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Because (Seven Year Itch #4)

Page 17

by Jennifer Foor

  We’ve gone weeks without being intimate in the past. We’d carry our pent up animosity for each other until we would erupt, succumbing to our own hungry needs with no regard for the aftermath. It’s how we handled disagreements and insecurities, but I know this time will be different. I’ve done a lot of soul searching and come to one conclusion; time makes the heart grow fonder. If I thought I could push my husband away until my heart healed I was mistaken. I need him like I need the air to breathe. I want him like he’s the only hope for happiness. It’s a hunger I can’t refuse.

  I’m giving in.

  At the first stop light he leans over and enters me with his fingers. He’s slow and gentle; something I’m not used to. His kisses are addicting. “God, I need you right now.”

  When he says it my whole body erupts. I need both of his hands touching me and the center console of this vehicle to disappear. I unfasten my seat belt and climb over, straddling him. I can feel my ass against the steering wheel and I know I have to be careful. I rock my body into his, Brandon’s hands cupping my ass cheeks. My kisses entail my intent and he’s appreciative. He licks my lips and teases my tongue with his own. “I want you inside me. I can’t wait any longer.”

  He’s trying to unfasten his belt when the light turns green again. He growls and proceeds down the road. “Climb back over there and wait until we get home. I can’t ravage you in this damn car.”

  It’s not romantic, but it does the trick. While he drives I get his belt unbuckled and eagerly reach my hand into his pants. He’s rock hard. I can recall the way it feels when he’s inside of me. I bite down on my lip as I remove it from his trousers and run my hand over it. I don’t waste time looking around to see if any other cars are near ours. I need it in my mouth, to prove to him I won’t stop this from happening. We can worry about tomorrow when it comes. Tonight is a time out from our time out, if that’s make any sense at all.

  “Ah shit,” he groans as I suck his tip into my mouth. A hand digs into my hair while I remain focused. I’m aware of where we are from the turns he’s making. I know if I devour his cock he’ll reward me with pleasure I’ve cut myself off from for too long. I want to do this, because pleasing him is equally gratifying.

  Our gravel driveway catches my attention. We’ve arrived at our destination, but I’m not nearly done with him. “Do you want me to stop?” I ask.

  “No. Yeah. Shit, that’s a loaded question. Yeah, you need to stop.”

  I pull away, my lips are tingling, and between my legs my pussy throbs. “I don’t know if I can wait until we’re inside,” I tease.

  He kisses me softly and turns off the ignition. “I’ll make sure you do.”

  I watch him get out of the car with his pants unbuttoned. It’s dark so he doesn’t care about being exposed. He makes his way to my side of the vehicle and opens the door. As I go to step out he lifts me over his shoulder and proceeds to carry me up the porch stairs. He doesn’t make it two steps into the kitchen before lowering me. I toss my heels to the side and crouch down, pulling his pants to his ankles. He kicks them off as I come to stand before him again.

  With no warning, he shoves the front of my dress down so my breasts are showing. I take in a breath of air when he narrows in, sucking one between his lips while massaging the other. I’m weak in the knees from this little bit of touching.

  The sound of a zipper surprises me. He’s removed one hand in order to push down my dress the rest of the way while teasing my nipple. I feel it loosen and then the brush of the smooth fabric as it travels past my waist. I step out of it, revealing only a pair of panties before being completely in the nude. I used to feel embarrassed about him seeing me. This time I don’t hesitate. I reach over and flick on the light switch. I want him to see all of me.

  He stands there in shock, his eyes leaving a trail as he re-familiarizes himself with everything he’s gone without. “God, I’m such a fool. How could I have been so blind?”

  I reach for his tie and pull him close to me. My lips brush over his while I loosen it, followed by his button down shirt. I push him into the wall and watch as he begins to unfasten the clips on his wrists. We’re still kissing, and it continues until he’s just as naked as I am.

  When he lifts me a second time my legs wrap around his waist. He easily carries me to the bedroom we used to share. Even as my back hits the mattress I don’t let go of my hold on him. I need his skin touching mine. I can’t bear to be away from him, not even inches. His mouth separates, his greedy tongue taunting mine as it circles around. “I want you so much, Shay.”

  “I want you too. Do it. Fuck me.”

  He sits straight up in the bed and shakes his head. I watch his teeth course over his bottom lip as he traces his fingers over my right nipple. “I’m sorry, but that’s not going to happen tonight.”

  Now I’m sitting up wondering what the hell is happening.

  Then he reiterates.

  “I refuse to fuck you. It’s not enough. It’s never been enough. Tonight I’m going to make love to you – to my wife, to my best friend.” He kisses me passionately until I stop him.

  “You’re saying everything I want to hear.”

  “I mean every word.”

  My palms slide down his chest as I consider this change in him. Is it possible? Has the man I doubted learned what’s important to me? Does he understand? Is it that easy?

  “Okay. Show me then. Give me a reason to let you back into my heart. Prove this is where you belong.”

  He takes hold of my body and flips us around. I’m on top, but his strength keeps him in control. He’s rock hard beneath me, but he doesn’t make it aware. It’s like he’s saving it for the grand finale. Brandon lifts me until I’m straddling his face. He’s holding me in a way that allows him to cup both of my breasts as his tongue glides over my throbbing clit. The instant he makes contact with my sensitive bud I know I’m going to fall victim to my own desires. I can’t resist him, not when he knows every inch of me.

  He teases me with his whiskers. His tongue laps my pussy like a sweet dessert. He’s rough but paced. The more force he applies the better it feels. My senses are heightened and I know in a matter of seconds I’m going to crumble. It’s coming. My release is earth shattering. I buck over his face, my natural secretions flowing out like a faucet.

  I expect him to roll me over and wipe off, but he doesn’t. He flips me on my stomach and comes up behind me. I think he’s done taking his time only to feel something warm and soft licking over my ass crack. He teases the hole and then gets back to sucking my pussy lips in his mouth. He tugs and licks, taking turns as if he’s savoring a peach. I’m losing my ability to remain on my knees. I’m falling flat and he wants it to happen. Over and over I succumb to pleasure he’s never been able to give me. Something has changed, but I can’t figure it out. Brandon isn’t just a good lover now, he’s learned how to love me. It’s the emotional bond he’s never been able to bring to our bed. I’m overwhelmed from the beginning.

  Brandon doesn’t stop when he’s done with one task. He flips me over and trails kisses up my abdomen, both nipples and then my lips. I can taste my pussy on his tongue and the skin of his chin as I drag my tongue over it. It turns me on to know he’s feasted on my most secret of places.

  Now he’s touching me there, dragging his hands through what remains of my release. I’m sensitive and with each stroke my body trembles. “Do it, Bran. Make love to me.”

  “I am.”

  I shake my head. “Not until you’re inside of me.”

  He’s right there. I can feel it now. It’s like he’s knocking on the door and waiting to be escorted. I spread my legs further and jerk my hips so he knows I don’t want to wait any longer. I’m dying for it to happen. And then it does.

  Remnants of my last orgasm erupt into a full blown attack over my senses. He’s taking his time, filling me with all he has to give. He holds me close, his kisses slow and powerful again. It’s so intense he’s shaking. It’s li
ke the first time all over again except I appreciate it more. This is unselfish. It’s beautiful, and I know now what I’ve been missing. It’s not in the way he moves. It’s not in the things he says. It’s everything. I get it now. He’s mine and I’m his. We’ve accepted it, and it’s powerful and awakening.

  We make love for hours, only resting in between when it becomes necessary. We move from room to room, taking a shower in the middle of the night and then having sex again. Each time he’s slower, like he’s rediscovering me. He’s not boasting or compulsive. He’s admiring and indifferent.

  I’m in utter bliss.

  It’s not until I wake the next morning that reality sets in. He’s still sleeping beside me, stark naked with only a sheet covering his genitals. He’s innocent this way, and I wish I could keep him here where I know he’ll never hurt me again, but I can’t.

  I bring my knees up to my chest and watch him until he stirs. He immediately reaches for me and pulls me to lie next to him. “Hey, you.”

  “Bran, we need to talk about what last night means.”

  He sits up and I can tell he’s alarmed. “What?”

  “Last night was wonderful, but I can’t let you come home yet, not for good.”

  He rubs his hands through his hair. “No. I can’t accept that. I’ve done everything you asked of me.”

  “I know. I just need to be sure. I can’t let last night determine our future. We were caught in the moment. It was intense and I’m still riding on the high. I’m just asking for a few days to sort it all out.”

  “And if you decide it was a mistake?”

  “It wasn’t.” I assure him. “We made love, maybe for the first time in our lives. I know what it represents. I’m not trying to be stubborn or a bitch. I’m not going to say I don’t want you back, because I do. I want to be your wife – to be happy.”

  “So what’s the problem?”

  “I’d rather make sure it’s the right decision then to assume it is and have to ask you to leave in a few days from now because it can’t work. Please. I’m not asking you to stay away. We’ll pick Ab up together and bring her home. We’ll have a nice Sunday dinner as a family. If you choose to stay the night I won’t stop you.”

  “I don’t understand. How is that different from me moving back in?”

  “It just is.”

  “I don’t get it, but whatever. I’m at your liberty to decide what happens next. You know where I stand.”

  I lean over and kiss him. “I do. I just don’t want to go back to the way it used to be.”

  He takes my hand and brings it up to his lips. “I’m not going to take you for granted again. I’ve seen what being away has done to us.”

  “I know.”

  “I love you, Shay. I love you so damn much it hurts.” His eyes fill with tears and he wipes them away. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I love you too.”

  He brings his forehead to mine. “Whatever it takes.”

  I finally believe him.

  Chapter 27

  After a perfect Sunday dinner Brandon chooses to give me space by heading back to his parents. I think he’s trying his hardest to be strong, but it’s more obvious he’s desperate for reconciliation. I take a long hard look at what’s happened in the last couple days and decide it’s time to put the past to the side and live toward a future. There’s just one thing standing in my way. Well, two to be exact.

  I call Char and invite her over after Brandon leaves for work. It’s important they don’t meet, because I need a favor.

  I’m nervous when she arrives. I reconsider asking for such a ridiculous assist. “What is it? You could have at least made me pancakes when you called me here, Shay. Are you scared to tell me you and the hubby got it on? Did he ruin my dress? If so, I don’t want it back. Cum stains can’t be removed, you know?”

  I almost laugh, but know what I’m about to ask of her will test our friendship. It’s inappropriate and she’ll get angry, or decide I’m not the kind of person she wants to keep company with. “I need a favor, and you’re probably going to think it’s a terrible mistake.”

  Now she’s curious. “Okay. Give it to me straight.”

  “I need you to hit on Brandon.”

  “What? How? Why?”

  “It’s no secret I’ve been insecure. I don’t know where my trust issues derive from, but it’s time I settled my ill feelings once and for all. I’ve decided to let Brandon come home. I don’t want a divorce, or to break up my family. We can be better. I know we can.”

  “Then why are you asking me to ruin that?”

  “Because I need to know if he’d go through with it, if given the chance.”

  “What makes you think he’d even be interested? It’s crazy, Shay. I can’t.”

  “Please.” I’m staring at my beautiful friend more desperate than I’ve ever been. “It’s not like you have to go through with it. I just need proof. Good or bad, I have to know and you’re the only person I trust to do it.”


  She’s made her mind up. “Please. It’s as simple as an oil change. I’ll give you money. Take your car in for service. Flirt a little. See what comes of it. See if he bites.”

  “You do realize he’s a man and it’s possible this could end badly?”

  “If it ensures my happiness in the future, I have to know.”

  I can tell she’s against this idea. She doesn’t want to hurt me. I don’t want to be hurt, but I have to know once and for all.

  “Fine, I’ll do it, but be aware he may recognize me from my online profile.”

  “No. Wear something sexy. He claims he had nothing to do with that profile, so even if he checked out a few photos it’s not enough for him to put two and two together. He’s not that observant, especially if it was against his will.”

  “You are insane. There’s no way I could do this if I were in your shoes.”

  “You would if you had as much to lose as I do.”

  The plan is in motion. Shay’s called and arranged to have her oil changed at eleven. She heads home to shower and change while I sit in my kitchen bawling my eyes out in fear. Maybe I am a lunatic. Only a crazy person would want someone to seduce her husband.

  As the time on the clock ticks I’m feeling guilty.

  Brandon sends me a text asking if I want to get lunch with him. He’s never done this before. Of course, of all days, he wants to me to share a meal with him while he’s still on the clock. I tell him I have a doctor’s appointment and will have to come tomorrow instead. I need to give him a reason to be upset with me. Maybe it will trigger something he’s trying to keep dormant. Maybe the inner pervert in him will show it’s ugly face and give me the answer I seek. Good or bad, I’ll have my answer by the end of the day.

  It’s one when I hear from him again. Char hasn’t called and I’m beginning to worry. I promise myself I won’t call her, but now my suspicious mind is thinking the worst. Brandon is irresistible when he wants to be. What if she falls victim to his charm and throws our friendship out the door?

  What is wrong with me?

  Why can’t I trust?

  I’ve gone through a box of tissues and made it as far as to climb in my car in hopes of stopping Char before she can destroy the happy ending I’m out for. I’m scared to death of what’s happened between them. I know she wouldn’t sleep with him, but her attempts won’t be unnoticed.

  I answer the call after the second ring because I can’t wait any longer. “Hello?”

  “I’m just calling to tell you I love you. Are we still on for dinner tonight at the house?”

  I wonder if he’s calling me out of guilt. “Yeah, sure.” By dinner time I’ll know the truth and be prepared for it. “Is there anything else?”

  “Are you in a hurry? Have you left the doctors yet?”

  “I ended up not going,” I tell him. “I haven’t felt like myself today.”

  “Don’t worry about dinner. I’ll bring something home and A
b can help me make it.”

  “Bran, I’m sorry.”

  “For what?”

  “Everything,” it comes out as I begin to sob.

  “We’ll talk tonight. I’ll try to get there early.”

  After the call I’m desperate to talk to Char, but she won’t answer. I leave her several messages and finally fall victim to my worst suspicions. She’s done something she’s ashamed of and she can’t tell me.

  I’m such a fool.

  This hurts worse than our breakup. This is a punch to the gut. It’s heart shattering. I’m falling apart, and have no one to blame but myself.

  Chapter 28

  From the moment she walked into the dealership I knew she looked familiar, but I couldn’t figure out how I’d seen her before. She was blonde, bodacious in all the right places, and dressed to impress.

  I wasn’t the first to notice her, but she was hard to ignore. I’d just gotten off the phone with Shay when she approaches my station. “Hi. I called earlier about an oil change.”

  “Name?” I focus on the computer in order to print out her service order.

  “Kristin Copling.”

  Her manicured hands tap on the desk as I type in the information. “And you’re here for an oil change?”

  She nods and licks her lips. Her bright eyes sparkle against the fluorescent lights above. “Yeah, that’s all.”

  I take her keys and watch as sits down in the waiting room directly across from me. She’s in a short skirt. From behind me I can hear my associates chatting about it. I turn and toss a pencil at them. “Can you guys shut your mouths? She can probably hear you.”

  They don’t stop, but lower their voices at least.


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