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Time Will Tell (Timeless Series)

Page 5

by Loyd, Sandy

  “I’ll take care of the stallion, son,” Nathan’s dad said. Libby handed him the reins. As he led the horse away, she glanced up and got her first good look at Colin Thorpe. In an attempt to ascertain what he was like, she stared at him for a minute, startled at how attractive he was. He wore dark, formfitting pants that tapered to fit inside worn riding boots and a white muslin shirt with the sleeves rolled up, showing off well-defined forearms. He could easily grace the cover of one of her romance novels.

  He noticed her attention and their gazes met.

  For several moments, steady oceanic eyes held hers. Time seemed to stand still. A deer in headlights came to mind when she couldn’t look away. His eyes conveyed a warm intelligence, but they were curious at the same time. Finally, Libby cast her gaze down at her feet. Heat crept up her face and she knew it was probably beet red, a by-product of being blonde and female. Don’t let him realize I’m a girl, she prayed, busying herself with brushing off her jeans. That would bring up questions she did not want to even begin to attempt to answer.

  “Are you OK, young man?” He touched her shoulder and his fingers slid higher to take her chin. He studied her face, concern etched into his expression. “Doesn’t look too bad.”

  He smiled, and it was all she could do to continue breathing. That devastating smile, along with that intense gaze, did strange things to her insides.

  “I’m Colin Thorpe.”

  Unable to speak, she just nodded and took his offered hand. She cleared her throat, trying to ignore the warmth of his fingers, also trying to figure out why he affected her so.

  “This is my frien’ Libby,” Nathan chimed in, coming to her rescue. “He’s lookin’ for work.”

  “Is he now?” Colin dropped her hand and turned to the blond man striding up behind him. “What do you think, Gus?”

  “Ja.” Gus nodded. “We could always use a hand like you.” Even though his gaze wasn’t as troubling, the fact that she was lying about her gender added to the warmth in her cheeks. “You’ve a way with horses, boy.”

  “Yes,” she croaked out. “I love horses. I’ve worked around them most of my life.” Libby took a deep breath and added, sounding more convincing, “Some even say I’m gifted.”

  “I say hire the boy.” Gus turned to Colin.

  Colin nodded. “Hell, it’s the least we can do to thank him for risking his neck to save that fine animal from more abuse.” He clapped her on the back and offered another smile—one so irresistible, Libby had to look away. “In fact, we could use your help right now, since I had to fire Smithers.”

  “Can I help too,” Nathan asked.

  Colin shrugged. “I don’t see why not. You can help your friend there.” He glanced at Gus for confirmation. “If that’s OK with your pa.”

  “Ja, you two can muck out the dirty stalls. Just try to stay out of everyone’s way, son.”

  As they strode away, Libby exhaled a sigh of relief.

  A beaming Nathan grabbed her hand. “Did you hear that? He’s letting me help you.” He started walking in the same direction the two had taken. “Pa likes you. An’ I think Mr. Thorpe does too.” Libby had no choice but to follow. This was turning into an interesting adventure, she decided, even as her main question about being here still loomed.

  She and Nathan cleaned out the first of several stalls. Both picked up horse manure with pitchforks and tossed it into a wheelbarrow before adding fresh straw and moving to the next stall. While silently working, she thought back to her wish and what it meant to no avail.

  When the wheelbarrow was full, Libby hefted up the handles and unsteadily pushed it toward the rear of the stable door. Her arms ached from exertion and it was hard to keep her forward momentum. The wheel hit a small hole in the dirt floor and her load almost tipped over.

  “Here, let me help you with that, young fellow,” said a booming voice that had become all too familiar during the last few hours.

  Libby looked up and sure enough, Colin Thorpe stood right behind her.

  He relieved her of the bulky burden and their fingers touched. It hadn’t helped that too many times he’d caught her staring at him when he’d pass by. He must really think she was daft.

  Her face warmed and Libby cleared her throat, stilling the urge to run. She doubted the trees sent her here to find another man attractive, but she wouldn’t be female and not be affected by him when he appeared so handsome, like some rugged horseman modeling men’s cologne.

  She got a whiff of her own perfume, eau de horse, looked down, and groaned. Her blouse and jeans were covered in sweat and grime and her once clean boots had clumps of manure around the soles. There was no avoiding it with this many horses. Here she was, staring into the eyes of one of the most striking males on the planet, and she just happened to look worse than usual. Of course, none of that should matter because he assumed she was a boy. Not to mention Libby was an engaged woman.

  It would certainly be nice if the trees helped her figure out what to do about Dave. Yet, having bigger issues to deal with at the moment than the purpose of her time travel, she followed Colin out the door.

  He easily emptied the barrow and offered it back to her. Unfortunately, he also offered that thousand-watt smile that kept doing funny things to her insides whenever she saw it.

  Averting her gaze, Libby tried hard not to gush as he walked away. The man would definitely be a heartthrob in her day. Too bad he’s here in the past, she thought, veering the now easier conveyance back to the stall where Nathan waited. But then it really didn’t matter. She wasn’t the type to draw the attention of men like that. Not that she even wanted to.

  She hadn’t dated much in high school, too busy spending time with her horses. In college, she had little interest in dating and had never had a serious relationship until Dave. Her thoughts flew back to when they’d first met and a smile broke free. He’d been so romantic. The memory of their courtship resurfaced and she remembered why she fell in love with him. A rush of homesickness pulsed through her and a thought struck. Maybe this trip into the past was meant to make her aware of what was important in relationships. Dave had some wonderful qualities and she really did love him. Maybe her answer lay in communicating her feelings better.

  Libby grabbed the pitchfork, barely able to lift it, and prayed for it to be so. Then wishing would take her home.


  As Libby guided the bulky wheelbarrow back inside, Colin wondered about those few instances earlier in the day when he would walk past the boy, offering a quick glance, only to catch him staring. Each time their gazes had locked, he’d felt a tug—a connection. Even more peculiar, there was something about the lad that brought out his protective instinct. The same instinct he felt for each of his three children, who were all under the age of five.

  Colin shrugged the thoughts off when out of the corner of his eye he saw Gus leading Zeus and turned in his manager’s direction.

  The stallion’s ears perked up and his head bobbed as he drew near. “How’d he do today?”

  Gus grinned, halting the horse. “Two seconds faster than yesterday, so I’d say he’s coming along nicely.”

  “I wish Abby was here to see him run,” Colin said, rubbing his long nose. His wife had died in childbirth nine months earlier. That sad burden only added to his guilt of bringing Abigail to Kentucky, far away from her beloved Virginia. As a result, her last years had been miserable. “Maybe then she’d finally understand why this land is so important.”

  “She missed her home, Colin. Some people just aren’t of a mind to leave those they love.”

  He eyed Gus. “You and Berta did.” As immigrants, they’d traveled much farther, all the way from Norway. At least Abby had been able to visit her family now and again. Unlike Gus and Berta. Besides, it wasn’t as if she hadn’t known about his plans to leave Virginia before they married.

  His friend nodded. “Ja, but my wife wanted the opportunity America offered as much as I did.”

  And Berta loves
you, he thought wistfully. His and Abby’s hadn’t been a love match, but they’d been good friends in the beginning of their marriage, which is how he liked to remember her. That’s the woman he grieved for. He loved his new home. His thoroughbreds thrived here, and so did his children. Abby was the only one who hadn’t.

  When the horse neighed, Colin realized he’d stopped stroking his neck. Nuzzling closer, he whispered, “You’re a champion, aren’t you?” He was breeding faster and stronger animals. Zeus was just the beginning.

  “Ja,” Gus said, turning to lead the stallion back inside. “It’ll only be a matter of time before this brute makes you famous. He’s one of the best runners I’ve ever seen.”

  Following, Colin grinned. “Which will be soon, I hope.” His entire future was riding on all the horses in this barn, but this one was special.

  “He’s definitely gaining more speed day by day. But the mare he sired might just give him some competition.”

  “Good. He’ll have plenty of incentive to run faster.” Thinking of all he’d achieved in ten years, Colin’s grin spread. His dream was coming to fruition. It really was too damned bad that Abby couldn’t be here to experience his small gains.

  At this point, they neared the stall Libby and Nathan were cleaning. Colin ignored the same sense of protectiveness that crept over him every time he came close. A few feet away, he stopped to observe the lad.

  Gus looked at him with questioning eyes.

  His nod indicated Libby. “He looks so young.” And scrawny, he thought. A stiff wind could easily blow him over. “But he seems to be pulling his weight.”

  Gus grunted an assent. “Actually he’s pulling a hell of a lot more than his weight and shows promise. He’s worked wonders with Nathan. I only hope he’s as good with horses as he claims. It sure would be nice to have a decent hand who understands equines.”

  Colin sighed. “His small size will be an asset for training, but I’m just not sure how effective he’ll be if one of the stallions acts up.”

  “Don’t count the lad out yet,” Gus said. “You saw how quickly he eased Smithers’s overridden horse. He’s got a gentle touch. We both know it’s not the size. It’s the heart and spirit of the man that horses respond to.”

  Wiping the sweat off his brow, Colin couldn’t argue that point. “Damn, it’s a hot one today,” he said, changing the subject. “What do you say to a quick dip in the spring to cool off?” Most of his men utilized the spring during the summer months.

  “You don’t have to ask me twice. Definitely makes working in this heat more bearable.” Gus started toward the stallion’s stall. “I just have to finish with Zeus.”

  “I’ll help.” Colin used his thumb to point to the stall behind him. “Those boys have been working like fiends. They could probably use a swim too, don’t you think?”

  “Ja. They definitely deserve a break.” Gus kept walking. “I’ll tell them on the way out.”


  “We’re going swimming at the spring.” Gus came up behind Libby and his voice startled her. “You boys can take a break and join us.”

  She turned and stared at him as if he’d grown an extra head. “We’re, um, we’re…almost done.” She glanced down so as not to reveal her rising panic. Libby still wore her vest to aid in her deception, but it was like having a forest fire on her back. Her breasts pretty much disappeared behind it, but the second she took it off, her ruse would be up. There was no possible way she could go swimming. “We’ll finish here and meet you there.”

  Gus nodded and then met up with Colin, who waited a few feet away.

  The minute the two were out of earshot, Libby turned to Nathan. “What happens if we don’t go swimming at the spring?”

  “I dunno.” The boy shrugged. “I ain’t never been before. But it sounds like fun.”

  “We can’t go.”

  Nathan scrunched up his nose. “Why not?”

  “’Cuz we were supposed to go fishing, remember?”

  Nathan nodded. “Oh, yeah.” A sly grin made an appearance.

  Libby returned his smile. “And while we’re fishing, we can take our own swim.” She’d just keep her clothes on. Nathan would understand. Then at least she could rinse off the stench of the day in order to feel normal again.

  As soon as they completed raking the straw, Nathan grabbed her hand. “C’mon. We gotta tell Pa we’re going fishing. I hope he won’t mind.”

  As they neared the spring, it was all Libby could do to hold herself back from jumping into the inviting pool of water. The desire to cool off and to rid herself of grime and the scent of eau de horses was too overwhelming to ignore. Except, that would just raise questions, which would lead to other questions.

  Colin stepped onto the bank in all his glory. Water sluiced off his shoulders. Droplets ran down the length of a well-built chest, going lower all the way to… Libby’s breath hitched in her throat and she forced her focus higher. She knew she was practically gawking, but he had a gorgeous body. His muscles bunched as he wiped drips off his face and hair, holding her rapt attention.

  “Come join us,” Colin called. Her gaze slid to his eyes and Libby couldn’t look away from that same heart-stopping stare. “The water’s great.”

  She was tempted to do exactly as he requested. Thankfully her senses returned just in the nick of time. Good grief! Heat engulfed her face. Remember, Libby, you’re an engaged woman who has no business drooling over some Adonis-like model who lives in the past. Don’t look at him. She cast her focus at her feet and cleared her throat, struggling for an intelligent reply.

  “We’re goin’ fishin’ instead,” Nathan piped up, saving her from making more of an idiot of herself. “Is that OK, Pa?” He turned to look at Gus. “We’ll cool off at the fishin’ hole.”

  “Ja.” Gus emerged from the water, drawing Libby’s focus. And even though he was just as well built as Colin, seeing his blue-eyed gaze or watching water sluice off his back did nothing to make her heartbeat falter. “Fishing sounds like a good way to spend the rest of a lazy afternoon.”

  Libby glanced from him to Colin.

  Colin’s grin widened. “If we didn’t have so much work, we might be inclined to join you.”

  “C’mon, Libby.” Nathan reached for her hand and tugged.

  Still red-faced and unable to articulate a decent farewell, Libby offered a quick smile and waved. The entire time they walked away, she felt the heat of the two men’s gazes on her back. But only one gaze concerned her.

  Maybe sticking around a day or so wasn’t such a good idea. Unfortunately, the thought of making it home right now was just as unsettling.

  Chapter 4

  “The fishin’ hole is this way.” Nathan ran ahead. By now the two were out of earshot from Colin and Gus.

  Libby shrugged. “Sure.” Heaven help her. What she had gotten herself into? She shuddered over the idea of actually touching live bait or slimy fish.


  Libby only laughed, praying for the fortitude to last a day or two. She wasn’t sure she was up to it, especially considering what she’d just witnessed.

  Hopefully she could figure out why she was here and make the trip home sooner rather than later. Colin Thorpe was just too tempting to be around for long without somehow giving herself away.

  They walked about a mile to a small lake with trees clustered around the perimeter, creating an idyllic scene. The clear, calm water mirrored the surrounding countryside in a vivid display. Every now and then a fish would jump and produce a ripple, distorting the image for a few seconds. She grasped that she was seeing a view of the past that no longer existed. She would have remembered something this breathtaking in her own time.

  Nathan walked over to a bush and moved a rock, yielding two hidden poles. “Since Pa’s swimmin’, he won’t mind if you use his.”

  Looking at the odd-looking poles and then at Nathan, Libby felt stuck. Just the thought of wiggling worms sent chills down her spine. Don’t thi
nk about it. Just do it, like the ad says.

  This boy was her lifeline and she needed his cooperation. “OK.” She took the pole, acting as if she did this kind of thing all the time, but when the hook pricked her finger, she dropped it on the ground.

  Nathan squinted against the sun in his eyes. “You ain’t never fished before, huh?”

  Libby lifted her shoulders and slowly shook her head. “What can I say? I lied.”

  “Well, I guess I can teach you.” He smiled. “First, we need worms. So, c’mon—let’s go get ’em.” He ran to a spot ten feet away and started digging in the damp dirt. She followed him and copied his movements. After digging for mere minutes, they each had worms in a pile of moist dirt, except Nathan had twice as many.

  He’s such a boy.

  He picked up the moist dirt, worms and all, and started toward the lake. Libby scooped her pile into both hands, held it away from her, and fell in step behind him. She tried not to think about carrying worms. Where was the Enterprise when she needed it most?

  At the water’s edge, she dropped the pile and waded into the inviting pool, more to cool off at this point, having become accustomed to the scent of eau de horses.

  “You’re not taking your boots off?”

  “Nah.” Keeping them on while in the water would get rid of the horse manure. “I’m not taking my clothes off either. It’ll be cooler to fish in wet clothes.”

  In seconds, he joined her fully clothed.

  The two swam for a few refreshing minutes, after which she followed Nathan out of the water. Her wet shirt and jeans felt good against the warm breeze. Both would probably dry in no time.

  Libby eyed him, still grinning. “OK, now what?”


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