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Page 10

by S. Donahue

  “Hey, it’s my favorite candy.”

  “Did you ever just want to spontaneously do something? Something you know is right for you?” I don’t know what has come over me, but I am so nervous right now.

  “What do you mean? What are you getting at, Chase?” she asks, raising an eyebrow at me. She folds her hands on the table, waiting on a response.

  “Do you want to go to Vegas?”




  To gamble? To see a show? Why does Chase O’Brien want me to spontaneously go to Vegas with him?

  I swallow my spit when reality hits me. No, that’s not the reason.

  Is he on some serious drugs right now? I know he can tell by the look on my face that I may have figured it out.

  “Do you want to gamble?”

  “You would be the one gambling. I’ve already won.” I get up from my chair and start wiping the counter. I can only think to clean right now. I wipe the counter so hard, I am about to take the finish off of the granite.

  He has a smirk on his face. “Are you mad? Why are you taking it out on the counter?”

  I look up at him while I clean. “I’m not mad. I just don’t understand. Maybe you need to make it a little more clear for me, Chase.”

  “I think you know what I mean, Hailey,” he says, coming closer to me as I back away further.

  “No, I don’t think I do. Maybe you better say it, because I think maybe you may have lost some cells in your brain temporarily.”

  “I think we should go to Vegas and get married,” he says nonchalantly, as if he just asked if we could go get milk at the corner store.

  I burst out laughing.

  “What is so funny? I’m dead serious.” He looks upset that I am laughing.

  I can’t help it. It’s funny.

  “About three hours ago, I was on a date with your best friend, and now you want to marry me in Vegas. Don’t you find that a little odd?” I’m now rearranging silverware in my drawers. Who am I to call anyone odd?

  “I’ll get us a flight right now… That’s how serious I am.”

  “Did you think that maybe my parents would like to… I don’t know… maybe be at my first wedding? Shouldn’t two people actually be in love with each other to get married?” I am snapping, throwing questions left and right. I just don’t know how to react.

  “Hailey,” he says, pulling my body into his. “When I wake up in the morning, you are all I think about. When I go to bed at night, you are all I think about. I have thought about you since I saw you, the mysterious woman in the bar. When I thought P was going to take you from me, I was crazy fucking jealous. I wanted to beat his ass. I want you. I don’t know how many times I have to tell you.”

  “Don’t tell me, show me,” I blurt out.

  He picks me up and carries me to my bedroom.

  He whispers in my ear, “This is just a preview for Vegas.”

  I throw my head back, and he kisses my neck while I hold onto his.



  THE ONLY OPTION I had was to tell her how I feel about her. When she tells me to show her how I feel, I scoop her up off her feet. I plan on making love to her all night long and showing her how a real man should treat her.

  The feel of her neck is so soft. My body is pulsing as I wonder how soft the rest of her body feels, particularly her breasts. I lay her down on the black and white comforter. Her bedroom is dark. I dim the light so I can still see her.

  “You can turn it off,” she says.

  “I want to look at you.”

  “I don't want you to see my body.”

  “Your body is beautiful.” I remove her shirt over her head, exposing her purple bra; her breasts peek out of the top. I remove her UGG slippers and yoga pants. She has purple thong panties on to match her bra. I kiss between her thighs.

  “This body is mine forever. No other man is ever going to stand in my way again. You are amazing, and I almost let you go because I was stupid.”

  “Oh Chase, I have had an attraction to you since high school. I just never felt good enough for you back then, and I guess I put in my head that we could never be. When you came back, I put up a wall because I knew you could hurt me.” She looks away.

  “I can never hurt you. I'll be here for you always,” I say moving her face to look at me. “I don't want to know if you'll go to Vegas with me. We can talk about that tomorrow. Right now, I just want you like this tonight, no matter what our future holds” I whisper in her ear, “The only sound I want to hear from your lips is my name as I bring you to the best orgasm of your life.”

  I unclasp her bra and maneuver her panties from her body. I toss my shirt off and throw it behind me. I have Hailey in front of me… ready. I grind over top of her as I take her breasts into my mouth and nibble on her nipples. I move my tongue in a circular motion, caressing and licking her. I hear a hard breath escape her lips. I want her to know how special she is.

  “Are you ready for me?”

  “Yes,” she says holding my face between her hands. “I've been ready.”

  Her touch sends chills down my body. “Do you have condoms?” I ask.

  “No, do you?”

  “No. I haven't been with anyone since Megan.”

  “Well, I don't sleep around, so I don't need them.”

  “Shit, are you on birth control?”

  “No, but I'm due for my period in, like, five days. Very likely I'll get pregnant,” she warns.

  As popular as I am, I've only been with five women; two of them were long term relationships. I don't cheat, and I don't sleep around. When I am with someone, I give my everything. The relationships with the other three girls were very short-lived. This thing with Hailey feels right. I have been careful my entire life. I never messed up or taken any risks.

  I am about to take my first risk, because I want this. I see it this way: I'm mature enough. I can handle anything that comes my way.

  I know Hailey isn’t the kind of person who is trying to trap me. Whatever happens… happens.

  I want her, and I'm going to have her.



  I DON'T HAVE SEX anymore. Sammy cheated on me, and I vowed off men altogether. I hadn't thought about it until Chase came into the picture, and even then I never thought it would happen. Chase asks me if I am on birth control pills or have any condoms. I avoid anything that makes me gain weight unless it’s absolutely necessary.

  I’m about to have sex with Chase O’Brien. You can only write this shit in books. Every lick, every touch feels heavenly. I want to stay like this forever. He pulls my mouth to his then pushes himself inside of me, moving slowly and gently. I exhale. I feel like I’ve been holding my breath in anticipation.

  My hands grip his biceps, and he stares into my eyes. “I want to be your everything,” he says.

  “I need you,” I moan, as I dig my nails into his back.

  His mouth caresses my neck. “You smell so good. You're so sexy,” he whispers.

  I’ve never had someone say these things to me during an intimate moment. I feel tears begin, but at the same time it makes me hot for him.

  “Oh, Chase.” I'm so emotional. Memories flood back. Everything all at once: my pain, my hurt, my happiness, and this moment. No one can take this moment from me… even if we have just this. He is my savior, my hero.

  I can't say what's going to happen after tonight, but right now my body feels amazing, being this close to him. As he increases his thrusts, my heart races, and I am brought to culmination along with Chase. Our breathing is elated. Then we are silent.

  “Are you okay?” he asks.

  “Yeah, you?” Deep down, I'm an emotional mess.

  “I’m perfect,” he says, moving my hair away from my face.

  He puts his arms around me, and we lie like this for a while before we pleasure each other again.

  Safe… two people w
ho need each other.

  It feels right, but is it?



  AT ONE POINT during our time together, I saw a tear escape Hailey’s eyes. I wish I knew what she was feeling. I didn't want to ask her; I just want her to know I am there for her.

  I put my shirt on. I feel something at my foot. I look down—it’s a black and white kitty.

  “You must be Twix,” I say, petting him on the head. He rubs against my hand as I pick him up. “Come on, let's go find your mother. If only you could speak.” I laugh.

  Hailey is sitting at the table. She pours coffee for both of us.

  “I made you bacon and eggs,” she says, smiling.

  “How are you?” I ask as I butter my bagel.

  “I'm good.”

  “You look like you were in deep thought.” No words are spoken; she just smiles again. Is she embarrassed?

  I get up from my chair and walk over to her then kiss her, giving her something to smile about. I walk back to my seat.

  “I was thinking—I still want you to go to Vegas with me. Think about it. Tomorrow I'll send a car to pick you up to go to the airport. If your answer is yes, you get in the car, and we head to Vegas. If your answer is no, you don't get in the car, and I go to Vegas alone. We can figure out next steps later, when I come back.”

  “Chase—” she starts to say, but I cut her off.

  “I don't want to know your answer until tomorrow. I want you to really think about it.”

  After I finish my delicious breakfast, I get ready to head out. “I have to be at the pharmacy soon.”

  “Okay, I'll talk to you later.”

  “I'll call you.” I kiss her goodbye, not knowing if this is for good or not. With the door between us, I walk away, hoping for the best.




  Do I want to marry him and spend the rest of my life with him? This is the question I've been pondering since he left yesterday. He made me feel really special the night before. When I'm around him, my heart rate goes up, but “forever” scares the shit out of me.

  Today is the day Chase is going to Vegas. He has to go over a business proposition with a man to purchase a pharmacy chain. While we are in Vegas, he wants us to get married. He says it just feels right to him. I'm hoping it's not because of Parker and Megan. I hope he doesn't feel that this will help him get over the situation.

  There's a knock at the door. I'm hoping it's not the car to pick me up. Chase said they would be here at four p.m. It's only two o'clock. I still have time to decide. Knowing me, I’ll make my decision at 3:55.

  I answer the door but don't see anyone. I look out my condo to the right and see Parker walking away.

  He turns back around. “Hi,” he says.

  “What do you want?” I say with an attitude.

  “Forgiveness?” he says with puppy-dog eyes.

  “You're a little late for that, and you’re not as sweet as you make yourself out to be. You can't take back what you said. Obviously you meant it,” I say, going off on him and hoping the neighbors don’t hear me.

  “Hailey, I'm sorry. I really am. What I said to you has really been bothering me. I should never have said it.” His apology means nothing to me. What he said really hurt me.

  “Parker, just go.”

  He notices the bags inside by the door that I put out just in case I decide to go with Chase.

  “Are you leaving?”

  “Maybe. I haven't decided yet.”

  “Is there still a chance for us?” he asks with a serious expression on his face.

  I look at him like he has twenty heads. “You're having a baby with Megan.”

  “I talked to Megan. We decided that we aren't going to be together just because of the baby.”

  “I'm sorry, Parker, that it's come to that. I don't have any feelings for you.”

  “Is it because of Chase?” He knows the answer.

  I look away. “Yeah, it's always been Chase.”

  “I know that. If he treats you badly, come find me.”

  “Chase is a good person. I don't think that will happen.”

  “I'm sorry again, Hailey,” he says, walking away.

  I'm pretty sure he'll have a woman in the sack very shortly. He doesn't waste any time.

  Right now, I have a decision to make.

  A few hours later the doorbell rings.

  “Are you Hailey McCormick?” the driver asks.

  “That's me.”

  “I'm here to escort you to the airport. Will you be joining Mr. O'Brien today?”

  I stand there staring at the man. One little word will make my destiny: yes or no.



  AT THE AIRPORT waiting, I sit on my suitcase by the sidewalk. I'm a nervous mess. Will she or won’t she show up? Mario, our driver for lacrosse, said he would do me a favor and pick Hailey up. I told him not to call me and let me know the outcome. I want to be surprised.

  I must be on something, because I probably made the waiting twenty-thousand-times worse for myself. My heart feels like its punching my throat. I start to pace then I see the Escalade pull up. The windows are tinted, so I can’t see inside. Mario gets out of the driver's seat and walks up to me.

  “Is she in there?” I ask, clearly on edge. I can tell by his face that she's not in the car.

  “I'm sorry, man,” he says as he pats my shoulder with sympathy. “She asked me to give you this letter.”

  “Thanks.” I feel so heartbroken.

  As he drives off, I open the letter.


  I wanted to be there with you up until a half hour ago. I was going to come with you to Vegas. I am just not sure it’s the right time for us to get married, but what do I know? You mean everything to me. I really hope this isn't the end. Maybe we can take it slower and spend some time together.

  I hope you're not upset. The other night was perfect, and I don't want to ruin that right now. Maybe when you come home we can talk.

  Hope to see you soon,


  I just need to think. I thought she would have come with me to Vegas. Everything seemed so good between us.

  I'm not going to call or text her or bother her just yet. I head towards the airplane. Off to Vegas I go... alone.




  “I'll make more,” Melanie says.

  I go in my office and slam the door. I've been unbearable the past week and a half. I know it. Mel wants to kill me. I've been snapping at everyone. I haven't called Chase, and he hasn't called me. I want to pick up the phone every minute and call him, but my pride has the best of me.

  I have a meeting at one o'clock with that anonymous author about signing them to a book deal. After that meeting, I'm going home. I'm taking the rest of the day off. I deserve it, and I need to relax and release some stress.

  Melanie buzzes me to let me know my one o'clock is here. I tell her to send them in.

  “Okay,” she responds.

  A few minutes later I hear the door opening, and it’s Melanie.

  “What's wrong? Did they leave?” I’m hoping they didn’t, because I really want to know who it is. A part of me thinks it may be Carrie and that has me on edge too.

  “No, they want you to see the full manuscript. They said turn to the title page.”

  “They couldn't bring it in?” I say with attitude.

  “I don't know. They just said to open the manuscript,” she says, growing impatient with me.

  “All right, all right, I'll do it.”

  I open the manuscript and flip through the first few pages. Clear as day, it says in really large writing: Will you marry me, Hailey?

  Confused, I look up at Mel, but she's gone, and a guy with a microphone bursts into my office singing. I have no idea what's going on. The man is singing Michael Jackson's “I Jus
t Can't Stop Loving You.”

  Chase comes in behind him. I gasp. Tears start to form then start pouring down my face. He's standing there with a smile on his face. When the guy stops singing, Chase gets down on the ground and opens a ring box.

  “Oh my God, I can’t believe this,” I say in shock. This was the last thing I expected today. I knew in my heart that we would eventually speak to each other again, but I was afraid that he would never have forgiven me for not showing up at the airport.

  “Hailey, you deserve more than a Vegas shotgun wedding. You mean a lot to me. I want you to have a big wedding. I'm a jerk for even suggesting it. I have come to have feelings for you. I know what I am feeling is love. I know you are forever for me. I will be here to protect you until the end of time. When we are too stubborn to call each other, I can't stop thinking about you. I want to wake up next to you every day. What do you say let's do this together. Will you marry me?”

  I can’t describe how I feel. I am at a loss for words. I know that I love him. When he was in Vegas I felt a void. I wanted to be there, but I needed time. During that time, I thought about how I felt not being with him. I missed him. I longed to see him and be with him physically. I know what my answer has to be.

  “Yes, I'll marry you. How can I say no to this proposal or to you? I’ve missed you a lot.”

  He always knows the right thing to do. He kisses me and puts the ring on my finger. “I’ve missed you too.”

  This is like a dream come true. I couldn't even have imagined that this would be happening to me, not after everything that we've been through for so many years.

  “Wait, I have to go apologize to my client. I had a meeting at one. Wait... What the hell? How? You sent in the book…!”

  “I forgive you,” he says, smiling once again.

  “What? I’m…”


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