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Determinant, a YA Paranormal Romance (Book 3 of The Guardians of Vesturon)

Page 23

by A. M. Hargrove

  I listened to their conversation, but my heart was shredding to pieces. It felt as if someone had reached into my chest and tore my heart out of my body, so deep was my pain. What frightened me even more was that it was quickly being replaced with a deep consuming savagery that would fuel my actions until I had January back here with me. I wanted to wake up from this ridiculously horrid nightmare, but that would not happen, as it was reality I was facing.

  I lifted my head from my hands and saw my parents, along with my brother Tesslar headed to the terrace.

  “Rykerian, my son, I am terribly sorry.” My mother pulled me into her arms and held me tightly. “We will stop at nothing to see her safely returned to you.”

  “Thank you Mother.”

  At her advancing age, my mother was still stunningly beautiful. Most children did not feel their parents were attractive, but it would be impossible not to say so about my mother. Her hair was still worn long and it was as blond as it had ever been. Her face bore no wrinkles and her blue eyes had the clarity of someone less than half her age. She was the rock of the family and her love for us was her first and foremost priority.

  She stepped away from me and pulled Maddie and then Rayn into her embrace.

  My father immediately jumped into his leadership role.

  “I have already contacted Therron and Xarrid and they are at the ready for your command Rykerian. We must devise our tactics and strategy on how we will proceed.”

  Rayn glanced at me and seeing I was still unable to process, he replied, “Yes then. Shall we head to the Command Center?”

  Chapter 2

  We made our way to the “War Room” as we sometimes called it, and began discussing our next steps.

  “Father, do you know anything of this species?” I wanted to know.

  He indicated he did not. “I have our researchers investigating it at present, but we have never encountered a being like this Herdekian.”

  My heart sank at his words. I had hoped, beyond hope, that he knew at least a tiny bit about these creatures.

  “Maddie and Rayn, and you too Rykerian, I think it imperative you three stay here on Earth while this mission is being executed,” my father said.

  “No,” I yelled out as I exploded to my feet. “I must go to see this mission accomplished.”

  “You cannot Rykerian. You need to remain here. I cannot risk having all of my children on Xanthus. It is too dangerous. Think of the consequences if you are captured or worse than that.

  “He is right Rykerian. It would be unprecedented for all of us to end up as prisoners on Xanthus. The Xanthians would eagerly put us to death, if nothing else, simply to make a statement to Father.” Rayn was, of course correct, and his logic was inarguable.

  I nodded in agreement. I would abide by this even though I did not like it.

  “I knew it! I just knew we should have destroyed them all. They have been nothing but a huge pain in everyone’s bohonkus ever since...well probably since the beginning of time!” Maddie was shouting now.

  Rayn let loose a monstrous sigh and my father shook his head at her.

  “Maddie, stop already,” I with a deep sigh. “You are well aware of the fact that it would be an impossibility to go in and destroy the whole planet of Xanthus. We are the peacekeepers of the universe, not the destroyers.” Everyone’s jaw dropped as they turned to stare at me, in shock over my response.

  Then Rayn grinned, as did everyone else, except for Maddie, who just grunted at me.

  “Rykerian is correct Maddie. Now you must stop this train of is unhealthy to continue to harbor such severe hatred toward them.”

  “Rowan, forget about that. It ain’t ever gonna happen!” she retorted.

  “Enough.” Rayn spoke softly, but with intent. He leaned into his mate and laced his fingers with hers before saying, “We know and understand how you feel love, but right now, we need to focus on the problem at hand. We need your expertise and knowledge of the prison area and the layout of the structure, as well as that of the power plant. Can you do this? For me? For Rykerian?”

  They were engrossed in each other for several moments when she nodded and began explaining how the power plant was designed.

  “Therron has said most of their power now is through auxiliary sources, mainly solar and chemical. The sources are scattered throughout various areas, which will make it a bit more difficult to execute,” Rowan explained.

  “Or maybe not,” Maddie piped in.

  “How so?” Tesslar asked.

  “If we can coordinate several parties to teleport in simultaneously, we could have a sort of systematic destruction take place. It would very be helpful if Therron or Xarrid could figure out which area was specifically responsible for powering the security system at the prison. We could destroy others first, using that as a decoy. Then we could hit the prison security system. Hopefully, with everyone occupied and distracted by the first outage, the prison break would be less notable.”

  We all piped in saying how that sounded like a great plan. I’m not sure who beamed brighter, Maddie or Rayn.

  We all went to work devising the specifics of how this plan would be executed.

  In the meantime, Xarrid’s holographic image came to us. He had been investigating the power sources and their locales and had identified which one did what. So that part of the equation had been solved.

  Next, we handpicked several Guardians that would man the team for the operation. Kennar was chosen as their leader, for he had the most experience in this type of covert mission.

  A thought struck me and I asked, “Do we know anything about the father and daughter? We need their names and descriptions, else we will not be able to identify them.”

  “How will we contact Herdekian?” Maddie asked.

  I quickly responded, “I do not believe we will need to contact him. I have a strong feeling he is monitoring our activities and will contact us.”

  We formulated our plans but the only missing piece of the puzzle was the information we required to recognize the ones we were to rescue.

  Chapter 3

  Hours later I lay on my bed, trying to get some rest. My mind was a hive of activity, thoughts zinging through my brain like lightening. My attempts to shut it down were unsuccessful, so I simply stopped trying.

  Stretched out on my bed, my arms crossed beneath my head, I was suddenly impacted by a series of visions. January was sitting in a stark white room drumming her fingers on a bedside table. Her frustration was obvious by her erratic movements. She would sit, then stand, then pace, then repeat the process. She appeared to be physically fine and I felt my tension release through my breathing.

  As the vision remained, I heard his voice clearly. “As you can see, your January is unharmed. She will remain that way unless you renege on our agreement. My father goes by the name Boland Herdekian and my sister is called Zulietta Herdekian. You will find them located on Level 4 of the prison.”

  His voice faded away and then the vision disappeared.

  Dashing to Rayn’s room, I pounded on the door. A disheveled looking Rayn opened the door and I fell into relaying the information I had just gained.

  “January is well, even though she is a bit frazzled!”

  I was relieved by my vision. It had given me a new sense of purpose, but it also reignited my anger I had tried to suppress.

  “I learned the names of his father and sister as well as their location in the prison.”

  Rayn mumbled something but I didn’t pay attention. My bed was calling to me, as sleep had been so evasive. With this news, my excitement turned to exhaustion so I spread across my bed and was instantly asleep.


  She was home! January threw herself into my arms and we spun around and around as I held her high in the air. Her radiant smile sent tingles up and down my spine. My eyes drank in her lips and they ignited such a need in me I had to taste them.

  I let her slide down my body until her head was level
with mine. Her lips curved into a knowing smile as her eyes smoldered with passion. I could wait not a second longer and my mouth slanted across her, tasting her honeyed lips. It wasn’t enough. My tongue traced the outline of her mouth and then sought entry. I felt her response as her tongue met mine and did its own special dance.

  Her heart pounded against my chest and I could hear and feel her blood rushing through her veins. Her heated response increased my boldness as my invasion of her mouth intensified. With one arm around her slight body, holding her tightly to me, my other arm crept up to her neck where my hand encircled it. My thumb gently massaged her pulse until I heard her moan. I pulled my mouth away from her so I could mimic the motion of my thumb on her neck. I kissed her gently there at first but I heard her mumble, “More, please.”

  I drew back to look at her loveliness when her face began to blur. The edges grew less sharp and began to fade. I tried to hold on to her but she disappeared. I screamed her name and when I did, I woke up, drenched in sweat, and tangled amidst damp sheets.

  My breath heaved in my chest as my heart pounded. The dream had been so real; I could still taste the honey of her kiss.

  Feet were pounding down the corridor and my door burst open.

  “Are you all right? Is everything okay in here? I heard you screaming and I feared something happened.”

  Rayn was there, and Maddie came in behind him.

  “I am fine. It was only a dream,” I croaked.

  “Are you sure you’re okay Rykerian?” Maddie asked in a disbelieving voice.

  “Yes, I am fine. It was but a dream.”

  Maddie placed her hand on my shoulder. “Dreams can be very disorienting Rykerian. Give it time to pass.”

  I nodded as they left the room.

  The next morning everyone was sitting around the breakfast table as I joined them. Rayn had already explained how I had garnered the information on the prisoners.

  We were set to brief the rescue team later that morning. Kennar would lead the team as planned and they would be heading there tomorrow.

  We finished eating and my mother requested a moment alone with me. She took my hand and walked me into the den.

  “How are you feeling my son?”

  “I will survive.”

  “You are sure of her...your January? There have been many before her that you paid no interest in.”

  My eyes bore into hers as I replied, “I have never been more sure of anything in my life.”

  “I see. Rykerian, you were the one I worried about the most.”

  “Why me mother?”

  “Oh, my son.” She reached up and pushed my hair off of my forehead. “You have always been so softhearted and introspective I feared you would pass up an opportunity because you were so shy amongst the females.”

  “Yes, well, I have never been comfortable around them but it is different with January. She makes me feel strong...and powerful, like I have this deep need to protect her.”

  “It sounds like you have found your amashan Rykerian...your one true soul mate. Have you told her of your family’s prominence and of the role she is to assume if she accepts you as her mate?”

  I sighed, “I have not. I did not have the opportunity before she was stolen away from here.”

  “Rykerian, I only ask because of my love for you. I do not want her, or you, to have false illusions of what may lie ahead for the two of you. She must be willing to give up her place on Earth if she is to be by your side always, and she must learn of the Vesturion ways.”

  “I know that Mother and I will explain that to her when I am with her again.”

  “Have you bonded with her?”

  “I do believe we have connected Mother. It is like nothing I have ever known. A current of energy flows between us that is something I cannot begin to describe.”

  “From your glowing aura, I believe you have my son. Well then, I look forward to meeting this female of yours.” She graced me with one of her beautiful smiles that lit up her face.

  My stomach churned as I thought of January and if she would make it back to me.

  “Do not think such thoughts. She will be yours in every way one day. My hearts sings for you Rykerian.” She hugged me and turned to leave.

  “Thank you Mother. You know you have my love as always.”

  “As you have mine, my son,” she smiled.

  I was left standing alone in the den, haunted by thoughts of life without January. My dream had disturbed me more than I cared to admit. The fact that she had vanished before my eyes made me tremble with fear. I was close to a full on panic attack, with my heart thundering in my chest. Sheer will power was keeping it in check. I felt my brother’s presence as I turned to him.

  “Besides the obvious, what has you in such a foul mood.”

  “The dream I had last night. It was about January; she disappeared before my eyes.”

  “Do not over think was a dream and only a dream Rykerian.”

  “What if it was a prophecy?”

  “It was not, but if you want to know the truth, ask Talasi. She is a seer and can tell you. Perhaps she can put your mind at ease.”

  It did not take any more persuading for me to seek her out. I decided against teleporting, as I needed to expunge my adrenaline. I changed into my Guardian uniform of black trousers, black shirt and black boots. I placed my shadars on my wrists and moments later I was using my Power of Speed to race through the forest. The feeling of the wind on my cheeks was exhilarating and freeing. I ran as hard as I could, stopping for nothing. When I reached the caves of the Nunne Hi, my tension had disappeared.

  Talasi and the Nunne Hi were our kindred spirits. We were here on Earth, North Carolina specifically, to protect them. We had formed an unbreakable bond with them many years ago and her people were my people. She was like an extension of my family.

  Talasi was by my side in seconds. Her ability to see the future warned her I was on the way. We sat outside the caves as I told her what she already knew. I needed another set of ears as well as her wisdom.

  “Your female is fine and will remain so. Her captor has grown fond of her.”

  I bristled at her words and jealousy tore through me.

  “It is not what you are thinking,” she covered my hands with hers. “He is fond of her in the way you are of me. A sister or dear friend, no more. It will however, ensure her safety.”

  I was a tangled mass of emotions. One second I was raging with jealousy and the next I could feel relief surging throughout my body.

  “It is understandable as you feel she belongs to you.”

  “Talasi, does she return my feelings?”

  “Her heart is filled with you, but she is unsure of how to respond. Give her time Rykerian. She is unfamiliar with love, unlike you. She has faced rejection and hatred her whole life. What she feels for you is as alien to her as are you. In time, she will understand the depths of emotions such as these.”

  Her words made sense and I felt myself breathing easier.

  “Can you tell me anything of this Herdekian and his species?”

  “I am sorry but I cannot. I feel he has faced great difficulties in his lifetime and I am of the mindset that he is not a wholly bad individual. However, that is all I can tell you.”

  My hand reached for hers and I squeezed it. “Thank you Talasi. You have eased my fears somewhat and for that I am grateful.”

  She graced me with a smile. Her curtain of black hair reflected the light of the sun, creating hints of blue. Her smile conveyed the warmth of the sun and her eyes were a rich coffee-colored hue that softened when she spoke. “Have a care Rykerian. Things will work out for you but you must have patience.”

  My spirits were uplifted as I raced back to the Compound. The heavy burden had been somewhat lessened. The run had also eased my restlessness. When I reached home I headed straight for the kitchen and some of Zanna’s food, for I suddenly found I was starving.

  Chapter 4

  The team
of six arrived safely on Xanthus and met with Therron and Xarrid. They dispersed to their assigned duties. The news was sketchy at first, and then everything went completely chaotic. We weren’t quite clear on what happened, but something went terribly wrong and we suffered a grave casualty. Kennar had been part of our team on Earth for years and we all mourned his loss.

  Our communications with Therron and Xarrid were sparse now for they feared for their lives. We ordered all Guardians off of Xanthus immediately. Freighters were waiting in the safe zone outside of Xanthus controlled space where the Guardians could teleport to safety. The Rebels had somehow stolen spacecraft from other planets and refitted some of their own, making them quite a dangerous presence. We had greatly erred in our dealings with them by underestimating their tenacity and quest for power.

  Maddie was in turmoil. Her distress was palpable. She hadn’t heard from Saylan, her best friend, in days. Our communications had been cut with Xarrid and Therron so she was out of luck. All thoughts went unanswered. We put tracers on everyone, but Saylan’s went undetected, as if she had dropped off of the face of the planet.

  Rayn and I were seated at the kitchen table as we had just finished lunch when Maddie barged in the door and made a beeline for her mate.

  “I’m going home. To Vesturon. I have to go to the Command Center to see what’s going on. I’m too far removed here,” she said her face haggard with worry.

  Rayn’s arms reached for her, pulling her into his lap.

  “I understand Sunshine. Anything you need, anything at all. Does Father know?”

  “Yes, he’s meeting me at the Center in about a half hour.”

  “Any word from anyone at all?”

  “Nothing. Not even Xarrid. Something is dreadfully wrong Rayn and I just can’t sit still anymore and do nothing.”

  “No, I understand completely. You need to go.” He wrapped his hand around the side of her neck and kissed her. “Go now and be safe. Let me know first thing when you hear something.”


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