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Sinner's Possession (Chaos Bleeds Book 9)

Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  She picked up on the third ring. “Hello.”

  In the background, he heard a lot of noise. “Where are you?” he asked.

  “Oh, sorry, it’s a party. Only it’s a house party. I thought it was going to be a small event, but it’s feeling more and more high school. Hold on a sec, I’m just grabbing my jacket and heading out.”

  Even though she was at a party and not at home, he couldn’t help but smile. She hadn’t been able to handle the Chaos Bleeds parties without freaking out.

  “It’s so cold,” she said. He heard more noises that sounded like her putting on a jacket, and then she was walking. The noise soon went quiet. “There, all better. Hi, Sinner.” She giggled. “How have you been?”

  “I’m doing great. Believe it or not, I’ve just come out of my own party. Well, it’s a nightclub, but several of the guys are here. You started a Sinner hunt.”

  “Really? Who’s there?”

  “Devil, Ripper, Pussy, and Death. They must have already been on the road by the time that I called you.”

  “I cannot believe him. He told me that you had your own life to lead, and that he couldn’t keep track of you.”

  “Ah, the thing about Devil is, he pretends not to care, but deep down, he’s a big softie. Of course, you betray him, and he will shoot you in the head, merely for the fun of it.”

  “Right, I must remember that.”

  “Yes, you must.”

  Again, she laughed. “It’s so good to hear from you. I know it has only been a couple of days, but I really like hearing your voice.”

  “I miss you, too, baby. It was really weird to be honest. I was sitting at the bar chatting with Pussy. Asking if he missed chasing around women—”

  “Do you miss it?”

  “No. Not at all. I’m more than happy with what we’ve got, babe. What about you?”

  “I never chased boys. I’ve got one man I’m interested in, and I’m speaking to him right now.”

  The smile was not coming off his face anytime soon. “So anyway, I was asking him if he missed it, and being Pussy, of course not. Let’s face it, he’s completely devoted to Sasha. If he was ever going to step out on her, it would have been years ago, when they first got together, and he realized how hard it was for her. Then a picture came on his phone. Sasha and Shay. They had made him a cake, telling him they were excited for him to come home, and it got me thinking, do you want kids?”

  “Do I want kids?”

  “Yeah, little Lolas and Sinners running around.”

  “I hadn’t thought about it. I didn’t know you wanted kids?”

  Just the thought of Lola swollen with his kid had him hard as fucking rock. He couldn’t help it. The two of them, together. “We’d have to move out of our apartment, you know. Get a nice big place. Maybe something near to Devil and Lexie. Our kids could play.”

  “They wouldn’t be short of partners and playing.”

  “No, they wouldn’t.” He chuckled, thinking about the next generation of Chaos Bleeds. Everything was changing, and he never thought he’d enjoy how fast it was moving, but he did. He didn’t want to get off that train of movement and change. He wanted to jump right back on, and be there with Lola and with his club.

  “Boys or girls?” she asked.

  “Either. I wouldn’t care. Do you think I’d be a good dad?”

  “You’d be the best, Sinner. Everything you do, you do in the best possible way. You shouldn’t doubt yourself one bit.”

  He heard her sigh, not a heavy one either. She sounded happy. “Are you okay, babe?”

  “I had a talk with Whizz. It was … hard.”

  “You and Whizz conversed and you found it hard? How is that even possible?” He wasn’t jealous of Whizz and Lola’s relationship. When they had first rescued her, she had needed someone to talk to. Someone who knew exactly what she was going through, and that hadn’t been him, or anyone else. Whizz understood her, and he had been able to reach Lola, and bring her back into herself, in a way that Sinner hadn’t been able to.

  “He thinks I need to go and see my family.”

  “What do you think?”

  “I think there’s a reason I didn’t go and see them, and I don’t want to go and see them.”

  He knew all about the reasons why she didn’t want to see them, and it broke his heart. She avoided them as much as possible.

  “This is about you growing, and about you finding yourself once again, babe. You and I both know what you need to do.”

  “I know what I need to do. It doesn’t mean that I like it.”

  He laughed. “So, you’re going to go and see your parents?”

  “One day. Not yet. I’m not ready. I’m not sure at all. Ugh, why do I have to do this? I don’t want to do this, not at all.”

  Sinner knew she was going to do it. Every time she hated something, she would list a million and one reasons as to why she hated it, and yet she would go and do it anyway.

  “You’re laughing at me, aren’t you?”

  “Just a little, but that is only because I think you’re cute.”

  She blew a raspberry. “I wish you were here.”

  “Funny you should mention that, because I was wishing that you were here.”

  “I love you, Sinner.”

  “I love you, too, babe. I’ll let you go take care of stuff.”

  She sighed. “Okay, fine.”

  He disconnected the call. Just hearing her voice made him feel better.

  Chapter Eleven

  A couple of days later

  Piston County

  Devil stood in the main building of his wife’s fashion shop. She was serving a customer, and looked so damn cute. She was wearing one of the dresses, something that nipped in the waist and flared out over her hips. What he loved was how it showed off her amazing tits and cleavage. He loved her tits, and even though they had nursed their kids, they belonged to him, just like every single part of her did.

  The moment she saw him, she smiled, and left the serving counter. “It is good to see you. I didn’t know you’d be here.”

  “I just got back in. The guys have gone to their homes looking for their women, and I knew you’d be here.”

  “Are you good to keep an eye on things?” Lexie asked, looking toward Natalie.

  “Yep, I’ve got this.” Natalie was sitting on a chair, a sketchbook in hand, and she was going at the sheets like crazy.

  “Every woman who walks in here is inspiring Natalie. She’s creating our next line just by imagining what the women would like. She’s a machine.”

  “Sounds very busy.”

  “It is. It always is.” They entered the back-room office where little Laurell was sound asleep. Jessica had David on her knee as she was reading to him.

  “Slow day at the nurses’ office?” Devil asked.

  Jessica was a nurse who had helped to save Judi’s life. She was also Snake’s old lady, but it wouldn’t have mattered. Devil would have made sure Chaos Bleeds was respectful to Jessica.

  “You know it. Since this mysterious MC club has decided to go legit, we don’t have to worry about any kind of serious injury,” Jessica said, teasing. “Nah, I’m on a break, and seeing as Snake had to work at that sex club you’ve got going…”

  “It’s Naked Fantasies! Not a sex club.”

  “Women have their tits out, and earn money shaking their ass.”

  “Still not a sex club,” Devil said. “I tell you, I’ve been to a sex club, and I know—” Lexie covered his mouth.

  “He knows that if he wants to keep his man parts, he will keep talk of all other women out of it. I don’t want to hear who came before me, babe,” she said.

  Devil stayed silent.

  “I’m guessing you two want privacy.” Jessica lifted David up, and when she made for Laurell, Devil shook his head.

  “I’ve got her.”

  “Okay. I’ll leave you two.”

  The door closed seconds later, and Lexie suddenly sat
down in a chair.

  “Babe, you need to go home, and we need to employ a nanny.”

  “A nanny, no thanks,” she said. “I can look after my kids, thank you very much.”

  He saw the perspiration on her brow. She looked exhausted and close to collapsing.

  “This is not me being nice about this, babe. This is me telling you that we’re going to get a nanny, and you’re going to fucking rest. We’ve done this before.”

  “And I’m fine. I can do this, Devil.”

  “Babe, nothing has changed for me. I’d rather have you than any of the kids we’ve had, okay? I love you. You’re my entire world. Don’t argue with me.”

  “I don’t want to argue, but this is our family.”

  He leaned in close and kissed her head. “This is going to be our last one.”


  “No arguments. I’ve already gotten it arranged. Jessica is helping as well. This is going to be our last kid, Lexie. No more playing around.”

  Laurell began to whimper, and Devil walked over to the small crib and smiled down at his little girl.

  “How is Sinner?” Lexie asked.

  He picked Laurell up, cradling her close. She was getting to be such a big girl now. So cute. He didn’t like having so many daughters. The thought of the men in years to come was enough to make him nervous. He had a lot of experience with killing people, and using all kinds of weapons. He even knew how to dispose of the body as well.

  “Sinner’s doing well. His usual self to be honest.”

  “Do you think he’ll be coming home anytime soon?”

  “I don’t know. He’s … different.”

  “In what way?” she asked.

  “It’s hard to say exactly. I think the past few years it has put a strain on all of the guys, you know. With Lola it has made him face the fact that he has changed. Being out on the open road, it is helping him to deal with shit that he’s been putting aside.”

  “I missed you.”

  He smiled over at his wife. “I do believe he’ll be coming to Fort Wills with us for Christmas.”

  “Yeah, why are we going to The Skulls clubhouse for Christmas?” Lexie asked, with a smile on her lips.

  “Don’t give me that look.”

  “You see, I think a certain son of yours struck a deal.”

  Devil rolled his eyes. “I told Simon that if he got the highest marks in his class in everything, then I would allow him to spend some time with Tabitha over the festive season.”


  “His teacher told me that she is utterly surprised by the transformation in Simon. He is a model student. I arranged it with Tiny.”

  “How is Tabitha doing in school?”

  “Great, I think. She’s not as big a concern as Simon.”

  “Thank you,” she said.

  He smiled. “You told me you wanted Simon to have more options than you were given. He’s going to do well in school, probably end up in college, in the city as some loser billionaire, and you know what? I’ll handle it, because I’m the best dad in the world.”

  Laurell gurgled.

  “See. Tell Mommy that I’m the best dad in the world.”

  “She doesn’t need to tell me. I know it.”


  I want to go home.

  This is so boring.

  Yeah, I told you that you deleted like half of your stock footage.

  Wow, could this day get any worse?

  “Did you have a backup?” Lola asked. She listened to the man on the line, and she was so bored. It may be time to do something different with her life. She could have easily hacked into the guy’s server, and found exactly where he kept his damn stock photos, but he was too busy moaning on the line.

  She couldn’t help but think of her phone call the other night with Sinner. Not the one where they were both at parties, but the one where they got to talk, and play. She missed his hands, and it wasn’t the same stroking her own clit, while hoping that Sinner would magically appear.

  Lola wished that she could magically appear in front of Sinner. The problem was, he really did move around. Rarely was he in the same place at all. Devil was sending him money, and she knew that he was traveling with a group of men.

  Sinner told her everything.

  “Hey, girlfriend,” Belinda said, pulling a seat along with her as she moved into her space.

  “Hey to you, too.”

  “So, I was wondering if you’d be up for another party later.”

  “Nope. I just want to go home. Have a bit of quiet time I think.” Try not to think about my parents.

  They had left her a message as well. She always made sure to call when they were out of the house. Even this far away from them, she knew their schedule. Talking to them directly on the phone was awkward, even more so when she was in front of them, and having to make eye contact.

  Deep down, she knew Whizz and Sinner were right. There was no denying it. They were both right, and she needed to do it, but right now, she just couldn’t handle seeing them.

  “Yes, sir. I’m sorry, sir. That’s the file, correct. Okay then, have a great day.”

  She hung up the phone, and rested her head on the desk.

  “Wow, that is the first time I’ve ever heard you lose your temper with a customer,” Belinda said. “I hope you’re not losing your touch.”

  “I’m not. Believe me, I’m not. I’m just over people and their problems already. I want to go home, and sit down, and relax, and pretend everything is fine with the world.” She stared at the clock, and willed it to be five o’clock. Sometimes she stayed over, and got some overtime in. That was so not going to happen tonight.

  “Are you looking for a new job?” Belinda asked.

  “I don’t know. I once had a job. A great one that I gave up to come here on my little problem solving mission.” She air quoted the end part of her statement. Lola was so pissed off, and angry, and fed up.

  “I need a coffee.” She got up from her chair, and made her way over to the coffee machine. Her eyes hurt, and her temper wasn’t getting any better.

  The coffee didn’t help, so she worked through the rest of the day, really pissed off, and angry. She turned down offers of a drink from Sarah and Belinda. There was only one thing she wanted to do, and that was go home, eat, shower, jump into bed, and read a good book, or maybe watch a sappy love story.

  She was leaving her building when she paused to see Sinner standing there waiting for her. There was no sign of his bike, and for a second, she wondered if she was seeing things. This had to be the best way to end her shitty day.

  “You’re not going to come and give me a hug?” he asked.

  Lola didn’t care if they were being watched. She rushed toward him, and threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly to her. “How did you know?” she asked.

  “How did I know what?” He held her so close, and she basked in his scent, in his touch, in everything.

  “That I needed to see you?”

  “I needed to see you, and I knew you wouldn’t have a clue where to find me.”

  She pulled back just enough to stare into his eyes. “That’s because you’re always moving. You see, when you’re in the same place, there is no fear of that, because you’re in the same place.”

  “But I like surprising you, and I can keep on doing that because I move around, and I know where to find you.” He pressed a kiss to her lips, and everything faded away. “You had a bad day?”

  “The worst, and I was thinking of you, and this is perfect. Can you come home with me?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I can come home with you.” He took her hand, and together they made their way over to her car.

  Climbing behind the wheel, she watched as he pushed the passenger seat back.

  “I’ve only had Sarah and Belinda in the car. I don’t like driving all that many people,” she said.

  “These people small?”

  “A little bit, yeah.” She chu
ckled. Starting up the car, she pulled out of the parking lot, and started the short drive home. “Usually I walk. I actually walk more here than I do everywhere else. However, with it being so cold and miserable, I sometimes take my car.”

  “I hate to say this to you, babe, but this car is a pile of shit.”

  “You would know. I bought it at a bargain price. I figured I’d only be driving short distances, and I could handle that.” She shrugged. “I could have gotten a bike.”

  “Not a chance. You wouldn’t have been able to handle it.”

  She gasped. “I’m offended.”

  “It took you a long time to let me drive you, remember?”

  Lola nodded. She had rarely ridden with Sinner, preferring either a car, or to walk. The back of his bike always looked so dangerous. “Maybe one day you’d take me out for a ride?”

  “Maybe.” He gave her a wink, and it warmed her from the inside out. “Are you going to quit?”

  “I’m thinking about it. I really am. It’s tiring work. I don’t know. The customers today were just really pissing me off. They were not listening, and I found that so annoying, so irritating.” She pulled into the parking lot for the apartment building. “We are here.”

  It didn’t seem right to call this place home. They both knew it wasn’t.

  Within minutes they were in her apartment, and Sinner had her pressed against the door the moment it closed. He captured her hands, lifting them beside her head. His lips were on hers, ravishing her mouth.

  She moaned, arching up, kissing him with the same passion that he had given her. Her body heated, wanting him more than anything.

  “I couldn’t go another second without kissing you,” he said. He released her hands, and she still held them beside her head. His fingers stroked the collar of her shirt, and trailed down the center over her buttons.

  Her nipples hardened, and she licked her suddenly dry lips. When he made no move to do anything, she reached for his belt. Tugging it open, she stared into his eyes the whole time.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “Exactly as I want to. Don’t hold back, Sinner. Do to me what you want to do. I’m not going to break. I’m a strong girl. I can take it.”

  He grabbed her shirt and tore it open. Another tug had buttons flying all around the room.


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