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Catching Fire: Perfect Places (Billionaire Romance Series Book 3)

Page 1

by T. N. King

  Table of Contents


  Perfect Places


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20


  One Last Chance

  About T.N King

  Perfect Places

  Catching Fire

  Book Three

  T.N King

  Published By Butterfly Publishings, 2017


  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places, businesses, and incidents are from the author’s imagination, or they are used fictitiously and are definitely fictionalized. Any trademarks or pictures herein are not authorized by the trademark owners and do not in any way mean the work is sponsored by or associated with the trademark owners. Any trademarks or pictures used are specifically in a descriptive capacity.

  Catching Fire Book Three: Perfect Places

  First Edition. November 30th, 2017

  Copyright © T.N King © Butterfly Publishing House

  Content Editor: Leanore Elliott

  Book Design & Formatting: Wicked Muse

  Cover Art Provided By: Emcat Designs

  Published by Butterfly Publishings

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  Perfect Places


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20


  One Last Chance

  About T.N King

  Perfect Places

  Morgan Hunt is a man who has everything-wealth, good looks, and the love of Ellie White. He almost lost her to darkness and despair, and he almost lost himself. Now, they are side by side, after going through hell and back. He feels more than proud of all that Ellie has accomplished; proud of her strength and her tenacity. The future he envisions with her will be what he’d longed for; a perfect balance, a Perfect Place while their two worlds finally merge as he’d hoped all along.

  However, a threat looms with the risk of him losing his CEO-ship at Hunt Industries, as he fights to keep his hard earned success. And just when he feels he can make Ellie his in the only way that will truly keep her with him for all time—the merger his father planned lands on his doorstep. As the uglier part of his world tries to destroy all that he and Ellie had hoped for, can he save Ellie once again?


  He’d found the other car! He was thrilled. Morgan had been looking for it for a week. It had been stuck under the divan in the adult’s living room as he thought of the room by the study. His father had forbidden him to enter the room, as this was where he would gather his snobby guests all the time. Men in suits and women in designer clothes and jewels. Those people rarely even looked at him, if they saw him. He didn’t care, ‘cause they were no fun anyway. So, of course, 9 year old Morgan just had to play in the forbidden room after that. He secretly hated his dad. So any chance he got, he would defy him.

  His father was always telling him what to do. How to stand how to walk, how to talk. It didn’t matter if Morgan tried to do as he said. His father never told him he was doing good. He never had a kind word for him, in fact.

  Shrugging, Morgan smiled as he picked up the blue charger. Someday, he would own and drive at least twenty cars. A Jag, a Porsche, a Bentley, Corvette, Mustang, and even a Lamborghini!

  Grinning, he stepped out into the hall.

  “I don’t care, Edwin!”

  Morgan heard his mother shout from the study. He sighed as his smile dropped away. They were fighting again. All the time with the fighting. Though, his mother usually did not shout. Always the lady, always graceful, as he overheard one of the maids saying. This must be serious.

  “WE will be agreeing to it next week and that is final!” his father shouted back.

  “But Edwin, he’s just a boy! You can’t be serious.”

  “I am and you should know why.”

  “It isn’t right.”

  Morgan frowned…the fight was about him? He leaned closer to the door.

  “It worked for us.” His father’s voice lowered.

  “It certainly did! We hate each other. We never agree. We don’t even share a bedroom and haven’t since that first week after we were married!”

  Morgan listened and he knew his mother might cry as he’d only heard this sad voice once before when she had been told some bad news.

  “It did work as both our family’s companies benefited and Hunt Industries will be something Morgan can be proud to inherit.”

  “No. Morgan is the only good thing that ever came from our merger. You can’t tie him to someone in the future like this! It is cruel.”

  “It is life,” Edwin replied. “His future and Hunt will be secure. The art of the deal. He shall be groomed from this day on for just that…to excel in the business world. He will marry her. The Yearwood’s are building an empire as we speak.”

  Morgan pulled his head back in confusion. Marry?

  “It is a merger, Melanie. Pure and simple.”

  Morgan listened for a response from his mother and heard nothing. Then the door opened and he ran down the hallway.

  Merger? Marry? Yearwoods… mmm, he remembered Daphne Yearwood when they came to visit months back. She’d stomped on his foot one time and grabbed one of his metal cast cars, tossing it into the Koi pond. He hated her…she was a stupid girl. He’d trolled that pond for a week with a net to get that car back. He never did find it.

  If this merger thing meant he would have to go live with the Yearwood’s—he would run away for sure.

  Being nine year old, Morgan had no idea what this all really meant. All he knew is that when his father wanted something, he always got it….

  …“Mr. Hunt!” a voice called.

  Morgan looked up to see a secretary standing in front of him. He blinked his eyes as he realized his mind had wandered to when he first heard of the “merger.” This subject had recently come up again and he flat out told his father that he would not do it. He needed to end that chapter of his life and keep going with his and Ellie’s chapter.

  He rose up and smiled at her. “I’m ready.” He strode into Helix Corp’s boardroom.

  Make the deal. It’s all about the art of the deal.


  Ellie couldn’t breathe. She thought she might pass out. The woman standing in front of her had to be lying. It just couldn’t be true! She felt inclined to not believe her, but at the same time, she felt as if she was telli
ng her partly the truth. The way she carried herself reminded Ellie of Morgan. The way he was able to control the room wherever he went.

  The woman rolled her eyes. “Oh, move out of my way!” She pushed Ellie aside and strode into the mansion. She slowly gazed around and scoffed. “This is horrible.” Shaking her head, she strode forward. Tall, beautiful, long legs and hair a pure golden color. Everything about her seemed perfect.

  “You can’t just barge—?”

  “I can so. This will be half mine. I’m Daphne Yearwood, sole heir to Yearwood Unlimited. Everything Morgan has will be half mine,” Daphne answered without breaking her stride as she made her way into the living area.

  Ellie followed as her heart pounded and the beginnings of a migraine started.

  Daphne went around the room and flicked her finger at this and that.

  “You need to leave. If you want to speak to Morgan, you can make an appointment like everyone else!” Ellie shouted.

  The woman ignored her completely. “This wall will have to be torn out and open up this space. Then all this furniture…” she paused and waved her hand at the overstuffed leather couch. “Will have to go. It is all trash.”

  Ellie was breathing hard and her rage was building. She paused to stare at the couch. How many times had she and Morgan had sex there, or laid there and watched an old movie or Netflix? She had to breathe through her nose, as she felt a bit dizzy from almost hyperventilating for the last ten minutes. This can’t be real. After all they’d gone through to be here in this house together. Then this nasty bitch shows up and thinks she can tear us apart?

  Daphne paused at the mantle and grabbed a picture up.

  Ellie gasped. It was of her and Morgan on the balcony of the third floor overlooking the back of the mansion. They’d taken a picture to celebrate finishing the landscaping of the back part of the house.

  Daphne tossed it onto the marble floor. It shattered and the frame broke.

  “Hey!” Ellie rushed forward and bent down to pick up the pieces. She cut her finger then let out an, ouch.

  Daphne’s laughter rang out over her head.

  Ellie glared up at her. “Get out!” she hissed.

  Daphne’s laughter halted. “I will leave when I’m ready and not a minute—”

  Ellie rose up with her fists clenched. “I will toss you out on your fucking botoxed, silicone filled ass!”

  Daphne blinked at her, then took a step forward. “Low class that is all you are. A pretty romp for Morgan before our merger.”

  “Merger?” Ellie stared at her.

  “Our wedding.”

  “You are insane.” Ellie sighed and pointed toward the foyer. “Leave.”

  Daphne sniffed. “You’re just his plaything. A billionaire’s sex toy. I know how he is. I’ve been in bed with him many times. He likes it rough.”

  Ellie’s eyes widened.

  “Yes, and I bet you’re as meek as a lamb, aren’t you?”

  Ellie glared at her as blood dripped from her fist. “You’re the one who is low class. I won’t ask again!”

  Daphne rolled her eyes. “You can still keep your scholarship and your little dreary life. But soon, you will have to move on. You will just be in the way of our two fortunes merging.” She laughed at Ellie’s stunned expression. “Oh, yes. I know all about you little Amy.”

  “It’s Ellie!”

  “Amy, Ellie who cares? You’re a dime a dozen. I mean we all know Morgan Hunt, he has bedded a hundred just like you.” She laughed loudly. “Just tell my Morgan I dropped by.” She strode past her. Then she paused and threw back, “Oh, and say hello to your Chemistry Professor too.”

  Ellie felt the color leave her face. She knows about Hillborn? How did she know about that? Oh, god. Oh, god. Then she realized something. Yearwood. “Wait!” Ellie called. Now she remembered who this was.

  Daphne slowly turned around.

  “You’re that bimbo that claimed he got you pregnant, then you were proven wrong!”

  Daphne didn’t bat an eyelash. “Who says I was wrong?” She patted her baby bump on her belly as she grinned at her. “No one has proven it isn’t his.” She waved her off and waltzed back through the house. “But I intend to show the world that he is the father.”

  Ellie stood still as she huffed and puffed. Then her body jumped as the front door slammed with a BOOM!

  Looking around, she didn’t know what to do. Or what to think. The woman must be insane. She remembered what Morgan had said about her. “I had sex with her three whole times and in fact, the last two was not anything I care to repeat. The woman is a cold hearted bitch and I dropped her as soon as I could.”

  So, how could she think they were engaged? Ellie rushed to the downstairs bathroom to take care of her cut. She ran water over it and it stung. But not like this news stung. Part of what the woman said must be true? Right?

  She raised her head and looked into the bathroom mirror. Before if something like this happened, I would just pack up and leave. Run away like a little girl. Cry myself to sleep. Her eyes narrowed. Not this time. Morgan has said they had a future that she meant more to him than anyone in his life. That he loved her.

  Ellie let out a breath. I can do this. I stand and fight. I’ll also be standing in front of Morgan in a couple of hours and he’d better tell me the truth or I will walk away. I won’t run, but I won’t put up with this!

  Morgan was greeted by the President of Helix Corp, Donald Webster as he made his way into the boardroom. There were a handful of men on the board of directors already sitting around the table. The President introduced Morgan to each one of the board members.

  Morgan stood in front of his seat and gave them all his dazzling dealmaker’s smile. “Are you all ready to become filthy rich?”

  The board members all laughed. They had met him before and knew what to expect. Morgan cleared his throat and he wanted to crack his knuckles like someone would before they dug into something meaty and juicy.” The Takeover has been set. As we all discussed before. It was on the table and ready, he pulled out the paperwork. All in stacks of seven for each of them to see.

  The secretary stopped at each chair and placed a stack in front of each board member. He’d offered the buyout at 300 million in exchange for the entire company.

  The board of directors and the President all looked a bit stunned, but they then read over most of the wording and they seemed happy.

  While they all discussed the points on the paperwork, Morgan’s phone buzzed in his pocket. He raised it a bit out of his pocket and saw that the text was from Chance. The man always had bad timing. He couldn’t afford to play games right now, there was a deal actually on the table ready to be made. The acquisition of Helix Corp was a big opportunity. Helix Corp was about to make breakthroughs in the medical industry with patented administration of drugs and the most astounding medical applications like the retractable syringe needle and this would boost Hunt Industries shares, once the acquisition went through. Morgan was essentially getting the company for pennies on the dollar. A shrewd move.

  Another text came in. Dammit.

  The President looked up. “You can take the call while we discuss this if you need to, Mr. Hunt.”

  Morgan smiled and nodded at him while inside, he wanted to spit nails. Before he could move to the door, his phone rang. Furious, he stepped out into the outer office. Tapping his phone, he snapped, “WHAT?”

  “We are so fucked,”

  “What?” Morgan asked.

  “Well, when I said we I meant mostly… YOU. Haven’t you picked up my texts?”

  “No dammit. I’m sealing the Helix deal, you nimwit! You knew this.”

  “I don’t think you will be sealing anything, and do not call me names, you ass.”

  “Stop playing games, Chance,” he seethed through the phone.

  “I mean it man. Read the texts. This shit has done hit the fan!”

  “Oh, calm down, you girl and let me look.” Morgan scrolled through to
the texts. His eyes widened as he read them. “What the fuck?” It was an article with the headlines of:

  SCANDAL. CEO Morgan Hunt is a father and he tried to escape his responsibilities to Miss Daphne Yearwood by sending in some stranger to claim the child as his, so he could frolic with his latest hookup. Apparently, the shipping mogul incident was a cover up.

  Morgan was pissed. He opened the link Chance sent him and skimmed through it. It basically talked about how Hunt Industries was trying to cover up the fact Morgan got Daphne pregnant out of wedlock, the heiress to the shipping industry Yearwood Unlimited. The comments to the news article were crazy, talking about how billionaires don’t take responsibilities and Hunt Industries was a shady conglomerate for trying to cover this up etc.

  Morgan sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Then he picked up the phone again, putting Chance back on. “Who leaked this bullshit?”

  “Man I don’t know. This all should have went away already, but the Board of Hunt is spooked dude and they want you to come into an emergency meeting ASAP.”

  “How bad is it?” Morgan asked him.

  “Hunt shares have dropped four percent since the article went out.” “Fuck,” Morgan grumbled. “I’ll come to New York as soon as I close this deal.” He tapped his phone and turned to go back into the boardroom. At least he could get this done and that may calm the board at Hunt. He put away his phone and turned around.

  The President of Helix Corp approached him his expression looked grave.

  Shit! This can’t be happening!

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Hunt but at the present moment, they won’t strike a deal. They don’t want to be mixed up with the drama and would prefer to hold off the acquisition till this incident is cleared up.”

  They clearly read the article themselves as he was reading it. He shook Don’s hand and said he understood, but secretly, he was pissed. Daphne just fucked up the biggest acquisition he’d developed all year since Japan. He made his way down in the elevator. “When someone fucks with my shit, I’m not going to just stand around and let it happen.”


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