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Catching Fire: Perfect Places (Billionaire Romance Series Book 3)

Page 10

by T. N. King

  His dirty talking was almost too much as she panted heavily, but she was doing exactly as he said. Stroking herself rapidly with his cock like she was insane with need, she felt herself coming. “Mmmm,” she moaned into his mouth.

  Morgan raised his head and took over as he pulled his hips back making her release him, then he entered her in one long thrust as she came.


  He captured her mouth and swallowed up her screams. Then he fucked her deep and hard. He pounded into her relentlessly as if there would be no tomorrow.

  Ellie was lost to the erotic feeling of him fucking her so deep as her pussy gripped him tight while she climaxed long and hard. Her body jolted every time he hit her G spot. Her heart pounded as her entire body flushed with heat.

  Releasing her lips, he spoke to her mouth, “You are mine and I am yours. I want to come in you so many times, and I will for many years to come, as I know I’ll never get enough of you, ever. Only you, Ellie.” He thrust hard up inside her and held himself there. “Tell me.” His eyes blazed down at her.

  “I-I…” she muttered as she kept coming and her body shook so hard. “I—am yours, always… I love you Morgan Hunt.” She gasped and opened her mouth to scream as she peaked.

  His mouth swooped down and covered hers as he thrust high and came inside her. His tongue danced with hers as his body grew rigid. Grunting into her mouth, she now swallowed his growls.

  They came together.

  Ellie saw stars. He’d fucked her many times, but she knew this had been the most powerful and deep bonding that they’d ever shared. He was sealing her as his and letting her know, he did not intend to ever let go of her. She’d also admitted aloud that she loved him and desperately. Her fear of telling him gone from her now. She sighed and closed her eyes as she slipped into a deep sleep. This time she had no fear as she went under. Ellie knew he would be here with her when she awoke.

  Morgan rolled gently off of her. He suddenly realized that she’d finally told him she loved him. She had actually said it out loud! He’d waited for months to hear those words from her sweet mouth. Yes deep down, he knew she loved him but she’d never said it. She would look like she wanted to say it, but never actually did. He felt such satisfaction and whole for perhaps the first time in his whole despicable life.

  Content and happy, he stared at her sweet face. The bruises would be apparent for at least another week. He didn’t care, as he had her with him and it would stay that way.

  He noted Ellie’s eyes were closed and her body was absolutely still. Too still. Suddenly, he feared he’d gone too far. Fuck, she hadn’t even had time to recover and what did I do? I stormed her gates and fucked her until she passed out cold. The woman was hooked up to machines only just yesterday. His heart was pounding hard in fear as he gazed at her pale face. Then he peered closer. Her expression looked so serene and happy, a slight smile curved on her swollen lips.

  Concerned, Morgan lowered his ear to her mouth, she was breathing evenly. She was asleep! He let out a relieved breath.

  A knock sounded on the door and his head shot up. Oh, wow. He’d just fucked a patient in a hospital bed until she passed out! He fumbled with his pants and zipped up. He halted to smooth his hair back.

  He strode to the door, then turned to look back at Ellie. His eyes rounded. She was nude with her legs spread wide. He rushed back over and looked around for the gown. Finding it on the floor where he’d tossed it, he realized he’d ripped it in half. God dammit, I’m a fucking beast! He gazed around the room and saw another gown over the chair. He rushed over, grabbed it, and placed it on her. Then he moved the blanket up over her.

  The knocking got louder and more persistent.

  Morgan rushed to the door and unlocked it.

  A nurse stood there looking flustered. “Who are you?”

  He bit at his lip. “I’m Morgan Hunt, her fiancé.”

  Her brows knitted together. “No, I met him already.”

  Morgan gave her a look of puzzlement using his finely honed acting skills. “OH! No, that was my brother. I couldn’t get here sooner as I was out of town.”

  She studied him for a minute. “Well, I’m here to give her the sponge bath.”

  “Oh? Well, she’s sleeping. I’ll do it.”

  She opened her mouth to argue.

  “Look, I’m paying for her care and this whole wing. I will take care of her.” He gave her his hard no deal look.

  “Umm, well we also have to administer her eyes drops?”

  He took everything from her hands. “Thank you and I will buzz the nurse’s station when she’s ready to eat. Thank you.” He shut the door in her flabbergasted face.

  Morgan turned back to Ellie. No one would be taking care of her except him. From now on, this would be the rule and no one, not even Ellie would change it.


  Her skin felt warm and she sighed. Oh, that feels soo good. Sighing, she smiled. Hands roamed over her…hot hands, skilled hands. Morgan’s hands. Ellie’s eyes popped open.

  Morgan’s head was bent as he watched his hands glide over her skin. He held a damp cloth rubbing it along her torso and down over her hip.

  He’s bathing me? It took a full minute for her to realize they were in her hospital room. She watched his expression. It was full of love and tenderness. His usual stern CEO hard look was entirely absent and it its place, was an expression she’d never remembered seeing on his handsome face before.

  If anything ever convinced her of his love for her…this would be it. She laid there and soaked up his attentions. The fact that she’d told him she loved him, had put her entirely in his hands. He could hurt her worse than ever before. To make herself so vulnerable to him—well, she’d been terrified to do it for a couple of months now. If he started to clam up again. Keep things to himself, she would know that she’d made a mistake.

  The thing was…she did love him, had been in love with him for months. Now, she was at his mercy, or rather her heart was. But hadn’t it always been so, since that first night at the Hunt Hotel? It seemed like years ago. Ellie sure enjoyed watching him without his knowledge

  Dunking the cloth into the water again, he rang it out. Then he rolled it up along her thigh. He got to the apex of her mound and halted. Licking his lips, he then glided past it. He traced it along her other thigh. Then turned and rinsed it again.

  Ellie kept her eyelids barely cracked as she didn’t want to halt this scene for all the world.

  He raised the cloth up and over her breasts.

  Ellie’s breath hitched as he caressed her nipple with the cloth. Desperately, she tried to remain as still as she could, but his touch and the hungry look on his face did things to her insides.

  He lowered his head and dropped the cloth. With his fingers, he spread her folds and latched onto her button with his hot mouth.

  Gasping, her body jolted as she raised up. Her gaze shot down to spot his gray eyes focused on her face. Her body shook. “You knew I was awake?”

  Hungrily, Morgan sucked on her clit and didn’t answer.

  Ellie flopped back down and squirmed at his licking and sucking. “Ohhh.” She felt her juices flowing out as he thoroughly ravaged her with his mouth and tongue.

  He smirked as he raised his head. “Of course, I knew. I wouldn’t take advantage of a poor unconscious woman. Then again, I was tempted to.” He then lowered his hot mouth and blew on her sensitive button that was throbbing like crazy.

  “M-Morgan…” she whimpered.

  “You will come in my mouth Ellie,” he commanded as he licked and sucked then plunged a strong finger into her now soaked pussy. He finger fucked her as he sucked on her.

  “Ahhh,” she let out helplessly as she panted.

  He growled against her mound and sucked harder. Simultaneously, he reached up and tweaked a nipple sternly.

  The small pain along with the pleasure had her coming instantly. She gushed and covered her mouth to keep from screaming

  He lapped at her while she came, slurping and feasting like he couldn’t get enough.

  “Ohh, ohhh,” she groaned as her body shuddered. “Mercy, mercy…” she pleaded.

  He gave her one more, long, thorough lick. “That was delicious and I think I’ll make it a tradition to do this after you wake up every morning.” He raised that steel like gaze up at her. “Make you come into my mouth,” he purred at her.

  Just his tone and the look in his eyes made her tremble again.

  He eased up into the bed and laid next to her spooning her close to his warm shirtless chest.

  Ellie had no words. How could she be so lucky? This man just got better and better as time went by. Yes, he’d made mistakes, but he always tried hard not to repeat them. She’d made mistakes too, along the way. It would be a dream to just let him take care of her. And she would for a bit, until she was back to being well.

  They laid there for a long while with no words, just spooning as he held her in his large arms.


  “Mmm?” she replied sleepily.

  “I want you to be with me at all times.”

  Ellie opened her eyes.

  “I know you want to keep going to school and you can. Online. I refuse to leave you again.”

  Ellie’s throat swelled shut, she knew he’d worried about her but this? She didn’t know how to respond.

  “I’ll quit the company if you refuse.”

  Ellie’s eyes rounded. “What?”

  “You heard me. If you won’t go with me, I will stay with you wherever you are.”

  She turned around to face him. “You can’t do that, Morgan!”

  “I will. Cause I won’t go through that again. Not if I can help it. I need to keep you by my side. With me.”

  Ellie was stunned. This was a bit much. The accident had scared him is all. He would calm down in a couple of days. “It will be okay, Morgan.”

  “No it won’t, if we separate. No one is going to take you from me, do you hear?” he nearly growled the words as he gazed into her eyes. “I realize now why I hesitated at first, after we met. Why I ran away.”

  Ellie held very still.

  “I loved you that first night. I knew it deep down. You were perfect for me in every way and I tried to hide from that fact, tried to tell myself that you were just another bedroom conquest. But on some level, I knew if I kept seeing you, I would fall hard.”

  Ellie grew breathless. This man had never shared the real reason why he’d fucked up early in their relationship. When they’d had such mind-blowing sex and he just brushed her off the next morning.

  “And I did fall hard. I never told you what it was like when I’d thought I lost you that first time when you left and I found out what that freak had done to you.”

  Ellie felt so nervous and excited. My god, he’s really opening up to me. I never thought he would. She was afraid to say anything.

  “I tore up a whole hotel suite at Hunt.”

  Ellie sucked in a deep breath.

  “Yes, every wall, every piece of glass in that room. I ripped the place apart. I literally went insane. All I could hear was your whimpering from that tape. Hurt, helpless and afraid. All I knew was that I had failed you and I felt like I would never get you back.”

  Ellie felt tears slip from her eyes.

  He grabbed her tight. “If I lost you, I would just go insane. Become a mindless raging monster.”

  Ellie swiped her eyes. “That is ridic—”

  He pulled her closer. “Do you know where I was when you were here at this hospital?”

  She shook her head.

  “In an asylum.”

  Her eyes widened. “What?”

  He nodded. “I won’t go into who put me there. But after I was released, I realized that is where I’ll go if you—if anything happened to—the thing is… When this doctor started asking if I had attacked people, destroyed public property, tried to commit suicide…” He looked away. “I suddenly realized I had done all those things and…” He looked back at her. “Each time was when I’d thought I’d lost you.”


  He sighed. “Okay, I was drunk. I admit, but it was a bad drunk. I’d chickened out and left you in New York after the ball. Chance came, cussed me out for being a dumbass and tossed me into my pool.”

  “Yeah, but that isn’t—”

  “I sank, Ellie. I wanted to die. I simply sank and was content to drown.”

  Placing her hands over her mouth, she gasped.

  “Chance dove in and dragged my sorry ass out. Then told me if I didn’t go and get you, he would.”

  Ellie was stunned to say the least. She reached a hand out to touch his face.

  He grasped it and kissed her palm. “So, you see, it is up to you whether I survive or not.”

  Ellie shook her head. He couldn’t be serious.

  “I mean it. You have to stay with me. Travel with me. You can even do something like set my appointments keep my schedule, or anything you wish to do but you have to stay by my side.” He gazed into her eyes and did not blink.

  Ellie was entirely speechless. He was serious about this. He really believed it.

  He hugged her to his body. “Promise me, babe?”


  “Please? I don’t ever want to go through that kind of pain or misery again. For me, Ellie?”

  Ellie started to cry at the plea in his voice. He loved her more than she ever thought possible. Maybe this fear and insecurity he felt over losing her would wear off if she agreed. “Yes, Morgan. I will stay with you.”

  He nuzzled her neck. “I’ll keep you happy and safe. You will see.”

  Snuggling up close to him, she hid her tears from him. She never realized how affected he’d been when things had gone wrong for them. She never knew about it. “Well, what more could a girl want?”

  Morgan chuckled and kissed her forehead. “I will give you the world, Ellie White.”

  “I don’t want the world, Morgan Hunt. I only need you.”

  The next day, they released Ellie.

  Morgan decided to take her to his house in Lake Placid. It was about time she saw it, stayed there and enjoyed it.

  The limo pulled up to the release area at the private hospital.

  Morgan pushed her out in the wheelchair as she argued with him all the way down about not needing a damn wheelchair.

  “I mean I can walk.” She pouted as he pushed her along.

  “Too bad, it’s hospital policy and as your personal nurse, I agree.” He smirked.

  “Personal…” she faltered. “Now Morgan. You’re going a bit far with this nurse stuff.”

  He wheeled her across the pavement outside. “No I’m not. I have instructions for your eye drops, your times to rest your eyes, your salve for your cuts, medication—”

  “Oh, my god!” she griped. “I’m fine and I don’t need all that.”

  “Again, too bad.” He chuckled.

  “Something tells me you like being in charge and having me helpless, a bit too much.”

  Morgan lowered his mouth to her ear. “Damn right, I am. I want to keep you that way for all time, in fact.”

  Ellie shivered at his sexy whispering in her ear.

  He laughed. “I finally have you where I want you,” he stated proudly as he stood.


  He scooped her up from the chair and into his strong hold. “Yep. In my life, my arms, in my house and in my bed.”

  Ellie rolled her eyes. “I have enabled a fiend.”

  “You sure have.” He set her down on the soft leather seat in the limo. Then he slid in and closed the door.

  Ellie grinned at him. He looked so happy like a little boy with a new toy. Her smile almost faltered. ‘You are just his sex toy, his plaything.’

  “Ellie?” he asked as he caressed her cheek in concern.

  Shaking her head, she smiled. “So what is this house like?”

  He s
hrugged. “Just a home.”

  Rolling her eyes, she scoffed, “Yeah like Mockingbird is just a shack.”

  Chuckling, he amended his previous answer, “Okay so, this one is a bit bigger.”

  Ellie kept smiling but thought about just how big it could be. “And you have lived there alone?”

  He looked over at her with a shocked expression. “Yes. How else? No one has ever lived there but me.” He glanced up then tapped the console. “My house in Lake Placid, Edward.”

  “Edward is out today.” The inner window came down.

  “Chance?” Morgan asked in confusion.

  “Yep, it’s me, doorman, service dog, chauffeur.”

  Ellie laughed. “Well, I think I like you as a service dog the best.”

  Chance beamed at her. “I have lots of time, terror, misery and anxiety invested in the two of you. I wanted to be here when it all turned out well.” He raised his chin. “I think I deserve at least that much.”

  Morgan shook his head.

  Ellie leaned forward and put out her hand.

  Chance looked confused.

  Nodding at him to take her hand, Ellie smiled.

  He took her hand.

  “You have been loyal, steadfast and there in every crisis. You have saved Morgan’s’ life, my life and you are my hero.”

  Chance’s mouth popped open.

  Morgan sat very still, then nodded. “Yeah, what she said.”

  Chance swung his stunned gaze to his best friend. Then shut his mouth. “That’s my line.” He sniffed and looked as if he might actually shed a tear.

  Morgan laughed. “Yeah and what a clever one it was. In fact, I had forgotten to tell Ellie the two felons in the hoosegow story.”

  Chance gasped. “You are to never bring that up again!”

  Morgan was laughing. “The ex con, Chance Givens. Better not cross him or he may hit you with his Rolex!”

  Ellie looked back and forth between them. “What?”

  Turning forward, Chance cleared his throat and smartly rolled the inner window up.

  Morgan was chuckling. “You should have seen it, Ellie.”

  She looked utterly lost. “You two were in jail?”


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