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Hunter's Moon

Page 11

by Angela Colsin

  Either way, the man had a body straight out of a dream—an unrealistic one if her ex qualified as average. Rob was slender with what she'd considered nice arms and a tight ass. But the sight of him alone had never set off any lusty feelings, or at least, not the kind she didn't think she could resist.

  Staring at Caleb, on the other hand, did things to her. Racy things. Like a horny fist straight to the crotch.

  Emily sighed at the thought, wondering if she should let her hormones calm down before doing any flirting.

  No, no, I'm not putting this off. She wanted to know what her chances were, or if a chance was even available, and gave herself a once over in the rear view. Thankfully, her curly hair wasn't so wild it looked like she'd been in a hurricane, and her makeup was fresh despite a day's worth of work.

  So she ran a brush through her blonde locks, then took a deep breath and climbed out of her vehicle, hoping attentive Caleb was in right now.

  Otherwise, she was probably about to trip over her own two feet.

  Chapter 11

  One thing Caleb could say in favor of Emily's stay at his home was that he'd gotten his renovations done much faster than he'd originally planned.

  But staying busy was paramount to keep his instincts from bowling him over considering they were all focused on his temporary roommate with a rapidly growing intensity. It'd only been a week, but he couldn't count the number of times he'd nearly said or done something impulsive that would've made the situation worse.

  Caleb hated to admit it, but he knew the time for hoping he'd only develop a passing interest in Emily Sterling was long past. It was getting to the point that he couldn't stop thinking of her, always fighting with himself not to ask questions or look for ways to get closer.

  But the worst part of all was realizing his fixation was already as strong as the one he had with Fiona. There was just one difference; with Fiona, once his attachment strengthened, he'd asked for permission to expose the truth about what he was. With Emily, he'd neglected to even mention his interest, throwing himself into whatever chore was available to stay busy and ignore it—costing himself sleep, patience, and if this kept going, his appetite.

  The fact that he could still eat with relative ease made it difficult to say if bonding was in full swing yet. But if it wasn't now, it soon would be, and he'd even considered leaving town for a while to try avoiding it.

  Still, such an act would've been pointless considering his troubles would only be waiting whenever he returned. So Caleb ultimately decided against it.

  With the thoughts in mind, he walked outside just as Emily's car pulled into the driveway, and briefly glanced in that direction after dumping some excess wood into a pile in his front yard.

  Seeing the human, his brows drew together in confusion. Was Emily checking herself out in the rear view? What was the point of that? She could shave her head and wear clown makeup and still be a knockout.

  Grumbling at the notion, he headed for a bottle of water he'd left sitting on the picnic table nearby as Emily climbed out of the car and walked over with a greeting.

  “Hey, Caleb. Been busy?”

  “Just got done, actually. The balcony's safe to stand on now, it just needs some varnish.”

  As soon as she reached him, Emily looked up to survey the structure standing above his garage with an approving smile. “Nice, how's the view from up there?”

  “Trees get in the way a little, but you can see a lot of the city, especially at night,” he qualified, sitting on the surface of the picnic table with his boots against the bench seat where he uncapped his water and took a swig.

  “You know, I've been here for a week, and still haven't gone upstairs,” she smirked. “I'll have to check it out when I go inside.”

  “Be my guest,” Caleb remarked, fighting to stay where he was when Emily sat down next to him on the tabletop.

  The close proximity made it difficult to focus on anything casual, and he had to bite his tongue to keep from impulsively complimenting her instead of asking, “So how'd things go with your brother?”

  “Oh,” she drew out, her expression growing perplexed. “Actually, really weird.”

  “How so?”

  “He was nice to me,” she admitted. “Could be a fluke cause it's been so long since we saw each other, but hey, I'll take fake civility over intolerable asshole any day.”

  Caleb grinned, qualifying, “And at least he's gone, right?”

  “Yeah, but he wants to visit again the next time he comes through. He's also talking about keeping in touch more.” She sighed. “I'm trying to give him the benefit of a doubt, but … ”

  “Once bitten, twice shy,” Caleb supplied, and she immediately nodded in agreement. So he added, “That's natural. I'd be wary, too. But if push comes to shove, you can always tell Joslyn.”

  “Why should I tell her?”

  Because it'll get back to me, and I'll rip him apart. Caleb pushed the impulsive thought away and casually shrugged. “So she can help if you're in trouble.”

  “Oh, right.” Emily nodded understandingly. “Don't worry, I won't keep my mouth shut about it.”

  “Good. So uh … ,” he trailed, searching for something friendly to chat about, and finally settled on asking, “how was work?”

  “Oh, fun,” she related with an amused grin. “I got a prank call from some kid wanting to know if we had a camera big enough to take a picture of his dick.”

  Caleb almost choked on his water, sputtering, “What?”

  “Yep.” She chuckled.

  “Damn, that sounds like something one of the guys I know would do. What did you tell him?”

  Grinning, Emily answered, “I said I wasn't sure if I could find a camera with the zoom capability needed to get those types of macros. When he asked what a macro was, I explained the art of taking pictures of tiny objects to make them look bigger. Then I hung up.”

  Caleb leaned back against the table, unable to stifle his laughter while simultaneously wishing Emily didn't have such a kick ass sense of humor.

  But not only was her wit attractive, her scent was getting to him again, making him feel the need to get some room to breathe and clear his head before he actually did something impulsive.

  So, with a final huff of breath, he stood from the table to go inside, and every step taken away from Emily had his gut clenching tight with the desire to stay.

  Or preferably get even closer.

  But Emily was already following him, asking in a change of subject, “So what about your day?”

  Caleb was so preoccupied with his thoughts that it took him a second to respond. “Bland and boring. Just stuck around here building.”

  “Yeah? Maybe that'll change now.”

  Stopping to open the door to the porch, he looked back and asked, “Change how?”

  “Well, I'm here, and you're done with your work. So we could go out and do something fun.”

  Caleb hesitated to ask what she meant, afraid she was implying more than her simple suggestion spelled out, and decided the best way to keep it casual was by asking, “Like what?”

  “I don't know,” she retorted. “Oh, wait! I pass this arcade on my way to work everyday that looks like fun. You know anything about it?”

  The arcade? Emily could've named nearly any place, and it wouldn't have really phased him. But instead, she had to ask about his favorite hangout in the entire city—aside from the annual carnival that came through town which he never missed, and was due to return in only a few weeks.

  Still, the arcade was just like it. It simply possessed video games instead of booths and a miniature golf course instead of rides. Snow cones, funnel cakes, and all kinds of food-on-a-stick were part of the menu, and Caleb never turned down a chance to go.

  Until now.

  “Yeah, I know about it. Kind of a big hangout for kids, though.”

  Just before turning to go inside, he saw Emily's disappointed frown, which made his denial feel that much worse. Damn it, h
e wanted to take her out, and win her a stuffed animal or … whatever the hell she wanted. In fact, just the idea of having fun after so many days working or throwing himself into renovations was nearly enough to make him change his mind regardless of his fears.

  “Aw, come on,” she drew out, playfully grabbing his arm and rushing onto the porch ahead of him to block his path before he could open the front door. Then, with a mischievous grin, she taunted, “I bet I'd kick your ass at any game we play.”

  Her boast had the corners of Caleb's mouth lifting in a grin despite his conscious efforts to keep this casual. “You don't even know what games they have.”

  “No, but I'm a damned good gamer, Caleb. I pick up on controls really fast.”

  Smirking, he backed her toward the door, forgetting himself completely while asking, “Is that so? Because I'm no slouch, either. I know how to time things just right.”

  Emily giggled, and damned if he didn't want to hear that sound as often as possible.

  As her back hit the door, she inquired, “What would you want if you won?”

  Everything, starting with a kiss, he thought, leaning until she was boxed in before drawing out suggestively, “I can think of a few things.”

  As their gazes held, Emily's smile slowly faded into a look of extreme intrigue, and Caleb's heart picked up it's pace in response. She's interested! The desire to capitalize on it was too strong to ignore, her expression so damned beguiling that all he could think about was showing her exactly how it affected him.

  So he leaned closer, moving slowly despite the way his instincts were clamoring within him, their lips only a breath apart—

  BuzzZz! Her phone went off in her pocket, which she didn't seem to notice—but the sound broke through his haze entirely.

  What the hell am I doing?

  Immediately, Caleb stood straight, ready to go inside when he realized he'd backed Emily up against the front door. So he grabbed her waist and easily lifted her to set aside, desperately fighting to ignore the shape of her curves against his hands the entire while, and walked in.

  The reaction must've baffled Emily because it took her a full five seconds to follow him, asking as soon as she was through the door, “Caleb? What just happened?”

  I'm a fucking punch drunk moron, that's what. Caleb grumbled at the thought, going to the fridge to look inside with absolutely no intentions of getting anything to eat or drink. Instead, he was too distracted by what had almost happened to pay any attention to what he was doing, and only heard himself responding, “I don't know what you're talking about.”

  Another impulsive line, and it sounded preposterous, even to his ears. So he wasn't surprised when Emily called him on it.

  “You know exactly what I'm talking about. So what, do I … smell bad or something?”

  What an ironic question. Caleb groaned, fighting to get his bearings back before he finally looked in her direction and answered. “No, I just wasn't thinking straight and realized I'd gotten too close.”

  “Too close?”

  Walking over to the bar, Emily took a seat on one of the stools, and Caleb shut the door to the fridge when he realized he was aimlessly staring inside of it. Besides, he owed her a more thorough explanation if only because he didn't want his impulsive reactions making her doubt herself.

  No matter how badly he wanted to avoid an emotional entanglement with Emily, Caleb refused to be so cruel.

  “Yeah,” he started, going to stand on the other side of the bar counter from where she sat. “I didn't mean to … you know, that.”

  “What? Kiss me?”

  He nodded, then eyed her curiously, asking before he could think better of it, “Did you want me to?” Please say no.

  “I wouldn't have minded,” she admitted shamelessly. “You're a good guy, Caleb, and a kiss doesn't mean anything serious, right?”

  Caleb groaned—this was the exact last thing he needed to hear. At once, his instincts to get closer to her redoubled because of it, which made his anxiety worse in turn, nearly sending him upstairs just to have a few minutes to think straight without her scent driving him crazy.

  But instead, he muttered, “I wouldn't go that far, Emily.”

  “About you, or a kiss?”

  “Well, both, but me mainly.” In an attempt to level with her, he went on, “I just don't know how comfortable I am. Remember how I said I'd only had flings over the past few years?”

  When she nodded, he went on, “Let's just say it's because the last serious relationship I had ended badly, and I don't wanna risk you believing one thing might lead to something more because I don't think I could give it.” Even though I want to more than anything.

  He ignored the pain of despair stabbing into his heart at the thought, a sensation made more intense by her apparent interest in him, no matter how deep it went. At this point, all he hoped was that she'd understand, then relent.

  Still, Caleb was already well aware of the truth; short of getting closer to Emily and learning where things may lead, his instincts wouldn't let him rest.

  And that was the one thing he couldn't do.

  Chapter 12

  Well, so much for that spark.

  Emily wanted to know her standing, and the explanation she'd received told her all she needed to know. Chances with Caleb Hodgins? Nada.

  It was more disappointing than she'd expected, but she was just glad not to have embarrassed herself in the process of finding out. Before, Emily wasn't convinced that Caleb actually found her interesting, but learning that Joslyn was right about his baggage explained a lot of the behaviors she'd found so strange.

  Whatever happened between him and his ex, she could tell just by the tone of his voice that it'd left a scar. In fact, she almost got the sense that he'd yearned for something more meaningful than a fling, but simply hadn't felt capable of attaining it—a sad thought indeed.

  Yet Emily didn't want Caleb believing she pitied him, nor was she going to make him uncomfortable by promising that things with her would be different. Instead, she wanted to make it clear that she understood his reluctance, and had no intention of pushing.

  So she started, “I'm sorry about whatever happened to you, Caleb, and I didn't mean to make you think I was after something specific. I just wanted to make sure I hadn't done anything wrong, or offended you somehow.”

  With that said, she tried to lighten the mood by suggesting with a playful smile, “Still, I'm not above having a fling if you're ever interested.”

  She thought Caleb might grin and say something smooth. But despite all she'd learned about him in the past five minutes alone, his copper eyes went cold with dread in response to the suggestion.

  He even had to clear his throat before asking, “S-seriously?”

  Emily suddenly felt like she were back at square one. He'd just admitted a preference for flings, but now looked haunted by the thought of having one with her, making it seem as if the fear of serious relationships wasn't the only thing holding him back.

  So was she the reason for his discomfort after all? Considering his reactions to her over the past week, that was the only explanation that made any rational sense. Perhaps she reminded him of his ex physically, or the circumstances of their meeting was similar to the point that he felt uncomfortable.

  But whatever the case, Emily knew it would be much easier to let it go rather than dig for answers and risk upsetting him. It was just a stroke of luck that Joslyn was returning to the duplex that night, meaning she could leave and forget she'd ever had any interest in the guy at all.

  Emily simply hoped it wasn't easier said than done, and playfully answered his question, “Nah, I'm just messing with you. But I forgot to ask if Conner gave you the news that he and Joslyn are returning to the duplex tonight.”

  Caleb thought it over, then shook his head. “No, I haven't talked to him today.”

  Nodding, she qualified, “Well, I've decided to go back, too. With them around, there won't be as much to worry about.

  There, that should make his day. Emily stared down at her hands to hopefully hide her disappointment at the thought—not to mention her anger with herself for caring so much. Caleb was nice, but he wasn't without fault, and she had no reason to wish he liked her as much as she liked him.

  Or that's what she told herself to dull the sting of rejection while silently waiting for a response.

  But Caleb didn't get a chance to offer one before her phone went off again.

  Sighing, she reached into her pocket to answer it this time, and simultaneously noticed her temporary roommate motioning to the door.

  “I'm gonna go for a walk,” he stated, “I'll be back in a few.”

  Nodding, she let him go and put her full focus on answering the phone.

  “Hey Joslyn, what's up?”

  “Not much, just got off work and wanted to call and see how your meeting with Evan went.”

  “Oh right,” she started, standing from her seat to pace back and forth across the living room. “Did you call me a few minutes ago?”

  “Yep, that was me. Why? You sound kind of annoyed.” Curiously, Joslyn added, “Did Evan do something? I'll rip his ass a new one!”

  “No, no,” Emily rushed out. “Believe it or not, Evan was pretty good to me today.”

  “Wow, really?” A brief pause. “Are you sure it was actually him?”

  She grinned. “Yeah, I'm sure.”

  “Then why do you sound so down?”

  Groaning, Emily walked to the door and looked outside, but didn't see Caleb anywhere as she related, “You know how I told you I'd talk about Caleb as soon as I had something to talk about?”

  “ … Yeah?”

  “Well, let's just say it wasn't what I thought.”

  At that, Emily explained everything, including what had just happened on the porch, and by the time she was done, Joslyn sounded perplexed. “Kinda sorry I called now.”


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