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My Nights With Kate

Page 24

by M T Stone


  As Jack’s hands traced out the curves of my body, there was a slow and steady tension building within me. Each time he moved across my bottom, I felt my desire move to the next level. He seemed intent on taking his time, his lips and hands alternately addressing each part of my back side. No one had ever spent so much time lingering over me, it was definitely a turn-on. As he slid up behind me and began kissing the back of my neck once again, I felt his fingers performing a familiar maneuver below. He softly caressed my folds as I spread my legs just slightly to accommodate him.

  “Ok, now you’re making my blood boil,” I asserted, as his tongue teased that area behind my earlobe.

  He was once again making love to my neck with his lips and tongue, while simultaneously teasing me below when I reached my first orgasm of the evening. It happened the moment his fingers finally broke the surface, penetrating my yearning bottom. The gush of juices that greeted him caused him to hungrily attack my neck, just as he slipped inside. The combination, along with the long smoldering fire he had been stoking within me, made it impossible for me to contain myself. I can’t believe how easy I orgasm with him!

  Just as I began to come down from my glorious release, Jack left my side and I now sensed him directly above me. Oh my God, I’m not ready for this! I felt his swollen manhood, in position to take over for his just departed fingers. Just as I was trying to verbalize my protest, I felt him push his way inside.

  “Oh God Jack, I’m not ready….”

  “Shhh….” was his only reply, as he slowly began to move inside me.

  It only took a minute for me to go from not being ready; to once again enjoying the rapture of his kisses in combination with his rock hard cock. God I love the way he fucks me, was my only thought as he continued with those slow and steady strokes. The intensity of the pleasure he was generating, let me know he had secured the proper angle and was intent on coaxing yet another orgasm from me. It felt so good, but I was determined to hold my ground and make him work for it this time. It was in this moment that I realized how much control we have over our orgasms. The moment I shifted my attention away from the sensation, it became controllable. As I laid there focusing on making him earn it, he responded by consistently increasing his intensity. Once again it felt as if this were some sort of competition, whether or not he realized it.

  “Oh shit,” were the words released from my lips as he once again gained the upper hand. My God, he’s hitting that spot again, was my thought as he drove me past some point of no return. Suddenly my mind was no longer in control, as he had flipped a switch that turned me into an uncontrollable mess. I felt my toes flexing and buried my face, as I gripped the sheets with both hands in order to brace myself for the rest of the ride. As my body reached that glorious state of bliss that was unknown to me until Jack, I could tell he was reaching the same state as well. He gripped me as tightly as I gripped the sheets, as he delivered the final, powerful series of strokes that left both of us in that state of undeniable ecstasy. God I hope this wasn’t the end. I could live for this feeling alone. What could possibly be better?


  As I slipped off Kate and lay by her side, I felt such a powerful connection to her. It was way beyond the physical attraction that had drawn me to her in the early days. It was as if she and I were two parts of the same soul, coming together after being held apart for an eternity. There were no words to express my feelings. The touch of my hand, stroking her soft hair was the best alternative. God, she’s beautiful. I’m not finished yet. I don’t want this night to end.

  Rolling her onto her back, I began to passionately kiss her once more.

  “I’m sorry, I can’t stop Kate.”

  “Don’t be sorry,” she replied, kissing me back with just as much passion.

  Moments before I had lost control in my effort to drive her over the edge, that wasn’t the way I wanted to leave things between us. I wanted to make love to her with nothing but love and tenderness, instead of lust. Moving once again between her beautiful legs, I continued to kiss her full lips. Taking her head in my hands, I began to tease her tongue with mine as my still rigid member once again made its way inside her. I kissed her hungrily, as I buried myself deep inside her and simply held it there. I loved the feeling of being deep within her, while holding her in my arms. She began to moan again, sensing the intensity of the passion I was feeling. This is exactly where I want time to stop!

  As we continued to make out with each other, I slowly pulled back only to plunge all the way back inside her. The feeling of holding her tight, while being fully inside her was something I wanted to remember for the rest of my life. We repeated this extremely sensual pattern for at least 15 minutes, refusing to let it end. Finally, we mutually began to slowly take it to the next level. Kate began moving her hips beneath me and I delivered the long, full strokes she was looking for. I looked down and observed myself fucking her in the dim light streaming in through the bedroom window. The warmth of her body, the smell of her skin and the way she moved are a combination that won’t be forgotten. It seemed almost surreal, as we slowly brought each other to one last glorious climax. Upon our final release, I remained inside her as I collapsed and held her in my arms. A lump formed in my throat and hot tears streamed onto my pillow, as I felt her body trembling as she sobbed in my arms.

  I honestly can’t believe how much I love her….


  When I awoke that Sunday morning, I was greeted by the handsome face that had been my first crush after meeting him at the tender age of 10. He looked so peaceful and content, that I resolved to always remember him that way. I thought back to Brandon telling me how concerned he and Jayne had been about his well-being. How they were so relieved that he finally seemed to be coming out of his depression and had a renewed zest for life. I would sacrifice my life for you Jack, if the alternative is you falling back into depression. I can live without having kids or raising a family of my own. As long as Brandon and Jayne accept me, they can be my family. The way Jack loves me is a dream come true. All of this is a dream come true. It can be enough.


  The expression that emerged on Kate’s face was something I’ll never forget. It rivaled the expression on Eva’s face, when she held each of the kids for the first time. I instantly knew what she was thinking, but there was no way I would let it happen.

  “Good morning Jack.”

  “Good morning sweetie.”

  “Jack, I’ve been thinking. I don’t think our age difference has to matter.”

  “I’ve been going back and forth in my mind too. In many ways it doesn’t, but it wouldn’t be fair to you.”

  “I would be satisfied Jack. I love you.”

  “I love you too Kate. You have no idea. Let’s talk about this later, we’ve got to get our stuff together and get checked out of here. Regardless of what we decide to do, we can’t hide out here any longer.”

  “That’s true. I can’t wait to get into my new place.”

  “It’s a beautiful place, perfect for you.”

  The lightness of my mood seemed to lighten her mood as well. She was excited to move into her new place and it made me happy to see her excitement. As soon as we had everything organized, I called Gerard for a little assistance. We couldn’t fit everything in the car, so they had to follow us with a van. It’s amazing how much two people can accumulate in only a few weeks, of course 80% of it belonged to Kate.

  Our friends from the St. Regis, as well as Tim made it an easy move. By the time she had put all her clothes away, it was already starting to feel like home. She had keys; the number to call whenever she needed a ride and Matilda had stopped by to stock her refrigerator.

  “Can I make you dinner Jack?”

  “Sure. What do you want to make?”

  “How about spaghetti? It feels like I haven’t cooked forever.”

  “Sounds good!”

  It was fun to watch her cook. It reminded me of meals
Eva would make when the kids were little. The smell of spaghetti boiling and hamburger browning on the stove brought back many wonderful memories.

  “See Kate, after all those fancy meals spaghetti still tastes great.”

  “You’re right Jack. I’m just realizing how much I missed home cooking.”

  “That’s good. It’s becoming a lost art.”

  As we finished our meal, I just had to smile at Kate. In many ways, she was the same adorable and awkward girl I met that first night, but in other ways she had really blossomed.

  “I’m really proud of you Kate.”

  “Really? Why?”

  “Because you were given the opportunity to chase your dreams and you took it. Most people are too afraid to step out and take a chance.”

  “Well, I never could’ve done it without you Jack.”

  “Oh, I think you’ll surprise yourself. You’re a lot stronger than you think.”

  “Thanks Jack.”

  As I gave her a hug, I knew it was time to get going. Our time together had been nothing short of spectacular, but it was time to get back to a normal life.

  “Will I see you tomorrow?”

  “I’m sure you will hear from me even sooner than that,” I assured her, with a smile and a kiss.


  Looking out the window, I caught a glimpse of Jack as Tim let him the car and they pulled out onto the street. As they slowly drifted out of sight, my phone buzzed and I knew immediately it was a text from him.

  “I miss you already Kate. Go check your mail. The mail key is on the kitchen counter.”

  Retrieving the key I took the stairs down to the mailboxes, wondering what he could’ve left me. As I approached the mailbox I saw the name K. Westby was already on it. Glancing to the right, another name caught my eye: B. Ryker. It appeared that Brandon was not only going to be my business partner, but also my next door neighbor. I thought back to Jack telling me that he had purchased two adjacent units. At the time, it didn’t occur to me that he bought them for Jayne and Brandon.

  Opening the box there was a single envelope with only the word “Kate” written across the front. It was definitely Jack’s handwriting. My hands trembled as I tore it open. The first thing that fell out was another check for $10,000. I don’t need that much Jack, was all that went through my mind as I smiled remembering the one from our first night. That thought was quickly discarded however, as I unfolded the letter he had enclosed. Before I even started reading, I knew this was the moment I had been dreading.



  My Dearest Kate,

  The first thing I would like to say is: Thank you for changing my life. For the first time in years I feel alive and am actually looking forward to the future. After losing Eva, I dwelled on the fact that I had lost my business partner, my best friend and my life-long companion. That’s a lot to lose in a blink of an eye. When I first saw your picture however, I realized there was still a small spark inside me. Getting to know you, I quickly saw that you possess many of the same attributes that made Eva so dear to me. I must confess, that I’ve been trying to rationalize my feelings right from the very first night. I kept telling myself that was impossible to fall in love with someone so quickly, that it was merely lust or me trying to regain my youth. It wasn’t until I started thinking about writing this letter, that I realized how much I truly love you.

  If this were lust or some other form of self-serving indulgence, I would be thinking about what’s best for me. Instead, I find myself constantly struggling with what’s best for you. I dwell on the fact that you are only 22 years old and have your whole life ahead of you, with so many opportunities and adventures. Looking at my own life, I feel as if my days of chasing opportunities and raising kids are complete. I’ve already lived that life and it no longer stirs my passion. If I were 15 or 20 years younger, things might be completely different. I can’t bear the thought of selfishly enjoying your company for the next 35 years, only to leave you alone and filled with regret.

  Most people believe that if you love someone, you must possess them. After having children however, I now understand the meaning of unconditional love. It’s not about possessing someone, but about wanting what’s best for them. As I sit here, with tears streaming down my face, I only want what’s best for you Kate. I love you unconditionally and that’s the absolute truth.

  I want you and Brandon to work with Jayne and the others to build your business. I want you to experience the thrill that comes from working together as a team and overcoming all the challenges. It’s my hope that you and Brandon will find a bond, similar to the one shared by Eva and me. If you do, trust me, it will be absolutely magical. Brandon is truly my son, with the exception of his mother’s heart of gold and brown eyes. Give him a chance Kate and I believe you will never regret it. There are no strings attached however, so don’t think that I’m insistent upon anything. As I said earlier, I simply want what’s best for you. Regardless of what you choose.

  If a year from now you can honestly tell me that you would rather sail the world with me, I’ll welcome you back with open arms. This is not about me breaking up or abandoning you. As I’ve told you before, I will always be here for you Kate. Always!

  Let’s take the next couple weeks to clear our heads and then we’ll begin our morning conference calls. If you need to talk in the meantime, just call or send me a text. I’m not leaving you; I’m simply giving you freedom. You’ve always had parents controlling you or been constrained by money issues. It’s time for you to spread your wings and find out who you really are Kate.

  I Truly Love You,


  PS. You will receive a check from me each month, until your company is profitable. Enjoy the Ride!


  I knew it! Tears burst from deep inside and simply poured down my face as I folded up the letter. I knew he was going to do this! Hearing voices in the hallway, I quickly made my way to the elevator and punched the 5th floor. The next hour was one of pain, grief and self-pity, but after each crying session I re-read his letter. Each time I felt a little better about his words. He’s not breaking up with me, but just giving me some space. I’m still going to talk to him on almost a daily basis. About the time it felt as if I had pulled it together, another wave of crying would hit me.

  My phone buzzed and it was a text from Jack, “Do you understand?”

  “Yes. I get it. I love you too Jack.”

  Looking down at my words, I instantly burst into tears again. Screw this, I’m going to bed.


  Chapter 28 – My Two Loves


  Sunday evening was rather depressing, after returning home for the first time in weeks. After catching up with Matilda, I spent the evening sorting through things I wanted to take back to the yacht. I picked out a few favorite pictures, several photo albums and my favorite summer clothes. Looking at everything we had accumulated over the years, I decided it was best to keep the house for the time being. Matilda is trustworthy, so I informed her that she and her husband could call it home as long as they maintained it. Needless to say, she was overwhelmed with joy. It was the one bright spot in an otherwise dark evening.

  Looking at pictures of Eva and me, I struggled to contain my emotions. Not only was I still missing Eva, but now I missed Kate as well. By the time I finished packing a half dozen boxes and 1/3 of my summer wardrobe, the scotch was catching up with me. With my mind properly numbed, I headed to the bedroom and collapsed into bed.


  January 30, 2012 - 7:30 am

  Monday morning started out slow, but I was invigorated by the time I reached the office. This was it! It was my last day of attending live transition meetings. On the way in, the lead banker called to congratulate me. The deal had officially closed at the high end of expectations. Pulling up a stock quote on my phone, I saw our stock was trading at a new all-time high and the market cap was listed at $4.43 billion. It was
nice to go out on top, especially with a $215 million bonus! It would’ve meant more though, if Eva would’ve been there to celebrate with me.

  Instead, I treated Kristen, Jayne and Brandon to a 5 star lunch that lasted until nearly 2:00. Part of me was going to miss the day to day camaraderie that had been the basis of my life for so many years. But I knew I could always come back if I ever got tired of exploring the world. After lunch, I had one more thing that needed to be done before leaving. I asked Brandon to join me for a brief one on one conversation.

  “First of all, I want to tell you how proud I am of both you and Jayne. Your mother would be very pleased with how the two of you turned out.”

  “Thanks dad.”

  “Also, if you haven’t found out already, Kate moved in next to you yesterday.”

  “Really? She took Jayne’s place?”

  “Yes. It seemed like the right thing to do until the business starts to cash flow. After today, I definitely don’t need the money.”

  “That’s true. I hope to have a day like you’re having someday.”

  “I hope so too. Nothing would make me happier than seeing you, Jayne and Kate having a day just like this. There is one thing I need to tell you though before I go.”


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