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Calm Before the Storm

Page 29

by Cara Lake

  Tyr could barely contain his anger but he forced himself not to go for her throat. That was what she wanted. He wouldn’t give her the satisfaction. Alcina continued, her tone venomous. “We identified you very young. We needed your mother out of the way so you could be isolated and brought to the Discordant cause. I took great pleasure eliminating Carita and your father. Carita was always so righteous. I laughed when Hate betrayed her. Strange, I thought that would break her completely. I find it odd that she met and married your father. Apparently she loved him very much. She tried to save him. The look on her face when I cut his throat in front of her is something I will always treasure.”

  Tyr gritted his teeth as the pain of losing his parents ripped open a fresh wound on a scar he had thought almost healed. “She was more resilient than you, Alcina. She was able to move on. Something you obviously haven’t been able to do, and she was able to love again. Perhaps that’s why Irina’s father didn’t love you. You don’t know what love is. You’re nothing but an evil, selfish bitch. Get a life.” He forced himself to remain calm. One glance at Irina swept a balm over that pain, numbing it for a moment, giving him the strength to focus on strategy.

  “Alcina.” Irina spoke softly. “You are the one who is suffering. The acid of envy and jealousy is eating away at you. Let it go. Give it up. That was the past. Those things cannot be changed. Listen to your heart. You still have one. It’s not too late.”

  Tyr realized Irina was using her power. Her voice soothingly weaving a net around them, a comforting blanket of words. He could see Alcina hesitate, indecision crossing her expression for a fleeting moment. Then the twisted grin returned as Alcina focused on something behind him.

  “Tyr!” he heard Irina scream just as his legs were swept from beneath him and he fell, almost toppling into one of the pits, barely managing to grab on to a rock and drag his body up. He stood shakily, turning as his assailant came into view.

  The beast was huge. Tyr understood Irina’s gasp of horror as the creature approached. He’d never seen anything like it. Even Choronzon in his saevici form was nothing compared to this beast. Whatever it was, Tyr knew it wasn’t good. “Aw, Alcina, you have a pet,” he said, brain racing ahead, calculating his next move. “Its funny how pets often look like their owners.”

  Alcina ignored him, laughing hysterically. It was then that Tyr realized she was truly insane. “You cannot hope to vanquish the chemosh. Its shell is the hardest substance in the universe. Few are ever killed and certainly not by the likes of you, a pathetic Earthani.”

  “Don’t forget I’m half Lyrani,” he said with more calm than he felt. Tyr focused on the beast, searching for a weakness. Its rhinoceros-shaped head carried three curved horns running down the center. Two lethal tusks curled out from huge jaws that were filled with a series of razor-sharp teeth. Most of its hide was covered with a matte black shell that encased all vulnerable areas. It walked on four thick legs that pounded into the ground, causing a small earthquake with every step.

  A massive tail covered in spiky bone whipped toward him and Tyr realized what had hit him earlier. This time he managed to jump clear of the sweeping tail, rolling forward to a standing position as it almost caught his legs again. Even standing he was still dwarfed by the beast. Tyr glanced at Irina who was struggling with the cords that bound her wrists. He knew through their connection she was more concerned for him than for herself but even scared as she was she remained defiant. Her strength pulsed through his veins bolstering his resolve. He consideredthe options and his weapons. He had a small laser gun holstered under his arm that would be useless against the armored beast and a couple of knives plus a long sword. Luckily, when Irina had disappeared in the vortex and he arrived in Vega’s portal hall, Borealis had been waiting with a group of warriors. Once they realized what had happened, Tyr had managed to get a reading on Irina’s Esseni signature. Because of the bonding aspect of the ceremony and the mingling of their essences, he could track her to within a few feet as long as she was wearing the pendant. Tyr had grabbed some weapons from Borealis and jumped back into to the vortex before they had the chance to follow.

  Wishing he had waited for them, Tyr considered how to incapacitate Alcina so he could at least untie Irina and try to make run for it. In order to do that he needed to divert the creature. If he ran toward Irina the beast might follow and she would be crushed. He began by throwing rocks that made little impact on the chemosh’s impenetrable shell.

  “Pathetic!” he heard Alcina yell. “You’re supposed to be War. What kind of strategy is that?”

  The chemosh threw back its head and roared an ear-splitting howl that pierced the air as the cascade of rocks bounced off the thick hide of its nose. Tyr had found a weakness. However, the beast stood its ground and Tyr had no option but to face it with his sword. It charged toward him. His veins pulsed with Irina’s fear even as his own heart beat faster and he sought for a way to avoid the animal’s assault.

  Just as it reached him, Tyr leapt away from its jaws then twisted back, grabbing one of its horns, and as it passed, he swung himself forcefully onto the beast’s head. He landed on its neck, one hand poised with the sword raised to strike. The creature whipped its head around, jerking as if to dislodge a particularly nasty fly.

  The momentum of the jerking movement caused a change in direction and Tyr, still clinging to its back, experienced the most agonizing stab of fear he’d ever known as he realized where the rampaging beast was now heading. Desperate now, he began stabbing at its head, wrenching at its horns in a frantic effort to distract it from its path. All in vain. The chemosh was relentless in its distress.

  Alcina was cackling with psychotic glee. “Two birds with one chemosh. It’s poetic!” She moved away from Irina whose eyes were closed, her body still. The chemosh was headed straight for her, the crushing impact certain to cause her death. “Open your eyes, Irina! Don’t you want to see your lover trampling over your heart?”

  In one last-ditch effort to distract, Tyr stabbed at the beast’s eye. Roaring in agony the chemosh’s head flailed jerkily, causing Tyr to lose his grip and he found himself plunging to the ground. The impact of the hard rocky ground almost knocked him into oblivion, and he struggled through a haze of dizziness as he fought to stay conscious. His soul splintered at the sound of a scream that tore through the air. Tyr rose to his feet fighting the wave of nausea that engulfed him. Irina! Dear God! No!

  The chemosh had finally halted, its tail twitching as it tried to swat something away. Tyr raced toward it catching a glimpse of a torn body, bright red with crimson blood streaming from a gaping hole pierced by one of the tail spikes. The body, limp and distorted was not his concern. Alcina hadn’t got what she deserved. Nothing but slow torture for eternity could make up for what she had done to their families.

  He skidded to a halt as he drew level with the creature’s eyes, the splinters of his soul stabbing his heart to pieces in despair. No! No! No! He couldn’t bear to look. A soft whisper in his head. A gentle voice stroking his skin with a satin embrace. Irina!

  Hardly daring to breathe, Tyr moved around the chemosh’s head. His heart stopped. Chills shuddered through the length of his body as relief poured over him. He thought he was going mad. The creature’s nose lay not two feet away from Irina, her still frame erect and steady, eyes closed as she spoke soothing words to the enthralled animal. Tremors replaced chills as Tyr felt the heat of her words, a woven cloak encircling them, the tranquil calm of it replacing the frantic fear and anguish.

  My God! She was amazing. The power she exuded strong enough to pacify the rage of the most feared beast in the universe, her words a weapon of infinite power. Not only had she pacified it, she had charmed it. The beast’s eyes were mesmerised, its gaze soulful, adoring. Tyr drew near slowly, not wanting to startle the chemosh.

  “I think you made a friend,” he said quietly. “Should I be jealous?”

  Irina’s eyes flew open, amber depths warm with relief. “I though
t he crushed you!” A catch in her voice.

  “Not me. Alcina. She’s dead.”

  Irina sagged into his arms as Tyr grabbed her. “She couldn’t be saved,” she whispered.

  Tyr cut through the chain with his sword, pulling her into a rough embrace. “You are not to leave me again,” he said.

  Her hands flew around his neck. “It wasn’t intentional.”

  “I want you where I can see you.”

  “Then let’s go home.”

  The chemosh snorted, its head lifting. Huge green eyes blinked as if emerging from a haze of delirium. Irina placed a small hand on its skin, rubbing gently. It seemed to like that. “I think it’s sorry,” said Irina considering its soulful eyes. “It only attacked because Alcina provoked it. I think chemosh are actually quite docile.”

  “Well that’s great. But we’re not keeping it as a pet.”

  Irina looked up at him from under her lashes. “Really? Are you sure?” she teased.

  Tyr crushed her into his chest kissing her hair. “You won’t have time for a pet,” he murmured. “I intend to keep you thoroughly occupied. The things I want to do to you, little dove.”

  Her arms echoed his embrace. “Promises, promises,” she answered provocatively, brushing her lips across his jaw.

  A shout in the distance. “Here come the cavalry,” said Tyr, lifting Irina into his arms.

  She wriggled indignantly. “I’m not an invalid, put me down.”

  “Never. I’m keeping you glued to me forever. I died a thousand deaths thinking you’d been crushed by the chemosh. I can’t go through that again.” Irina sighed into his chest. God he loved her so much. She would have to let him go all caveman for a bit, just until he got over the shock. She was his to protect and always would be.

  “Tyr! Irina!” Borealis and Cassi along with a contingent of Eunomi warriors raced toward them.

  “What happened?” Borealis asked as if he couldn’t quite believe what he was seeing.

  Tyr shrugged. “You missed a great party and Irina made a new friend.”

  The group of warriors with Borealis seemed completely awed at being so close to a chemosh that was as docile as this one. Taming such a beast was unheard of and Tyr watched on proudly as they viewed Irina with grudging respect. Their praise brought a blush of color to her cheeks and her eyes darted to Tyr’s face. He smiled at her reassuringly, wanting her know that he was just as in awe of her as they were.

  “Alcina’s dead.” Tyr explained what had happened to Borealis, who then directed his men to clean up the gory remains. The chemosh seemed quite happy to let them remove Alcina’s body as Irina continued to soothe him with her soft words. He was definitely reluctant to let her go, slobbering over her as she bade him goodbye. Tyr couldn’t hide his impatience as he finally dragged her into the waiting vortex. “We need to finish the bonding,” he reminded her.

  “Keep your hands off unless you want to embarrass me on the other side of the portal,” laughed Irina. He fought a hard battle over that one but forced himself to wait until after the congratulations and inquisition had taken place. After all, they had a lifetime. Finally, some peace. Just the two of them.

  Chapter Forty

  A few hours later, back on Vega and finally alone with Tyr, Irina lay encircled in his warm embrace. Feeling the heat of his skin against her cheek, a permanent smile etched on her face, she recalled the final bonding. Nothing had prepared her for the euphoria, the elation, the sublime ecstasy of that moment.

  Terra had spoken of the intimacy of the bonding, explaining that for each Esseni couple it would be a unique experience. What she had just shared with Tyr had been beyond imagining. Even now lying sated and replete in his arms, the vibrations of his soul intertwined with her own, so deeply merged into the fabric of her existence she found it hard to believe it had actually happened.

  They had begun by making love slowly. “Let me love you, little dove.” Tyr had whispered into her ear, his beautiful hands stroking a path down the length of her body, moving with exquisite tenderness, exploring every inch of her. Where his hands led, his mouth followed, pressing warm kisses on her skin until Tyr’s breath was hot against the apex of her thighs. His lips brushing against her slit, nudging for access, she felt his tongue invading, lapping at the juices already pooling between her legs. At the same time, one hand roved back to her breasts, fingers teasing already-hard nipples causing the pink buds to throb.

  He continued to rain kisses on her sex, sucking at her clitoris until shudders washed over her skin and she nearly died from the adoration. Swift fingers slid inside searching for the core of her being, claiming all the unexplored places, marking her as his.

  The delicious scent of arousal floated in the air as Tyr lifted his head, the expression in his black eyes exposing the depths of his soul. He was naked before her, not just in body but in spirit, giving her everything he was and asking nothing in return. She tried to answer with the same naked emotion conveyed through threads of their connection, wanting him to have all that she was, covering his body with her veil of tranquil calm. Then it was her turn to touch. Irina slid downward, her fingers dancing over the hard muscle of his pecs and stroking a soft path over the ridged perfection of his abs. She felt his body shake, felt the surge of adrenaline pumping through his veins when she began her own claiming. Sliding her hand around the silky velvet skin of his shaft and gently gliding her fist up and down, Irina heard him gasp for breath as she sucked him into the warmth of her mouth.The taste of Tyr on her tongue was a heady decadence, the salty juice a sweet nectar as it slid down the back of her throat. She wanted to savor every part of him, for him to be inside her, to bathe in his essence and proclaim him hers. She knew he was close to losing it when he grabbed her hand to still her motions before he could climax. “We need to come together,” he gasped on ragged breaths, cupping her face in his hands, his black eyes meeting her amber gaze. “We need to say the words to complete the bond.”

  Kneeling on the bed he pulled her up in front of him, so that her back was flush against his granite chest. She could feel the hard length of his erection against the soft mound of her bottom as both his hands palmed her breasts kneading, fondling. The ache was intense. His luscious mouth sucked at her neck, causing a riot of delicious ripples, inducing shivers that intensified the sensitivity of her flesh.

  Reaching down to stroke between her legs Tyr worshipped her there with a soft caress. “I’m going to take you now, Irina,” he said. “Make you mine forever. Do you remember the words?” She nodded, letting her head fall back against his chest. She could hardly speak, heart hammering wildly at her ribs, emotion choking her throat. A tear slid down her cheek. He was so beautiful. This was so beautiful. She couldn’t help but think that any minute now she would wake from the most beautiful dream.

  Leaning forward, offering him the access he craved, she gasped in pleasure as the thick spear of his shaft pushed inside her warm, wet sheath. He felt so good that she could not help the wild undulation of her hips increasing the friction against his groin. Tyr groaned with the motion, a growl of satisfaction as he thrust deeper and Irina almost screamed at the ecstatic high as he drove hard to reach the core of her being.

  Pulling her body back up against his chest, still inside her, he encircled both breasts with one arm taking her right hand in his as he continued to slide in and out sending shockwaves of pleasure spiralling outwards, inducing a fever that scorched, sizzling between them.

  Fingers entwined, Irina turned her head and Tyr captured her mouth, their kiss a blazing furious melding of lips that sent sparks of flame, igniting rapture through every nerve they possessed. Mouths swollen with heat, they broke the kiss but not the contact. Instinctively they both began the chant on the same beat of their hearts, lips still touching, mirroring.

  “We are yin and yang – together we are one – Infinite and eternal – different but complimentary – We are the ebb and flow of the universe – War and Peace personified – the esse
nce of all existence – together we are one – eternal and forever.”

  As they continued the chant, repeating the words, a rush of heat, then cool wind enveloped them, a cocoon that wrapped itself around their bodies intensifying the electric connection. Each atom, each cell, every microbe and all the threads that connected them, intertwining around veins, muscle, flesh.

  Particles of matter and antimatter that circled, colliding and merging.

  In that moment they were one being—flesh, skin and bone a perfect fusion of yin and yang, the two halves made whole. She was him and he was her. They were inside each other, their flesh woven together, every molecule made part of the interconnecting ebb and flow of life that held the universe in place.

  As one they watched a vortex opening before them. They were at the center of a whirling hurricane, myriad shimmering images, past, present and future spiraling around their fused bodies. And like pieces of a puzzle that had been scattered and broken, they watched in awe as the fractures slotted together, aligning in perfect synchronicity.

  Instantly the whole of the galaxy, the totality of all existence was spread before them, the threads that tied the universe together reaching out across time and space, linking in a unified chain that connected their essences to all of nature.

  A white light blinded them and then dissolved to reveal all of Chaos and Gaia’s children, bonded Esseni connected to them by the undeniable force of the elements, each bonded pair a luminescent pearl of dark and light spinning in the webbed vortex of time and space. They also saw the gaps—spaces waiting to be filled, black holes of emptiness demanding alignment, and they knew in that instant their duty to The Balance.

  The vortex continued to oscillate around them as the fusion of their physical bodies into one being reached a climactic orgasm that consumed them simultaneously, each absorbing the other’s essence, the merging so complete their souls would live within each other for all time.


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