. “I’m here, daughter of my heart. I will never turn my back on you. You are loved no matter what.”

  Bram’s Home – Guest Room – 9:30 p.m.

  Kellie set a glass of water on the nightstand and then stepped back. She gave Dan a warm smile. “I’ll do my best to keep the girls out in the morning. But when they discover you are here, there will be no stopping them from trying to wheedle their way in.”

  “No worries. I should probably be paying rent with as often as I stay,” Dan said striving to hide his desire to be by Lexa’s side by keeping things light.

  Bram chuckled. “Well, now there is a thought, but we don’t charge family rent. You’re welcome anytime, even when you don’t look like crap.”

  “My face that bad?” Dan asked.

  “Yeah. A face only a mother could love at the moment. Want some ice?”

  Dan’s apprehensions about his visage causing their young children distress escalated. “Will I scare them?”

  Kellie shook her head. “I’ll warn them before they arrive and remind them not to jump on you in their eagerness to kiss your boo-boos.” She grinned at the thought of the three little nurses Dan would contend with once they became aware their Prince Charming had owies again. “I’ll be back in a moment with two ice packs and a couple of pillows to prop your leg up higher.” Kellie started out of the room.

  “Don’t worry about me. I’m okay.” Dan lied through his teeth … he was solidly in F.I.N.E. territory.

  Turning back to Dan, Kellie put one hand on her hip and waved the other towards him moving up and down his body. “If you believe this is okay, young man, you are sorely mistaken! And worry?” She marched over to him and sat on the edge of the mattress. “You darned right I’m worried.” Kellie stared into his sad eyes, reading all she needed. “You don’t fool me for one second. I’m not blind to what’s up here,” pointing to his forehead then laid her hand over his heart, “and in here.”

  Before Dan could react, Kellie wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. Shocked, taken aback, his mind whirled, trying to decide if she figured out his secret with Lexa or only reacted to his injuries. Unsure of what to do as she continued to hold him, but drawn into the safe harbor she offered, his arms found their way around her, mooring himself to the comfort she gave without reservation. His breathing became a little erratic, and tears threatened again. He squeezed his eyes shut to prevent liquid from spilling.

  Uncertain how long Kellie embraced him, could’ve been one minute or ten, but when she released him, and he opened his eyes, he spotted Bram standing at the foot of the bed wearing a caring smile and holding three pillows and two ice packs.

  Pleased his wife offered Dan the solace he appeared to need, Bram said, “Kellie’s hugs are the best. Let’s get you set for the night. If you require anything tonight … like if your leg stiffens and you need assistance to the john or if you wish to talk, I’ll have my cell right next to me. Just text or call … don’t worry about the time.”

  Kellie stood, wrapped both cold pads in towels, handing one to Dan for his swollen face and carefully laid the other over his kneecap after helping Bram position Dan’s injured leg. “Night,” she said as she finished covering Dan with a soft blanket. When no response came, she turned her head and smiled.

  Bram wrapped his arms around Kellie’s waist and pulled her back to his chest as he tipped his head close to her ear and whispered, “Told you he could fall asleep at the drop of a hat anywhere. But I think your hug helped him relax enough that he gave in to exhaustion.”

  In a hushed tone, she said, “He appeare
d so desolate and filled with sorrow. He needed a hug in the worst way.”

  “Yeah, he did. I believe he’s blaming himself for Lexa being shot.”

  “Do you know why?”

  “Not yet, but I would lay money down whatever occurred up there isn’t his fault. Though changing his mind will be extremely difficult. Dan is as mule-headed as Jon and ten times more protective.”

  Kellie nodded and grasped Bram’s hand as she stepped out of his warm embrace. “Time for you to go to bed too. Tomorrow will be a long day if you are debriefing.”

  April 5

  TRF HQ – Briefing Room – 11:40 a.m.

  As Dan limped off the elevator with Bram the eyes of Delta Team, who gathered near the dispatch desk, all landed on him, and Frank Hudson said, “Shit, you look almost as bad as you did after going toe-to-toe with Basto in Rouge Park last summer. How long is the leg gonna keep you out?”

  “About two weeks.” Dan continued and was surprised when each member of Glen’s team patted his back as he entered the conference room. He found Loki and Ray in their regular seats, but Boss and Jon were not present.

  Loki hopped up and pulled out Dan’s chair. “Sit. Rest. I brought you an iced capp and Ma baked your favorite oatmeal-raisin-walnut cookies.”

  Gripping the armrests, Dan lowered himself and grinned as he opened the bag. “Thanks.” He noticed covetous glances of the guys standing around him as everyone inhaled the enticing aroma. Dan almost laughed as they appeared to salivate when he pulled out one of the home-made treats. “I’ll share.”

  “Nope. Those are for you. Ma made them with extra love … and protein powder specifically for you.” Loki produced another bag and set it on the table. “These are for everyone else.”

  No one needed a second invitation. Mrs. Baldovino’s talents in the kitchen were well-known, and none of them would ever turn down something she whipped up. Delta settled into seats as Jon and Nick entered with Gambrill.

  At the front, Walter called the meeting to order. “I’ll be sitting in on the debriefing. Before you begin, I want to commend everyone on a job well done yesterday against formidable odds. We plan as best we can, but thirteen against at least sixty BDC members is not something we saw in the cards.

  “I received an update from Inspector Pope this morning. Our raid netted twenty-six gang members, five of whom are juveniles. Seven BDC are dead, four of them at the hands of their own crew. Sergeant Bailey of Guns and Gangs and his men will be rounding up several others who slipped through our perimeter. The BDC will be no more after they finish their sweep.

  “Also spoke with NRB Director Caldwell. Preliminary results of their investigation indicate Jon’s, Dan’s, and Rob’s lethal actions will be ruled justified use of force. We should receive official findings by the end of the week. Thank you, gentlemen, for using restraint and creativity in dealing with this situation. The loss of life could’ve been much greater.”

  Walter turned to Pastore and Turpin. “Sergeants, the floor is yours.” Wanting to be as unobtrusive as possible while the teams debriefed, he strolled to the back and took a seat in one of the wooden chairs at the small table. He remained because he needed to comprehend the details surrounding McKenna being shot. He also would step in if things became too heated or accusatory because he didn’t want a replay of yesterday when he overheard Jon yelling at Dan on the roof.

  Fifty minutes later, Walter’s fears were unjustified. He grinned as he observed his elite team behave in the manner he expected. As Dan explained what occurred, and took the blame for not telling Lexa to wait, Nick, Bram, Loki, Ray, and most vocally Jon, reiterated to Dan it was not his fault.

  They all asserted Lexa was a professional, and although no one on Alpha Team wanted to point the finger at her actions, they hinted she should’ve known not to exit the stairwell without Dan covering her. Delta’s Cooper Geiger didn’t hold the same allegiance to Lexa as her team and boldly stated her choice put an injured teammate at risk. He had no qualms in pointing out that when Dan fell, Lexa should’ve stopped, ensured he was okay and called for backup before proceeding up the stairs.

  Walter had blinked, surprised by the vehemence which spewed from Dan as he defended Lexa and took the onus on himself, declaring he told her to go without him. When Nick stepped in and calmed things down, Walter breathed another sigh of relief. As the debriefing ended and the men started exiting, Walter stood. When only Ray, Loki, and Dan remained, he went to his godson. “I can drive you home if you need a ride.”

  Peering up at his godfather, Dan shook his head. “Bram is taking me to my place to change and then to the hospital to visit Lexa.”

  Comfortable his familial connection didn’t cause problems for Dan, Walter offered, “Alright, but if you require anything, you call. And speaking of calling, you better phone your mother soon. Harriet spoke to her last night and accidentally mentioned you were injured.”

  Dan nodded. “Already did this morning, but thanks.”

  St. Michael’s Hospital – Room 1030 – 1:45 p.m.

  Memories flooded in as Dan reached the portal of Lexa’s room. He spent days cooped up in this place after being shot … seemed odd to him Lexa would end up in the same room. He took a deep breath and clamped on his ‘just friends’ mask, glad he told Bram not to wait for him as he made the slow and painful trek from Bram’s van.

  Luckily, Bram only nodded and left him to limp along without an audience. It afforded him time to shove all the emotions he wanted to display into his lockbox. He must hold them in and remain patient until he could be alone with Lexa before releasing and expressing his real sentiments.

  He pushed open the door and hobbled in. He smiled, his heart warmed spying the entire team here. Ray and Boss sat on chairs. Jon semi-sat on the window ledge. Bram leaned against the wall, and Loki stood by Lexa’s bedside holding a cup with a straw for Lexa to sip water.

  Moving to the end of the bed, Dan gripped the footer and shifted all his weight to his right leg, relieving the pressure on his left knee. He didn’t think she would recall his apology last night, so he said, “Hey, Lexa. You’re awake. I’m sorry I let you down and didn’t cover your six.”

  Hazel eyes sought sapphire ones, and she winced viewing his discolored, swollen face and sorrowful eyes. When the guys arrived thirty minutes ago, Boss shared with her what Dan claimed in debriefing, and she desired to set Dan’s mind at ease. “This isn’t your fault. I should’ve waited. Come here, please.”

  Shuffling forward, unsure why she wanted him closer, he stopped near the top of her bed on the opposite side as Loki. “What?”

  Lifting her one arm, the other strapped to her chest to keep it immobile, her fingers beckoned him closer, and when he leaned down, she pulled him into a brief hug. “I don’t blame you so no blaming yourself. Got it?”

  “Copy,” Dan said as her words became the ointment which eased the pain of the open wounds on his heart.

  “Aaaaaah, how sweet,” Loki quipped, causing the others to chuckle.

  After she released Dan and he straightened up, she made a fist and slugged his bicep, with as much force as she could muster, which was virtually nothing.

  Dan’s hand went to his arm, not because it hurt, but because she surprised the hell out of him. “What is that for?”

  “For being an idiot and not telling me you were hurt. You might be dead now if Pablo got the drop on you after he shot me. Enough of all this macho, he-man, super-soldier crap. We’re a team, a family, and we help each other. You should know that by now.” Her outburst took most of her energy, and she closed her eyes.

  Nick rose, ready to enact the plan they concocted to allow Lexa a moment of privacy with Dan. When he shared with her how Dan reacted in debriefing, taking full blame, she asked for the time to reassure him without everyone hovering. Nick kept to himself what he witnessed last night in the ICU. Though he didn’t overhear Dan’s words, his meltdown, the tears, kisses, caresses, and the tender way he held her hand spoke volumes.

/>   Again, Nick decided to hold off making the others, especially Jon, aware of the situation. He needed to speak with both Lexa and Dan but would wait until Lexa’s return was certain. No need to cause either of them more pain. Nick pulled the plastic chair close to Dan. “Sit.”

  Dan tore his gaze from Lexa, closed his gaping mouth, and peered at his worn-out sergeant. “You’re tired. You keep the chair.”

  As he shook his head, a slight smile tugged at the corners of Nick’s mouth. “You heard Lexa, quit being difficult and let us help. Besides, Jon is driving me home for a catnap, so I don’t need this now. Figured you would want to stay awhile and standing isn’t recommended.”

  Complying, Dan lowered himself down, his braced leg sticking out straight. Jon shifted off the windowsill and tilted his head at Ray who stood. Jon pushed the second chair in front of Dan and lifted his injured left leg, cautiously placing it on the seat. “Ray’s leaving too. I’m taking him to his parent’s home so he can rest. Don’t visit too long, both you and Lexa need rest. Either Loki or Bram will drive you home when you’re ready to go.”

  Once Dan gave him a slight nod, Jon ushered Nick and Ray out. He needed a bit of a nap himself after not getting much sleep last night.

  Loki rushed to the door and called out, “Ray, hold up. Your bag is still in my car. Do you need it?” Receiving a yes, Loki turned to Bram. “I’ll pop down with them and come back up.” He jogged out after them.

  Bram said, “I’m going to grab us both a cup of coffee. Back in a minute.”

  Alone in the room with Lexa, Dan reached over and took hold of Lexa’s hand, squeezing lightly.

  Her lids cracking open part way, Lexa managed a smile. “I’ll be okay.”

  Leaning over, Dan placed a tender kiss on her hand. “I’m gonna make sure you are. We’ll have you back on the team in no time. I got a lot of tricks for speeding up rehab.”

  Lexa lightly chuckled. “I’m sure you do. How are you, truthfully?”


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