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My Nights With Kate

Page 12

by M T Stone

  As we exited the helicopter, we saw that we now had two limos, so everything had gone according to plan. I handed Andre a black AmEx card and told him the pin code for it.

  “You don’t have to pay for anything,” he protested.

  “You’re doing me a favor, so I insist, Andre.”

  As the two of them drove away, I turned to Kate and swept her off her feet.

  “Are you ready to have some fun?” I asked, as I carried her to the car.

  “I’ve had a blast already, Jack, but yes, I’m ready for more!”


  I had no idea what Jack had planned, but our first stop was the Spa at Four Seasons for chocolate massages. They started with something called an energizing chocolate body scrub, followed by a body wrap that was made with a smooth blend of chocolates. To finish, they gave each of us a relaxing massage using warm Cocoa Shea Butter. After all that, we got to try a whole bunch of different decadent chocolates. It was two and a half hours of pure bliss!

  After the massage, we stopped by the hotel for fresh clothes, and Jack told me to put on my best dress. Then we were off to La Dame De Pic for a night of the finest French cuisine. The most intimidating part was the menu, which looked like this:

  Restaurant LA DAME DE PIC's Starters

  Le melon charentais, café Blue Mountain, chèvre frais

  Les Petites tomates de pays, mozzarella, vanille, vieux Rhum

  Le petit pois de montagne, réglisse, galanga

  L'huître spéciale Gillardeau n° 3, chou-fleur, jasmin

  Les berlingots fumés, chèvre frais fumé, champignons des bois, fève tonka

  Restaurant LA DAME DE PIC's Main Courses

  La volaille fermière, curcuma, champignons blonds de Paris

  Le cochon de Bigorre, thé vert, feuille de figuier

  Le picodon et ses trois affinages, romarin Corse, bière, miel (+ 12 €)

  La volaille de Bresse, couteaux, épinards, fleurs d'oranger

  Le lapin Rex du Poitou, genièvre, gin, petits légumes de saison

  Restaurant LA DAME DE PIC's Desserts

  La mirabelle de pays, vin jaune, bergamote

  Le baba au Rhum, fruits de la passion, gingembre, vanille

  La poire William, réglisse, violette

  La pomme reine des Reinettes, Tatin, bière, cazette

  La mirabelle de pays, vin jaune, bergamote

  Seriously? I have a hard enough time reading the menu in the French Restaurants back in NYC. I see the words Starters, Main Courses and Deserts, but the rest will be purely guessing.

  “What looks good to you?” Jack asked with an endearing smile.

  “Let’s just try one of everything, like last time.”

  “Oh, there are a few things I know you won’t like, so I’ll be a bit more selective than that,” he replied, then began talking to the server in French.

  Within ten minutes, the starters began to show up. For the next hour, I was blown away by one fantastic flavor after another.

  “I honestly don’t know how I’ll go back to real food, Jack. You’re completely ruining me with all this deliciousness.”

  “Trust me Kate; you’ll still love cheeseburgers and pizza. Those cravings never die.”

  The key to great French cooking must have been butter. There had to be 3000 calories in our dinner, and the desserts were so decadent that we had to walk along the Seine afterward in an attempt to feel better. Our final stop for the evening was at the Île St-Louis where the views from the quays were spectacular. We wrapped up in a big fuzzy blanket to keep warm and sipped Vin Chaud (French mulled wine) from an insulated thermos. It was so peaceful and beautiful, just the perfect end to a perfect day.

  At midnight, we took the limo back to Le Meurice, and Jack reiterated how happy he was to not be at a dance club with Jackie and Andre. Jackie might think she would be compatible with someone like Jack, but she would be bored in a couple weeks. I, on the other hand, found myself hopelessly in love with the man. He put his arm around me and we enjoyed a scenic drive back to our hotel.


  Chapter 16 – Jack Does Double Time


  Even though it had been a long weekend already, I found myself aroused as we took the elevator up to the room. Maybe it was the subtle smell of chocolate and cocoa butter that lingered on our bodies. I bent down and kissed her softly as I helped her out of her dress. She pushed back against me so I could feel her firm butt, teasing my groin. She continued to toy with me, as I slipped my hands under her bra and began to fondle her nipples. She sighed as they hardened to my touch. Running my hands down along her sides, I pulled her into me, pushing my stiffening cock deeper between her cheeks. I began to kiss and suck on her neck more aggressively until she assured me it was time to hit the bedroom.

  Leaving a trail of clothes as we made our way down the hall, we were both down to nothing by the time we reached the bed. I laid her on her back and gave her a long, full kiss before once again moving to her neck. I just loved how the hints of chocolate and cocoa butter made her skin feel and taste. She was even more delicious than normal. I felt overwhelming urges surging through my body, something I recognized from my youth. It was the feeling of pure testosterone. I remembered feeling this turned on in college and recalled how it used to get me in trouble. At the moment, however, there was nothing to fear. I would simply focus all of my sexual energy on the beautiful brunette lying next to me.

  Assuming the 69 position, I attacked her with the same intensity as the night we had been in the hot tub. I sucked on her clit, determined to bring her to the point where she was begging for mercy again. She retaliated by taking my head into her mouth while stroking my shaft with aggression. I ran my tongue as deep as possible inside her and began to move it around until I got a reaction. Again, she countered by nibbling on my balls in search of a similar reaction from me. After nibbling on her swollen lips, I once again focused on her clit, working it with my tongue and top lip. This time the moans were louder, and she began to furiously work me over. I knew she was getting excited. Fearing a loss of control, I pulled away from her and slid down between her legs. She expected me to move on, but I picked up right where I had left off. Relentlessly, I went back to sucking, licking, and manipulating her for what seemed like several minutes. Each time she seemed to be on the edge, I backed off just a bit before increasing the intensity once again. She had hold of my hair with both hands as her abdominals flexed hard, lifting her up from the bed. I mashed her clit between my lips as I sucked as hard as I dared.

  “Stop! Stop! Please, stop!” she yelled as her body began to shudder uncontrollably.

  “That’s what I wanted to hear, baby,” I assured her as I moved up, positioning my rock hard dick between her beautiful legs.

  “Give me just a minute, Jack.”

  “I will, sweetie,” I assured, as I gave her a kiss and pushed my throbbing head inside.

  I never was a good listener in bed, and I was too aroused to hold back any longer. After a few slow, partial strokes, she seemed to have recovered just fine, so I began to fuck her with all the passion I was feeling inside. With each stroke, I picked up the intensity just a bit until I felt like a raging animal. Kate began bucking her hips to meet each of my determined strokes. She dug her fingers into my sides as if she was hanging on for life, and I could feel the sweat beading up between our overheated bodies. It seemed as if she had been in one long orgasm for a minute or two by the time I finally reached my peak. I wrapped my arms tightly around her as I gave her the final dozen strokes. I buried myself as deep as I could inside her and released all of that built up sexual energy.

  “Holy shit, Jack! What got into you?” Kate asked, after lying there panting for a couple minutes.

  “I believe my testosterone booster shot has taken full effect,” I replied, giving her a smile.

  “You had another testosterone shot? Why?”

  “Because I’m too young to feel old.”

  “Is it s

  “Even if it’s not perfectly safe, I’m willing to take the risk. I can’t believe how that shit makes me feel. I’ve missed it.”

  Despite the look of concern in Kate’s eyes, she dropped the subject. After the explosive sex we just shared, neither of us was in the mood to debate the safety of hormone replacement therapy.


  It must’ve been about 2 A.M. when I heard the sound of a keycard opening our door. Someone came stumbling in, and, by the perfume scent that followed, I knew it was Jackie. She dropped her purse, kicked off her shoes, and began undressing next to the bed. Through the dim, filtered light, I could see her silhouette as she shed each piece of clothing and draped it over the chair.

  “Hi,” she said as she crawled into bed and gave me a kiss.

  A combination of liquor and perfume emanated from her, so I knew her and Andre had a good night at the clubs.

  “Where’s Andre?”

  “He went home. Thanks for hooking me up with a schlep Jack. He got me all hot and bothered only to leave me with a peck on the cheek.”

  “I’m sure he has to be careful, to keep his reputation intact.”

  “Whatever. All I know is I need some of this,” she replied, as she began caressing me.

  I was surprised as hell when it quickly rose back to life. It had only been an hour since Kate and I had passed out, and, apparently, I was ready to go again. Safe or not, testosterone rocks! I glanced over at Kate, who was fast asleep. I had a slight moral dilemma, but it was cut short by Jackie’s persistence. She tugged at me, wanting me to roll on my side, as she threw her right leg over mine. Answering the call, I rolled on my side behind her as she guided me into her warm, moist opening. I ran my free hand along the side of her body and reached around to caress her bountiful breasts. Jackie and Kate could not have been more opposite in their physical features, but both were equally delightful in their own way. Jackie moaned softly and pressed herself down on my cock as I squeezed her excited nipples. My hormones began to surge once more as I felt the warm rush of Jackie encompassing my manhood. I began to flex my hips, while simultaneously using my arms to guide her up and down the length of my shaft. Jackie was really turned on, and it added to my passion level as well. I tried to maintain control, however, as I didn’t want Kate to awaken to the sight of me fucking her roommate.


  The feeling of having Jack all to myself was only heightened by the fact that Kate was asleep in the same bed. It was actually me who had cut the evening short with Andre. He was good looking and all, but the thought of Jack and Kate here alone was driving me crazy. All I could think about was returning to the hotel and claiming a piece of him. He definitely didn’t offer any resistance, so I knew he was as anxious to fuck me as I was him. God I love the feeling of his massive dick inside me.

  When he reached down and began rubbing my clit, I couldn’t help but vocalize my appreciation. I think I startled him because he quickly covered my mouth. It was obvious that he was trying to maintain control of the situation to avoid waking Kate, but when things got hot I didn’t like being controlled. I shifted my position just slightly, so he began hitting me in just the right spot. I could feel the tension welling up inside me as he continued to thrust into me, giving me everything he had to offer. He firmed his grip on my hips and increased the pace, so I could tell he was getting close. I was almost there, as well. It was the feeling of his hot release, splashing against my insides that finally sent me over the edge. I’d always been one to vocalize a great climax, and that night was no different. I felt his hand over my mouth again, which only made it more erotic.


  I had a feeling this was a mistake from the moment we started, but I also knew there was no going back. Jackie was not the type of girl who would quit in the middle of getting laid, and she certainly wasn’t discreet. By the end, I knew that Kate was simply pretending to be asleep. She probably didn’t want to give Jackie the satisfaction of knowing she heard us. As I rolled on my back, however, her soft hand came across and gently patted me on the chest. I was busted and honestly felt ashamed of allowing my new found hormones to get the best of me.

  Nothing was said the following morning as we all arose and prepared for our final hours in Paris. We enjoyed a nice brunch before spending the entire afternoon at an industry party. Kate and Jackie both enjoyed talking with the current stable of designers about their spring collections. Kate was amazed by how starkly different it was from her conversation with Michael Carr the previous week.

  “Michael is much more in touch with the American consumer,” she said with a little disdain for the French arrogance.

  It wasn’t until we were back in the jet Sunday evening that I took Kate aside and addressed what had happened the night before.

  “I’m sorry about last night, Kate.”

  “I’m not going to let it bother me, Jack. I know Jackie’s like that. It’s my fault for insisting we all share a room, but I thought it would be fun for you.”

  “It was fun, but, as a grown man, I should have more control over my hormones. It’s an old weakness of mine. It almost cost me my relationship with Eva back in the early days.”

  “Why? What happened?”

  “Believe it or not, I was kind of a player when I was young, especially the first couple years of college.”

  “You’re kidding; I don’t believe it!” she replied, with a deeply sarcastic tone.

  “Seriously, Kate, when I met Eva toward the end of our sophomore year, my reputation had preceded me. She turned me down several times when I asked her out. It wasn’t until the next fall that I finally convinced her that I was serious, and she agreed to go out with me. We had only been dating a few weeks when an old girlfriend came back for the weekend. She was a lot like Jackie, and, when I saw her at the bar that night, I knew I should’ve avoided her… but didn’t. Somehow, the story got back to Eva, and it confirmed in her mind that I was still a player and would never change. I couldn’t explain why I had cheated on her, because I was madly in love with her. It sent me on a journey of self-discovery that led to the technique that changed my life.”

  “That sounds intense. What was it?” Kate asked, looking seriously interested.

  “I read a book by Napoleon Hill where he stated that men generally don’t become successful in business until after age 40. The reason he gave was that young men focus their energy on women and sex, but, after age 40, men begin to redirect this abundant energy toward business success. It was obvious to me that I had excess sexual energy (way too much, according to Eva), so I began searching for how to redirect it. That’s when I came upon an ancient Tao meditation that allows someone to control and manipulate the energy, and I began to practice it.

  "Within six months, my grades had gone from B’s and C’s to straight A’s. The summer between my junior and senior year, I began formulating a business plan. Upon returning to school the fall of my senior year, I approached Eva about starting a business together. After spending endless nights discussing business and life, Eva realized how much I had changed and that I was focusing all my energy in a more productive direction. We gradually became more than friends, and, the night of our college graduation, I proposed to her.

  "After we had kids, I gradually stopped meditating, but the habit was so engrained that even after Eva’s death I continued to channel all my energy into business. It wasn’t until that first night with you that the reality of what I’ve been missing came crashing back into my life. I’m very thankful that I was able to be faithful to Eva during our entire 25-year marriage, but I’m tired of focusing all my energy on success. There is much more to life than just business.”

  “Wow. You became a billionaire by redirecting all your sexual energy, huh? So does this mean you’re going back to being a player?”

  “Honestly, I’ve been off the market so long that thought hasn’t even crossed my mind. I do feel bad about last night, though; if that’s any consolation.”

  “Don’t lose any sleep. However, you should be careful with Jackie. It would be like her to go off the pill and try to trap someone like you.”

  “Believe me, that won’t be an issue,” I replied with a laugh. “I won’t be seeing much of Jackie after this trip.”

  I had to laugh at the idea of Jackie trying to trap me. I’d been shooting blanks longer than either of them had been alive. So, there would be no paternity suits or entrapments in my future.

  As Kate rejoined Jackie in the forward galley, I stayed back, determined to focus on preparing for my Tuesday morning conference call. That weekend had easily been one of the wildest of my life, but it was time to get back to business. That conference call was crucial, and, if it went well, everything else would fall into place. I thought about what Kate had asked. Was I going to go back to being a player? It sure seemed more intriguing than focusing on business. I didn’t want to hurt Kate, but was it realistic to think we could have a long term relationship? Not only was I sterile, but, even if it were reversible, I had no interest in starting another family. I had been the responsible husband and father once already and had no desire for a repeat. That’s why I was reluctant to date in the first place. Judging from my guilty feelings, it was obvious that Kate and I had gone from an arrangement to business partners with benefits and now to a relationship. Shit! Why does it always have to get complicated?


  After finishing up my notes, I gave Brandon a call to check in and see how things were going for him. He was burning the candle at both ends and starting to wonder if there really was a future in investment banking. With all the new regulations coming down, it felt as if he had come too late to the party.


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